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Decleration of Existance


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Hello all I'm the new founder of the alliance Defendant . We are here to pretty much get rid of Judgement. We are asking any nations, whether they be tech raiders, people getting attacked, People that don't like judgement and everything.


United White(Some lame people on white team)

GDA(They get boring after awhile)

Crimson Empire(Would include Roman but, they are no threat)

Mostly Harmful alliance(The name is pretty much an oxy-moron, since they are harmless)

Can't think of any more


The Defendant came forth and our about to destroy Judgement

More stuff coming later

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This is an interesting tactic coming from the alliance that has complete disregard for any alliance smaller than them. I urge you as independent un-allied nations to really consider Murder Inc's positions before making a decision to fight with them. They have been the biggest raiding alliance out there. They have consistently shown that they're aggressive and felt they could throw their weight around because they're the "biggest guys on the block". We formed Judgment to end their tyrannical policies--to protect ourselves from practices which would surely have led to our slaughter.

Let me remind you of some of their tactics and policies:

From here posted by their man at the top:

As much as we like diplomacy, if is often times hard to track down the leaders of alliances in tournament edition. Most irc rooms are dead and most forums are innactive. This makes it very difficult to deal with rogue nations in a timley manner.

Therefore, Murder Inc. had decided that ANY aligned nation that attacks Murder Inc will be attacked for 7 days, regardless of alliances affiliation (unless we have a treaty with you). Furthermore we are instituting a three strike policy. If a nation(s) flying a foreign AA attack us totaling 3 offensive wars, your entire alliance will be going up in flames. Again that doesn't apply to our allies.

From this post, also from the top of Murder Inc.:

QUOTE (Panic King @ Dec 2 2008, 01:34 AM) *

Murder can raid who they want because they can? But god forbid you put up a fight and fight back.

Yep, now you're getting it.


So OK.. you want it that way .. fine. It's just damn funny how some think they are the KING because they belong to some quasi-large organization.. Funny.. I think I remember some other world where many idiots rule

wanna know a secret, we were this way long before we were the top dogs. Anyone thats followed my posts knows i'm an arrogant !@#$%^& on TE.

Fact of the matter is, Murder Inc. can enforce this policy, if you don't like it you're welcome to try and stop us. If i were you though, i'd just make damned sure that your alliance mates don't raid Murder Inc.

And of course this gem, basically stating that yellow sphere is now someone's personal property, and that if you don't listen to Murder Inc, you'll be "dealt with" which we all know what that means:

Dear Citizens of Planet Steve,

For the rest of round three, Murder Inc. is granting Beazle of Beheaded the Yellow Sphere. For security purposes all yellow nations are required to support Beazle of Beheaded for senate.

All nations on Yellow are required to place your senate votes. You will all be sent an ingame message. We expect to see at least 30 votes in Beazle's favor at that time. After placing your vote you are required to confirm with Beazle the Beheaded via ingame PMs. Those nations found in compliance with this doctrine will be under Murder Inc. protection until you part ways. Those not in compliance will be dealt with.

Are these the people for whom you want to fight? Are these oppressors of the unaligned and the meek worthy of your soldiers lives?

Look at the 101 war declarations against unaligned nations. And the only reason it's not more than this is because Judgment stepped in to fill their slots and take them down.

I would ask the contrary of what Murder Inc asks. I don't suggest laying down your arms, but bring them to bear against those who are guilty of tyranny and evil! Fight alongside us AGAINST Murder Inc! Don't let their injustice stand! While you might not have been able to do anything against them on your own, now is the time where your individual nations and smaller alliances truly CAN make a difference! We have them on the ropes, and this call to those they'd otherwise despise is proof of it!!!


Edited by Arcane
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Dear Citizens of Planet Steve,

For the rest of round three, Murder Inc. is granting Beazle of Beheaded the Yellow Sphere. For security purposes all yellow nations are required to support Beazle of Beheaded for senate.

All nations on Yellow are required to place your senate votes. You will all be sent an ingame message. We expect to see at least 30 votes in Beazle's favor at that time. After placing your vote you are required to confirm with Beazle the Beheaded via ingame PMs. Those nations found in compliance with this doctrine will be under Murder Inc. protection until you part ways. Those not in compliance will be dealt with.

And of course this gem, basically stating that yellow sphere is now someone's personal property, and that if you don't listen to Murder Inc, you'll be "dealt with" which we all know what that means:

Awhhh You saw my Doctrine?

Look at the 101 war declarations against unaligned nations. And the only reason it's not more than this is because Judgment stepped in to fill their slots and take them down.

I'm so sorry we were kind to you and didn't raid you guys. Now lets see how many DoWs you guys have

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I would ask the contrary of what Murder Inc asks. I don't suggest laying down your arms, but bring them to bear against those who are guilty of tyranny and evil! Fight alongside us AGAINST Murder Inc! Don't let their injustice stand! While you might not have been able to do anything against them on your own, now is the time where your individual nations and smaller alliances truly CAN make a difference! We have them on the ropes, and this call to those they'd otherwise despise is proof of it!!!


I would like to point out, the majority of alliances in CN:TE conduct tech raids on unaligned alliances. So by attempting to classify Murder Inc. as the only alliance that conducts large scale tech raiding on unaligned nation's is a blatant lie. In addition, most unaligned nation's would continue to suffer tech raiding regardless of the outcome of this war or Murder Inc. So most unaligned nations have nothing to gain by joining either side of this conflit. So don't try and paint yourselves as the saivors of Tournament Edition because your not.

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I would like to point out, the majority of alliances in CN:TE conduct tech raids on unaligned alliances. So by attempting to classify Murder Inc. as the only alliance that conducts large scale tech raiding on unaligned nation's is a blatant lie.

Please point out to me where I said they were the only alliance that conducts raids like this. That's why I said "They have been the biggest raiding alliance out there". Nowhere do I deny that other AA's raid the unaligned. Look at any alliance and you'll see it happening. I don't deny it, and to say that I said otherwise is a blatant lie. But for the biggest raider in the game to come begging for help from the nations they've been raiding is a bit, well, ironic isn't it?

In addition, most unaligned nation's would continue to suffer tech raiding regardless of the outcome of this war or Murder Inc. So most unaligned nations have nothing to gain by joining either side of this conflit. So don't try and paint yourselves as the saivors of Tournament Edition because your not.

Sure, they certainly will. But perhaps being a part of something bigger than just themselves would encourage them to join an alliance and find out that it's not just the combat or nation building that is the allure of TE, but rather the camaraderie you get from the experience of working with others to accomplish something, in this case bringing down an alliance that started to rot from the inside out and threaten all here. We might not be the saviors of TE, but I guarantee there are people out there that are glad that we're doing what we're doing and would consider us to have, at least in some way, saved them from MI.

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Hello all I'm the new founder of the alliance Defendant . We are here to pretty much get rid of Judgement. We are asking any nations, whether they be tech raiders, people getting attacked, People that don't like judgement and everything.


United White(Some lame people on white team)

GDA(They get boring after awhile)

Crimson Empire(Would include Roman but, they are no threat)

Mostly Harmful alliance(The name is pretty much an oxy-moron, since they are harmless)

Can't think of any more


The Defendant came forth and our about to destroy Judgement

More stuff coming later

I notice you don't have anything bad to say about CE. Woot we rock. :D

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Hello all I'm the new founder of the alliance Defendant . We are here to pretty much get rid of Judgement. We are asking any nations, whether they be tech raiders, people getting attacked, People that don't like judgement and everything.


United White(Some lame people on white team)

GDA(They get boring after awhile)

Crimson Empire(Would include Roman but, they are no threat)

Mostly Harmful alliance(The name is pretty much an oxy-moron, since they are harmless)

Can't think of any more


The Defendant came forth and our about to destroy Judgement

More stuff coming later

With that INSPIRING speech :huh: , doubtless there will be hundreds of nations flocking to you for guidance and direction on how to deal with THE JUDGMENT. -_-

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Sorry mate you really shouldn't have posted that with 1 nation in your alliance at under 1k NS. Your targets will now hunt you down to stop your alliance growing trust me bad move

Are you even in this war? and I don't care what my NS is, I havn't had a computer to get on to. But, it's still with gonna be fun round blowing you all to bits :P

BTW the person from CE: Do you want me to edit it and say something bad about CE?


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