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Recruit Me!

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I am looking for a new alliance and I'd like to have some specific offers, if they are available.

I've seen threads like this before, and they always annoyed me because they were so demanding, asking for invitations with a "what can you give me?" attitude, a very unnerving one.

So, taking a tip from John F. Kennedy, I've decided to list my qualifications first, then my requirements. In that order, here they are:

  • dedication: I will provide everything I can to support a healthy, functioning alliance;
  • ambition: I am interested in holding an executive office and I will work hard to prove myself;
  • tenacity: ask any of my friends and they will tell you that I am a vicious enemy and I enjoy fights-to-the-death, so even if I must take on six nations for your just war, I'll be there until the end;
  • aggression: I want to see something done, be it diplomatically or militarily -- give me orders and I'll get them done to the best of my ability;
  • loyalty: this should speak for itself;
  • military intelligence: my speciality. I am extremely experienced in warfare and I love creating tactical battle plans, so if you want to put me at the head of a team that is willing to take orders, I will make you proud.

Next, my expectations from you:

  • fat sign-up bonus: big surprise, right? But I'm not just greedy, as I have specific goals (building a navy and completing my air force);
  • consistency: a little drama is fun and makes for good internal politicking, but when it starts wars and leaves people abandoned, it's gone too far;
  • smart foreign policy: I don't care if you're tech raiders, but my loyalty won't turn into stupidity if I have to personally uncover the reason you attacked a 5,000,000-man alliance;
  • forum sexiness: I know this sounds weird, but if your forum isn't at least mildly pimped-out and if it is unorganized (bad grammar in the board descriptions, etc.), then I will be frustrated.

Do my qualifications satisfy you? If so, let me see what you got to offer!


H.M. Leopold I

Roi du Belges

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Okay then...

First of all, I'm Arcadian Empire from the Legion, CyberNation's #1 alliance, waaaaaay back in 2006. But the point is, we boast being number 1 at least, unlike most other alliances you'll see here. Now, I'll answer your questions:

fat sign-up bonus: big surprise, right? But I'm not just greedy, as I have specific goals (building a navy and completing my air force);

Sign up bonus? Well, by completing the exam (thereby completing your "sign up"). There is no specific aid for signing up (unless you are under 1k NS, which you're not). However, the Legion is in a boom in tech deals and there are ones every week, which can get you tech at $3 mil per 100 tech...so I guess that's a bonus.

consistency: a little drama is fun and makes for good internal politicking, but when it starts wars and leaves people abandoned, it's gone too far;

We're consistent, for sure. Defencive alliances = consistency. We've been consistant since our founding in January 2006, defencive alliance. Hasn't changed and it never will. We don't go to war every 6 days =). The alliance is stable, the rules are clearly set out and you don't see much drama...well except in some forums...where it can get a little rowdy, like the Lounge...big battle going on Blondes vs. Brunettes vs. Redheads.

We're a tight knit community, it's like family in the Legion. Anyone in the Legion would take a nuke for you if you were a Legionnaire =P

smart foreign policy: I don't care if you're tech raiders, but my loyalty won't turn into stupidity if I have to personally uncover the reason you attacked a 5,000,000-man alliance;

We're smart. We're MDPed some of the strongest in the game (like NPO), now THAT'S smart. How much smarter can you get? We're MDPed to ODN through ORRPLE and we have some protectorates - simply put: we have lots of friends. And we don't attack people, that simple, so we won't see that problem.

forum sexiness: I know this sounds weird, but if your forum isn't at least mildly pimped-out and if it is unorganized (bad grammar in the board descriptions, etc.), then I will be frustrated.

We only use the finest English in our forums and we used phpBB, not invisionfree. We have our own domain name *avelegio.net*, and we also feature an Arcade and everything is neatly set out. Try it, everything is neatly set out in categories, and it's cool. I encourage you to check-it out.

Now you must understand, I'm tired. So what I will do is encourage you to come and check the Legion out, you'll be greatly encouraged by our purple forum sexiness.

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[*]fat sign-up bonus: big surprise, right? But I'm not just greedy, as I have specific goals (building a navy and completing my air force);

We do not offer start-aid but if you need aid we will get it to you. All you have to do is join and then request how much you want and you will must likely get it

[*]consistency: a little drama is fun and makes for good internal politicking, but when it starts wars and leaves people abandoned, it's gone too far;

We are a new alliance about 3 weeks old and 270k NS. We are not waracholics we want to stay out of unless one of our allies need the help. So, we honor or friends and treaty partners.

[*]smart foreign policy: I don't care if you're tech raiders, but my loyalty won't turn into stupidity if I have to personally uncover the reason you attacked a 5,000,000-man alliance;

No, we do not like this. We have smart members in the alliance members of that kind will be banned and ZIed. We rarely tech raid anyways. Out of our 25 nations there is only 1 person involved in a war currently.

[*]forum sexiness: I know this sounds weird, but if your forum isn't at least mildly pimped-out and if it is unorganized (bad grammar in the board descriptions, etc.), then I will be frustrated.

Our forum is sexy. We have sweet banners because we have alot of artistic people that can make some pretty cool stuff. We are organized with rules and regulations. Stop by our forums and check them out. You will see the sexiness once you come.. * http://z4.invisionfree.com/cneden *

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Hello Sir!

i'm Joe Stupid, the Vice Pres of ARES (Ascended Republic of Elite States), and our alliance is perfect for you. We offer atleast a 3 mil signup bonus, plus more if you are (according to your own statements) dedicated, active, and willing to fulfill the needs of our alliance. I'll let you check out our forum to see if it meets your qualifications. ARES

And you said you are a military man eh? Perfect. I am in charge of ARES' Military and i Need a second in command (ours just retired). SO if your as good as you say you are and you join ARES, the sky is your limit.

Oh, and our Foreign Policy, Were MDP'd(and protected) With Ragnarok THE FASTEST GROWING ALLIANCE IN CN HISTORY.( atleast the fastest to get sanctioned) . Caossal (The President) and Myself (The VP) do most of our foreign Affairs, which is doing great. So he decision is up to you wether you take it or not.

Thanks again,

Joe Stupid

Edited by Joe Stupid
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I'm from Greenland Republic, teh best alliance ever! :awesome:

fat sign-up bonus: big surprise, right? But I'm not just greedy, as I have specific goals (building a navy and completing my air force);

----> we give 3 million to those who complete the Mentor program, then you could also request aid if you need it, and we will do our best to get your nation up at reckless speed. We'll get you to 20k NS faster than Kenedia can spam (Curse your 14,500ish post count!). Also, if you need money, sell tech! We have a shortage of tech sellers in our community (thanks to our boost program, most of our nations are at the point where they can't make a profit from it).

consistency: a little drama is fun and makes for good internal politicking, but when it starts wars and leaves people abandoned, it's gone too far;

----> we have a great tight-knit community, loads of internal funz (and spam) and whatnot. And I don't recall Greenland Republic starting a war...in my long years here anyway. Did I say great, I meant AWESOME FUN community. We're a medium sized alliance, we're nearing 3 million total Nation strength, and we've got a number of Ex-NAACers with us (RIP NAAC). We'll welcome you with beer, penguins, honor, and suprize butsecks. :P

smart foreign policy: I don't care if you're tech raiders, but my loyalty won't turn into stupidity if I have to personally uncover the reason you attacked a 5,000,000-man alliance;

----> we don't tech raid. We don't launch aggressive wars (unless there are some incredible circumstances). And we strive to always honor our treaties.

forum sexiness: I know this sounds weird, but if your forum isn't at least mildly pimped-out and if it is unorganized (bad grammar in the board descriptions, etc.), then I will be frustrated.

----> come and judge for yourself. http://greenland.cn-source.net/

Join us...it is your destiny!



Edited by Tolkien
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Excellent, we apparently seek similar things! Which is why I'd like to invite you to The Ravyns

* fat sign-up bonus: big surprise, right? But I'm not just greedy, as I have specific goals (building a navy and completing my air force);

The Ravyns offers a 3 million dollar signing bonus to new nations, as apart of our newest program. Oppurtunities for financial advancement are available, aid goes to those who are

* consistency: a little drama is fun and makes for good internal politicking, but when it starts wars and leaves people abandoned, it's gone too far;

Of course, we'll keep the drama within limits. Everything we do is for a reason, and well thought out; and we don't like excessive drama, it gets annoying. We'll make our posts and contributions to the CN politics, but nothing more

* smart foreign policy: I don't care if you're tech raiders, but my loyalty won't turn into stupidity if I have to personally uncover the reason you attacked a 5,000,000-man alliance.

Our leaders and myself are experienced in foreign policy. We are currently arranging many treaties, (we develope strong relations before signing treaties) to improve our foreign policy and overall relations with other alliances. Currently we have a PIAT with EDEN and a Protectorate agreement with LoSS. Many more treaties to come. Additionally, we'll never do anything that would endanger our citizens on our allies.

* forum sexiness: I know this sounds weird, but if your forum isn't at least mildly pimped-out and if it is unorganized (bad grammar in the board descriptions, etc.), then I will be frustrated.

Amen, I believe in a strong vocabulary and of course grammar; especially in forums and Open World Forum posts, after all whatever you say directly resembles your alliance. So professionalism is always great. Our forums ? do look pretty seksi.

I think you'll really enjoy your self in The Ravyns, we have many open government positions within. Our alliance is merely 20 days old and already at 500,000k Nation Strength. We're inspired and dedicated to grow quickly but efficiently. Join us on our path to success!

Edited by Narmer
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EDIT: Newsflash!

The tentative acceptance has, unfortunately, been revoked as the nation of Belgium has chosen to align itself with the alliance of Zenith.

Thanks again, all, for your time, patience, and interest.

Edited by HM Leopold I
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