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Yulduz Köl


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OOC: at request made by IRC



The Task Fleet has begun arriving around the Northern Marianas, bringing a small detachment of troops and more aircraft. No planes have taken off yet, as the order to hold was given, as Micronesia would potentially be in Friendlier hands

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With Othello's annexation set firmly in place with the cooperation of Aotearoa and the support of many of the Australian powers around them, Hanseatic foreign policy would continue to look northward at a conflict zone already beginning on the islands of Micronesia. A majority of Kyokujitsujin citizenry were present on the island and had been asking for help in establishing themselves in the world as a people was again. When few nations had answered the call, Altin Urda had taken upon the noble duty of doing so, however many in the international community saw logistical problems in governing the islands. This is where the Hansa had stepped in.

Brian Doyle, the Hanseatic Minister of Trade had essentially become the Foreign Minister for dealings in the Pacific overnight in creating Sarah's dream of an economic empire that would continue to bring wealth and prosperity into the Commonwealth. He and Karl van Donop, the Chairman of the Pacific Trading Company had been majorly successful in Marchen and hopes were that they would repeat the same with Othello, now Doyle found himself on a plane towards Karaganda to begin talks with the Kyokujitsujins on Micronesia, for the chance that perhaps the Hansa could be the country to include them in the Commonwealth and bolster their people, after all there was a decently large Kyokujitsujin population in the Hansa already. He hoped that this would work out for not only the Hanseatics and the Kyokujitsujins but for the Pacific community as a whole.

Stepping off the plane in Karaganda, he was immediately shown to an escort that would take him to the governor's residence, arriving he bowed, hoping that his study of Kyokujitsujin culture had paid off. "Excellency, I am Brian Doyle, Lady Sarah Tintagyl sends her regards. I was hoping we could talk about the present condition of Micronesia on the Pacific stage and your future."

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What Brian Doyle didn't expect was that the person he was meeting was a Wolgadeutsche.....

"Nice to have you come, Minister. I am Emma von Kämpfer, Special Aide of Foreign Affairs. Allows to get to the point: We're perfectly willing to help Hansa expand in the Pacific, as long as we can have a "protectorate" over all Hansa territory north of the Equator. This will include a few islands to the east of Micronesia."

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Doyle looked at the Aide and nodded. "If you could give a better understanding of what you mean by a protectorate of our territory. We had originally thought that due to your Kyokujitsujin ancestry we would be able to incorporate you into the Commonwealth, much like we did with the Marchar, naturally degrees of autonomy would be provided while being equal citizens of the Commonwealth and of course receiving any such profit from our holdings and anymore expansion. Again, my only concern is what you define as your own protectorate if you are joining our Commonwealth." Doyle smiled back as he waited for Kampfer's response.

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Doyle grinned. "Oh, of course Your Excellency, that would be a pleasure. Of course then, if you are willing to commit such a sacrifice to our people I would hope that the citizenry of Micronesia would want to apply for citizenship of the Commonwealth. In addition to your protection services, we will be shipping small detachments of Hanseatic infantrymen as garrisons on the the islands. It is her Ladyship's highest hope that the Hansa can act as a beacon of peace." Taking Emma's hand he gently kisses it and brings her eyes to meet her's. "I hope this will begin a long lasting friendship between our peoples as we have with the Marchar in the past."

OOC: Oops...lulz...me not paying attention to detail :P

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"And Altin Urda is also happy to be of help to the beacon of world peace."

She sees Doyle out. After making sure that the Hansa Minister left the country, she called someone on a secured line.

"Start phase 3 of Yulduz Köl. Segel nach Osten."

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It had been a faster conference than he had originally planned and by nightfall Doyle was back on the plan heading back towards Brisbane. As he sat in the plane, the door leading toward the back of the plane opened as a hand tapped him lightly on the back. "Did everything go well Brian?"

Doyle jumped slightly in surprise and turned around and scowled at the man facing him, the Chairman of the Pacific Trading Compnay. "Don't scare me like that Karl. Since when were you on this plane?"

"I just flew in to Karaganda this afternoon, while your conference was going on. After all I have a stake in Micronesia just as much as the state does. I'll have to begin researching resources."

Brian laughed passing the bottle of wine to his partner. "Well its like you said, the success of the Hansa and the success of the Pacific Trading Company are pretty much intertwined. But no the meeting was a success, with their help the Hansa should have control of everything in the Central Pacific by the end of the month and then our expansion can stop at least for now. With the talk of that new treaty with Aotearoa things are going to be good. Good for all of us, technology, wealth, trade, everything will be easier for us."

"To Micronesia then?"

"To Micronesia and to Lady Sarah." Doyle raised his glass along with Van Donop. It was always good for politics and business when things worked out.

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As they approached, they would eventually find that several of the islands had visible old Nordland flags, apparently they had never quite decided to leave their old ways and worked on their own. People in different fishing ships around the zones that resembled Viking Longboats excepting for their non-bellic purpose saw them, and cautiously started to withdraw back to their places. Though, once that they knew who they were, they'd welcome them, but until then they had learned to be defensive, almost paranoid.

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OOC: Lord Frost, remember when you purchased a chunk of land a bit outside of India? I am wondering why no one went IC insane over that.

OOC: theres a difference between a small parcel of land which i intended to treat exactly as I should have (a colony) outside the SoI, and owning entire countries outside the SoI without any consideration to the effect it would have on your nation. Now enough of the OOC unless its relevant plz

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Altin Urda Fleet

"Admiral, there are people on the islands!"

"Of course there would be people, they're inhabited."

"But they're flying the flag of Nordland!"


Lütjens stood still, pondering for a moment.

"Prepare a boat. I'll be landing to see if I can talk with their leader."

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As the landing boat approached, it seemed all suddenly deserted. There didn't seem to be anyone within sight anymore, people had gone to their bunkers, the Soldiers were hidden in various places already having snipers aiming for them as soon as they landed. But one older man walked out of a boat, a man with a rather big, red beard.

"Hvadh will du hier?" In thick Nordlandic accent, asking what he wanted. Not in a very friendly manner.

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"Diese Inseln für das Vaterland zurückzufordern." replied Lütjens in a crisp Wolgadeutsch accent.

Of course, in this case "Fatherland" didn't mean Nordland, but there was no big difference between Europe and Hansa, was there? At least, that was what he hope these people would accept.

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"Ja, er ist zurück, obwohl nicht in der Macht noch."

It was obvious that these people were confused and think they'll be part of a Nordlandic Nation again, which would be correct. He'll have to word it carefully.....

"Jedoch ist einer seiner Nachfolger-Zustände im Ozeanien, und mag denjenigen des nordischen Bluts helfen. Ich bin als ihr Vertreter gekommen, um zu sehen, ob diese Inseln noch den alten Geist in ihnen haben."

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