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Cyber Nations Alliance Statistics Depot

Unspeakable Evil

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Updated 2009-05-27.

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Updated 2009-05-28.

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Updated 2009-05-29.

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Updated 2009-05-30.

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Updated 2009-05-31.

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I wonder if the days with alliances ~1000 members are gone forever

Who did it or came close? NPO/LEGION/GOONS did it for sure

GPA/ODN at least came close, anyone else?

not sure if IRON ever got there

theres been quite a few in the 600 range, MCXA/FAN/LUE/NpO/SPARTA/MHA/RoK/TDO now, just off the top of my head

\m/, ONOS, GOLD peaked in 300's I think, NAAC was in the 500's if I remember correctly

Would be interesting to see a list of alliances ranked by peak member count

Edited by jstep
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Wonder no more, gentlemen; for here are the dates and membership numbers for the top 100 alliances of all time. As it turns out ODN did in fact tap the 1k club back in early 2007.

| DATE	   | AA										  | NATIONS |
| 2007-02-16 | The Legion								  |	1577 | 
| 2007-05-06 | New Pacific Order						   |	1449 | 
| 2007-01-10 | Global Alliance and Treaty Organization	 |	1225 | 
| 2007-07-11 | Green Protection Agency					 |	1078 | 
| 2007-03-20 | Goon Order Of Neutral Shoving			   |	1023 | 
| 2007-03-18 | Orange Defense Network					  |	1006 | 
| 2008-12-01 | Independent Republic of Orange Nations	  |	 908 | 
| 2007-02-28 | National Alliance of Arctic Countries	   |	 830 | 
| 2007-02-20 | FARK										|	 813 | 
| 2008-10-16 | Multicolored Cross-X Alliance			   |	 759 | 
| 2007-11-23 | The Order of Light						  |	 751 | 
| 2007-06-15 | New Polar Order							 |	 725 | 
| 2007-08-10 | North Atlantic Defense Coalition			|	 722 | 
| 2009-04-18 | Sparta									  |	 706 | 
| 2009-05-31 | Mostly Harmless Alliance					|	 697 | 
| 2007-03-07 | Federation of Armed Nations				 |	 690 | 
| 2009-05-24 | The Democratic Order						|	 689 | 
| 2007-03-21 | Grand Global Alliance					   |	 676 | 
| 2007-01-07 | LUEnited Nations							|	 659 | 
| 2008-10-15 | Ragnarok									|	 629 | 
| 2007-01-28 | Coalition of Dark States					|	 585 | 
| 2007-12-27 | Atlantis									|	 556 | 
| 2008-01-04 | MHA										 |	 543 | 
| 2007-10-16 | FOK										 |	 509 | 
| 2008-02-13 | Illuminati								  |	 479 | 
| 2007-05-12 | Organized Nations Of Superiority			|	 461 | 
| 2007-11-17 | Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations		   |	 455 | 
| 2009-03-20 | Jarheads									|	 452 | 
| 2007-02-04 | /b/										 |	 445 | 
| 2007-03-15 | LoSS										|	 431 | 
| 2007-04-06 | ONOS										|	 428 | 
| 2008-10-24 | Viridian Entente							|	 428 | 
| 2007-02-18 | Nordreich								   |	 426 | 
| 2007-10-23 | The Phoenix Federation					  |	 425 | 
| 2008-07-09 | Monos Archein							   |	 409 | 
| 2007-05-09 | Global Organization for Liberty and Defense |	 405 | 
| 2007-08-24 | \m/										 |	 393 | 
| 2007-11-15 | Random Insanity Alliance					|	 392 | 
| 2007-03-04 | Coalition of Defensive States			   |	 385 | 
| 2007-03-24 | Socialist Workers Front					 |	 370 | 
| 2007-04-07 | GOLD										|	 350 | 
| 2008-02-22 | Global United Nations					   |	 340 | 
| 2008-06-18 | United Purple Nations					   |	 336 | 
| 2007-08-04 | Confederation of Organized Nations		  |	 317 | 
| 2009-04-28 | Guru Order								  |	 308 | 
| 2008-05-27 | Global Democratic Alliance				  |	 307 | 
| 2009-02-12 | The Dark Evolution						  |	 307 | 
| 2007-10-08 | NATO										|	 307 | 
| 2007-07-07 | MCXA										|	 307 | 
| 2007-08-10 | Genmay									  |	 300 | 
| 2008-02-08 | Invicta									 |	 297 | 
| 2008-06-08 | Nueva Vida								  |	 256 | 
| 2008-06-08 | Element									 |	 239 | 
| 2007-11-26 | Armed Coalition of Disturbed Countries	  |	 238 | 
| 2008-02-01 | Wolfpack									|	 232 | 
| 2008-12-16 | Greenland Republic						  |	 229 | 
| 2007-06-15 | Norden Verein							   |	 228 | 
| 2007-08-14 | Atlantic Shadow Confederation			   |	 224 | 
| 2007-02-01 | MCCF										|	 223 | 
| 2009-01-10 | The Centurion Brotherhood				   |	 221 | 
| 2007-02-01 | MDC										 |	 219 | 
| 2007-02-01 | Confederacy of Independent States		   |	 219 | 
| 2008-03-03 | Confederacy of Imperial States			  |	 215 | 
| 2009-05-20 | The Order of the Paradox					|	 213 | 
| 2007-11-11 | RnR										 |	 211 | 
| 2009-04-08 | Siberian Tiger Alliance					 |	 210 | 
| 2008-04-20 | Imperial Assault Alliance				   |	 210 | 
| 2007-06-24 | World Task Force							|	 208 | 
| 2008-11-04 | Tool Applicant							  |	 206 | 
| 2008-08-16 | Mushroom Kingdom							|	 205 | 
| 2008-06-17 | The German Empire						   |	 204 | 
| 2008-06-10 | The Templar Knights						 |	 197 | 
| 2007-12-10 | Echelon									 |	 196 | 
| 2007-09-10 | We Are Perth Army						   |	 194 | 
| 2008-02-11 | The Grämlins								|	 190 | 
| 2009-05-08 | Karma POW								   |	 189 | 
| 2009-05-29 | New Sith Order							  |	 187 | 
| 2008-08-01 | Tempest									 |	 186 | 
| 2008-08-20 | Vox Populi								  |	 185 | 
| 2007-02-01 | United Sovereign Nations					|	 183 | 
| 2007-06-30 | Entente of the Rising Sun				   |	 181 | 
| 2008-09-08 | Npo Applicant							   |	 181 | 
| 2007-05-22 | TF!										 |	 177 | 
| 2007-12-19 | BAPS										|	 174 | 
| 2008-10-06 | Valhalla									|	 173 | 
| 2008-06-24 | The Foreign Division						|	 171 | 
| 2007-07-22 | Libertarian Socialist Federation			|	 171 | 
| 2007-07-02 | TOP										 |	 170 | 
| 2009-02-12 | The International						   |	 167 | 
| 2008-07-27 | M*A*S*H									 |	 166 | 
| 2007-12-08 | HeroesofGaming							  |	 166 | 
| 2008-05-07 | Democratic Republic of Argonaut			 |	 163 | 
| 2008-07-09 | Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics		|	 154 | 
| 2009-04-01 | The Order Of Grämlins				 	  |	 151 | 
| 2008-07-22 | OTF Alliance								|	 149 | 
| 2008-06-24 | Sons of Liberty in Defiance				 |	 148 | 
| 2007-02-01 | The Republic								|	 148 | 
| 2008-07-03 | Atlantic Empire							 |	 147 | 
| 2009-05-01 | Nusantara Elite Warriors					|	 145 | 
| 2008-09-23 | Orion									   |	 144 | 

Full update shortly.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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Updated 2009-06-01.

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Thanks for the member count

Just one question

| 2007-07-07 | MCXA | 307 |

| 2008-02-11 | The Grämlins | 190 |

Seem to be switched with TOP or something

anyways the top bunch was pretty cool to see

Edited by jstep
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I wonder if CN will ever have the kind of activity necessary to have that many people in an alliance ever again.

If there was another surge of new accounts and alliances drastically upped their recruiting, then probably. Though back then there was a lot more dead weight/ghosts amongst membership, I'd be amazed to see a 1000+ member alliance that didn't suffer from this.

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If I remember correctly GATO's membership rose by hundreds and hundreds the moment the 'choose an alliance' list was inserted into the game with them at the top (alphabetically), leading them to reach the above limit. Legion also rather famously had a massive number of pirates, though the details escape me.

I'm not sure when the Order reached 1449, but we have had an extremely active and efficient pirate-hunting division for a little over two years now -- so efficient that about 10 seconds and three clicks I could tell you exactly how many pirates we have at any given time and even provide you with a list of names, links, communications and responses. So while there are undoubtedly a number of pirates in our top figure, I would suggest that it is far less than in the others.

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Updated 2009-06-02.

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Thanks for the member count

Just one question

| 2007-07-07 | MCXA | 307 |

| 2008-02-11 | The Grämlins | 190 |

Seem to be switched with TOP or something

anyways the top bunch was pretty cool to see

The Database is never wrong. The data is occasionally confusing, though. Grämlins' membership spiked from ~110 to ~190 for approximately a month between 2008-02-07 and 2008-03-14. That might have been the abortive merging between Grämlins and another alliance whose name escapes me at the moment. There was some drama at the time about it others are better suited to address.

If there was another surge of new accounts and alliances drastically upped their recruiting, then probably. Though back then there was a lot more dead weight/ghosts amongst membership, I'd be amazed to see a 1000+ member alliance that didn't suffer from this.

There is a trend I'd argue started back around Legion's fall towards smaller alliances. It happened more slowly (i.e., less spectacularly) for some, but looks likely to continue for the foreseeable future. This trend has allowed smaller alliances to be more cohesive and coupling between such alliances more compatible while maintaining acceptable levels of security.

It's amazing how many members alliances used to have. Then again, back then there were way fewer alliances and alliances with 100 members were considered small. I miss the GW2 treaty web.

It makes geopolitics more confusing, but a vibrant community of distinctive alliances is probably a better situation. The magnitude of epic lately seems equal to or greater than the epic of the days of yore, so at worst we're moving sideways.

If I remember correctly GATO's membership rose by hundreds and hundreds the moment the 'choose an alliance' list was inserted into the game with them at the top (alphabetically), leading them to reach the above limit. Legion also rather famously had a massive number of pirates, though the details escape me.

Those fabled times before Unspeakable Evil recorded everything for posterity... so much lost data. :(

I'm not sure when the Order reached 1449, but we have had an extremely active and efficient pirate-hunting division for a little over two years now -- so efficient that about 10 seconds and three clicks I could tell you exactly how many pirates we have at any given time and even provide you with a list of names, links, communications and responses. So while there are undoubtedly a number of pirates in our top figure, I would suggest that it is far less than in the others.

Looks like NPO peaked early May 2007; and stayed above 1400 for May. It began declining leading up to the FAN war, and never really stopped until it stabilized in the 750-800 range mid September to early December. It drifted mostly up to the 900-950 range until the most recent round of Armageddon.

I have no idea what the future holds on that front, but I'll know perfectly in retrospect. :)

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Updated 2009-06-03.

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Updated 2009-06-04.

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Updated 2009-06-05.

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MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today:


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Updated 2009-06-06.

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In the peak numbers list you have both Global Organization for Liberty and Defense and GOLD, they are the same alliance.

GOLD was the AA pre sanction (Or mask in the day) and then we had to switch to Global Organization for Liberty and Defense...so they are the same alliance and the higher peack is the correct one.

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In the peak numbers list you have both Global Organization for Liberty and Defense and GOLD, they are the same alliance.

GOLD was the AA pre sanction (Or mask in the day) and then we had to switch to Global Organization for Liberty and Defense...so they are the same alliance and the higher peack is the correct one.

I expect there are a couple instances of this phenomenon in that particular table. The field listed is the full Alliance Affiliation that various nations had selected or typed in on the date they hit their peak. So while they're the same entity, they're two different alliances in my unblinking, all-seeing eye database. :sauron:

On a similar note, some of the recently re-founded alliances ought to be picking up their old database entries, should I ever put together a graph or chart of them going back to their pre-reformation disbandment.

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Updated 2009-06-07.

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So while they're the same entity, they're two different alliances in my unblinking, all-seeing eye database. :sauron:


Hey, out of curiosity, how many different nerfs were there to NS calculation, and when did they happen? I know the Tech nerf was mentioned recently (which took place around November 2007), and there was an adjustment after that to military in general (around April 2008), but I could have sworn there was at least one other fairly major nerf to NS before the Tech one. I want to say it was an adjustment to how Infra counts towards NS, but the Wiki tells me Infra's always been calculated the same way, and that I am apparently going crazy.

I'd try and check old posts of mine to see if I could track it down, but I don't have access to my old alliance forums anymore. <_<

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