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Before manner was, ye Elder ones were, and even yet their lord dwelleth amonge ye shadows to which if a manne sette his foote he maye not turn upon his track. And ye mortal which gaineth to ye black citadels of Koth and speaks with ye Darke Lord whose face is hidden, for a price may he gain hys heartes desire, ryches and knowledge beyond countinge and lyffe beyond mortal span even two hundred and fiftie yeares.

Let not ye mortals flynche as ye tyme draweth nigh for payment and ye fires of Hel laye hold upon ye vytals as the sign of reckoninge. For ye Prince of Darkness taketh hys due in ye endde and he is not to bee cozened. What ye have promised, that shall ye deliver. Amonge ye sonnes of men glide strange shadows for ever. Men see ye tracks of ye talones but not ye feete that make them. Over ye souls of men spread great black wingges. There is but one Black Master though men called hym Sathanas and Beelzebub and Apolleon and Ahriman and Malik Tous.

Approacheth now ye moment of payment. Ye ravens are flying. Ye bats winge against ye skye. There are skulls in ye starres. Ye soul and ye bodie are promised and shall bee delivered uppe. Not to ye dust agayne nor ye elements from which springe lyfe. Ye abyss yawns and ye debt is to paye. Ye light fayles, ye shadows gather. There is no god but evil; no lite but darkness; no hope but doom. Oh winges in ye black darke! Oh redde eyes in ye shadows! What is promised, what is writ in bloode is fulfilled! Ye lite is gulfed in blackness!


Oh yeah........Join Rok!

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Agreed, and when the dancing girls go home we....what? uh huh...(sigh) fine.

seems I wasn't supposed to mention the dancing girls...

Ok so, after we put the kegs on ice w...WHAT!?....OH C'MON!!!

We have very nice gerbils? I'm not saying that!....now listen I....

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