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SOCSOV Ten Year Anniversary Speech

The Zigur

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SOCSOV Party Headquarters, facing the speech by President Ezekiel Kukahiko and parade on Sovereignty Square


My people, sons and daughters of the Kanaka Maoli... For many years, we have been a broken Nation... shunned, oppressed, and conquered by both sides of the Pacific.


Ten Years Ago, I asked for time, and that time was granted by You! You, the Strength in my Arm, the Holders of my Dreams.


Our forefathers endured the greatest genocide in the history of all mankind. A genocide committed to control our sacred lands and enslave our people.


They intended to poison our people with multi-culturalism and inferior bloodlines, but their plan failed... we simply augmented the best of what they threw at us. It changed our bodies... our color, our language and our genetics, At first, their bourgeoisie culture weakened us, but in fact, as they declined, we grew stronger.


In the time you have given me, I have rebuilt our Nation, I have rebuilt our Strength, and I have rebuilt our Pride. Today we unveil Four AEGIS-capable, completely reconditioned Ticonderoga-class missile cruisers and a third WASP transport ship. We also announce that our total armed forces now total more than 400,000 SOCSOV and HIPACOM soldiers.


With our growth we are pleased to announce our commitment to continue combating Imperialism abroad, and have formed the new Pacific Oversector Command, protecting every island within 1500 miles of Honolulu and many indigenous Nations to our south and west. Every Cultural Island Group will be entitled to SOCSOV training, Sovereignty Now! broadcasts and arms deals, in addition to commecial trading rights.


Above all, they will be free of Imperialism and the constant fear that colonialism brings. These Oversectors will contribute heavily to our armed forces and the best will be selected to augment our society in Hawaii.


Our enemies at Home have been re-educated, we have given them new insights into our Cause.

On this day, we Stand United once More; On this day, those seeking to divide us will Hear our Voice!


On this day we shall act as one and we shall be ignored no more!


Defenders of the Hawaiian Dream, NOW IS OUR TIME!







Edited by Tywin Lannister
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"The Republic of Italy strongly condemns the Hawaiian imperialism that has spread throughout the Pacific and Atlantic."


Hawaii is actually strongly against Imperialism and pledges to assist indigenous peoples in securing sovereignty and socialism.

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"It is interesting that, for all of Hawaii's anti-imperialist rhetoric, they embark on a campaign of imperialism themselves. Truly hypocritical. With any luck, the rest of the world will see Social Sovereignty for the farce that it is." - Random Alaskan political commentator.

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We ask the assorted Neo-Imperialist forces to stop calling our campaign of Sovereignty "Imperialism" in an attempt to mislead people. All CIGs enjoy full sovereignty and government autonomy throughout the Pacific Region. Your Imperialist attempts to divide us will fail ideologically.

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Political commentators in the Federation had this to say regarding the SOCSOV's new expansionist policy: "The deliberate attempts to influence perception of a broad term such as imperialism to a narrower definition to fit the SOCSOV's purposes is the first critical step to influencing the thought patterns of its people to a more pliable, easily controlled - some might say herded - group. This is only the most recent example of such convenient redefining throughout history, along with terms such as communism, terrorism, and yes, imperialism. The SOCSOV isn't the first government to sink this low, and they won't be the last.


The best thing we can hope for is that this lunacy doesn't spread far past the Pacific."

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Imperialism, as it is defined by the Dictionary of Human Geography, is an unequal human and territorial relationship, usually in the form of an empire, based on ideas of superiority and practices of dominance, and involving the extension of authority and control of one state or people over another."

This does not exist in the Hawaiian Social Kingdom or the Pacific Oversector Authority. All Cultural Island Groups enjoy membership as an privilege and enjoy full government autonomy and national sovereignty. The POA exists solely as a military, intelligence and economic network and umbrella with no exploitation of resources or peoples taking place.
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Where was the complaining when the imperialist aggressors were poised to strike Hawaii from Wake and Kiribati? The fact that we enter into security agreements with Pan-Polynesia should surprise no one.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Brazilian News Network

"...and we're back. I'm host Marina Santiago, and here with me tonight is our senior Asian news analyst, Gaspar Simões. Gaspar, what do you make of the president's speech?"
"Thanks for having me here, as always, Marina. We've been getting a lot of news from across the globe recently, and as you very well know, the Asia-Pacific region is facing some incredibly dark days. The Japanese and Chinese have been decimated by nuclear war, with the Philippine government completely collapsing. I have no doubts that much of the success of this relatively backwater state has been at least partially due to the power vacuum being created."
"So then, do you think Hawaii will continue growing like this for long? We're all well aware of the way that authoritarian governments are able to capitalize on hard times, but does this new regime have staying power?"
"While the president is certainly capitalizing on the distress of others, he does have a point. The Hawaiian government has been the only active and stable force for good in the Pacific region these past few weeks, and with such cosmopolitan powers as the French and Portuguese falling back into autocratic rule, I don't think we can completely discount the Hawaiians as a legitimate force. That said, the bigger you are, the bigger a target you are. It'll certainly be interesting to watch and see where things go from here."
"Thanks for your insight, Gaspar. Next at 11, a woman with three heads and tentacles for arms was seen rampaging through the countryside, and has allegedly caused millions in damage to one farm in particular near Brasilia. Is this modern-day chupacabra legitimate, or are we really dealing with a massive case of insurance fraud?"

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