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Looking for an alliance


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You should join RAD. We are a small alliance of about 20 members. The good thing about joining is that since we are small your voice and opinion will be heard, and if you are active, you will grow fast because everyone there is always willing to give you aid if you ask for it and if you need any advice, our veteran players will be glad to help you. We are also protected by Ragnarok, which is a big help at times. Even if you dont join, stop by our forums anyway and have fun SPAMing with us :)


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Valhalla, we are like, :awesome:


More info if ya want it, Valhalla is the biggest Purple team alliance and is allied mainly to the GGA and NPO and have been for some time now, we got awsome leaders like Chefjoe, Pansy, SkyGreenChick and Kryievla, we also have a lot of women so if you insult people for laughs this isn't the place for you, we also have active IRC where you can chat almost all the time.

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Join the North American Confederacy. We are a new, small alliance with new ideas.

And we are cool and groovy and coral and any other word for being awesome.

'nuff said :rolleyes:

Come check us out at http://z10.invisionfree.com/NAConfederacy

Or visit our IRC channel #nac (coldfront)

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I said this in another topic based on the same subject. So I'll repeat it here, as it still applies.

You should look for an alliance yourself. Find whatever it is your looking for in an alliance and find one that provides whatever it is you want. The majority of people & alliances are going to hype up there alliances to make it sound like the best out there. In reality, there isn't really best alliance. It's all in the eyes of the beholder.

So, go find whatever fits you!

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