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NAAC official announcement

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Today we are here to announce what we hope will become an NAAC tradition. But before I give the punchline to this post, I'd like to say that our alliance has avoided declaring war or peace on these forums because we view conflict as everyday fun in this version of the game and not something requiring a formal announcement with fancy banners and cliche statements like "may admin have mercy upon our enemies, for we shall have none". We would rather keep our official announcements for things more important than posturing for forum wars.

Without further ado, the NAAC announces the commencement of Operation End Game. We will be indiscriminantly filling the war slots of the top nations on the ladder and invite other alliances to do the same. This game is a competition, but we feel that the race shouldn't go to those who used their alliance name to play it safe or only went for the curbstomp to grab some tech. This is full contact CN and we'd feel bad if we let somebody who didn't earn it on the battlefield walk off with the victory.

We invite any alliance that has a member in the top 50 to defend them if they can. You are also welcome to smack down any of our nations that are in range. They'll thank you for it, because in our alliance the only stat that matter is casualty counts.

Good luck and have fun, we'll see you here on the forums again after the reset.

Arctic, NAAC Minister of Mayhem

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Heh yeah.. I noticed NAAC had 2 of their own nations in the top 50 but didn't hit on them.... I think its silly... you will make it so anyone who's serious about achieving a good rank has to be in NAAC.... I don't think this is what your alliance wants >.> so modify policy imo.

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@Foxandi, I'd like to address your comments directly. The NAAC at this time is a decent sized alliance that is capable of hitting most of the upper level nations in the game. We tried to do so indiscriminately and did send a strike team against our own blue team senator (Bob). I am sure that in all of the mayhem it was easy to miss that particular hit.

That said, we didn't hit Yvl and quite a few others, for that I can only apologize, we were a bit short on offensive war slots this past week and they just slipped through the cracks. However, with us overdeployed to that degree, my invitation to other alliances to hit our upper nations should have been an easy thing. So I am not going to take the entire blame for NAAC nations that survived to remain in the top 50. The rest of the community is also at fault for not holding up their end of the bargain.

Reset is upon us and the game will change, this past cycle was a sprint race, my friends and I spent 90% of our time at defcon-1 and in 2 offensive wars. That will not be the best course of action in a longer race over a 90 day span. Strategies will have to be adjusted and our long term objectives will have to be given more consideration. I would be very surprised if this cycle of CN:TE is anything like the last one.

tl;dr version: This time around, Operation End Game will probably not have as decisive effect on game ranks. 85 days is enough time to get more separation between nations and more importantly you know that it will be coming and can prepare accordingly.

I hope everybody had fun this last round, and I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield this round.

Best wishes to you all,


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