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The North has gone Red


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To the New Regime taking hold in the prior Northern Empire

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have watched, listened, and read as much as I could on the developments of your revolution in the far north and there are many things that I agree with and disagree with concerning your policies of revolution and take over. Though the actual going about the transfer of power was messy at best, you seem to have the popular support of your people and for that a government must tread lightly for popular support is nothing more than support of the mob and the mob changes its mind like the wind changes direction.

The reason I am writing this letter is because I have heard that my writings on the Saborian-Canadian system of government was the inspiration for this radical movement and I must say that I am extremely honored. Though I am not in the best of health, now in my later years I would ask if an audience with the leaders of your new regime could be thought of for I would love to be given the chance to speak to the people that have made Communism a world-wide revolution again. I have seen in the papers the rising of many more Communist parties across the world that are gaining strength because of your actions. I hope that we would be able to talk about the present and your future as a successful Communist society as well.


Tomas Pons PhD

Professor of Political Philosophy, Brisbane Univeristy

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Well, to say we are surprised is an understatement. Is any further investigation being done by the current government to determine just who was responsible for the violence?


"Well, this is certainly a surprise move. Let's just hope it doesn't throw up a permanent smokescreen around what really happened."

"Indeed. Send an agent to incvestigate. Since they have openly invited investigation, I'm sure they won't mind if we do ours a little more...covertly."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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GTI still wonders if it should bring in additional troops to help.

//Private to the General//

We have constructed several photos of "fake" cuise missile silos within Manturia in key military areas. We have perfected them to the point where it is hard to believe that they are fake.

Please reply if you wish for these photos. They only cost a 'slight' amount.

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Through some enlightenment, the growing Communist government approached a more...peaceful approach to the layout to the government. The written works of Dr. Tomas Pons (OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=46257) made thier way to the leadership of this new government. They would adopt the ideals of Canada, and form themselves into a mixture of Ubersteinian and Communism. The Socialist stand points would remain, but the mix would involve revolutionary ideas only available to the Chairman of Saboria, and the later Canada.

Letter from the Socialist Coalition to Canada:

We invite Fjodor Leclerc, the Chairman of Canada, to help us make our government into something of your design.

(OOC: If you do not want, on your visit I wont steal your ideas)

OOC: Feel free to be inspired by my ideology, stances, et cetera. =3


*Letter from Chairman Leclerc, to the SC*

While I would gladly help you in person, there is a country I have to run. As such, I will send a representative of mine who assisted both me and the previous Chairman in turning this country into what it is now. He know much, if not all about Canada's ideals.

However, be aware that it will be a long process. Your country will need s different mixture of the ideologies - with that I mean Ubersteinianism, Communism, Socialism and Democracy -than ours. It will need to be hand-crafted, in a way.

By the people, for the people. Not by the government, for the businesses or by the people, for the government or any other such variety.

Just by the people themselves, for the people themselves.

For this, rationality is needed and must be taught. However, enforcing it will only lead to the people rejecting it in the end, which is counterproductive to what you are trying to do. A quick, partially violent revolution brought the previous Chairman into power. A slow, peaceful revolution was what he used to make Saboria what it was, before I came to power and eventually turned Saboria into what it is now - Canada.

Not the same, but something similar must be applied for the Northern Empire.

Though I do hope that mykep, an old friend of mine, is still alive.

That said, my advisor Rolf Egan will be sent to assist you in changing your country for the better.


Chairman Fjodor Leclerc

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We shall adopt Rational Communism and are holding an open forum for our people to decide upon the government through the ideals brought by your government and philosophy.

Ubersteinianism, Communism, Socialism and Pure Democracy will become the foundation of the new Empire.

As for private investigations, the area marked around the palace and Forever Battlefield General's HQ is open for all with the right authority. Although we understand you questioning our judgement in these times, we ask for you to follow the laws we set by, as in private access means...private access.

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The United States of North America feels concerned over this whole issue in our western neighbor but we will be willing to recognize this new form of government given a little more time to observe it's stability and ability to govern. We genuinely hope that regardless of what political ideology is chosen it works out in the end.

Secretary of State,

Colon Powers



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Of course, simple investigating was not all the agent was supposed to do. She was also to find whatever information she could on the potential whereabouts of Emperor Mykep.

When you arrive here you will be given all the the files from our satellites and satellites of neighbors showing a missile being laucnhed from previous Manchuria territory. We will be contacting the new Beijing Government.

The YDR wants to negotiate a trade and defense treaty with the new gov't.

We are now open for discussions.

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When you arrive here you will be given all the the files from our satellites and satellites of neighbors showing a missile being laucnhed from previous Manchuria territory. We will be contacting the new Beijing Government.

OOC: Mykep, I didn't tell the new government about it... :P I'm attempting to spy on you... ;)

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