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Nuke Sales


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Awhile back in IRC we* were discussing changes we thought would make the game a tad more interesting, and one of them was the idea of larger nations being able to sell nukes to smaller nations, much the way technology is sold. It was agreed that said smaller nations would've to pay more in upkeep (2-3 times as much was initially thought), since technically they'ren't nuke 'legal' nations, and you're paying for the maintence of the nuke, plus the funds associated with hiding the silos,and all of that. So what does the community at large think of this idea?

*I say we because it was late, and I don't remember who. I think it was in Echelon's channel, though it could've been our own.

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I apologize for not putting this in the proper place. I (along with the rest of my alliance, actually) tend to stay away from the CN Forums. I thought this seemed like an apt place. Oh, and the logic behind the whole two or three times as much in upkeep is to force them into being something that yes, is buyable, but you've to be either expecting war, or damn crazy to be willing to keep them when you're a weak nation. Also, if you're small nations that both have nukes, you don't've any of the protective wonders... meaning that wars would be solved much quicker, and generally diplomatically? perhaps? I imagine it'd make tech raiding hellish for those who couldn't get/afford nukes...

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Manhattan Project - $100,000,000 - The Manhattan Project allows nations below 5% of the top nations in the game to develop nuclear weapons. The Manhattan Project cannot be destroyed once it is created. The wonder requires 3,000 infrastructure, 300 technology, and a uranium resource.

What about this?

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Hate to offend you, but please name a small CN nation that has $300 million on hand.


With $101 million any nation can just buy their own nuclear weapon. Economically these kind of wonders are a waste of resources, but if a small nation is dedicated enough to be willing to buy nuclear weapons, he/she can do it anyway. I think it's good enough that small nations can't easily buy nuclear weapons, but I was just pointing out the possibility does exist.

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