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UN Declaration of war


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Well, this should be interesting to watch unfold. Who are you allies UN? I wasn't aware you had any...considering it's a new round all previous treaties are considered null and void (Generally, however there are some exceptions) and I've yet to see any UN treaty announcements.

That being said, best of luck to both parties.

(Edited For Bad Grammar)

Edited by Owned-You
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Let the fighting begin, or end..........for the SWAT. The UN shall olbilterate this nuisance



FUNNY :lol:

SWAT has 55 members and 3 in anarchy

UN has 70 members and 42 in anarchy <--- not a typo

Edited by Panic King
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it would have been a different ball game if they hadnt blind sided us. but no matter well come back.

Don't pretend you could have pulled of a strike like that.

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Swat are cowards! They blind sighted us with this attack, and no formal declaration of war was made. To any Swat member, the alliance is made up of cowards. Most UN nations were just starting to get on stable ground, and then you came in with your cowardly attack.

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Swat are cowards! They blind sighted us with this attack, and no formal declaration of war was made. To any Swat member, the alliance is made up of cowards. Most UN nations were just starting to get on stable ground, and then you came in with your cowardly attack.

if they're cowards, i'd hate to know what the alliance that got rolled by them is considered...

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