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A proper thanks

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During the Indochinese conflict, many nations pleged their support for us. They put their men's lives on the line, and we promised we would thank them properly. During the time between the end of the fighting and now, we have engaged in a large building project, and it is finally complete. This new development, south of Utica, is built and reserved for our friends.


There is plenty of dock space for even the largest ships. For a small fee, ships can refuel and restock supplies.


There are many new buildings built to house soldiers. The above is a basic room, for a small charge, soldiers can stay in more luxurious rooms.


Duty Free shops will offer soldiers everything from candy to alcohol to books to electronics.


Several gyms and barbershops are open for the soldiers


Plenty of restaurants are open to offer visiting soldiers a wide variety of food.


Computer labs are open for soldiers to keep in touch with their families. Officers are also able to get required work done.

The following countries have gained the right to access these facilities:

New Cymru





This list is by no means complete, and we are always willing to make more friends. :awesome:

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