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A New Agenda...


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*An Internal Classified set of cables Read*

To: The Office of the Imperial Regent

From: The Office of the Minister of Defense


Considering the state of the world, I advise that we establish a research and development project designed to create what might be referred to as controversial weapons. It is in my opinion that the nuclear class weapons that we already possess so many of are less efficient, and less effective than the possible alternatives. I recommend we start looking into Biological, and more advanced forms of Chemical weapons. Such weapons would leave a nation’s infrastructure intact, while weakening its manpower, and in some cases eliminating its human populace allowing us to move in and lay claim to what remains.

*Classified Report Enclosed Detailing Potential Options*


To: The Office of the Minister of Defense

From: The Office of the Imperial Regent


I concur with your analysis, and would be willing to authorize such a project. What is needed?


To: The Office of the Imperial Regent

From: The Minister of Defense


Our scientists simply need funding, and secure work space. Considering what I have shown you so far is not illegal, I will expect you do not wish to know the exact details of what we have in mind. This will allow you to maintain a level of plausible deniability.


To: Office of the Minister of Finance & The Office of the Minister of Internal Security


I am authorizing what shall be deemed Agenda Eleven, the exact funding and requisition specs are included in the enclosed documents. This will require the seizure of certain facilities in New Geneva, as well as the creation of a large slush fund for the purposes of the Ministry of Defense who will be managing the project. Ensure that you mask the purpose of these funds, make them seem innocuous. And ensure that the seizures look like normal banking foreclosures or something of that sort.

*Documents Enclosed*


OOC: To Be Continued...

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OOC: :popcorn:

If you need "weapons", you could probebly smuggle some zombies from Diberia. Using zombies and making sure that you are not connected to the incident would allow you to kill the population; of course then the zombies will need to be dealt with & other counties may come.

Just throwing idea(s) out there...

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*Classified Phone Log*

Vladimir Kaine: Hello?

Ministry Official: Hello Sir.

Vladimir Kaine: Can I help you?

Ministry Official: I simply wanted to inform you that Agenda Eleven construction sites have been seized in New Geneva, and and the funding is in its proper location.


*Still Classified*

Minister Kaine stood over the set of building plans for the new facility he was thoroughly pleased with them. While the construction would take sometime it could be done with relative secrecy, and with great effectiveness. New Geneva like New Zurich was a dome city also divided into enclosed districts. This district was a recent addition and had a relatively small populous which would be evacuated under a partially true pretense. After which the building of a new bunker would begin. The bunker itself would sit a quarter of a mile below the surface encased in granite and surrounded by a membrane like material which would be capable of absorbing the powerful shock waves of both natural and man made events. Between it and the surface would be four layers of reinforced concrete. Each level would act like a net slowing down anything passing through them, so in the event of even the most advanced bunker busting bomb being employed to take out the facility the weapon might penetrate through the first two or layers but would eventually be halted by at the third or fourth. The facility itself would have proximity censors to detect objects through out the ground allowing it to detect potential sub-surface threats from far off. Finally the elevator shaft which led down to the facility would be segmented between levels of reinforced concrete to ensure that there could be no clear shot from the surface down to the facility.

The Facility would be supported by by the energy produced by New Geneva's Fusion core but would also have a back up geothermal system in the event of failure. The facility would furthermore be able to support the bulk of the military's research in regards to high-tech weaponry and would be able to support a large staff of scientists as well as protective forces for years at a time. Meanwhile this entire project would look like the simple needs of an expanding city, and considering the fact they were also building a large hospital in the district medical and chemical supplies would be extremely easy to justify. Finally the fact that the city was domed meant total security from space based or aerial based intelligence. "This will be my pet project" he thought to himself marveling at all the work that could be done in such a place. It would be a long build but the rewards would be well worth it.

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OOC: The background of the avy is from umbrella yes, the symbol is my own personal thing. I made the entirety of it from scratch in photoshop though. And yeah the umbrella bunker concept is probably a good comparison but I didn't directly pull it from there. I guess the purposes are kind of similar though, but I don't intend to go as far out there as they did in terms of the weapons they produced. This will be pretty mainstream for the most part.

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OOC: The background of the avy is from umbrella yes, the symbol is my own personal thing. I made the entirety of it from scratch in photoshop though. And yeah the umbrella bunker concept is probably a good comparison but I didn't directly pull it from there. I guess the purposes are kind of similar though, but I don't intend to go as far out there as they did in terms of the weapons they produced. This will be pretty mainstream for the most part.

OOC: Ah, i see. Well, I like it (both the avy and the RP). They're both well-done. I look forward to reading more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Still Classified*

Minister Kaine stood in his office, the hours were late and the managerial staff, as well as the senior staff had already left. The phone on his desk began to ring. He lifted it from its cradle, "Hello?".

"Sir, the agenda eleven facility alpha has been completed, daily activities in its district recommence tomorrow, staff has already been chosen, transported and are now being housed in the facility. We await your inspection."

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OOC: :popcorn:

If you need "weapons", you could probebly smuggle some zombies from Diberia. Using zombies and making sure that you are not connected to the incident would allow you to kill the population; of course then the zombies will need to be dealt with & other counties may come.

Just throwing idea(s) out there...

You zombies are already borderline, using them as weapons is a definite no.

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  • 1 month later...

OOC: Having neglected this RP for awhile I think its time to pick it back up with a large update. Moreover given the amount of time I think its reasonable to assume some progress.

TL;DR: No real action has been taken in this thread, I am just giving a general update on the agenda eleven RP; this specifies some of the programs, and their progress. I will be referencing stuff from this and this will be justifying some of my RPs in the future. Though you don’t really have to read it as it is quite long.

*All of this is still Classified*

IC: It has been a year since the Minister of Defense Kaine had initially inspected the agenda eleven facilities. Since then he had been receiving daily memos hinting at substantial progress being made in his name; though none of which truly specified the nature of these advancements as the memos passed through many hands before reaching his desk. Today he would be making his second tour of the facility. After having cleared the insane measures of security which both concealed the existence of the facility, as well as served to keep any level of intruder from penetrating its inner sanctum he found himself standing in front of a rather cliché researcher, the apparent director of the facility. “Good morning sir, I am Director Thomas Ambrose; I trust you have already met our director of security, Mr. Patterson.” He said gesturing to a uniformed official with an athletic build.

“Ah Yes I have; pleased to see both of you though.” Looking back Ambrose, “From the tone of your memos I developed the impression that you all have been rather successful in fulfilling the general task assigned to you. Would you like to show me what you all have been up to?”

“Yes certainly.” Turning he led the two of them down the long concrete tunnel that apparently led from the main freight elevator to the primary lab. The tunnel itself was large enough to house a four lane free way, every hundred feet there was a trapezoidal frame made out of I like steel bars. From the ceiling hung horizontally long cages which shielded fluorescent tubes used to illuminate the facility. Moving deeper into the facility they came to a large intersection; Kaine noticed that the end of each of those tunnels was rounded off suggesting that a large square or O like tunnel in circled the inner laboratory complex presumably to provide easy maintenance and access in case of an accident in the central lines of transit. The main lab was now visible through what appeared to be a large glass wall. Stopping just outside, the group peered in. “This is the main facility, it is subdivided into smaller labs the less critical work is done here. Beneath it is a series of progressively smaller facilities the furthest down of which holds the most critical, and dangerous of our work.”

“Intriguing can we enter?” Kaine asked.

“No, it is an absolutely clean environment, it takes a few hours to decontaminate. This also isn’t the main entrance, this field here isn’t glass its light. One of our researchers here about six months ago discovered a way to in layman’s terms align the waves, and interlace them forming a cohesive bond and essentially a solid surface. The surface is literally impenetrable in so far as its generation points remain intact. After a bit of testing we began to apply it throughout the entire facility. Originally the main defensive structure was its thick steel walls, however since then we created a second layer of this steel leaving a hollow space between it and the outer wall. We worked the generators into cut out sections of the inner steel wall. Prior to this the order was a thick reinforced concrete wall, steel, and more concrete, now its concrete, steel, the field, steel, and another layer of concrete. The field also shields against all forms of energy making us invulnerable to radiation and other possible energy threats.

“Wow, that is quite impressive. It must be quite energy taxing?”

“Yes, that’s really its main flaw. It requires a constant and abundant source of energy. Luckily in this setting its plugged directly into our own internal fusion cores but it wouldn’t be too useful on the battle field itself; at least not in this state. This also isn’t the outermost layer, this is just one of our internal ones being used as a gate. There was one surrounding the lift that brought you down here, as well as ones within the lift itself that disengage when someone requires passage.”

“Alright, so I gues while we are on the subject let’s talk security.” Kaine prompted. “You all have shown me how physically you all are impenetrable, what about cyber attacks?”

“Ah I believe that’s Mr. Patterson’s area of expertise.” Ambrose gestured to his counterpart.

“Follow me.” The three of them moved to a small side passage to the left of the visible field. It too had its own protective field, as well as a panel which disarmed it. Patterson flashed his security card and let it scan his thumb causing the water like field to evaporate. Beyond it was a narrow flight of stairs leading to another passage cut into the concrete. The group moved through several similar passages until they reached a smaller room sitting above the main lab. The room was circular, and appeared to be partially made out of concrete. Encircling it where windows would be there were similar fields though these were far smoother than the ones Kaine seen previously, theses gave off the same appearance as the large field that he had mistaken for glass earlier. A large circular segment of the floor was also filled by one of these fields giving an overhead view of the work floor below. “This is one of our security hubs. It is suspended by a variant of the field technology. It can take us to any level of the facility. However on the subject of security we can address that here.” Surrounding the clear section of the floor was a large raised ring of concrete which was occupied by keyboard terminals, and touch pads. Moving to one of these, he entered a series of commands. The once transparent window like fields now became opaque, and were filled with images that bore relevance to the subject of the facilities security. “So as you already know we are generally speaking very secure physically. However, if someone were to gain entry despite these measures, there is a large thousand man task force on standby within the facility. There are also numerous automated defense mechanism that can be utilized by our security center. As for cyber attacks we have two three real layers of defense. The first is the fact that this facility is very rarely online. However in the cases that it is its second layer would be the advanced fire wall and encryption systems that we have in place. The third and final layer would be the gauntlet of counter intelligence technicians in the security center who constantly monitor the internal network as well as its connection to the outside when it does go online. Most of our information exchange happens physically through file storage devices, these are all scanned vigorously, and again this also happens very rarely. So for the most part I would say we are safe there as well.”

“Very well I am satisfied with your progress on security measures as well as your break through in the light molding. Thomas I’d like to see some of your actual lab work.”

“Alright, lets see.” He typed in a few commands, and immediately Kaine felt a rapid decent through the facility. They abrupt halted and the outer fields became clear. “Each level is dedicated to a given project. The Scientists working in each level live and are housed within their given level, and work at their own leisure within a given time frame to see that the projects are completed. As such our morale is quite high, and things remain fairly productive. This is project theta one of our more ambitious projects. Its general focus is surveillance, the current subject of the project is what we call Program Osiris, or Osiris for short. We are presently developing the pieces of a network that will eventually be capable of monitoring much of the world. That satellite, he pointed will be equipped with some of the most powerful lenses, and will be capable of streaming live high resolution feeds. Those will be sitting in geo-centric orbit within view able range of every square inch of the globe. We are working in concert with our solar energy projects and will be cleverly hiding them in the satellites that will be produced for Solex. In essence they will be replacing the solar satellites that provide precious cheap energy for much of the world while also serving to gather vital intelligence for the nation. Additionally the satellites are equipped with laser microphones which are capable of reading vibrations in some surfaces; particularly glass, and metal. Finally these satellite packs will be capable of picking up all signal Intel within range. This can be decrypted using super computers, and prioritized by computers. Those devices there will be added to our submarines and commercial vessels, as well as planted physically to areas of the ocean floor controlled by us, international waters, and cooperative allies. This will be fed to the central hub and be able to provide us with a lot of vital information about fleet movements, as well as submersible movements throughout the world. That group there is developing a program that will be able to take this information and compare it to the high resolution video streams allowing us to track surface, and some sub-surface traffic. Those boxes being developed there will be added to our entire air force, and will serve as a visual and limited audio pack to reinforce the satellite array. Moreover those boxes will be deployed to strategic location around the Imperium. Finally all physical communications coming through Imperium systems will be monitor-able. In short anything that we can legally know we will know.”

“Impressive, when do you intend for this to be up and running?” Kaine asked.

“We expect six months perhaps a year. The major piece of it is the satellite array, which will be going up over the next six months as Solex does its satellite overhaul. The computer networking is largely in place, but that should be completed within that time frame as well.”

“Fair enough. What else do you have.” The researcher keyed a few more commands in.

“This is Project Alpha, the general subject is Bio Weapons. This is in the deepest level of the facility. Here scientists are working on genetic applications to retro-viruses both as medical tools, and biological agents. Its fairly straight forward. Anything completed will be housed and stored here until you all decide to actually put them into production. From the way you described it seemed like you didn’t want to really utilize them, you just wanted the option of having them ready for production?”

“Yes, the Regent just wants to make sure we have a full deck of cards.” Kaine replied.

“Of course. Anyway, there is one more program under this project. We are looking into low impact, high lethality chemical weapons. The point being, you deploy it, it kills everyone, and then it goes away rather quickly. This would make it very useable in the field and a useful tool for invasion. We have had some success with a few compounds, but nothing is ready for full mass production or field testing.”

“Sounds good, I believe I have seen enough for now. You all are doing a great job. If someone could get me a list of projects I could ask questions from there if needed.”

Thomas sent a request to a printer concealed within the ring of concrete. “Here you are.” He said handing the paper to the Minister. This was only a partial list, a few of the programs were for the Regent alone, but he didn’t let on to that.

Agenda Eleven Facility:

Project Alpha: Non-Nuclear Bio-Weapons

1) Genetically Modified Retro-Viruses

i) Viral Development

ii) Dispersal

2) Low Impact High Fatality Chemical Weapons

i) Nerve Agent Development

ii) Dispersal

Project Beta: Nuclear Applications

1) Non-destructive Radiological Weapons

i) Neutron Bomb Development

ii) Artificial Radiation Sources

2) Pure Fusion Weapons

i) Development

3) Delivery Systems

i) Space delivery systems

ii) Ambrose Missile Delivery System

4) Electro Magnetic Pulse

i) Development

ii) Delivery

iii) Space Application

Project Delta: Energy Studies

1) Field Effect Studies

i) Generation

ii) Application

iii) Efficiency

2) Anti-Matter Studies

i) Production

ii) Research

3) Generation Methods

i) Fusion & compactment

ii) Solar & Space applications

Project Gamma: Gaussian Studies

1) Rail Guns & Gauss Cannons

i) Applications

ii) Development

Project Theta: Surveillance

1) Program Osiris

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Published memo to the share holders of solex.

Subject: New Array

Origin: SOLEX Solar Division


The existing solar satellite array is currently being cycled out with the new and upgraded array. The centralized hub and the laser transmission between it and sister satellites is now up to 95% efficiency. Moreover its transmission to the centralized rectenna's has also shown promising gains in efficiency. The launch occurred last week new platforms following automated protocols should be in position or taking position soon. The old array will be firing retro-rockets shortly; expected trajectory places their collision points in international waters though 80% of them are expected to burn up entirely in the atmosphere. The included PDF attachment details this further. The PR department is expected to build this change out up; and we can expect a modest jump in our stock.


Classified Memo to the Imperial Regent


Subject: Osiris

Origin: Vladimir Kaine, Ministry of Defense


Program Osiris should be completely in place by the end of the day.


OOC: Don't worry just a surveillance satellites network. Also if you didn't understand where a lot of that came from, Solex is an energy company that the head of my Nation essentially owns. It possesses a massive space based solar array, and monopolies on fusion technologies. The company itself plays little real role in CNRP as I RP'd that it has neutrality agreements with most of the worlds governments as to make it as little a threat/fair in the game as possible. Anyway the point was the old array was outdated and needed to be updated, so the new array went up. This new array has some surveillance systems hidden within them.

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*Classified set of Cabals*

Subject: Omega Missile System

Origin: Agenda Eleven Facility


An offshoot of project beta (nuclear applications) specifically dealing with delivery systems of pay loads has presented an interesting concept. Rather than loading an ICBM (In this case the Omega Missile System) with several large payload nuclear warheads, we could instead load them with about ten times as many standard ballistics warheads. Moreover using standard war heads allows us to produce many more and apply them more readily in battle. Moreover several hundred standard warheads deployed form two to four missiles could be far more effectively exploited than the blunt too of atomics. While obviously we will maintain our nuclear arsenal this may be an interesting piece of equipment to add to the arsenal. Would you like me to peruse this avenue?


Subject: Re: Omega Missile System

Origin: Defense Ministry


Begin development and testing immediately.


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