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Alliance Cup Thread/RP Thread


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Matchday 1

Group 1

Fatima 1-1 Levin (Played at Old Dragonia Stadium)

Rainbow 2-2 Ziggawitz (Played at Bluefax Stadium)

Group 5

Transvaal 1-1 Nether World (Played at Fort Windberg Stadium)

Anastasius 1-5 Miami (Played at Applevale Arena)

Group 9

The Isle of Galos 1-0 Guateamala (Played at Eropenburn Park)

Bereich der Durre 2-2 Resistentia (Played at Breytopia Stadium)

Group 13

Golden Empire 0-3 Thetanland (Played at Hollowpoint Park)

Cubanistas 3-1 KLXY3 (Played at New Osdon Park)

Reference Stadium list for further RP: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=43473

Standings will be posted ASAP

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TRANSVAAL SPRINGBOKS - Final Tournament Roster

GK #1 Thurston Alderton (LM)

GK #00 Henk-Jan Koopman (VL)

D #2 Joop Boekweg (LM)

D #4 Bert van der Meer (LM)

D #3 Leon Hooiber (LM)

D #18 Robert Persijn (VL)

D #21 Nathan Archibald (UCFA)

D #24 Ditre Ramotswa (UCFA)

M #8 Dick Witchge (LM)

M #11 Matthias Rieger (LM)

M #14 Henk Schot (LM)

M #20 Stien van Buyten (LM)

M #25 Marais van der Merwe (UCFA)

M #27 Vorster De Vries (UCFA)

F #9 Gert Grünholz (LM)

F #10 Ricardo van Deinsen (LM)

F #23 Charles Brennan (LM)

F #26 Balthazar Botha (LM)

F #50 Kees Waterreus (VL)

F #70 Nik McCarthy (UCFA)

(LM) = Liga Mundo (Transvaal Springboks)

(VL) = Vedder League (Windhoek Welwitschia)


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Whatever happened to Devante Sixto? (lol, that's the only name I can remember from your squad

Not one of mine - you're not thinking of Dakarai Baako the soccer player-politician are you? Currently waiting for him to find a spot with Windhoek Welwitschias (my other X11 team)

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Today's results

Group 2

AEther 1-2 ParrrrTay

South Sudan 2-2 Hawkislava

Group 6

The Greater Good 1-1 Devils Land

Sigmund 4-3 Sueden

Group 10

Willems nation 4-1 Avinyon

Trintonia 4-0 Ian Isles

Group 14

Ivencible 0-4 MacLand

Chimeran England 3-1 Closure

It was a very high scoring day

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Interview: Khavkuk Shlomov

Uralican Football Magazine caught up with superstar forward Khavkuk Shlomov, the Uralican super-forward who plays for Dinamo Kirov in the Bolakliiga. He seemed in pretty good spirits after Uralica's one-goal win over RMA Golden Nation of Soldier, in spite of the fact that he didn't score any goals. Sportswriter Kaido Jarvilaturi managed to secure an interview with him:

KJ: Thank you for taking the time to do this, Khavkuk. My first question to you (and I gotta be straight about this): how do you think Uralica will do in the Alliance Cup?

KS: I'm not going to be arrogant and say, "we're going to win everything," because we very well may not. Do we have a chance? Absolutely. Are we the clear favourites? Absolutely not. There are a lot of quality teams in the competition, so we'll take it one game at a time making sure not to underestimate anyone.

KJ: That's refreshing humility coming from a guy who scored 35 goals in only 22 games for Dinamo last season.

KS: You have to stay grounded. Most Uralicans use their Christianity as an excuse to do so. I use my Judaism. Lotsa guys in Uralica could brag about how they did. I mean look at guys like Diedrik [siemens] or Jukka [Tenhola] or Yevgeny [Kudymov] or even Jarkko [salomäki].

KJ: You have a point there. How would you explain Uralica's tremendous depth?

KS: It has much to do with the fact that the Uralican national football program puts an extremely high premium on teamwork and camaraderie. We're more than just a football team. We're a family. We don't agree with each other on everything, but we do in our football. Some people are naturally gifted, others work their butts off. Nobody quits, though. I sure didn't quit in the game against RMA [Golden Nation] even though I didn't score.

KJ: How frustrating was it not to score, though? You had several glorious chances.

KS: Well it does get frustrated. I was told I could easily have had four in that match - two posts, a crossbar, and a great save by their goalkeeper, which I had to applaud because I thought I had that one - but you know what? Dwelling on past could-have-beens doesn't get anyone anywhere. Plus one of the shots that hit the goal-post indirectly led to Raimo[ Suominen]'s goal. I thought Vaido [Järvi] did a good job keeping the ball in play so Raimo could score.

KJ: And apparently the crowd at Syktyvkar Stadion will go crazy when you do eventually score.

KS: They do for every player. I remember when we played our first international friendly against IGP Warriors, and the atmosphere is absolutely electric there. The fans are amazing. I actually caught a Liga Mundo match when SiPS was in Tercera, and whenever someone scored for SiPS - didn't matter if the score was 1-0 or 5-0 - the stadium just exploded. It was absolutely deafening. You have to experience it to believe it. Uralican fans are the best in the region. And they support their team 110%. It is a great honour to have fans like those.

KJ: I've heard it's sold out for every match Uralica plays.

KS: Yup. Doesn't surprise me. They need to expand that old barn!

KJ: Now about the other teams from TOOL as well as South Sudan from CCC. Following any of them in particular?

KS: I think everyone on the team is following the whole lot. I personally have been incredibly impressed by the play of Willems nation. Jarkko won't shut up about South Sudan. *laughs* Pyros has been super-good too, and I think the dakotans has played better than some pundits give them credit for. Novaja Zemlja got a tough draw, so I'd be surprised to see them advance, but they also have a lot of fight in them, so you never know. South Sudan is in a group where anything could happen, so they have just as good a chance as anyone.

KJ: Which seed is the "favourite" of you guys'?

KS: Again it varies. Jarkko seems to really like Cataduanes and Transvaal. I'm a big fan of Tritonia and VolNation - they play exciting football. Petteri [Vahalahti] likes the style of Arcadian Empire. And the list goes on. Obviously we respect all the other seeds. Because they deserve that respect.

KJ: Again, thank you for doing this interview.

KS: My pleasure.

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Luke Christensen after the Tides' final goal.

Yesterday the Tritonia Tides won their first match of the Alliance Cup group stage 4-0.

"The Alliance Cup is great," said Brock Ferguson, a veteran and Assistant Captain of the Tides. "It's fantastic that we've got so many teams out here representing their countries and their alliances. The publicity is wonderful, and I think it's really got people interested in football."

When asked about the Tides' chances on winning the Cup, Ferguson said, "We'd like to take it home, but with so many new teams there's sure to be one that's going to knock us for a loop. At the moment, we're focused on getting out of the group stage. The players from Willems Nation are playing hard out there. I have a feeling the match on the 28th is going to be a good one."

Ferguson also mentioned the Tides were looking forward to watching Checors' and VolNation's matches today.

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WOW. Nikonov's gonna be happy when he sees this! :D Also wtg Daks!

TOOL Still Unbeaten In Group Stage

CUSTER - A win and a surprising draw have TOOL at 2-1-0 thus far in the Group Stage of the FIFOB Alliance Cup after Willems nation's thrilling 4-1 blowout of Avinyon. The fans were out in full force in the streets of Custer, the dakotans, as their nation won 2-1 against Legion's Southwest America. But even more surprising was Novaja Zemlja's effort, a 1-1 draw against vaunted fourth seeds Arcadian Empire.

The Order of Light hopes to continue their unbeaten run tomorrow as Uralica and Pyros see action in the Group Stage, the former against VE's original name and the latter against GLOF survivors New Tauron.

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After their decisive win in the qualifiers, the VolNation Mighty Volunteers started the group stage against Taecam in Old Dragonia Stadium. While the fans that comprised the VolNation Navy were hoping for a different venue, there was still much great football to be played. With no personnel issues due to club committments and with Duncan Stamford cleared to play by club doctors (though noticably not yet up to full form), the Mighty Vols had their full roster to choose from. Because of the defensive breakdowns in the previous match, Coach Philip opted for VolNation's standard 4-3-3 consisting of the A-team lineup

GK: #1 Jeff Gallagher (Ark Premier)

LB: #3 Doug Breckin (Ark Premier), Captain

CB: #4 Carson Prince (VolNation Power)

RB: #13 Caleb Reichle (Ark Premier)

SW: #5 Steve Meadows (Ark Premier)

RM: #6 Duncan Stamford (Ark Premier)

CM: #9 Mark Lara (VolNation Power), Playmaker

LM: #7 Damon Abdon (Ark Premier)

LW: #11 James "Moneyman" Turner (Ark Premier)

SS: #19 "Sir Godfrey" Shearer (Ark Premier)

RW: #22 Ian Robertson (Liga Mundo)

Even though this wasn't the first match for the Mighty Vols, this was the first time that the A-team had taken the field together, and Coach Philip commented that we had to look at this as a "scrimmage that counts". Accordingly, the Mighty Vols strategy looked to be defensive in nature, to prevent the odd goal and allow the players to adjust to one another. This was particularly true for the midfield, as Stamford was just getting his legs back under him and Lara was adjusting to being the primary playmaker, a role that he was usually not called upon to do in his VolNation Power club.

It was clear from the outset that Taecam was not about to make the mistake of Establishmentism in playing a wide-open game, and they packed it in around their goal. Even though VolNation was starting its feared long-range bombers, they were just not given the space to work as Taecam pressed hard with its midfielders and forwards. On the other hand, the VolNation defense was clicking on all cylinders, as the Ark Premier triad of Breckin, C. Reichle and Meadows easily integrated the speedy Prince and ruthlessly snuffed out any attempts by Taecam to get remotely near the goal. Thus the score at the end of the first half remained 0-0.

Lara, to his credit, kept trying to get the ball inside agaisnt the packed-out Taecam defense, but the unfamiliarity of playing with Turner, Shearer and Robertson clearly showed as the entry passes were just off enough for Taecam to swarm the ball, while the press prevented Stamford and Abdon from getting good shots on goal. However, heros always rise to the occasion, and after the 75 minute mark, Lara took it on his own shoulders. Rather than looking for the entry pass, Lara got aggressive and started to really take it in himself. This change of strategy seemed to catch Taecam offguard, and it wasn't long before Lara tood advantage of the overeager press to collect a free kick opportunity from 30 yards out. With no press to contest the shot, Lara did what he does best, sending in a shot that eluded both the wall and the Taecam keeper, giving VolNation the 1 goal lead

Now behind, Taecam broke out of its pressure defense and went into an attacking gear, even creating a few opportunities. However, the back line held for the Mighty Vols, and the 22 year old Gallagher was more than up to the task for the few the got through. With the focus on defense, the Mighty Vols were content to take this 1-0 lead into the end of the game for the win.

After the match, Coach Philip commented on the match, "Taecam had a great game plan, but credit goes to Lara for stepping it up when the Taecam mids were clearly wearing down from their constant press. Props also to our back line for holding down the fort while we were trying to sort out our front line. We've now had our one match to work out the kinks and get our timing down, but I expect more from our midfield. I'd like to get back to our preferred rolling strike midfield play were we have no designated playmaker, but Stamford has to be up to speed to run that. I might consider adding a 4th mid, either Karlson, Woodward or Lehmann as a playmaker if Stamford doesn't progress, but we'll make that call at gametime."

VolNation congratulates fellow NOAH and Ark Premier League member Tritonia for their opening win. We're pulling for you Tritonia and Checors!!!

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Held to a Draw

Coach Courtney was not happy, muttering to herself, "We wasted two points" after the 1-1 draw with Novaja Zemlja. It should be noted that the angry reception over the Arcadian Football Channel's coverage was nowhere to be seen - as Super Definition Cameras were used to broadcast the match, to over 200 countries world wide. The Arcadian's took the lead in the 32nd when Gary Garland, a huge talent in the Legion Championship caught the Novajan goalkeeper out of position capitalising on it, they kept the lead until the 93rd until "Arcadia" syndrome kicked in, and a late penalty was easily scored - further making Hector Howarth having a reputation of saving 0% of penalties, which has copped him much criticism.

The Arcadian's took to the match in a 4-5-1 formation, with Coach Courtney compensating for lack of skill with an abundance of defencive tactics, but selections were questionable. She also trimmed down the squad from 30-odd to the final starting eleven, bolded here:

[1] Clifford Broom (GK)

[21] Hector Howarth (GK)

[2] Sid Harrington

[16] Anthony Barrie

[5] Howey Blanchflower

[3] Malcolm Fitzpatrick

[14] Matthew White

[30] Edmund Stockwell

[4] Enzo Traversa

[7] Emil Napieralski ©

[27] Jeremy Santiago

[10] Romeo Curtis

[20] Morgan Dunwell

[12] Sylvester Murphy

[22] Gary Garland

[13] Patrizio Blundetto

[54] Julian Nolan

[50] Caleb Monkhouse

[31] Michael Black

[15] Cyrus Brumwell

Sid Harrington was a questionable decision, with most football outlets criticising the coach for putting the out-of-form player in an International Match, with most outlets being negative on the defencive style of play at home - and the relative inexperience of making many start although most are only playing domestically or haven't played in several months.

However, the most telling sign of a failed opportunity was looking at the stats from the match, which read 3 shots to Arcadia, capitalising 1 from 3, while the Novajan's finishing with 100% accuracy, 1 from 1 chances. However, the Arcadians enjoyed 64% of possession, and revaitalising the notion that having the ball does not mean goals scoring.

In other news, the only 'good' decision made - as part of our series of online polls, was that Emil Napieralski given the captaincy of the Arcadian Team. Here were the results from the other polls:

- Was Napieralski a good choice for captain? Yes: 74%, No 26%.

- Do the players have too much of a hectic schedule as is? Yes: 94%, No 6%.

- Do you support the dropping of Nathaniel Coupet from the squad? Yes: 53%, No 47%.

Coach Courtney stayed away from the topic of dropped players, saying they will be used to help train the team, which is true - and also vouched her support for the other Legion teams in the competition, and welcomed the next opponent for the Arcadians.

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Group 15

Cataduanes 2-1 Lan Castor

Southwest America 1-2 The dakotans

Cataduanes opened their tournament with a confident display beating Lan Castor 2-1 with goals from Rafael Nagore and Hector Chema in the first half, however a lapse in concentration in the 63rd minute allowed Lan Castor to get a goal of their own.

However with the conceded goal proving to be a wake up call the 'isleños' held their ground and held on for the three points.

OOC: Nice posts Arcadian Empire and Philip The Great, somehow i feel i am lacking inspiration today to try compete with your awesome posts ;)

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The latest report from the Willem Times tells us that the coach for the national side has really started upping the ante on his players. There are worries that there is too much pressure to win the next fixture against the team of Ian Isles. With the final fixture occuring with Tritonia the number 1 seed, feelings are that if they can get a win out of the next match then they are home dry to the next round.

Manager, Michael Banter, will be able to rest key players against Tritonia but hasn't hinted at this yet. He is taking the games one by one and they must pull out a victory in both matches in his opinion. The ruler of Willem's Nation, Willem, recently, controversially ignored the national team's manager and still gave the nation free beer after the 4-1 victory over Avinyon. Whether this will hinder the performance or not is unknown but with 3 days to recover hopes are high and the players seem like they are on top of the world.

Most of the players in the national team are actually based abroad but speaking to central midfielder Michael Garn, the Hampshire-born Welshman who plays for Hampshire, shows that this cup should put Willem's Nation on the map and hopefully bring some more talent into the country. Rumours are that Gandalf and Gritty will be shortly signing for the Hampshire team. Garn also hopes for his first start soon after scoring in the previous match from the bench.

The team is expected to line up as follows on matchday

GK: Walker-Roberts, Andrew

DC: Gravelsy

DC: Pierro

DR: Nike, Mike

DL: Laftovia

MC: Chuckie

MC: Gandalf

MR: Bro, Andrew

ML: Crippy, Peter

S: Walker-Roberts, Nick

S: Chamacachi

The rest of the 24 man squad is as follows:







Nike, Dean











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I'm a neutral observer having been unceremoniously dumped from the competition in the early stages, but I can't help but be enamoured with the style and fluidity that Willem has his team playing with. My only concern is that his back-up left winger, Martin Mason, is past his peak.

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Kuik: No Underestimation

Uralican national team manager Raimond Kuik has emphasised that his Blue Eagles will not be taking their match against original name from Viridian Entente lightly.

"The guys have been training hard," the Estonian said. "You should have seen Khavkuk [shlomov] out there. He was completely wired until I called time. He's hungry. He wants goals. He and Jarkko [salomäki] had an interesting rivalry going out on the training pitch today, as both were doing their damnedest to foil the other. We also spent a lot of time going over video footage of original name, trying to get a feel for how they play their football. We can take absolutely no chances with any team. No underestimation is allowed in our locker room. There's a Uralican folk proverb that says 'underestimation precedes disappointment.'"

At the request of SiPS manager Teppo Kostamo, the number of SiPS players is going to be kept relatively low for this match as they have an important position-determining Liga Mundo match against FC Stalybridge. Only left-back Jarkko Salomäki is actually going to start, and the only other SiPS player dressed is Jukka Tenhola in case his offensive upside is needed:

GK Kudymov

LB J. Salomäki

RB Fisk

CB Lepp

CB Parfenov

LM Siemens

RM Henriksen

CM Molnár

AM Suvanov

ST Shlomov

ST Karjalainen

Probable bench

GK Tsyplakov

LB Tusk

RM Järvi

AM Tenhola

ST Pankov

Also notable is the reappearance of Hans Henriksen in the starting lineup. He appeared in practice to have bumped his run of poor form according to Kuik, but in the meantime Yoel Pankov seemed a bit fatigued so he is on the bench for this match. If his fitness hasn't improved by next training session, Kuik has indicated that he will likely be replaced by SiPS striker Joni Rasimus.

He also had this to add:

"I wish I had registered [siPS forward] Bali Szívós for this tournament. That man is on a roll of late."

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I'm a neutral observer having been unceremoniously dumped from the competition in the early stages, but I can't help but be enamoured with the style and fluidity that Willem has his team playing with. My only concern is that his back-up left winger, Martin Mason, is past his peak.

Recently hearing statements about Martin Mason, Michael Banter did counter with facts that younger left wingers such as Gwendal Pwitzer and Bilange injured at the moment, he had a choice from a few older more experienced wingers. Mason was one. Michael Tomas another. He put Mason in there because of his experience in major cup competitions.

With the talent of Michael Garn also being able to play left midfield backing up world class Peter Crippy, one does wonder if there was a need for another left winger, but Banter has inclined that Mason is keeping the squad calm and keeping their heads on their shoulders, playing an invaluable part although not playing a minute of football yet.

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Group 4

Land of JDawg 1-0 Tyranar

Original Name 2-0 Uralica

Group 8

Drakenyen 1-1 Muntab

Melidan 2-1 OMFG Country lolz

Group 12

Vertibul 0-0 New Tauron

Under the Sun 2-0 Pyros

Group 16

Ultra Dry Land 2-3 Momgolea

Dixie Cove 1-3 reeB-1

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Back To The Drawing Board

Hoping to go unbeaten on Founder's Week, TOOL instead came away with two losses.

Uralica ran into a solid original name defence and lost 2-0, while Pyros lost to seeded Under The Sun.

The losses do not eliminate the TOOL sides from contention, however they do make things more difficult.

"We weren't bad," says captain Jarkko Salomäki of their performance, "but they were better. We obviously still need to work hard towards winning our remaining matches so we can advance to the knockout round. We don't want to disappoint our fans by going out too early. Hopefully on Monday we can have a more favorable result against Land of the Jdawg."

In contrast to struggling Uralica, the worst seems to be behind Pyros as they have already lost a match they were expected to. Vertibul and New Tauron are unseeded, and Pyros has had decent form of late.

OOC: I'm not playing much like a seeded team at all, am I? :P

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Rasimus To Replace Karjalainen, Pankov

SYKTYVKAR - after a 2-0 loss to original name, a rather peeved Raimond Kuik decided to juggle his lineup for the next match. Most notable was the addition of SiPS striker Joni Rasimus after his brilliant performance against Stalybridge FC - as SiPS has next week off in club play, Kuik said to expect more of the "Sinimustat" in the Blue Eagles' roster. With Karjalainen having played a "pathetic" match against original name and Pankov still having fitness issues (latest reports suggest he may have a chest cold), the 22-year-old Uralican Finn seemed a natural choice.

Petteri Vahalahti will be unlikely to see action in the next match as he picked up a slight injury in the Stalybridge match and has therefore asked to be benched. But other than that, the team in the next match, against Land of the Jdawg, will be quite different:

GK Rodionov

LB J. Salomäki

RB Fisk

CB Lepp

CB Myllyjärvi

LM Siemens

RM Järvi

CM Suominen

AM Tenhola

ST Shlomov

ST Rasimus

Probable Bench:

GK Tsyplakov

CB Parfenov

LM A. Salomäki

CM Molnár

ST Karjalainen

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