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3/7 Pacific Islands
Radar installations began popping up across the Pacific, with numerous overlapping to ensure no pathways to avoid the OTH-B and OTH-SW systems the Imperium favored. The majority of the holdings that the Imperium did not originally control would be offered to depopulate, granting a healthy allowance in exchange for moving closer to the mainland, as the costs of supplying the numerous Pacific Islands was a source of discontent from the Imperium's government, and why they were given up originally. 

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As one of the changes from transforming from Japocentric to East Asian, new sword designs were selected for the Imperium military, giving it a much lighter blade, and while no longer following the traditional sword making, the Computer Numeric Control cut blades were far sharper than anything that could be made by hand. Various blade designs were used, for both different branches and purposes.




4/7 Pacific Islands


construction continued upon the numerous radar stations, and those islands that did not choose to depopulate were given internet uplinks, while not as fast as the fiber optic running through the majority of the Imperium it would ensure they had some semblance of the enjoyable lifestyle that the rest of East Asia enjoyed.

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Artificial limbs were chique in the Imperium, now there was a drawback to this, with DNA samples being required over traditional fingerprinting, it was pointless to use fingerprints if someone could change them as easy as changing clothes.


5/7 Pacific Islands


Quietly the Imperium's small number of forces upon Borneo would withdraw, it was unknown to the Imperium how this new country would behave, but so long as they didnt do anything completely idiotic, they couldn't be any worse than the cults in the nations surrounding the Imperium.


Shipyards would find themselves producing even more Type 022 missile boats, as they afforded the Imperium the ability to both patrol the world's largest EEZ, and the vessels design ensured it could cause damage even to a much larger force, as well as use swarm tactics to overwhelm missile defense systems that were commonplace in carrier groups.


Solar power installations would continue to be installed, there was over 10,000 islands being added, and those of strategic importance would need a massive amount of power in order to sustain the large radar installations being built.

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Tokyonesia - the majority of the islanders were moved to the Capital, giving a new name to the boroughs they were settled in.




the islands that remained populated would be granted soil investment grants, providing for the ability to grow food upon the islands and allowing for some level of self sustainment, cutting down on one of the most prohibitive costs of populations upon islands thousands of miles away from farmland.

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The RX-78-2 began trials in Sunochi, using a tungsten-titanium alloy for its armor, this would be the production model most likely, enhancements to the engines and the thrusters upon the back of the main body allowed for higher mobility and "flight", though it was closer to a rocket assisted jump than actual flight capacity.


1/7 Sakhalin


the southern portions of the island were already controlled by the Imperium, and with the silence from the Amur Republic, it was decided that the inclusion of Sakhalin would be required to ensure EAI dominance in the region over any future government created within the region.

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Sakhalin 2/7


The Islands natural gas and oil reserves were mapped out and plans made to fully exploit them, the Imperium's maw never sated for resources. 12 caverns, former mines, and depleted natural gas fields were selected across Korea, Japan, Canton, and Manchuria. Each location having a minimum capacity of 50 million barrels of oil, with two being over 200 million, were selected and began to be transformed into SPR facilities, a total stockpile of over 1 trillion barrels was planned for, enough to allow the Imperium to survive 6 months without any oil importation or production.

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With the collapse of Borneo once more, the EAI would return the several dozen Protectorate Guard members who were tasked with maintaining an organized local governance upon the island. 
Sakhalin 3/7
The Island would be used for its forests the forests now EAI Tree Farms, Oil and natural gas exploitation continued ahead of schedule, EAI Corporations now quite skilled at the task at hand, and Sakhalin was a much more forgiving environment than Siberia. The Ainu population of Japan was finally able to return home and did so upon subsidies.

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Sakhalin 4/7
What would be done about the Amur region remained to be seen, but for now there was no reason to heavily arm the island. Several dozen ASM platforms would be placed upon the island as a minimal security, but the Imperium's eyes were elsewhere upon the world.




East Asia was the largest earth based manufacturing center in the world, and with the constant stream of resources being imported from the Ice Province and Tikal, would return to full war economy once again, replacements for every single navy vessel in the EAI Fleet had begun, tens of thousands of ASMs had already been manufactured, every single armor and air platform the Imperium used had at least a spare in an embedded bunker somewhere within the Imperium, with aircraft being given a minimum of two, and the spread of the various Industrial base ensured there could be no singular attack that would remove East Asia's ability to continue to produce weapons at a feverish pace.


RORO ships filled with armies would make their journey across the Pacific, Tikal would be the new home to an additional 60,000 Marines and 120,000 Army, with the necessary equipment for mechanization and armored divisions as well. the entirety of the EAI bomber squadrons would be re-based to mainland Tikal, along with half of the fighter wings.

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Sakhalin 5/7


Plans were drawn up to connect Sakhalin to Hokkaidō, as well as completion of the Sakhalin bridge to provide Japan with a connection to the mainland, cutting down on costs for transportation. The project was expected to cost ¥60 billion, but the cost would be recouped over the first decade of operation of the new construction.

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With open warfare occurring in Europe, the Imperium resumed maximum alert status upon the home front, travel bans were issued for all of Europe and Africa until the conflict concluded. AWACS began making regular patrols, being relieved by another being landing, keeping all major points of entry to Imperium waters with their eyes open, sonobouys would fill the Andaman Sea and the Eastern Indian Ocean from the southern coast of Sumatra to the West Coast of Australia, furthermore, SOSUS lines would be heavily monitored to watch for any movements.

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Sakhalin 6/7


Rising global tensions did not stop the ever consuming EAI industry, oil and natural gas exploration and exploitation continued as a brisk pace, every drop could be needed in the coming months, the Ainu people enjoyed having their homeland back. The island was expected to become an autonomous province and simply be left along so long as the resources continued to funnel into East Asia.




The past two decades of war production finally saw the staggering stores of weapons have a use, The massive EAI merchant fleet, having been kept in port and simply ferrying goods to Sumatra for the past few years, was finally put to use to set up forward operations in Tikal. Four dozen Triple E class vessels containing several thousand Klub-K containers for the top rows, another 60,000 LiaoShō missiles and systems,  8,000 Type 10 MBTs, 3,000 Type 87 SPAAG, 4,000 Type 89 IFV, 6,000 Type 96 APC, 8,000 Type 88 SSM systems. as well as various other systems the Imperium required for partaking in war.


This of course dipped into the Imperium's vast stores of weaponry, and as such shifts were changed from two eight hour shifts, to two twelve hour shifts, the Imperium would fully awaken its war machine.


Additionally, plans to convert the 120 H-IIB rockets that were currently intended to ship up various satellite systems, into something a bit more creative.

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As the Imperium maintained its access to ARES, and noted the movements of the Persian fleet, snap drills were ordered of the remaining aircraft of the Imperium's inventory, maintaining combat air patrols over the Malacca Economic Zone.

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As Reports of Carthage detaining East Asian Citizens, all Carthagian, Novakian, British, Romanian, Prussian, Belarussian, and Spartan citizens would be detained, their homes and private property searched and any information with military or dual use applications destroyed.


News coverage would replace the entertainment heavy rotation of EAI television, radio, and internet streaming. A very clear Anti British message was pushed through the media, with multiple historical dissertations about the Opium Wars, mistreatment of nearly every dependency of the British Empire noting Apartheid occurred in Africa only due to the hundreds of years of British intervention.


Well timed research papers regarding Tophet, noting the original Carthaginian Empire apparently had no troubles sacrificing their children if they felt it was beneficial, with the talking heads subtly suggesting that Carthage would do the same to appease their British masters in their attempt at European dominance.


for the Romanians, history was not exactly kind to them, having supported every destructive regime in Europe in the 20th century, rampant corruption, and serving as the largest hub of human trafficking in Europe before the cataclysm, it was apparent Romania had not changed much. 

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classified thing to the East whatever imperithingstuff


Given recent polls, conducted under the auspices of Uriankhai and Druk Yul, of the populace of Amur, Khabarovsk, and Birobidzhan, former territories of the defunct Amur Republic, have indicated the people of these regions strongly desire to be integrated into a confederacy of their fellow Turkic kin, Uriankhai is currently proceeding to integrate these areas. However, your peace-keeping troops yet remain in the territory even as Druk Yul forces have departed, which I don't doubt you're aware of, in light of our own expedition to initiate the integration of the former Amur Republic's population into our nation, which may have encountered your forces. Am I to suppose the removal of these military forces is imminent?


President Khun Kuzevin

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:Encrypted yadda yadda:


Our troops are currently stationed in Khabarovsk and Primorsky, as well as some just over the border in Jilin and Heilongjiang. We've had some more pressing concerns as of late so we had simply left them there. Basically, I'm assuming you are interested in a warm water port, but at the same time, we require the ability to maintain the trans-Siberian railroad to ensure we are able to trade with Sweden, Russia, and the rest of Europe, especially in trying times such as these. as the Indian is not the safest waterway to us currently. I have no issues ceding most of the land to you with the exception of Khabarovsk.


-Empress Hoshiko

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This is not an amenable agreement. The people of Khabarovsk-- Nanai, Evenks, Nivkhs, Negidals, Ulchs, Oroch, Udege, even Tatars-- are Tungusic peoples, close ethnic kin of our Turkic and Mongolic peoples, and they have relayed through their votes a desire to join our confederacy and be free of foreign tyranny. If you are so inclined, an agreement can be established to facilitate Japanese access to the railway in question, but it is not acceptable that the indigenous peoples of Khabarovsk should continue to languish under foreign occupation-- all the more so when they have explicitly indicated their will to reject this in favour of unity with Uriankhai.


- President Khun Kuzevin


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:you can't read this besides dotcom:


"They are East Asian people first and foremost, as there was no pollings taken in the regions we entered, I find it unlikely that such votes have taken place, nor is there any evidence that there is any languishing going on, as East Asia had heavily financed the Amur Republic and continued to do so even after its government collapsed. if Fair and Free elections take place with EAI observers and that result is given then we will depart, but as I have had heard of not a single complaint from the region, I do not believe it would be in the best interest of the oldest nation currently in existance to cede such a large sweath of land so close to our home islands to a very young and expansionist nation, lest you feel the need to continue onward."

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You do not have a right to define these people for them, or tell them what they are-- any more than did the Russians who forcibly enslaved them, or indeed, the Japanese who for a short time wrested the reins of tyranny over the Tungusic peoples from the Russians, without the vaguest shred of respect for the wishes of the Tungusic peoples'. Furthermore, your outright denial of the polls that took place in this territory raises questions of the worth in continuing this line of negotiation. These polls were conducted with both Uriankhai and Druk Yul oversight: when asked the simple question of what they wished their fate to be, the overwhelming majority answered in favour of unity with the Confederacy. Our Tungusic kin have for centuries had their will denied and rejected by foreign oppressors, and we intend to see to it that this is not a historical pattern that will repeat. Therefore, I reiterate once again a request for your heavy military presence in Khabarovsk and Primorsky to be peacefully withdrawn, as otherwise Uriankhai administrators and technical/medical personnel will simply enter the territories in question and go about the business of integrating the territories as per the will of their populace; interference by the EAI military would be profoundly ill-advised.


- President Khun Kuzevin

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With every technological advancement came more advanced criminals, active camouflage, hacked synthetics, the possibilities for crime were as endless as the creativity of Imperium scientists, and the police force had to adapt. Three main types of street officers were designed, Officers would be the standard beat cop, granted a helment allowing them to identify everyone in a crowd instantly, filtering out those with criminal backgrounds and alerting the officer. Inquisitors were the next step up the food chain, acting similar to detectives, they were granted "Hound" Drones, a small aerial drone able to follow suspicious citizens. Agents were chosen for agility and speed, and granted access to Thermo-Optical camouflage, they are used as ambush for more dangerous criminals, not allowing them the ability to react before they realize a gun is pointed at them. Reports suggest that crime has dropped 30% within Tokyo in the first month of the new program, and it has been decided to use the new technologies throughout the rest of the Imperium.

Sakhalin 7/7


now renamed Karafuto, the island would be fully incorporated into the Imperium, voting as part of Japan in the Diet. The Ainu people were granted fully autonomy, Tokyo did not care what ethnic group the people were part of, merely their desire to contribute to the War Machine.




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:Top Secret:


OOC: Optional recognition of course.


Project Kiseki was authorized by the Empress, 36 of the H-IIB rockets, filled with the Imperium's supply of the specialized nanobots were kept upon launchpads, waiting for the coalition's combined intelligence resources to determine a nuclear launch, upon receiving word of any such events the rockets would be launched into the high atmosphere, spreading around the globe.

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With rising tensions upon the Druk Yul  and Persian border, and AWCS noting the movements onto the Coco Islands, CAPs would continue in earnest, with AWACS continuing their heavy patrols watching the Eastern Indian Ocean, Fortress Sumatra was on high alert, the enhanced bunker system developed was fully operational, with over 700 of the tri cannon design embedded onto either side of Sumatra, along with an even larger compliment of SAM and SSMs than before.

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