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Confucianism Begins Construction of P-791

Chancellor Bismarck

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OOC: And flammable. Funky. So, what kind of engines does it use? If it uses jet engines i would be very, very scared. Jet engines next to a large quantity of hydrogen = bad idea.

OOC: As I said, I don't know. I'm sure they could do it if they wanted, there's nuclear submarines, aye? But they haven't declassified anything about it yet.

EDIT: Sorry for double post.

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OOC: As I said, I don't know. I'm sure they could do it if they wanted, there's nuclear submarines, aye? But they haven't declassified anything about it yet.

EDIT: Sorry for double post.

OOC: its generally acepted on these forums that you must have scientific or technical specs/proof of the design working to its full degree to have it. Saying there is none at the current moment means you can't use it.

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OOC: its generally acepted on these forums that you must have scientific or technical specs/proof of the design working to its full degree to have it. Saying there is none at the current moment means you can't use it.

OOC: Okay, then. It is floated by internal hydrogen, after being surrounded by a layer of helium. The back end of it is compartmentalised for the engine area, which burns oil to boost the aircraft to high speeds. The oval shape of the craft allows for aerodynamics that allow it to go at high speeds. The $@pit area is near the bottom, as well as the crew accomodations, cargo, and passengers. The propellers allow navigation and flight near the Earth, or to just generally float in a location. The hover-engines on the bottom allow it to land vertically, conserving runway space. Armor is added around the outside, and lightweight carbon nanotubes are used for the armor and the compartmentalisation on the inside.

Also, if I had to guess how they did it, it'd be close to that, or that is how my nation is going about it, then.

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OOC: Okay, then. It is floated by internal hydrogen, after being surrounded by a layer of helium. The back end of it is compartmentalised for the engine area, which burns oil to boost the aircraft to high speeds. The oval shape of the craft allows for aerodynamics that allow it to go at high speeds. The $@pit area is near the bottom, as well as the crew accomodations, cargo, and passengers. The propellers allow navigation and flight near the Earth, or to just generally float in a location. The hover-engines on the bottom allow it to land vertically, conserving runway space. Armor is added around the outside, and lightweight carbon nanotubes are used for the armor and the compartmentalisation on the inside.

OOC: Oil are you sure as oil in aircraft will not produce much thrust unless you burn a lot also the burn the oil you would require oxygen which must be stored somewhere inside the airship which would add to the weight of the aircraft.

How strong are these carbon nanotubes + armour?

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OOC: Oil are you sure as oil in aircraft will not produce much thrust unless you burn a lot also the burn the oil you would require oxygen which must be stored somewhere inside the airship which would add to the weight of the aircraft.

How strong are these carbon nanotubes + armour?

OOC: Oxygen can easily be taken from the outside environment to burn. Also, carbon nanotubes are the strongest substance on Earth so far, made by nanotechnology. 10x stronger than steel or something like that, perhaps 100x. You can google it.

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OOC: Oxygen can easily be taken from the outside environment to burn. Also, carbon nanotubes are the strongest substance on Earth so far, made by nanotechnology. 10x stronger than steel or something like that, perhaps 100x. You can google it.

OOC: But won't your airship be flying at high altitudes where their is very little Oxygen?

Also I do believe that the cost of building just one of these with carbon nano tubes would bankrupt your nation.

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OOC: Oil are you sure as oil in aircraft will not produce much thrust unless you burn a lot also the burn the oil you would require oxygen which must be stored somewhere inside the airship which would add to the weight of the aircraft.

How strong are these carbon nanotubes + armour?

OOC: Oxygen can easily be taken from the outside environment to burn. Also, carbon nanotubes are the strongest substance on Earth so far, made by nanotechnology. 10x stronger than steel or something like that, perhaps 100x. You can google it.

OOC: Fun Fact:

Carbon Nanotubes are the material with which I'm building my space-elevator. So they're pretty strong.

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OOC: Yes I do have the tech. They are producing things with carbon nanotubes right now.

IC: The cost of this is very expensive, but since we have all the resources to create our ships on our islands, it will hardly cost us anything. We have no relations with the outside world that require us to have our own currency system, but we sell our goods with other nations for their currency in order to buy things from other nations.

You will notice that the Confucianism Factbook makes no mention of currency, and for good reason. We don't have a national currency, since we are a nation that believes in doing everything for the good of the country. Everyone is still very entrepeneurial, and trades their resources for other resources with other people in the country, but when it comes to the country's development everyone bonds together.

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OOC: Yes I do have the tech. They are producing things with carbon nanotubes right now.

IC: The cost of this is very expensive, but since we have all the resources to create our ships on our islands, it will hardly cost us anything. We have no relations with the outside world that require us to have our own currency system, but we sell our goods with other nations for their currency in order to buy things from other nations.

OOC: No way... the cost of this WILL bankrupt your nation no matter what you say. Having no contact and having your own currency won't work. You can't just print money.

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OOC: Correct, I don't print money. That's what I just said. We don't use money in our country, except to sell our goods to other countries, and use their money to buy other things. We don't have our own monetary system. We do have contact with other nations, but we do not have our own currency system, because we do not believe in money for our purposes.

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Correct, I don't print money. That's what I just said. We don't use money in our country, except to sell our goods to other countries, and use their money to buy other things. We don't have our own monetary system.

OOC: Right... utter fail there. How do you afford to even purchase goods from other nations without any money. How do you pay the costs to keep your nation running?

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OOC: We have more than enough resources to keep our nation running right where we are. You'll notice that I just said we sell our goods to other countries for their currency, and use their currency to buy things from them and others. This way, we more than help ourselves. If ever we couldn't, we would still use this system. I doubt you can find a flaw in that, unless you're a complete hypocrit.

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OOC: We have more than enough resources to keep our nation running right where we are. You'll notice that I just said we sell our goods to other countries for their currency, and use their currency to buy things from them and others. This way, we more than help ourselves. If ever we couldn't, we would still use this system. I doubt you can find a flaw in that, unless you're a complete hypocrit.

OOC: But how do you use their currency when you have no money to exchange of your own for the same amount in theirs?

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OOC: What are you talking about? I just said we exchange our goods for their money. We can easily account for their currency's worth when we compare it to other exchanges in the world, and dictate our price from there. Essentially, we take how many resources we put into our construction, see if the amount of their currency they are giving us allows our country to buy the same and more resources on the open market than it took to build ours. We do not need our own currency when we can observe others.

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OOC: Mercy no country can run without a money system you should know this?

Also I get them trading their goods for money from the nations that they are selling too but how does one island have all the resources an entire nation need to support itself?

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OOC: Because we're new, and hardly have a large population. I believe we stand at only 2,000,000 people on a very large island. If you really really really need a mode of currency for my nation, you can consider it the goods that we produce. Native Americans never had a form of currency, but instead bartered for various goods among their tribal states. They were indeed countries, yes? As many know, my nation is a nation of both natives and people, and we use the same system albeit slightly modified to fit the modern world.

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OOC: I wish you guys wouldn't spam up threads with your e-lawyering. If you have a concern drop a line with the game-masters and let them deal with it. You are ruining the potential for some interesting RP.

I know you all want to state your opinion, but believe me when I say it is rarely helpful. More often than not it is mostly just frustrating.

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Promised Land views this as an intriguing design, but we will not comment further.

OOC: Im Im gonna let it go ive had enough im just adding you to my ignore list its much easier and less stressful.

OOC: Dude, he's sparcely populated right now. Barter CAN work for him at this stage.

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Promised Land views this as an intriguing design, but we will not comment further.

OOC: Dude, he's sparcely populated right now. Barter CAN work for him at this stage.

OOC: Don't worry ive given up I just don't get how he can have all th resources he needs to produce what he needs whilst others cant. Thats all.

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OOC: Don't worry ive given up I just don't get how he can have all th resources he needs to produce what he needs whilst others cant. Thats all.

OOC: Hey, maybe a nation secretly donated supplies to his nation. Ever thought of that?

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OOC: Hey, maybe a nation secretly donated supplies to his nation. Ever thought of that?

OOC: I see no roleplay of that occuring thus I can't accept that without proof. Plus donate only one lot of supplies he said his nation can rely on itself to handle everything it needs.

Remember when Kaiser said the same thing and at least half the forum said it wasn't possible.***

*** At least I think they did.

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