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More Polish Problems

Mr Director

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When the Nordic advance was spotted, the undercover Belorussian Spetsnaz among the Prussians would shoot a message back to Minsk, requesting instructions. Instructions they would receive.


The Nordic commander would be greeted by Spetsnaz Captain Oleg Sergeevich(now no longer undercover), and a Prussian lieutenant, who only went by the name of Kumbayaski.

Edited by Mr Director
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The rebuilding of the Maltese Zone is near complete. Lomza has its streets cleared, sewer system fixed, power restored, and water utilities reconnected. The rest of the damage is outsourced to some of the more reputable contracting firms that assisted with the rebuilding projects in the Maltese zone.


A hold is put on incoming AMF troops. The order goes out, the 21st will begin rotating home and handing off its responsibilities to the local Constabulary forces and government of Belarus troops. Following the 21st, the 22nd, will return home following the same procedures. The last ground troops out of the country will be the RHR who will be aggressive patrolling and seeking out White Army forces who attempt to take advantage of the transition period. The 556th will fly out once the last Maltese soldier and piece of heavy equipment departs.


A small team of Maltese Engineers will be left to oversee the Lomza projects and they will be protected with their own personal sidearms and hopefully a cooperative government of Belarus team.


The government of Belarus is notified of this change over and the timetable involved. Records for funds distributed for rebuilding, payments to families who lost loved ones in the fighting, and payroll for the Constabulary are handed over. Further, training records and equipment lists are turned over to the government of Belarus as well. As a parting gift, the Constabulary officers are ordered to turn in their .359 revolvers and issued newly purchased pistols currently in use by their fellow Polish Militia Officers along with new shotguns and rebuilt lightly armored patrol cars painted in Polish Militia colors. All weapons are accounted for and those records are turned over to the Government of Belarus as well.

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Nordic Shield


The Captain ordered his tank to stop a short distance from the two men whom had stood out from the rest of the Militia that was stationed in the area. He pulled himself out from the tank, and jumped from the turret down to the hull, taking a few steps to the front of the tank before grabbing onto the barrel with his gloved hands, he jumped off the hull and held onto the barrel to soften the blow as his body hung limp before he let go of it. He realized he was still wearing a gas mask, as was all the Nordisk soldiers that were exposed to the environment. He tucked the straps through his belt before taking a few steps closer. He decided the best language to use would be English since it was still a dominant trade language used around the world, but his was a little broken in comparison to those that received a higher education than himself. "I am Captain Julian Karlson of the Nordisk Battle Group Freki, you are not part of the Polish Uprising that I can see, so you are not who we have been sent here to protect our nation against, may I know who I speak with?"

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The Belorussian would respond. Like the Nordic captain, he would use his heavily accented english.


"I am Captain Oleg Sergeevich of the Belorussian army, and this is my associate Lieutenant Kumbayaski of the Prussian army. We have been fighting against the White Army together for some months now."

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In Lomza, the White Army fighters would decide that there really wasn't much point in getting themselves killed for a lost cause, and would simply begin laying down there arms. However, a Belorussian force would be sent to Lomza to keep an eye on things and to assist the Maltese.


The arrival Polish Constabulary turned Militsiya men would be much appreciated by Belarus, and would significantly speed up the process of recreating the Militsiya.

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*The battalion of 1,000 Hungarian soldiers would continue their sweep of southern Poland, clearing out any Polish State or White Army militants that they came across.


Meanwhile, the sporadic attacks against the Hungarian-controlled bases in southern Poland still continued on and off throughout the day and evening, usually only claiming a few Hungarian lives each time, while costing the militants usually a decent 8-12 lives at a time.  


However, the frequent attacks would finally lead the Hungarian commander that was put in charge of the southern Poland operation to send a request back to Budapest to transport some machine, chain, and mini guns, as well as a few modern rotary canons, to the five Polish bases to help with their defenses.*

Edited by Euphaia
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Nordic Shield


Captain Julian Karlson would nod as the Belorussian spoke listening attentively, not trying to lose words in translation. "Yes, we had been watching the situation with concern for some time now, and with rumors that the Polish may begin to use the coastal regions for weapon shipments, we became very concerned and had to act. The last thing we desire is for a terrorist organization to gain a foothold within the Baltic's, and threaten the peace and stability that we have long fought for."

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Kumbayaski would pull out a radio, and say something in German. A few minutes later, a man carrying several files would arrive, and hand them to the Nordic commander.


"As you can see," said the Belorussian, "Most of the remaining militants are holed up in Pisz County. All the information concerning them is in those files."

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At the safe house, the Spetsnaz would clear out the courtyard, and then head for the main building. The main doors would be destroyed by an rpg round, and the soldiers would begin going from room to room, shooting anyone they saw. In one room, they would discover about two dozen people, who had slept through the battle outside. They would all be shot. Later, it would be discovered that they had been civilians working as servants.


A handful of White Army fighters would be discovered in the house, and room to room fighting would break out. As of yet, there was no sign of Lem.

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*After a few more attacks that ended in even heavier losses and being routed, the Polish State attacks on the bases ceased.  The machine guns and such that had been delivered and installed did the trick splendidly.


Now the Hungarian military was free to concentrate their efforts on hunting down militants and clearing out any defenses they come across in southern Poland.


To help locate and clear out all remaining militants in southern Poland, the commander in charge of the operation would send a request back to Budapest for 3 Apache helicopters to be sent in to southern Poland.*

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With the reconstruction of the Militsiya well under way, Belarus would begin to rebuild the Polish Authority, which had once served as the administrative body of the Polish Protectorate. As with the Militsiya, there would be some changes, as the last Authority had been quite unpopular among Poles, to say the least. Instead of outright choosing Belorussian citizens to run the Authority, Minsk would instead select local leaders in Poland who supported Belorussian policies.


Like last time, the Polish Authority would set up its capital in Lublin rather than Warsaw. This move symbolizes Lublin's importance to Belarus, and would cause some protest in Poland. However, the Belorussian government would placate these protesters by giving several key positions to officials of the former Kingdom of Wschodzie, and entity which still had some support among residents of Warsaw, and had once been supported by Belarus.

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Dashkevich went from room to room, clearing out militants along with the rest of the Spetsnaz. One door, he found, was locked. But that was alright. He had the key, in the shape of his boot. Kicking the door open, he quickly scanned the room. A man and a woman. He shot them both. He checked to see if anyone else was around, and found only to children, still asleep, somehow. He then examined the body. It was Lem.

The other man from Bialystok, whose name he still couldn't quite recall, burst in, bleeding from a flesh wound.

"Its Lem," said Dashkevich.

"Dead?" asked the other man.


"Good. Then lets call the others and get the hell out of here. The natives are getting restless."

"What about those?" asked Dashkevich, gesturing towards the two sleeping bodies.

The other man fired his AN-94 into them several times.

"Problem solved. Now lets get the body and anything of value and move."

Dashkevich followed the other man out, pausing at the doorway to take one last glance at the dead bodies inside.
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Public/ Breaking News


Earlier today, an explosive blast ripped through a government building in southern Poland, killing the remaining political leadership of south Poland, who were meeting there today for government-related business.  This leaves south Poland governmentless, leaderless, and without any order.  It is believed that Polish State militants were involved in the explosion.


Many citizens, as well as rebels and militants, have already begun taking advantage of the chaos and complete lack of order that has now been created in south Poland, rioting in south Poland cities.


In response, Hungary-Slovakia has declared a State of Emergency and Martial Law in southern Poland, and is sending an additional 5,000 soldiers into southern Poland to support the current 15,000 soldiers already there."

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Kumbayaski would pull out a radio, and say something in German. A few minutes later, a man carrying several files would arrive, and hand them to the Nordic commander.


"As you can see," said the Belorussian, "Most of the remaining militants are holed up in Pisz County. All the information concerning them is in those files."


He would thumb through the pieces of paper before straightening them back up again. "I am going to go under the assumption that this is the most up to date information on their current strong points, defensive positions, as well as approximate number of actual fighting men, as well as the equipment they field?"

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He would thumb through the pieces of paper before straightening them back up again. "I am going to go under the assumption that this is the most up to date information on their current strong points, defensive positions, as well as approximate number of actual fighting men, as well as the equipment they field?"

"That is correct. Both Prussian Intelligence and the KGB have been watching the situation in the North quite closely. We have been unable to launch an offensive yet, due to a lack of manpower, but once things are wrapped up in the south, we should be able to clear out the Whites in the North.
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"That is correct. Both Prussian Intelligence and the KGB have been watching the situation in the North quite closely. We have been unable to launch an offensive yet, due to a lack of manpower, but once things are wrapped up in the south, we should be able to clear out the Whites in the North.


"Since we here here as peacekeepers, I think we have more than enough military power to help pacify the region in question. That is if you wish our help in this matter of course."

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President Lukachenko was woken up by one of his aides.


"Mr. President," he said, "We have just received word. Lem has been killed."


The President, still groggy, forced himself to sit up


"Did they get the body?" he asked.


"Yes. All the tests show that its Lem. I have a full report of the operation."


The aide handed the president a file. The President read through it quickly.


"Alright then. Start making preparations for a public statement."


"Yes Mr. President."




White Army Leader Killed in Raid


The Government has announced that General Stanislaw Lem of the White Army was killed in a Special Forces raid on his compound last night. Evidence of his death has been made public.


Lem's death is expected to greatly weaken the White Army's faltering moral, and greatly damage its leadership. It is currently unknown as to who, if anyone, will be taking charge of the White Army now that its commander is dead. The Government has yet to release any other casualties that occurred on either side.


- Pravda

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Polish Mines Restarted, New Power Plant to be Built


Minister of Industry Dmitry Katernich has announced earlier today that the Bogdanka and Piaski coal mines in Eastern Poland have successfully been restarted. The two mines are expected to have a total annual productions rate of 12 million tons of coal, and will bring employment for thousands of Poles. They are currently being operated by the Minsk Mining Corporation.


The newly set up Polish Reconstruction Commission has made a separate announcement stating that a new power plant is now under construction at Ostroleka, Poland. It will have a capacity of 1,000 MW, and is hoped to eventually alleviate the frequent power shortages in the region. Existing power plants have also been repaired and are now fully operational.


- Pravda

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"Any assistance in this matter would be much appreciated. If you are willing to launch an offensive against the White Army, we can have 100 troops ready to assist you. More, depending on how long you are willing to wait."


He would walk back over to the tank for a minute and talked with the driver as the driver sent messages over the radio. After a short conversation later the captain would walk back over to them. "I have gotten in touch with my command, and they are moving into that region as you and I speak. While your assistance would be appreciated, it may be unnecessary as we intend to unleash a massive artillery barrage and high altitude air strikes against their positions if they do not stand down once our soldiers get there."

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"In that case we shall keep our forces on standby, in order intercept any enemy forces attempting to flee. Your assistance in this matter is very much appreciated."




The Nordic movement would not go undetected by the Poles. The White Army would begin to take up defensive positions around Pisz county. Unfortunately for them, these positions were now known to the Nordic forces, and as such it was quite unlikely that they would last very long.


Some of the forward units of the Nordic forces would begin to face light shelling from D-30 artillery pieces.

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