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TPF Declares war


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Official TPF announcment!


TPF's casus Belli

You smell funny

You look funny

You smell AND look funny

You are a rogue tech raider

You are a rogue

You are a nuclear rogue

You are a nuclear rouge (hey, irradiated makeup is no laughing matter, and these seem to be more common than their dreaded cousin, the nuke rogue)

You hit my friend

You hit me

You thought about hitting me

You once, long ago, while very drunk, opined that hitting me may not be the worst thing ever

You have a lousy avatar

You have a great avatar and I want to steal it

You have no avatar

You don’t have a flag

You spied on me

You spied on my friends

You thought about spying

You said ‘spy’ in a sentence

You drafted Minnesota in the first round of a fantasy football draft

You have the letter ‘q’ in your name

You are just plain old loathsome

Your girlfriend’s too hot

Your girlfriend’s too ugly

Who are you kidding, you don’t have a girlfriend. Liar.

Oh yes we declare on FARK.

So if we attack you guys don't be shocked and we won't either


BEazle GoD of TPF

Edited by BEazy
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*IC lol!! Very well done BEazy, especially the KFC logo...guess when i get out of nuke anarchy I'll have to go get a bite of someone :jihad:

Um...wait isn't that like a copy right infringement or something :gag:

*OOC Next time, you need to come to me before you declare war on an AA! :mad:

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Official TPF announcment!


TPF's casus Belli

You smell funny

You look funny

You smell AND look funny

You are a rogue tech raider

You are a rogue

You are a nuclear rogue

You are a nuclear rouge (hey, irradiated makeup is no laughing matter, and these seem to be more common than their dreaded cousin, the nuke rogue)

You hit my friend

You hit me

You thought about hitting me

You once, long ago, while very drunk, opined that hitting me may not be the worst thing ever

You have a lousy avatar

You have a great avatar and I want to steal it

You have no avatar

You don’t have a flag

You spied on me

You spied on my friends

You thought about spying

You said ‘spy’ in a sentence

You drafted Minnesota in the first round of a fantasy football draft

You have the letter ‘q’ in your name

You are just plain old loathsome

Your girlfriend’s too hot

Your girlfriend’s too ugly

Who are you kidding, you don’t have a girlfriend. Liar.

Oh yes we declare on FARK.

So if we attack you guys don't be shocked and we won't either


BEazle GoD of TPF

The above highlighted item is another blatant lie by BEazy and a false pretense to war. I hereby declare your CB invalid.


//good luck TPF! It takes a big set to declare when you're already so engaged!!! :)

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