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Lafayette Escadrille checking in


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Greetings gentlemen

I do apologize that my first ever post on these forums arrives during a time where a rather large alliance war is taking place. I wanted to take a moment and introduce our Alliance- Lafayette Escadrille to the community.

Nearly all the members of 'LE' are 'real life' friends who share a common interests in historic aviation. You might have noticed the common aviation theme of our 'names'. Lafayette Escadrille is the American squadron that flew for the French in WWI prior to the United States entering the war. We play another game, which is an online WWII flight sim. It's a lot of fun as each week we launch several hundred planes into the sky, form up in our squadrons, and battle each other over the virtual skies of Europe.

Oh please forgive me for I almost forgot...I bring a gift <insert nifty ac graphic here>


Regarding CN:TE, I don't know much about the details of the current Alliance war, nor do I know much about Murder Inc or it's members. Lafayette Escadrille, rotates leaders each round (avoids burnout) and lucky for me, this is my round to wear the leader cap :rolleyes: I do appreciate the communication and 'surrender' options that I have received. While I really don't care all that much about Murder Inc, I do care about our good name, and our 'virtual' honor that we bring forth to CN:TE. Backing out and failing to follow through with an agreement(MDA) is not an option. While we may certainly be destroyed by Judgment, we will do so knowing that we kept our word. New nations come and go, the 'round' resets itself and folks can rebuild. It matters most that our reputation and community respect will not require rebuilding. Winning or losing an Alliance war simply pales in comparison.

All the best


Edited by daddyAGW
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New nations come and go, the 'round' resets itself and folks can rebuild. It matters most that our reputation and community respect will not require rebuilding. Winning or losing an Alliance war simply pales in comparison.

you sir, are awesome..

welcome to the fray.. :)

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Greetings daddyAGW!

Welcome to the OWF. While I certainly admire your stance and willingness to come to Murder Inc's side during a time of war when there are so many stacked against them, I'd kindly ask that you find out about the alliance you've made a pact with and see if you have a fundamentally different ideology with them.

You're engaged in fighting nations who are trying to bring down a tyrant, and from what I know about my history, Lafayette Escadrille would've been fighting against tyranny, not with it. If you do care about your reputation, on TE, please investigate the reasons we're fighting this war and consider neutrality, or better yet, fighting for the side of the right in this.

To say "what you've done in the past isn't right. We can't be a part of this" and disengage isn't dishonorable. To continue fighting a war you don't know much about with an alliance you don't know is.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Tell Soda and Whiskey "hi" from Judgment :D

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Regarding CN:TE, I don't know much about the details of the current Alliance war, nor do I know much about Murder Inc or it's members. Lafayette Escadrille, rotates leaders each round (avoids burnout) and lucky for me, this is my round to wear the leader cap :rolleyes: I do appreciate the communication and 'surrender' options that I have received. While I really don't care all that much about Murder Inc, I do care about our good name, and our 'virtual' honor that we bring forth to CN:TE. Backing out and failing to follow through with an agreement(MDA) is not an option. While we may certainly be destroyed by Judgment, we will do so knowing that we kept our word. New nations come and go, the 'round' resets itself and folks can rebuild. It matters most that our reputation and community respect will not require rebuilding. Winning or losing an Alliance war simply pales in comparison.

As to someone new to this game I welcome you and your group bt as stated in pior posts , I question your decision based on incomplete knowledge of the alliance you are fighting with. This would be akin to the real Lafayette Escadrille fighining for the Kaiser. There is no lack of honor in being nuetral in this war. MI does not deserve an honorable group such as yours. If you want to discuss a little history of Murders' "accomplishments" you can always PM me in game. I would hate to be the one to kill all your pixels

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As to someone new to this game I welcome you and your group bt as stated in pior posts , I question your decision based on incomplete knowledge of the alliance you are fighting with. This would be akin to the real Lafayette Escadrille fighining for the Kaiser. There is no lack of honor in being nuetral in this war. MI does not deserve an honorable group such as yours. If you want to discuss a little history of Murders' "accomplishments" you can always PM me in game. I would hate to be the one to kill all your pixels

I think LE knows us a lot better than judgment does. You guys are sounding more and more like vox populi. Stop demonizing us the propaganda machine is getting a little ridiculous. The vast majority of those who got slapped around by MI last round had it coming. You guys are just targeting MI because we are #1 alliance which is fine but lets keep our feet on the ground with all the rhetoric. This is TE stop all the finger pointing war is the name of the game.

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I think LE knows us a lot better than judgment does. You guys are sounding more and more like vox populi. Stop demonizing us the propaganda machine is getting a little ridiculous. The vast majority of those who got slapped around by MI last round had it coming. You guys are just targeting MI because we are #1 alliance which is fine but lets keep our feet on the ground with all the rhetoric. This is TE stop all the finger pointing war is the name of the game.

Us demonizing? Your actions and words here in the OWF have demonized you more than Judgment could ever hope to. Even if you weren't number one, we'd still go after you if you acted this way. But of course, I don't think you would've acted this way had you not been number 1.

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I think LE knows us a lot better than judgment does. You guys are sounding more and more like vox populi. Stop demonizing us the propaganda machine is getting a little ridiculous. The vast majority of those who got slapped around by MI last round had it coming. You guys are just targeting MI because we are #1 alliance which is fine but lets keep our feet on the ground with all the rhetoric. This is TE stop all the finger pointing war is the name of the game.

And if they REALLY know your alliance then I recind all I posted before, for then it is obvious that they made the informed decision to protect an alliance that tried to dictate their policy to Planet Steve. I am sorry but my feelings on MI is that their leadership was so full of theirself that they forgot that Planet Steve is for warring, not dictaing a policy of a sselect few. Just who did they think they were telling all of yellow team to vote for Beasy? Just who did they think they would intimidate by stating that they could raid indiscrimately but we could not mount a defence against them? They are just dictatorial .. dare I say it?... Elitists.

OOC>I just love using that term.. tends to pee them off more.<

BTW what's wrong with Vox Populi? Nothing, they felt freedom was something that should be fought for. It's funny you all find these words intimidating

Edited by Panic King
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Thanks for the warm greetings and kind words. There can be no uncertainty other than to fulfill our obligation to Murder Inc. I must assume that this community shames those who do otherwise but keep their word. Yet, even in defeat respect can be had amongst competitors. In hindsight like several folks mentioned above, maybe I was too quick to affirm the security agreement without proper considerations. When all is said and done I would hope that players look upon Lafayette Escadrille favorably.

Hormones, I understand you are familiar with roan and mtdew. Even though we have never communicated, I do appreciate all the help that you and Murder Inc offered us in the past two rounds. For this, we will stand by you per our agreement. However, if I may be so bold to offer some advice, a greater show of humility goes a long way, especially when you are at the top.

Thanks again for the welcome.


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Thanks for the warm greetings and kind words. There can be no uncertainty other than to fulfill our obligation to Murder Inc. I must assume that this community shames those who do otherwise but keep their word. Yet, even in defeat respect can be had amongst competitors. In hindsight like several folks mentioned above, maybe I was too quick to affirm the security agreement without proper considerations. When all is said and done I would hope that players look upon Lafayette Escadrille favorably.

Hormones, I understand you are familiar with roan and mtdew. Even though we have never communicated, I do appreciate all the help that you and Murder Inc offered us in the past two rounds. For this, we will stand by you per our agreement. However, if I may be so bold to offer some advice, a greater show of humility goes a long way, especially when you are at the top.

Thanks again for the welcome.


well played.. I'd like you and your kind as my ally..

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Quite true indeed. Most of the members of LE, compete against each other (different squadrons) in the other game that we play. We tend to drive each other crazy over there and quite often don't agree. Although our success is always measured against the capability of the opposition.

A parting image; P51 Mustang next to a USAAF Spitfire IX


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