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I would


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Contrary to popular belief, the Cyber Nations Game Staff does not hover over their various implements of destruction waiting for somebody to slip up. Since you have communicated this problem to the Game Staff, we will watch and see if anything crops up and confer with the Senior Staff in regards to your nation and others.

I would suggest your own internet connection rather than a building network to avoid these worries in the future.

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I was lucky, me and my brother played the game on one network under the good faith rule, when people started abusing this rule it was taken back. He deleted his nation (which was still pretty new) but not long after that he moved, I don't know if he still plays the game but he's like 200 miles away now. Neither of us use AOL and we only share a house once or twice a year for things like Xmas, and during that time I'm going to be way too busy to get onto CN so for 3-4 days I won't be on my nation, I balance 3-4 days of not checking my nation vs getting deleted.

However I have logged into my nation at my parents house many times so if he was stupid enough to slip up once and log in at that network I'd tell the mods and I don't see them deleting two nations that to my knowledge have never interacted (i dont know if he still plays) and never will, the mods are fair and don't want to kick out people just for simple mistakes or things out of their control.

I've logged in from a few public networks but I took the risk that out of 6bn people and the 30k people playing this game that the odds were in my favor.

Simply put, lying to the mods is much more likely to result in an $@! kicking than being upfront and honest with them

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