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join the SBA

1. we have 22 members , the largest of which are over 40000NS.

2. i can give you 500K, our larger nations will generally kick in 2-3million

3. we are mostly blue, but we dont care what color you are

4. we are a protectorate of Echelon, you will be quite safe from raiding

5. our youngest nation at 82days is well over 5000NS, because of our generous tech trade policies


whats with all the cupcake stuff?

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Join Soldier,

Our Alliance is awesome,

Also we write funny stuff on our forums,

But not all has been said,

We are a great community,

Democracy Rule,

Plenty of Tech Deals,

Meaning more money,

Meaning good powerful nation,

So join Soldier now and be greeted with money.

Just change your AA to 'Soldier'

And register at the forums below:


and post an application in the Enlistment Office.

Thank you for reading.

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Eomer the Young, King of Rohan and the Golden Hall of Meduseld is currently seeking an alliance. My past alliances have been destroyed or diminished. This is what I am looking for:

-A small alliance between 10 and 30 members

-A startup aid package of at least 500k

-Is based on the GREEN team (I will join other alliances but I do not wish to change my color)

In return I will offer this:

-Frequent activity on the forums and IRC channel

-The cavalry of Rohan, the best horsemen of all Middle Earth

-Ideas to help out the alliance

To join us, you would first have to demonstrate that you're good enough.

You will first be expected to prove yourself to be worthy by showing us how you deal with being tech-raided. You will be expected to fight back while we coach you in what will amount to your initiation.

We will then reconstruct your nation; optimizing trades, aircraft, spies, improvements and ground forces for combat effectiveness. Thenceforward we shall sacrifice all to protect you.

So build up your nation a bit until you attract the attention of tech raiders and show us how much heart you have. Then we may consider accepting you.

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Join Pandemic!!!

-A small alliance between 10 and 30 members- We have 17 members

-A startup aid package of at least 500k- 3mil sign up bonus and some of our members will help you out by doing 50tech/3mil deals

-Is based on the GREEN team (I will join other alliances but I do not wish to change my color)- Yes we are a green based alliance and we are protetected by Viridian Entente

Go here and sign up:


Edited by Forgottenonez
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Here goes.

The Black Dragons currently has 16 members and is always looking for more active nations.

We give out starter aid packages and are implementing some economic programs that will become available soon.

We're not a green team alliance (actually black team), but we do allow nations to be on other colors permitted they are in a trade circle or one in progress.

Our forums are here if you want to stop by. :)

Edited by starkiller
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Care to elaborate?

Sure thing! We currently have 40 members. We are in the purple sphere, but can waive that. We are a part of the Pegasus P.E.A.C.E. protectorate bloc, so we have protection. We are mostly newer members growing together and building a strong relationship with each other, which in turn, creates a strong alliance. I think you would fit in well here, as your experience would be of great value to us. Whatever you decide, I wish good luck yo you!


Oh and we have 1-2 Mil in startup aid.

Edited by rattlehead
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Join Zenith:

-A small alliance between 10 and 30 members Not quite - we have 75 members, so it feels small, but we also have a good core.

-A startup aid package of at least 500k Not a problem. You'd be guaranteed at least 3 million, plus it'd be fairly easy to get you into a number of other programs to help your nation grow (additional aid, tech trading, etc.)

-Is based on the GREEN team (I will join other alliances but I do not wish to change my color) Zenith is a white team alliance, but they aren't strict about it. They let me keep my nation on the Maroon sphere, so I don't think it'd be a problem.

I joined Zenith relatively recently, but I'm quite happy that I did. Yes, there is room for improvement, but our government members are quite talented, and I'm glad to be serving under them. We place a lot of emphasis of quality over quantity, and do not expect our members to simply work to have a NS, but also to be well educated on all matters of CN. Granted, we have not met personally, but from what I've seen of a particular past life of yours, I think you'd enjoy Zenith. If you have any other questions, you can pm me, Duncan King, Brian Reimer, or you can visit us in our IRC channel (#Zenith).

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To join us, you would first have to demonstrate that you're good enough.

You will first be expected to prove yourself to be worthy by showing us how you deal with being tech-raided. You will be expected to fight back while we coach you in what will amount to your initiation.

We will then reconstruct your nation; optimizing trades, aircraft, spies, improvements and ground forces for combat effectiveness. Thenceforward we shall sacrifice all to protect you.

So build up your nation a bit until you attract the attention of tech raiders and show us how much heart you have. Then we may consider accepting you.

I'm fairly certain that I'm good enough. I have fought in many wars and lost few if any.

I don't want to come off as rude, but really, if all you base your recruting on is how good a new member can fight then I can't imagine that your community would be too great. I would take the time to look into your alliance, because it does sound like a place where no !@#$ is tolerated, but you haven't explained to me why I should join your alliance other than that I have to be good at fighting to join.

Wow, these are a ton of offers. It will not be easy to choose. Hopefully I will have a decision by tomorrow.

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Eomer the Young, King of Rohan and the Golden Hall of Meduseld is currently seeking an alliance. My past alliances have been destroyed or diminished. This is what I am looking for:

-A small alliance between 10 and 30 members

-A startup aid package of at least 500k

-Is based on the GREEN team (I will join other alliances but I do not wish to change my color)

In return I will offer this:

-Frequent activity on the forums and IRC channel

-The cavalry of Rohan, the best horsemen of all Middle Earth

-Ideas to help out the alliance

Small alliance? Umm...the OIN was small before the merge.

We don't offer startup packages, but I'll send you 3 million easy if you want it.

We're based on Blue, but we don't make people change their color.

Also, the OIN is/was LotR inspired...so join us? Also, if you do so, I'll play tig and do the Frodo chicken dance...maybe.


We're still changing the domain name after the merge.

EDIT: http://greenlandrepublic.com/GreenlandRepublic/index.php

Domain name has finally been changed. Either way, the link is the same.

Edited by Tolkien
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I'm fairly certain that I'm good enough. I have fought in many wars and lost few if any.

I don't want to come off as rude, but really, if all you base your recruting on is how good a new member can fight then I can't imagine that your community would be too great. I would take the time to look into your alliance, because it does sound like a place where no !@#$ is tolerated, but you haven't explained to me why I should join your alliance other than that I have to be good at fighting to join.

You haven't explained why anyone should accept you, much less pay to do so.

You have fought in a lot of wars? What kind of wars? Were they mostly on the 'good' side of a tech raid, or as a third in gang-bangs by a larger alliance against a smaller one? Do you have any experience fighting out-numbered against larger nations? Have you ever accepted terms when your opponent was clearly in the wrong?

I can tell you that we never have fought an aggressive war and have never surrendered to anyone. And we never will, no matter how many in number and how large in size the aggressor.

Are you willing to choose your principles over your pixels? We don't need any dead-weight.

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You haven't explained why anyone should accept you, much less pay to do so.

You have fought in a lot of wars? What kind of wars? Were they mostly on the 'good' side of a tech raid, or as a third in gang-bangs by a larger alliance against a smaller one? Do you have any experience fighting out-numbered against larger nations? Have you ever accepted terms when your opponent was clearly in the wrong?

I can tell you that we never have fought an aggressive war and have never surrendered to anyone. And we never will, no matter how many in number and how large in size the aggressor.

Are you willing to choose your principles over your pixels? We don't need any dead-weight.

He was a former comrade in The German Empire, so I can vouch for him, for he has experience in warfare, and a great guy all-around.

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You should check out the Armed Coalition of Valor. We are a small, militaristic alliance with 25 members.

We do give aid packages, and I believe it's well over 500k.

We're an aqua team alliance, and we prefer our members join the aqua team, but if you could give us a reason why you need to stay on green, we would consider it.

If you're interested check us out at http://www.armedcoalitionofvalor.com/forums/

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You haven't explained why anyone should accept you, much less pay to do so.

You have fought in a lot of wars? What kind of wars? Were they mostly on the 'good' side of a tech raid, or as a third in gang-bangs by a larger alliance against a smaller one? Do you have any experience fighting out-numbered against larger nations? Have you ever accepted terms when your opponent was clearly in the wrong?

I can tell you that we never have fought an aggressive war and have never surrendered to anyone. And we never will, no matter how many in number and how large in size the aggressor.

Are you willing to choose your principles over your pixels? We don't need any dead-weight.

I'll admit I could've gone more in-depth as to why an alliance should accept me, but these days it seems that alliances will pay anything to get you to join.

I have fought in a lot of wars, too many to count. The biggest alliance war I've fought in is GWIII, I know I won that one. I also helped lead the TGE military when it first started out. We crushed an alliance that was near our size and had them all in anarchy within a day if not sooner.

I always value my principles over my pixels. What, after all, is the point of having infra and tech if you were too cowardly to use it in war? You can always rebuild, or reroll. I've rerolled too many times to count.

Thank you for the vouch Franz, I appreciate it.

I've looked through all my choices and I feel that I am best in the (former) OIN. Thank you everyone else for your time and offers.

Edited by Eomer the Young
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