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Tweak in the Flag Prize

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Right now, the strongest nation at the end of a round gets to put their own flag in game. That's great. However, that opens it up for loopholes where people can sort of/kind of war slot fill the top nation and guarantee that he/she won't be knocked down.

I propose that the flag prize is not given to the strongest nation, but rather to the nation with the most casualties at the end of the round. Hopefully that may even encourage more wars!


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Then alliances will continuously attack one of their nations by sending 3 nations, attacking, and then peacing out and repeating this several times a day, so the nation uses 100% of its income on soldiers. No matter what you change there will be a way to cheat.

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Then alliances will continuously attack one of their nations by sending 3 nations, attacking, and then peacing out and repeating this several times a day, so the nation uses 100% of its income on soldiers. No matter what you change there will be a way to cheat.

crap, someone else posted it :-( that was the flaw i saw when i thought through the idea while at work today. casualties are far too easy to come by without huge losses if you know the attacks are coming, ie from alliance members. the concept has very good potential, but i feel it needs work.

maybe the prize could be determined by the nation's efficiency, or rather, an alternate calculation of it. instead of the nation efficiency being simply nation strength over time, maybe it would be better to have a formula involving total strength gained over time.

for example, a nation ends the round at 6000 NS. the top nation by NS is up around 9000 NS for example, but the "top" nation has never been in a war, and therefore has an efficiency of 150. The 6000 NS nation, however, has been in multiple wars, and lost the majority of his strength due to said wars. not counting any of his war losses, he has gained a total of 12000 NS. this new efficiency formula puts him at 200.

a bug brought to me is in how efficiency is currently calculated. a nation could start a week or two before end-round and build up, giving a very large efficiency. this would be combated by removing the denominator of time, giving the absolute strength of the nation. example, our 9000 NS nation from earlier. his absolute strength is 9000. the 6000 NS nation will have an absolute strength of 12000, as mentioned already.

Just an idea i've had in my head for a few months now.

Edited by Sethly
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We could make it to where the very first nation to enroll could upload a flag. There is only one problem with that.................everytime a tournament restarted the servers would crash (I think), but hey it would be fun.

Edited by Boxer302
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  • 4 weeks later...
Then alliances will continuously attack one of their nations by sending 3 nations, attacking, and then peacing out and repeating this several times a day, so the nation uses 100% of its income on soldiers. No matter what you change there will be a way to cheat.

This. Rejected.

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