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    Farung Empire
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Current trends, eh? I suppose the same could be said about the Moldavi/Trotsky "no, I'm the rightful emperor" fiaso, but no one thought it would be grounds to attack the NPO now did they? That's because it would have been ridiculous, much like you attacking the GPA for their INTERNAL issues. Yikes, you are grasping at thin air to find a reason to attack the GPA. If you attack them everyone outside of your ring of meat shields is going to think you guys are just egotistical power mongers. What I think is ironic and quite pitiful is you yourselves are saying you are the top alliance, yet you still threaten the GPA. If you really think you are the #1 alliance why do you feel you (and by that I mean all your pawns) need to attack the GPA in order to reclaim the #1 spot that you have, so frequently, reminded CN that you currently occupy?
  2. CSN just passed GGA in total score (24.30 [+0.11] vs. 24.25 [+0.01]). On an unrelated note, my nation increases an alliance's score 0.11.
  3. Since I'm in the same alliance as you UE, does that make me even 1/2 as cool? Thanks for all the data, that is UPDATED frequently.
  4. I, farung of farung empire, surrender to CON and allies. I have resigned from my alliance.
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