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Cyber Nations Alliance Statistics Depot

Unspeakable Evil

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Alliance Infra-Tech ratio (for those of us too lazy to calculate it ourselves for enough data points to form a trend), would be interesting to see if the ratio goes down in a winning war/up in a losing war, etc. I obviously don't know how you do the graphs, but I assume it would just be an input formula using the data from the other graphs, no extra collection needed.

It'd also be nice to have the raw ##'s in peace/##'s in War, in addition to the percentages, but that's probably just me, more graphs = :awesome: .

Edited by HordeOfDoom
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I obviously don't know how you do the graphs, but I assume it would just be an input formula using the data from the other graphs, no extra collection needed.

You assume correctly. All I need to add are a few lines in the Perl script that makes the XML for the graphs:

$query_field[$i++]	= "infrastructure / technology";

There are similar arrays for the abbreviation and text that describes each.

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Couple quick notes for ya - Average Alliance Technology links don't work, and Alliance Technology points to Alliance Tanks. If you physically change the URL to the abbreviations you note, then they work properly :)

Nice new charts - have to admit that a lot of them are going to be difficult to read at the scales they're at, since everyone's so close, but nonetheless, interesting info to have :)

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NPO has the highest average infra and average land of any sanctioned alliances :D

Also, the links to 'Alliance Cruise Missiles' are titled 'Average Cruise Missiles', so you might wanna fix that.

Nice new charts - have to admit that a lot of them are going to be difficult to read at the scales they're at, since everyone's so close, but nonetheless, interesting info to have :)

Once we get a full data set (and there's no longer the jumps from 0 for all the graphs) most of them should spread out quite a bit and be easier to read.

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Updated 2008-05-17.

Thanks to those who pointed out the typos and such, I think they're all fixed now. The scaling will be better on the new graphs in a month (right now the minimum on the Y-axis is the minimum value for the last month, which is 0 now).

I'll think about making some of the other graphs suggested.

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Updated 2008-05-18.

UE, since it looks like you are hosting the stats yourself, are we costing you any significant amount of money when looking up the sweet sweet stas.

Diskord has been nice enough to host my stats for more than a year now; so don't neglect to thank him.

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Updated 2008-05-18.

Diskord has been nice enough to host my stats for more than a year now; so don't neglect to thank him.

Or in lue of thanks, you could just click on the google ads, adsense revenue FTW!


ETA: Bah, with all the new linkies I need to go in and edit the HTML to add the adsense back in... but I am probably too lazy, so enjoy the free graphs without commercial interruption

Edited by diskord
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