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Unspeakable Evil

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Updated 2008-01-16. Not dead, just facing an unlikely cascade of irritating connectivity conundrums culminating concordantly in crashes that could cause crud. They all seem fixed for the time being, after I made a sacrifice to the dark and arcane gods of networking.

I need sleeeep.

Sleep well, UE and thanks for the update :)

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As always, great work.

Out of curiosity, what does it take for the VE (or any alliance that's currently not, for that matter) to make it on those graphs?

VE is tracked, so to end up on one of the graphs, all they have to do is be in the top 45 of the 68 alliances by whatever metric the graph displays. VE is 4th by Percent NS Growth, for instance.

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Updated 2008-01-19. Note how MHA and Wolfpack break things. Things will start to settle down tomorrow when there isn't any more division of or by 0.

In MHA's case, this is the first time it took 0 days to go from unsanctioned, short form alliance affiliation ('MHA') to the sanctioned, expanded alliance affiliation ('Mostly Harmless Alliance').

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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Updated 2008-01-20.

Not to take away from MHA, but I do believe the admin went into the dbase to change's AA who had it from MHA to Mostly Harmless Alliance.

Never happened before (at least, not for the last year or so I've been paying attention), but it'd explain the phenomenon.

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Updated 2008-01-21.

So you know, CIS and IMU have merged to form Confederacy of Imperial States

Noted, and updated. Broke Tier 2, in fact.

For your historical perusal:

Wacky 387 Day Spectacular: Nation Strength

Wacky 387 Day Spectacular: Percent Alliance Nation Strength

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Only for another 5 weeks if current trends continue.

Current trends, eh? I suppose the same could be said about the Moldavi/Trotsky "no, I'm the rightful emperor" fiaso, but no one thought it would be grounds to attack the NPO now did they? That's because it would have been ridiculous, much like you attacking the GPA for their INTERNAL issues.

Yikes, you are grasping at thin air to find a reason to attack the GPA. If you attack them everyone outside of your ring of meat shields is going to think you guys are just egotistical power mongers.

What I think is ironic and quite pitiful is you yourselves are saying you are the top alliance, yet you still threaten the GPA. If you really think you are the #1 alliance why do you feel you (and by that I mean all your pawns) need to attack the GPA in order to reclaim the #1 spot that you have, so frequently, reminded CN that you currently occupy?

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While your inability to comprehend simple discussion without turning it into an evil Pacifican conspiracy is amusing, I'm afraid I was simply talking about the rate of growth. If both alliances continue to grow at their current average speed then the Order will overtake the GPA in around 5 weeks.

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While your inability to comprehend simple discussion without turning it into an evil Pacifican conspiracy is amusing, I'm afraid I was simply talking about the rate of growth. If both alliances continue to grow at their current average speed then the Order will overtake the GPA in around 5 weeks.

Wow, farung, you've got me on the same side as Vladimir. Now *that* is an accomplishment. Too bad it's contradictory to your goals...

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