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Announcement of the European Unity Treaty


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The Governments of Germany, The Dutch Republic and UESR consider it the prerequisite of a lasting peace that every nation in the world shall receive the space to which it is entitled. They have, therefore, decided to stand by and cooperate with one another in their efforts in the region of Europe. In doing this it is their prime purpose to establish and maintain a new order of things, calculated to promote the mutual prosperity and welfare of the peoples concerned.

Article 1: Name

1.1 For purposes of colloquial discussion, this treaty shall be known as the European Unity Treaty

Article 2: Discourse

2.1 All signatories agree to resolve disputes privately wherein dispute shall be defined as disagreements between governments.

2.2 Discourse between signatories shall be respectful.

Article 3: Intelligence and Espionage

3.1 Any intelligence acquired by a signatory relevant to the interests of another will be shared with them.

3.2 Signatories shall not engage in espionage against one another.

Article 4: Warfare

4.1 Should any signatory come under attack, it is mandatory all signatories come to the assistance of the attacked.

4.1.1 Assistance shall be defined as military, financial, intelligence, and all other form of aids other signatories are able to provide.

4.1.2 All signatories coming to the aid of another will use all means available to them to aid the attacked signatory.

4.1.3 An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on all signatories.

4.2 Signatories shall have the option, but not the obligation, to engage in offensive warfare alongside other signatories.

Article 5: Membership

1. Membership in the European Unity Treaty is open to all nations in Europe.

2. The admission of any such state to membership in the European Unity Treaty will be effected by a vote of the Member Body.


For the Great German Reich,

Scolar Visari

Kaiser des Großdeutschen Reiches

For the Second Republic of the Netherlands,

Prins Alexander

De Senaat

For the Union of Eastern Soviet Republics,

Yordan Nevsky


Edited by Malatose
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"European Unity, eh? Then why are all these nations ones that opposed Gebiv? Oh, wait, maybe it's because you practically destroyed them all. That's a real good sign of unity."

OOC: In case you can't tell, that's a sarcastic tone... :P but don;t take it personally. I'm just staying in character.

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Classified Transimission

The UFE is happy to hand over the sword guarding Europe to this organization. Congratulations.


Before anyone renders judgement about this organization and its members, perhaps you should actually apply and see what happens.

Edited by Triyun
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Classified Transimission

The UFE is happy to hand over the sword guarding Europe to this organization. Congratulations.


Before anyone renders judgement about this organization and its members, perhaps you should actually apply and see what happens.

"It's a little hard to apply when one isn't European...or when one no longer exists."

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Classified Transimission

The UFE is happy to hand over the sword guarding Europe to this organization. Congratulations.


Before anyone renders judgement about this organization and its members, perhaps you should actually apply and see what happens.

I do not recall any statement where this treaty was open to apply into.

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Before anyone renders judgement about this organization and its members, perhaps you should actually apply and see what happens.

We will wait to see how these nations move towards peace in Europe, but please do not consider many of as being hostile, these nations that have formed this Unity Treaty were many of the aggressors in the past European war. I do hope that they achieve unity, but I also believe that is only possible if all nations in Europe join in this treaty. I am very suspicious of this new pact, but will regard it with a great of salt and hopefully good things will come out of this.

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Slavorussia is a little offended by the name “European Unity treaty.“ If it were true to its name all European countries would have been brought together and had the opportunity to join or give input to the proposed treaty.

We read and understood article 1 of this doccument, but we feel the name is greatly misleading nonetheless.

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Taeunas agrees with Slavorussia and Gebiv. By our count, there are thirteen nations NOT listed on this piece of paper that, were this a true European Unity Treaty, should be on there. We also note there are no provisions for joining said treaty, nor do the signers appear to have any intrest in it.

To the UFE... we KINDLY ask you to keep your nose out of european affairs. Many remember your wonder puppet the GAE and the recent series of catastrophies it caused.

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**Diplomatic Dispatch**

We welcome all nations of Europe to join the European Unity Treaty. To apply, simply submit your signature, and we will approve them. To reflect this, we will edit the original document.

That is all.

Edited by Malatose
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