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New Rifle from Mariehamm Arms


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The Karbiner 21 (Kar 21), is the newest rifle from the Ex-Ubersteinian company Mariehamm Arms. Known for our work on Ubersteinian equipment, this rifle is our first independent project.

It is a simple Delayed Roller Blowback, Semi-Automatic rifle useing the 7.92x52mm Mauser round. It has a 10-shot Magazine, collapsible stock, and a rail on the top of the gun for tactical additions as well as replacing the iron sights with a scope.

"We thought, why leave this excellent caliber to simply hunting when it has so many more uses? With the arrival of more modern armor, a round that can stop a bear in it's tracks is starting to look good for standard military use." Stated the CEO of the company.

It is cheap yet powerful, and is available to be produced under license in any country.

Kar 21: bringing Karbiner back to the 21st century.


The Kar 21 is compact yet powerfull

OOC: Just throwing something I made in sketchup into the CNRP open market.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Byzantium is intrigued by this, and would like to purchase 500,000 rifles.

Due to the current state of our factories after the bombing of Svalbard and the loss of Mariehamm island, it will take some time to produce the rifles entirely ourselves. We would be fully willing to allow you to produce them inside your own country and send advisers to help set up the production.

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Due to the current state of our factories after the bombing of Svalbard and the loss of Mariehamm island, it will take some time to produce the rifles entirely ourselves. We would be fully willing to allow you to produce them inside your own country and send advisers to help set up the production.

Hm, that would be good. We shall establish a company for that purpose.

Edited by JEDCJT
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RAMI wishes to work with Mariehamm Arms and redesign the Kar-21 so it can fire 7.92x33mm (Kurz) Mauser rounds. Although the Kurz has decreased range and accuracy in comparison to it's larger parent, the recoil is substantially reduced, allowing for an increased ROF. The range/accuracy loss is negligible, as the bullet still works without a problem in the average engagement range infantry is in. As well, the reduced weight of the bullet will allow a person to carry more magazines. If you do not wish to make such a variant, RAMI would like to purchase the blueprints/plans to this rifle.

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The Ardorian Arms Corporation would like to purchase manufacturing rights for the Kar 21.

We will fax over the paperwork.

Western Immigration Police would love to use these to.. er.. "hunt."

Approved, it is not our business to question our customer's use of the weapon.

The Republic Of Colstream wishes to manufacture the Karbiner 21 for the Colstream Army as a Sniper Rifle

We will fax over the production paperwork.

GLSWPC (Great Lakes State weapons production company) wishes to buy the manufacturing rights for the Karbiner 21 rifles.

We will fax over the production paperwork.

The UESR would like to produce these weapons within our own country. They would be sold to civilians as hunting and home defense guns, as the Mauler we use is already more than satisfactory.

OOC: Not to dog your sketchup work though!

We will fax over the production paperwork.

RAMI wishes to work with Mariehamm Arms and redesign the Kar-21 so it can fire 7.92x33mm (Kurz) Mauser rounds. Although the Kurz has decreased range and accuracy in comparison to it's larger parent, the recoil is substantially reduced, allowing for an increased ROF. The range/accuracy loss is negligible, as the bullet still works without a problem in the average engagement range infantry is in. As well, the reduced weight of the bullet will allow a person to carry more magazines. If you do not wish to make such a variant, RAMI would like to purchase the blueprints/plans to this rifle.

We are willing to work on the Kurz variant, and will send the original design team to your HQ.

OOC: I hope my fax machines have enough toner.

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The 5.56 round is much weaker and has worse ballistics than the 7.92x52 round. This round can take down a bear or bison in single shot, you would need an entire magazine of 5.56 to do the same. While you are wounding your enemies and giving them a chance to fight again, we are killing them with single shots.

We can also beat your manufactureing cost, range, let alone stopping power. The only think your rifle has going for it is the bullpup design and high capacity clip.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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You're correct the purpose for the 5.6 round is to wound one from the battle field and remove 2 additional enemy soldiers as they aid their fallen comrade. So, 3 enemy soldiers are removed instead of one dead soldier. Besides that, a 5.6 round will take down any animal considering a requirement to be a member of the Shadow Federation is to be to consistantly group 5 rounds within a 2 inch circumference at 300 meters w/ acog.

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You're correct the purpose for the 5.6 round is to wound one from the battle field and remove 2 additional enemy soldiers as they aid their fallen comrade. So, 3 enemy soldiers are removed instead of one dead soldier. Besides that, a 5.6 round will take down any animal considering a requirement to be a member of the Shadow Federation is to be to consistantly group 5 rounds within a 2 inch circumference at 300 meters w/ acog.

You obviously know nothing of hunting then, you do not have time for 2 shots, let alone 5. And here in Mariehamm Arms, we view the Wounded-3-Off-The-Field strategy to be absurd, because those men will come back to fight another day, meaning you do not actually reduce enemy manpower.

The 7.92 round also has a longer range, meaning our rifle can be used as a battle-improvised sniper rifle, allowing the removal of enemy key personnel or machine gun posts from range.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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A Shadow Omega catches wind of the discusion and says "You want me to tell them about the FN SCARs in the back, or save that for another day?"

The Shadow members laughs hysterically as they prepare to zero their acogs.

Edited by Lyzah
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