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Why do people do this?


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Probably new nations who get bored with the game. I make it a point not to trade with anyone who is less than a month or two old just for this reason (sorry new nations, but the odds of you being around a month from now are against you).

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or they just probably lost track of their pw and account names... it happens... i've gotten messages about losing usernames... but the best and most logical tip is to get trades with nations that have open slots and are active within CN... 0-6 days inactive... after that, i look for other colors...

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I agree, it gets annoying to me also. I remember losing three trades in a row about 3 months ago after paying them big cash ($2 million each) for long term trades. All of them were over a month old, and one of them was over 2 months old.

Edited by HHAYD
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Allow everyone five multis for purposes of trade alone. Each multi stays in peace mode and never has over 10 infrastructure.

That way, we FIX the trade system once and for all so we can concentrate on the REAL reason we play CyberNations: to complain how the MDP web ruins the game.

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