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UN Security Council Discussion


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Despite the ongoing war there were still measures of importance the UNSC could resolve, in part as a result of the recent speech by Frank Underwood but also motivated by general support for a more proactive Athens within the populace the ambassador to the UNSC, upon gaining permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would propose a new resolution.


UN SC Resolution #4: On the International Sale of Arms


Preamble: The United Nations Security Council, seeking to guarantee international peace and to protect those subject to oppression by their government orders the following


Article I:

Sale of weapons to actors designated by the United Nations Security Council to be in violation of international law or abuse human rights shall be banned.


Article II: 

To properly enforce this resolution all sales of weapons that cross international borders must be made public. Both private and government exchanges shall fall under this article.


Article III:

Members of the United Nations Security Council shall be granted the mandate to initiate in a set of tools to enforce each element of this resolution. Such tools shall cover any measure from economic sanctions to the use of force.



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"With recent news of mass evacuations from Russia and the now Mascurian Occupied Territory, I would like to have the Russian government's permission to deploy UN humanitarian aid workers to assist the large number of evacuees reach their destination safely and without incident. I would also like the Russian government's permission to allow UN aid workers to work with Russian emergency response personnel in order to make sure all evacuees now in the Vancouver Territory receive adequate food, water, shelter, and healthcare. 


The Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs would like to establish emergency evacuation camps alongside Russian ones in the East Ingushetia Autonomous Community. It would also like to fly in much needed humanitarian aid for these camps.


What has happened within the past several days is heartbreaking and devastating to any inhabited region and against human development. I strongly urge the Russian government to allow my office and its subordinate agencies to help the innocent civilians affected by this disaster."


- Mr. Liam Strothers, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

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Ambassador Galitzine stood to address the assembled nations.

“I’d like to sincerely thank the Irish for their heartfelt offer to help, but the Russian government believes it can handle the situation. We are currently investigating what caused the two explosions and numerous government and domestic agencies are already on the ground. We simply do not have the room or equipment to accommodate more humanitarian agencies. Additionally, in light of recent events the region has become destabilized and at the moment we cannot guarantee the safety of foreign workers.”

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"I would like to remind the Russian ambassador that I do not speak for the Irish government, but rather for the UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. I understand your point however if the region is destabilizing perhaps a UN peacekeeping mission is in order. I ask the Russian government to please not block assistance from the United Nations."

- Mr. Liam Strothers, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

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Peacekeeping forces are appropriate for peace keeping.  There is no conflict as far as I am aware.  This is a public health, environmental clean up, and disaster relief.  The long term issue of nuclear threat reduction, launch control safety, and other issues which this arises in our view should be handled at a bilateral level between nations with capabilities some of which remain core national secrets and thus will not be discussed with non-governmental agencies within the UN.

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I believe the motion passes with support from Russia, Tianxia, Japan, and Athens.  Which brings up the issue of seat vacancies.  We'd propose letters be drafted to Meihua and Tierra Del Fuego to take seats on the council for South America and Oceania as Tianxia and Japan cannot fill these vacancies and other states remain in defiance of this august body.

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"I believe it is contrary to the principles of this body to have de facto permanent members among the regional seats, the Athenian Federation would propose a reorganization to allow for the less populated regions to be more contested and the regions currently heavily contested to be less so"

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"The Japanese nation thinks the current system works fine. If the Athenian Federation thinks that our seat being almost permanent poses an issue, this is saddening, but it is not our fault that no other contestants exist. When we were nominated, I stated that our country would support a Selenarctan bid, should they choose to join this organisation, but this is sadly not what has happened. Additionally, we see not how there is an issue with more populated regions to be too contested. There is no contest at all in Asia, despite being by far the most populated region on this planet. In fact, Asia is under-represented, with two seats, compared to Europe with two seats and the Americas with two seats, altough both the Americas and Europe combined do not even have as many people living there. Our Empire will not espouse any shift in seats that has our continent be even less represented in this organisation."

-Katsura Kaede, permanent representative of Japan


Edit: Fixed sentence structure to actually be English.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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If there are currently no other legitimate candidates then there is simply no reason for opposition to it.  That is currently the case.  Should South America have more states arise within it, you can be certain that there will be a discussion amongst those states.  As will be the case in Oceania.   Also why would there be a want of currently heavily contested regions to be less so while asking for competition in regions which only have one nation?  That seems against fair representation.

Edited by Triyun
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"While this is true the Tianxian proposal would place 4 seats on this Council under the direct control of a single head of state, while Asia may be more populous the simple fact is that the majority of its population is represented via Tianxia already. Both Europe and North America are significantly more diverse when it comes to nations and less politically unified. Asia and Oceania combined have just more than half the independent nations Europe has and only a few more than North America. You may be opposed to under-representation of Asia, I am opposed to over-representation of a single political entity"

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"The Athenian Federation has a permanent seat, due to political reality. If the Tianxian Commonwealth scores four seats, then that is just another political reality. However, we would hope that just because our head of state is the same, our people do not get disenfranchised, as your idea suggests that one representative of Tianxia will be representing about half of humanity. This is absurd."

-Katsura Kaede, permanent representative of Japan

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"That might be the case if those nations would then act independently, however the political reality is that they primarily seem to echo Tianxian moves on an international level, having four seats essentially in the hands of one person will affect the credibility of this body even further"

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I do hope Athens is not actually arguing supporting Tianxia politically is a sign of not deserving representation, if such was the case I can think of a number of European states who probably don't deserve to have their voice heard very much either.  Of course I'd never make that argument for disenfranchisement.

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"It cannot be seen as acceptable that 140 million citizens of our Empire be disenfranchised, just because of our head of state and because we act in our national interests. I do not see how this body gains any more legitimacy by dictating our political setup and foreign policy as a requirement for our rights as members of the UN."

-Katsura Kaede, permanent representative of Japan

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"I am arguing being a mouthpiece for Tianxia, as displayed through conduct in for example the case of the Order of Island Nations is. We must further conclude that by resolution #1 of this council, one introduced by Tianxia, the Indo-Pacific Asia was already considered as a singular seat and that at the time South America consisted of half a dozen independent states. It no longer does"

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