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A thead from a mid active gamer

liam riordan

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Now then, I've been on this game sine I think 2006, had a cool off period and a restart once, still I was ok with the game. The thing is, what hooked me on the game?

At first when I found the game, I was in school, secondary school to UK residents. I think that is high school to the US citizens.

I was in love with the game, it was a simple, day by day nation building game that took patience and simple planning, it didn't demand 24/7 attention. That was the type of game I loved at that time, something to slightly take my mind off work.

Now then what has hit me, lately at least is that alliances can change a person's perspective on a game. While I will admit that when working as a team with a group of members, you can be ever so biast or ready to accept something in order to maintain the team or be ready to fight for the team? Yeah, it happens, but for no reason, thankfully even in games, I'm glad to see a spec of reason. That was nice for me. ^_^

Now then. I wish to bring up alliances. Ok, yes I know this is a minefield filled with LOLWUTS, LOLS, ROFLS, OMG, and WTF!? This is the Internet, I must expect this.

Alliances, when you become a part of it, its a team, you like it and want to defend it. I'm like that in the GGA. Yes, ONOEZ, I'm in the GGA! Please can I ask for an unbiased opinion? Please, I ask for a non-biased opinion for the sake of the forum. As I said, we like to defend, 'pride' or 'honor', while I feel like a jackass for saying this, those who take it seriously, I'm afraid, even though you may be very nice people, that its a bit much for a virtual group of people. Yes, I like teamwork, I enjoy working with others, but on here, most the people you work with are strangers. Face it, unless you meet them face to face, they're strangers. We're pledging our loyalty to strangers.

I'll admit, I did too in the GGA, but I'm sure with some of you, you got to know them in real time chat or even voice or video chat, I applaud that. As long as we make friends right? We can never have too many friends. Unless you hate making too many Christmas Cards.

Now, the point of this message you ask?

Don't take CN too seriously. Sure if your nation is attacked, go nuts. You worked on it. If you've been beaten, post a thread on your annoyance, I don't mind that. But, there is a limit. This is a game, not a Social Networking site, or a political 'shifty' site. We put time into the game yes, I'll never say no to that, but make it dignified.

I will never, I say again NEVER say bad against an alliance unless I have reason to. Why? I'm a political retard. I know what I have to know, not much else. I think this is the first post I've made here in a year or two.

Anyway, I don't know how you will take this, but I pray it won't turn into a flame fest with a barbecue with hot dogs.

I just want to post my opinion in a un-biased opinion.

I am Liam Riordan, CN semi-veteran, political amateur.

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Hi Liam :) I'm glad you posted this and I understand where you're coming from and completely agree about not taking the game too seriously. I always thought you had a good head on your shoulders.

Glad to see you're still around :P

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Hi Liam :) I'm glad you posted this and I understand where you're coming from and completely agree about not taking the game too seriously. I always thought you had a good head on your shoulders.

Glad to see you're still around :P

Ah imatt! Your still alive and kicking? Its like an old reunion ^_^

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So basically, we should all be chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool, shooting some b-ball outside of the school.

I actually totally agree, I wasn't just bel-airing the thread, that theme song has some deep meaning in it really.

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So basically, we should all be chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool, shooting some b-ball outside of the school.

I actually totally agree, I wasn't just bel-airing the thread, that theme song has some deep meaning in it really.

That would be boring

CN needs more plotting hating fighting but in a way we could all go out for virtual drinks afterwards

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We need more GGA hate, it warms the dead and cold space inside me where my soul used to be. :awesome:

Oh yea...where would be we without someone hating on GGA</sarcasm>

Also yea I agree, this really is just a game folks. Not like its *gasp* Real Life. :lol:

Edited by rstat1
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That would be boring

CN needs more plotting hating fighting but in a way we could all go out for virtual drinks afterwards

That, kind sir, I think seems more and more like a lost and forgotten art. Or at least one I've never found the enrollment forms for.

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Internet is a wonderful tool....It allows normally shy, wall flowers to become leaders of men and nations ;)

One of the reasons why I prefer only work on Game mechanics for make belief Machiavellianism in cybernations politics grows tiresome fast.

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