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Everything posted by Wurzel

  1. The Fireman is in the library with this one.
  2. I am neither pro or anti jam thief and merely wish to point out that the whole jam thief debacle has marred what otherwise would be the perfect social occasion.
  3. This is the finest tea party that I have ever had the pleasure of attending, although the absence of the jam does detract somewhat from what might have been.
  4. I believe we are doing what is known as scraping the barrel.
  5. Keep your options really open by not joining anyone.
  6. I now realize the truth I can only thank you for enlightening me.
  7. If by horrible you mean excellent then you are correct.
  8. When TE resets between rounds will it require re-registration or will your nation just be deleted? I understand re-registration during alpha testing to give more people a chance to get in, but it would be easier if you didn't have to re-register for every round once it's out of alpha. I know once 90 days isn't too much bother but it is some.
  9. Join GR and help save the polar bears from the evil that is coca-cola!
  10. What's this about? Also the NADC would be a good choice as would OIN if they're still the way I remember them. GR is always open to new dedicated members just go to our recently relocated forums to find out more about us. http://greenland.cn-source.net/index.php?act=idx
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