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Unspeakable Evil

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Updated 2009-05-04.

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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


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Updated 2009-05-05.

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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


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Updated 2009-05-06.

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Updated 2009-05-07.

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When was the last time NPO was third in NS? Pre-UJW?

Sounds about right... they were third behind the GPA and GOONS for a while, with the UJW eliminating one rival and moving them up into second, and the sucker-punching of the GPA handing them #1.

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To correct an astonishingly common mistake these days, we were the top ranked alliance at the time of the Continuum-GPA war, and continuing to grow at a pace far beyond anything the GPA were managing.

Edited by Vladimir
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To correct an astonishingly common mistake these days, we were the top ranked alliance at the time of the Continuum-GPA war, and continuing to grow at a pace far beyond anything the GPA were managing.

Yes, I remember you rattling GPAs cage a number of times so they'd drop below the NPO, and as soon as they did, you immediately declared war. Pure coincident, am I rite?

Edited by der_ko
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You make it sound like we were running in parallel lines for months before we jumped at them and they suddenly dropped below. This wasn't the case. In fact our growth rate had been significantly better for a long time, and the day we would pass them was predicted weeks in advance. I could be wrong, but I don't remember them dropping significantly in strength just prior to us passing, nor do I remember any great political incident around that exact time. The point is that it is a fairly concrete disproof of the regular claim that we attacked them so we could get the top rank back -- we already had the top rank!

Not that this will stop the anti-NPO conspiracists from constructing another story about why we attacked. Maybe we don't like alliances being just below us? Maybe it's a secret NPO tradition that we attack any alliance we pass in the ranks? Maybe Gandhi had just built an orphanage for disabled children on green and the GPA got in the way of Mary the Fantabulous's neutral army of winged monkeys as they flew to destroy it? Who knows.

Edited by Vladimir
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Updated 2009-05-08.

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Thank you, UE. I always did mean to send you a small aid donation, but I fear the idea may be somewhat politically and infrastructurally unsound nowadays.

The graph confirms what I was saying about growth and about our holding the top rank before the war (and remember the scale, things didn't happen as quickly as they look in the graph). It contradicts the more unsure suggestion I made that there was no drop beforehand, and I'll accept that, but on reflection I still remember this being somewhat spontaneous (probably due to the internal issues that were so common in GPA) -- though whether or not it was is irrelevant to the issue, and the tensions between the GPA and [everyone else] were certainly no secret at the time. Ultimately it debunks the claims I was trying to debunk.

Edited by Vladimir
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Thank you, UE. I always did mean to send you a small aid donation, but I fear the idea may be somewhat politically and infrastructurally unsound nowadays.

Hey, I'm always taking anonymous donations. Nobody has to know. >_>

But you are correct that the investment would probably be better utilized nearer home at the moment.

The graph confirms what I was saying about growth and about our holding the top rank before the war (and remember the scale, things didn't happen as quickly as they look in the graph). It contradicts the more unsure suggestion I made that there was no drop beforehand, and I'll accept that, but on reflection I still remember this being somewhat spontaneous (probably due to the internal issues that were so common in GPA) -- though whether or not it was is irrelevant to the issue, and the tensions between the GPA and [everyone else] were certainly no secret at the time. Ultimately it debunks the claims I was trying to debunk.

Everyone should also remember that huge vertical drop near November 2007 was when Admin adjusted the NS algorithm, and wasn't due to a war (which is why it's instantaneous and hit everyone). GW2 is barely a blip. GW3 is better noted by Legion's fall, and the UJW by GOONS'.

I'm going to have to calculate the NS loss from those various wars versus the current one when its over. I have a feeling there were days in the last week or two where more NS was lost than in all of GW2.

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Updated 2009-05-09.

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Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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The growth of the GPA outpaced our own at that point mainly due to the emphasis they put on tech compared to our more rational growth strategies. You can see their rate of growth slow down well below ours as soon as the strength formula was altered to the detriment of tech, and you can also note how much more their strength dropped due to said alteration. Not to say having thousands of nukes launched at us didn't hurt (just as it did when MK did it later on), but it wasn't the reason that GPA jumped so far ahead at the time.

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The growth of the GPA outpaced our own at that point mainly due to the emphasis they put on tech compared to our more rational growth strategies. You can see their rate of growth slow down well below ours as soon as the strength formula was altered to the detriment of tech, and you can also note how much more their strength dropped due to said alteration. Not to say having thousands of nukes launched at us didn't hurt (just as it did when MK did it later on), but it wasn't the reason that GPA jumped so far ahead at the time.

This is true, FAN was also useing this strategy as a means of avoiding combat at the lower levels and also being able to nuke people with more infra, therefore doing great amounts of damage. Part of FANs quick rise was due to that.

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The growth of the GPA outpaced our own at that point mainly due to the emphasis they put on tech compared to our more rational growth strategies. You can see their rate of growth slow down well below ours as soon as the strength formula was altered to the detriment of tech, and you can also note how much more their strength dropped due to said alteration. Not to say having thousands of nukes launched at us didn't hurt (just as it did when MK did it later on), but it wasn't the reason that GPA jumped so far ahead at the time.

This theory is true after the FAN war. The chart leads me to believe you changed your growth strategy after the FAN war to a more infra orientated one (which makes sense since NPO lost infra). GPA's curve before the war was as steep as the NPO's was. After the war GPA's curve was steeper.

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Updated 2009-05-10.

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This theory is true after the FAN war. The chart leads me to believe you changed your growth strategy after the FAN war to a more infra orientated one (which makes sense since NPO lost infra). GPA's curve before the war was as steep as the NPO's was. After the war GPA's curve was steeper.

I've determined that all the squiggily upward sloping lines turn into vertical lines whenever they get near that jaggy red one.

How does politics do that?

Edited by brass
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Updated 2009-05-11.

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