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Aquitaine Arises

Sarah Tintagyl

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"Traveling?" said Madeline with a laugh as she sashayed with the Duke across the glittering floor of the room. "That is rather forward. We've only just met. Though I must say, you are a splendid dancer. I can only imagine that others in your country enjoy other finer things. Food, drink, and laughter."



The Duke smiled, "Life is short why waste time?" he asked her.  '"No doubt time on this world is short enough, and seeing distant lands is best done in youth, no?" 


He continued to lead spinning her expertly around the dance floor as another of Strauss's waltzes began.  "After all a magnificent  beauty such as yourself should be admired by all the corners of the world.  And there are few places where Aquitaine's beauty could be more on display and benefit it more than the Imperial Halls."

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The lighting of the phosphorous alerted nearly everyone near the wine casks to what was happening. Hugo jumped back and fell to the floor, spilling over one of the casks. Two other guards ran over to where the lieutenant lay, "No, not me, you imbeciles! After them!" he said and pointed at the two machinists running off back to the upper floors of the hall. "Don't let them get away!"


"Oui, Monsieur Lieutenant!"


Hugo jumped to his feet and then slipped back down onto the floor with a thud. "Damn vagrants! I will get you!" then he took off running with the rest of the guards.



With the second flute in hand, Anton would be yanked along by Clarice, as he took a long swig from his second glass, some of the fabled claret sloshing out the sides of the flute as he was half pulled along. The four mechanics, the two bigger machinists, Thomas and Martin leading the way, as they ran through the crowd, moving towards the staircase upstairs again. Anton would turn and see the lieutenant slip and fall again, now on the wine-covered floor, and to add insult to injury, he would yell at him again in a chiding singsong voice as he ran.


"I told you! Quite sorry!" he crowed, as two other guards took off after them.


"Mon Dieu! You're going to get us all run through!" Clarice growled, as she dragged the eccentric mechanic along. Anton would drop his second flute on top of a steward's tray as he ran by, in a calm-like fashion, giddily giggling as he went along. They were pushing through some of the dignitaries, some from far, some from near.


As he ran, and was pulled along by Clarice, the two guards hot on their heels, Anton would produce a small geared object out of his pocket, unfolding two small wings that would extend above it. He began cranking a little turn dial on the side of the object, powering it up as he grabbed a string at the bottom of it and pulled it. He threw the tiny toy into the air, the gears spinning up and the small wings making it hover about ten feet in the air, as the string came loose, and suddenly a whirling sparkler ignited on one of the wings, sending small, harmless, but quite distracting sparks everywhere as it hovered above the crowd of foreign nobles and local gentry.


The mechanic let out a wild whoop at the guards as he and Clarice spun around a banister and headed for the upper floors, to hopefully make good their escape, the two others a few steps ahead of them.

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Gentleman Johnny smiled back at the two behind the bar and fished out a pair of Legionnaire's coins. He places the gold piece roughly the size of silver dollar, stamped with the Legion's coat of arms on one side and the stern face of Denard on the other, and slides them over to the pair. He then says, "I don't think you'll ever get a tip quite like the one I'm about to give you. When in doubt, never guess, always act on concrete information. When without concrete information, guess and hope for the best. When you have doubt and concrete information, fear not, you are probably soon to be dead."


"In other words he's looking for your number, which you should give him," Malcolm inserted into the conversation. From his pocket he pulled out a piece of paper containing the recipe of his favorite drink titled, The Facepalm. The recipe lists a devilish concoction of five different types of whiskey and two liqueurs. "If you'd be so kind, could either of you mix up a pair of these for us?" he said as he drew out a 100 dollar bill and discretely slid it across the table along with the recipe. 


Gentleman Johnny looked slightly ill as Malcolm slid the recipe over the bar and said, "By god, I think this is how a good rousing game of butt darts is started."

"Never, that's a Dillion and Denard affair, we merely will have to content ourselves with mingling with these two nice folks who seem to be slaving away behind the bar," said Malcolm.


"Those two retards are safely contained on the moon and one of them is dead. We are safe from the scourge of explaining their terrible manners at diplomatic functions," Germaine replied with a snort.


The woman, Jeanette, a brunette with her hair pulled tightly in a ponytail, nodded at the drink. "Yes, I can do this, just give me a moment." Then she walked back to the drinks and started brewing the concoction until it bubbled over the two shot glasses. She slammed them down on the table, passing them to the Legionaries. "That will knock you both on your asses."


Then she leaned over the bar and looked at them and the mingling guests on the dance floor. "So you two aren't the mingling type with the big wigs?"



The Duke smiled, "Life is short why waste time?" he asked her.  '"No doubt time on this world is short enough, and seeing distant lands is best done in youth, no?" 


He continued to lead spinning her expertly around the dance floor as another of Strauss's waltzes began.  "After all a magnificent  beauty such as yourself should be admired by all the corners of the world.  And there are few places where Aquitaine's beauty could be more on display and benefit it more than the Imperial Halls."


"Ah, yes, Your Grace, but we've only just met and you're already trying to take me home. I'm not sure whether that is a sign of my beauty, your vitality, or your devotion to women not of your Court. Either way, Monsieur, I am intrigued by the offer."


In fact she was, Madeline had spent most of her life in France and under the Athenians, the more impoverished French nobles had been reduced to little more than minor gentry positions in the new aristocracy. Madeline had no real family, her father had died young, and then her mother had abandoned her after her tenth birthday. Over the course of the next fourteen years, she squandered most of the little wealth of her family on parties, food, wine, and clothing, in a materialist bid to forget her sorrow. There were various advantages to going to the Imperial Court both to increase her finances and her prestige.


"I am a little bit tied down to Her Grace, the Viscountess' government, but if you are serious, Monsieur, I think a vacation to the East would be splendid." She smiled, the Duke was attractive and from the forwardness of his request, she knew there was more to this than a simple vacation to Tianxia. She figured it would be to become his fling for a few months, which she could do. The gears were spinning now and Madeline was planning out a future,  much more grandiose, where her own wealth and power would surpass the wealthiest nobles of France.




With the second flute in hand, Anton would be yanked along by Clarice, as he took a long swig from his second glass, some of the fabled claret sloshing out the sides of the flute as he was half pulled along. The four mechanics, the two bigger machinists, Thomas and Martin leading the way, as they ran through the crowd, moving towards the staircase upstairs again. Anton would turn and see the lieutenant slip and fall again, now on the wine-covered floor, and to add insult to injury, he would yell at him again in a chiding singsong voice as he ran.


"I told you! Quite sorry!" he crowed, as two other guards took off after them.


"Mon Dieu! You're going to get us all run through!" Clarice growled, as she dragged the eccentric mechanic along. Anton would drop his second flute on top of a steward's tray as he ran by, in a calm-like fashion, giddily giggling as he went along. They were pushing through some of the dignitaries, some from far, some from near.


As he ran, and was pulled along by Clarice, the two guards hot on their heels, Anton would produce a small geared object out of his pocket, unfolding two small wings that would extend above it. He began cranking a little turn dial on the side of the object, powering it up as he grabbed a string at the bottom of it and pulled it. He threw the tiny toy into the air, the gears spinning up and the small wings making it hover about ten feet in the air, as the string came loose, and suddenly a whirling sparkler ignited on one of the wings, sending small, harmless, but quite distracting sparks everywhere as it hovered above the crowd of foreign nobles and local gentry.


The mechanic let out a wild whoop at the guards as he and Clarice spun around a banister and headed for the upper floors, to hopefully make good their escape, the two others a few steps ahead of them.


But when they reached the upper floors of the Hotel, the chase seemingly came to an end. Six guards stood in front of the machinists with swords drawn while the other two, with Hugo catching up, closed in from behind. In the darker halls of the upper floors, the swords and pistols of the guards glittered int he candlelight.


"Stop where you are, you hooligans! This stops now!" said Hugo, "Hands in the air, and no movements. Especially you!" he said pointing at Anton. "Watch that one, he's a regular inventor." The guards moved in, slowly, and took the machinists in their hands. "Don't disturb the party, we'll take them to the jail out through the back. But this is completely unacceptable. You will all rot in the jail tonight. I can assure you of that."

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But when they reached the upper floors of the Hotel, the chase seemingly came to an end. Six guards stood in front of the machinists with swords drawn while the other two, with Hugo catching up, closed in from behind. In the darker halls of the upper floors, the swords and pistols of the guards glittered int he candlelight.


"Stop where you are, you hooligans! This stops now!" said Hugo, "Hands in the air, and no movements. Especially you!" he said pointing at Anton. "Watch that one, he's a regular inventor." The guards moved in, slowly, and took the machinists in their hands. "Don't disturb the party, we'll take them to the jail out through the back. But this is completely unacceptable. You will all rot in the jail tonight. I can assure you of that."


The group of four machinists skidded to a halt as the six guards emerged from the shadows to block their paths, their weapons drawn and trained on them. Martin and Thomas would hold up their hands immediately, while Clarice would growl and give an annoyed look at Anton as she raised her hand. The lead mechanic would whirl around when the lieutenant who had first grabbed him came bounding up the stairs with two guards, a spot on the front of his tunic burned black by the sparkler.


When the lieutenant barked at the group of four, Anton would get an insulted look on his face when he addressed them, and advanced a little, "How dare you address us like common-," he would stop short when one of the guards cocked his pistol and aimed at him. "We are far from common criminals, and I am insulted at the thought that you think of me and my employees as such! Such a brutish and ignorant chap!" he huffed, his eyes showing some fire as he considered bolting again, but thought better of it. He would shake his head disapprovingly at the lieutenant, as irons would be slapped on his wrists.

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Mikhail smiled coyly as he shook the ballerina off his arm. He acknowledged the Texan with a nod, but didn’t speak. He turned back to the Viscountess, “Mademoiselle we all have our reasons for being here tonight, mostly political reasons, I’m sure. As for me I was hoping for a little drinking and dancing and good company.”

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The woman, Jeanette, a brunette with her hair pulled tightly in a ponytail, nodded at the drink. "Yes, I can do this, just give me a moment." Then she walked back to the drinks and started brewing the concoction until it bubbled over the two shot glasses. She slammed them down on the table, passing them to the Legionaries. "That will knock you both on your asses."


Then she leaned over the bar and looked at them and the mingling guests on the dance floor. "So you two aren't the mingling type with the big wigs?"


"The funny thing about big wigs. Most of them really aren't all that important in the greater scheme of things. I'll wait for the real movers and shakers to reveal themselves, until then I'll enjoy this barbarous concoction Malcolm insists upon inflicting upon me," Gentleman Johnny replied.


"You both seem like decent types, what got you into the bar keeping business?" Malcolm Reynolds asked as he shot a careful measured at the outside edges of Jeanette's hands to see if he could spot a tell tale ridge of callous that tends to indicate the bearer of such a mark has a certain amount of physical training, the sort of training given to government trained specialists and other types agents.

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Following the aftermath of the revolt in the Grand Republic, Drogowit Mazovia, a young ambitious man in his late twenties, newly elected as ruler was informed of the fact that the land of Aquitaine had arisen in the north and that a great celebration was being held to mark the occasion. He was also told that many representatives from various nations from across the world were also attending. Already having a love for celebrations and not wishing to miss an opportunity to help improve the image of the Grand Republic in the eyes of the world Chancellor Mazovia contacted the government of Aquitaine to let them know that he and his close personal family would be attending.


Travelling swiftly to this new land to the west of Athens Chancellor Mazovia with his wife, lady Jadwiga Mazovia, a caring and just mother, and his diligent daughter young lady Adela Mazovia. The three of them would attend the celebration without any guards seeing no requirement for them. Making their way to the Hotel de Ville the trio could see that the ball was already well underway and so they climbed the steps and entered the building. Wishing to make a statement and yet at the same time not attempt to overshadow their hosts the Mazovia family had chosen to wear stylish light green robes with golden highlights around the sleeves and center which flowed down and came to a stop just above the ankles of each Mazovia family member. Complimenting their robes the lady and young lady wore a same green covered cowl on their heads whilst Chancellor Mazovia went without any headpiece. 


Coming into the main room where the ball was being held the three guests from the Grand Republic would stand together surveying the room and its occupants with the two adults standing to each side of the their young child. Drogowit had been excited on the thought of meeting and talking to new people at the ball but now that he was there in person he found he was quite nervous and unsure of himself as he realized he knew nobody at the celebration and greeting total strangers would prove to be a very daunting task to do. 

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"The funny thing about big wigs. Most of them really aren't all that important in the greater scheme of things. I'll wait for the real movers and shakers to reveal themselves, until then I'll enjoy this barbarous concoction Malcolm insists upon inflicting upon me," Gentleman Johnny replied.


"You both seem like decent types, what got you into the bar keeping business?" Malcolm Reynolds asked as he shot a careful measured at the outside edges of Jeanette's hands to see if he could spot a tell tale ridge of callous that tends to indicate the bearer of such a mark has a certain amount of physical training, the sort of training given to government trained specialists and other types agents.


"Well it's not so much the bar keeping business," said Jeanette as she moved back over to the shelf of spirits and wines. "It's serving in the Hotel de Ville, they don't just pick up any bartender in Bordeaux, even this job has connections." She laughed and walked back over to Gentleman Johnny with a grin. "You could say that both Jacques and I are big wigs in a way. Big wigs on our own totem pole." As she put her hands out, Malcolm would see her hands were calloused. Though her fingers moved gracefully over the granite bar top, they showed signs of strength and wear, definitely not the soft hands of many of the ladies dancing.


Looking into Germaine's drink, she shook her head. "I'm impressed that you can handle that, but it's to be expected by a Legionnaire. I have to ask you guys, I had a distant uncle who was part of the Legion. I think he actually might have served at Dengali. Would either of you know him, Beliot? Charles Beliot?"


Mikhail smiled coyly as he shook the ballerina off his arm. He acknowledged the Texan with a nod, but didn’t speak. He turned back to the Viscountess, “Mademoiselle we all have our reasons for being here tonight, mostly political reasons, I’m sure. As for me I was hoping for a little drinking and dancing and good company.”


"Well you definitely have come to the right place. Aquitaine does not have much in the way of material resource, but I think that we have all the makings of a strong tourist and cultural center in Europe. A fairy-tale land where the problems of war and destruction are far away on other continents and people can come and relax with a nice glass of wine." The Viscountess laughed, "With little in the way of a military force or powerful economy, there are only so many options for our people."


She offered her hand to the Tsar with a smirk. "I was actually just telling the Governor that I will be going on a wine tour in a few days. Perhaps you'd like to join, Your Highness, your court and your..." she smiled at the ballerina, "...l'amoure, are welcome to come. In fact it would be a true honor."



The group of four machinists skidded to a halt as the six guards emerged from the shadows to block their paths, their weapons drawn and trained on them. Martin and Thomas would hold up their hands immediately, while Clarice would growl and give an annoyed look at Anton as she raised her hand. The lead mechanic would whirl around when the lieutenant who had first grabbed him came bounding up the stairs with two guards, a spot on the front of his tunic burned black by the sparkler.


When the lieutenant barked at the group of four, Anton would get an insulted look on his face when he addressed them, and advanced a little, "How dare you address us like common-," he would stop short when one of the guards cocked his pistol and aimed at him. "We are far from common criminals, and I am insulted at the thought that you think of me and my employees as such! Such a brutish and ignorant chap!" he huffed, his eyes showing some fire as he considered bolting again, but thought better of it. He would shake his head disapprovingly at the lieutenant, as irons would be slapped on his wrists.


"You are a common criminal, boy." Said Hugo with a sneer. "And for good measure, we've confiscated your little airship above the Hotel. You'll all be spending a bit of time in irons. That will teach you to mind your place in society and not go where you aren't invited to." She turned his back to them as one of the other guard's raised his hand.


"Monsieur Lieutenant?"


"What is it Du Point?"


"Your back is on fire, sir."


Hugo jumped in the air as the rest of the guards snickered and he glared at Anton. "Because you your machinations! Take them away! The Viscountess will hear of this!"


And the machinists were sadly led away by the guards to a prison not far from the Hotel de Ville.

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"Well it's not so much the bar keeping business," said Jeanette as she moved back over to the shelf of spirits and wines. "It's serving in the Hotel de Ville, they don't just pick up any bartender in Bordeaux, even this job has connections." She laughed and walked back over to Gentleman Johnny with a grin. "You could say that both Jacques and I are big wigs in a way. Big wigs on our own totem pole." As she put her hands out, Malcolm would see her hands were calloused. Though her fingers moved gracefully over the granite bar top, they showed signs of strength and wear, definitely not the soft hands of many of the ladies dancing.


Looking into Germaine's drink, she shook her head. "I'm impressed that you can handle that, but it's to be expected by a Legionnaire. I have to ask you guys, I had a distant uncle who was part of the Legion. I think he actually might have served at Dengali. Would either of you know him, Beliot? Charles Beliot?"


"He and I were squadmates all through the Kickapoo Rebellion in Sudan. Some of the worst of the worst fighting all along the fight through the passes he and I suffered through," Malcolm Reynolds replied.


"I survived Dengali," Germaine mumbled as he mentally forced himself to not think much on what transpired at the awful place.


"Not many of your types around anymore are there?" Malcolm asked.


"Just me, Denard, and a couple others. Unless you count the other side, about twenty or so of those around. Denard had me give them jobs with Port of Sudan Imports and Exports along with their relatives. Odd one that," replied Germaine. Malcolm nodded at Germaine and then with the corner of his eye he flicked them towards Jeanette and he touched his left ear. Germaine nodded back and then turned to Jeanette and said, "I'm going to give you a USB stick. You should look at it somewhere private," as he slid the USB stick over the bar.


On the memory stick here would be a Legion Intelligence Services Report detailing a smuggling operation from Legion into Europe that served as a pipeline for drugs, weapons, and other illegal contraband. Also on the memory stick is a formal letter from Prime Minister J. Denard requesting the assistance of the Government in Aquitaine in finding, putting surveillance upon, and the questioning of a suspected member of the ring currently in Aquitaine. Further, the letter pledged Legion's full willingness to share any and all information regarding this band of troublemakers until the situation is fully and terminally resolved.

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Jacqueline smiled and clasped her hands together. "You may be so bold, Monsieur Lawrence, you are truly a gentleman. Please, walk with me." She said as they moved through the venue of people, her hand gently resting in his palm. "So you say that your state is disconnected from your country? It has only been in recent history that the ancient United States has been formed again with repute. Why are you troubled? Is the Commonwealth dictatorial? What makes Texas unique in the world and within your own country, I am curious. For I recall, at least in history, Texans have always had a bold stance of independence and individualism. Is that the kind of disconnect you are speaking about?"




Meanwhile, near the wine casks, Lieutenant Hugo Javier narrowed his eyes at the dirty boy snooping around the tables. He gently removed himself from the guard post and as Anton neared the cask, he felt a hand grab him by the collar. "I don't believe that someone dressed as you are, Garçon, would have received an invitation to the ball. Where did you come from?"


Javier sneered and picked Anton up into the air. "And who did you come with?"


"I admit that the American Commonwealth is now very consistent with the past United States of America, however it is not identical. The Constitution, nothing like it was before - most of the Bill of Rights is not even included. I myself saw to it that the Bill of Rights was amended and added to the Texas Constitution. America is a loose republic right now but I fear that it would only take a cynical man to make this country take a one-eighty and have its citizens lose many of their God-given rights." John walked with the viscountess and took note of her beautiful outfit as they made their way throughout the crowd.


"I feel the Federal government, as it stands now, has too much power in its hands. Though ironically, the Federal government is also too weak. It does not act enough on the international level - at least publicly - like a nation of this size should. Texas has never been afraid to express its opinion on any international matter yet I'm not even sure if the American Commonwealth has a seat in the United Nationals General Assembly and if they do they have never made a single statement!" John had begun to raise his voice so he stopped for a moment and took a glass of wine from a servant who was walking around with a platter full of them. He took a sip of the thin yet powerfully tasting red substance and enjoyed the buzz it left on his pallet. "This country is not liberal enough for me. There needs to be more freedoms on the individual level and more rights dispersed to the States. The American Commonwealth, as of now, is a shell compared to the former United States of America." 


The Texas Rangers followed behind distantly because they felt the governor was safe with the new monarch of France. John answered her question about what made Texas different carefully and with meaningful thought. "I believe in something called 'exceptionalism'; specifically, Texan Exceptionalism. The people of Texas thrive on independence. It is a place of natural leaders and a humble people who believe in morality. We have always stood up for our rights as a united people and know the difference between right and wrong even when others try to cloud our judgement. Internationally, Texas has been known for being active with the rest of the world or at least the New World and Europe while trying to maintain domestic and global tranquility." 


"So yes, Your Grace, it is our individualism and our almost craving need for independence that makes my State differ from the rest of the country. Some, I will not mention who, have spoken to me about independence but..." he stopped in his monologue and shook his head, "Nevermind I mentioned that." John stopped and raised a finger, "I almost forgot," he took a perfect white rose from his inner-suit pocket and gave it to the viscountess, "For you." 

Edited by PresidentDavid
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The three Mazovia family members would slowly walk their way through the ball taking in all the people in attendance trying to do their best to match each person to that person's nation. This task proved frightfully difficult as none of the Mazovia family knew anyone from any other nation but they tried their best but eventually they had to admit defeat and stepped away to one side of the ball to rethink their strategy. Deciding to be bold Drogowit would leave his wife and daughter together and approached the nearest servant or guard to him in the room and asked if he could be directed to the Vicountess to offer her the Grand Republic's greetings and congratulations.  

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Izak sat down at the bar next to Gentleman Johnny and waited for the bartender to come to him. 


Gentleman Johnny looks over at the other bartender and says, "Son, whatever this fellow wants, don't give him. He's suspiciously Russian looking," as he finishes off his facepalm and rapidly follows it with a heroic shudder. "Get us pepper, vodka, and two shot glasses instead. Me and comrade here are going to give toasts to Mother Russia, glasnost, and everything else we can come up with," as Gentleman Johnny gave Izak a welcoming pat on the back. He has no idea who Izak is, but in his line of work, it paid to be friendly and he had long ago learned to drink like a fish in the name of international diplomacy and commerce.


Not there there is much of a distinction between commerce and diplomacy, at least not to Gentleman Johnny Germaine.

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In the company of the Tsar of Russia, Jacqueline listened to the Texan governor speak about the political situation of the American Commonwealth. Lawrence was a bit long winded when it came to talk about independence and individualism. He made the Commonwealth sound unstable and the Viscountess wondered, more and more, about the future of the Commonwealth and the future of Texas. This of course weighed on her mind as the Governor flirted with her and finally pulled out the rose with a smile.


Jacqueline blushed and took it from him, caressing his hand lightly. "I sense, Monsieur, there will be a future with Aquitaine and Texas. We are both small regions, but with large hearts. Have you ever thought about independence?"


She said and laid a gentle hand on the middle of his chest.




Jacques meanwhile made the drink for Izak and Johnny while his fellow bartender left the room.




Jeannette read the message on the memory stick in a private room below the Hotel de Ville. It would take a bit before she could relay the message to superiors, so she headed back up to the bar and whispered into Germaine's ear.


"How soon are you ready to leave?"

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John uncomfortably felt his ear and started to remember he was talking to a Head of State of a foreign country. She was Catholic though, and French, so he expected her to be trustworthy. "The American Commonwealth is a powerful country and I am sure it will survive the test of time but it will have growing pains," he said, to confirm that his home country was not on the verge of collapse. "I have thought about independence..." he said and then sighed. The governor looked around the room, observing one of the ornate light fixtures in the room as if he was looking up to God for the right words. "I think that civil war would hurt Texas and the American Commonwealth. As long as Texans are free and as long as I can change things, I do not think fighting for our independence would be good for my people or North America. I just hope Congress keeps the same opinion I have. I know that a few... 'Secessionists' are going to be elected to the House of Representatives. I have faith God will make sure what is best for America and Texas will happen. That, I am confident of." 

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Mikhail left the ballerina with one of the other dignitaries. He knew she would not protest. After all she knew her purpose was accompany the tsar and be there for photo opportunities, nothing else. “It’s been years since I last visited a French vineyard,” he said, “I visited one with the Empress—” he paused. It probably was not a good idea to start talking about the late French empress.


He was unable to avoid overhearing the Texas governor as he walked beside the viscountess. He rolled his eyes, “you know, governor, actions speak much louder than words. That’s what’s wrong with the world today,” he said as if standing on a soapbox in the middle of Red Square, “People are afraid to do things. Succeed or fail, people will remember you for what you do.” Mikhail linked arms with the viscountess and pulled her gently, but purposefully to the dance floor.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Shortly after the Russian Czar wisked the viscountess away the Texan governor would find a large arm on his shoulder as the Tianxia eucom looked at him with a whiskey in hand. He smiled and in a thick Aussie accent laughed boisterously, "g'day mate your from Texas right, they say your the aussieland of America. I hear you've got armadillos the size of dingos.

Say you ever come down to the land down under? You'd enjoy it. Lots of good sport to hunt and good beer!"

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"Da, I think you may be correct," Izak said back.  While waiting for the alcohol to be poured, for some unknown reason, Izak couldn't help but sing "Land Down Under" by Men at Work.


Germaine watches Izak carry on with the Men at Work song as he scoots a shot of vodka into his hand and finally, when Izak runs out of words and starts humming along the best he can, Germaine says, "A toast! To Prosperity! Freedom! and Commerce!" and he downs the vodka.



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In the middle of the conversation between the Tsar and the Governor, Jacqueline felt a sudden pull by Mikhail's hand. It broke her off of the Governor's arm as she felt the Tsar's hand clasp over her hip and guide her to the floor. Once there and the music swayed them back and forth, she chuckled and then looked up. "Well, you Russians don't waste any time at the negotiating table, do you? The Governor was just trying to speak and then I feel myself lifted away?" Jacqueline's eyes fluttered with mirth as she swayed with him.


"Not that I mind, it's been a long time since I was whisked away."


Meanwhile the music changed on another side of the room as the Australian general took the Governor's shoulder and the bartender filled up Izak's drink. "I believe," said Jacques, "This is more your style."

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"Da, spasibo," Izak said to Jacques, arranging his shot glasses in a neat row.  He grabbed the first glass and turned to Gentleman Johnny.  "To freedom," he said before taking in the first shot.  He shuddered a bit, having been more accustomed to wine on his business meetings.  However, his face remained stern, as it was not in a Russian's place to wince at vodka.  "To prosperity," he said before downing the second shot, remaining firm.  Grabbing the third glass, he stood up from his stool and turned towards the crowd of people.  "And to his Imperial Majesty, Czar Mikhail III, Emperor of all the Russias," he yelled out before swallowing the final shot.

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Whilst searching for someone to talk to for directions to the viscountess Chancellor Drogowit spotted a young man sitting by himself at the end of the bar where two more lively gentlemen were drinking and boasting. Leaving his search behind for the moment Drogowit crossed the ballroom to the young gentlemen's side and took a seat beside him. Turning in his seat Drogowit offered the gentleman his hand in greeting as he spoke. "Greetings sir I hope I am not intruding. The name's Drogowit Mazovia, Chancellor of the Grand Republic".  

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