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Democratic States of Uganda Military Movements and locations.

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-Population : 34,873,902.

D.S.U. Army : 105,000

D.S.U. Special forces : 5,000

D.S.U. Political Guard : 9,320.

Military Installations (current/capacity)

Kampala Base: 12,000/16,000 (18,230 heightened security)

Kisoro Outpost: 5,000/7,000

Kisoro-Rwanda: 14,300/50,000

Kashekye Base: 10,000/15,000

Masaka Air Field/Air Base: 100/100 & 60/60 standing aircraft.

Entebbe Base: 10,200/26,000

Obulubulu Outpost: 6,000/6,500

Gulu Fort: 16,000/19,500

Mera Political Guard Base: 9,120/10,000

Jinja Spec ops Base: 4,200/5,000

Kasowa Academy 24,000/40,000




Dokolo Police Station: 500/500


M-Road Patrols 10,000/



Tank Locations.


Entebbe: 302

Kampala: 195

Gulu: 300

Edited by High Emperor Aggron
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6,000 from Kasowa Academy to Kampala Base

30 from Jinja Spec ops Base to Kampala Base

45 tanks from Entebbe Base to Kampala Base. 

200 Political Guard from Mera to Black Room.



Martial Law declared, all citizens must remain indoors except for the common hours, 9-5. Any Persons found outside will be held to pain of death in suspicion of the Red Brothers.


M-Road Patrols added 10,000/

Edited by High Emperor Aggron
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Official State Announcement of The Republic of Africa


The Republic of Africa can no longer go on with these human right violations against the people of Africa.


We, The Republic of Africa, hereby demand that this tyrant regime in Uganda abandon threatening their citizens with execution and death if they do not follow curfew. This is beyond cruel and unusual punishment towards the people of Uganda. We, once again, ask the Motherland of Uganda to assist in re-education of these tyrannical leaders in Uganda.





Transmission to The Athenian Federation

From: Republic of Africa

To: The Athenian Federation

Subject: Assistance


Dear Athens,


We in the Republic of Africa have had quite enough of our neighbor and their hostile human rights violations and their quite cruel techniques. As of late, The Democratic States of Uganda have abandoned their Anti-Islam policy with you help, and we applaud this. However, the nation is now under martial law and threatening to KILL their citizens if they exit their own homes from 9-5. We believe and apparently so do you, that freedom is a great thing to have. We ask you to enter in and help out this regime from their barbaric ways before things get out of hand.


Despite our first encounters, we will assist you in aiding this nation shall you need a strategic spot to assist the people of Uganda.



Her Majesty Hadiya Ekwensi

Edited by Rotavele
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From General Mkombe Grace

To: R.o.A.


It is our notion that any citizens found outside beyond 5:01 pm to 8:59 am will be suspected in leagues wth the Red Brothers terrorisitt organization. Due to recent events, (the attempt on our great leaders life) we will not allow outside "assistance" in systematically  exterminating these terrorists. You may send a small peace party of 100/100 soldiers to escort any civilians who wish to be relocated for the time being to the R.o.A. Should howeverr we recieve any reports of the Red Brothers in the R.o.A. we will not hesitate to launch an offensive into  any suspected Red Brother territory, at expense of any civilians. If you wish to intervene in our domestic affairs, prepare a station at our southern most border with Kenya, it is there you may recieve the citizens. We highly suggest you check them before you admit these refugees. Because we of the D.S.U. WILL NOT spare any who are in league with terrorists, whether they know of them or openly support them  or aid them in their activities.

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The People's Republic of Paraguay demands that the Republic of Africa withdraw its statement and not mention a word again against D.S.U.  You do not know the current situation so keep your words to yourselves. 


The Republic of Africa refuses to withdraw its statement. No situation is so severe where innocent civilians can be KILLED simply for being outside their own homes.

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The D.S.U. demands the Republic of Africa hold its opinions to the borders of its nation and implement them only in its nation. 



The Soviet Union of the Caucasus wishes to remind the Republic of Africa they are not the African Police. Any attempts to intervene, militarily or politically, in Uganda's internal policies will lead to serious consequences.


While we may not be the African Police, The Athenian Federation has declared it is. We are simply reminding Athens of this action and hopefully urging them to take action against someone who wishes to kill the citizens of Africa for not remaining in their homes.

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The Soviet Union of the Caucasus wishes to remind the Republic of Africa they are not the African Police. Any attempts to intervene, militarily or politically, in Uganda's internal policies will lead to serious consequences.

"The Athenian Federation however is"




While we recognize the need for a state to provide security for its citizens there is a fine line between security and tyranny. While we cannot at this time state if that line has been crossed the Ugandan government is summoned to the Imperial Court to defend their recent moves. Failure to do so may lead to activation of the third Act of Milan and result in military action.

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"The Athenian Federation however is"




While we recognize the need for a state to provide security for its citizens there is a fine line between security and tyranny. While we cannot at this time state if that line has been crossed the Ugandan government is summoned to the Imperial Court to defend their recent moves. Failure to do so may lead to activation of the third Act of Milan and result in military action.


Queen Hadiya I's Statement

"Quick Action leads to quick solutions.


The Republic of Africa fully supports Athens in its statements. No one in Africa shall be killed for such barbaric reasoning."

Edited by Rotavele
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The D.S.U. will send Luma Motowe, candidate for the UIP party to Athens. 


OOC: you can start the thread Cent.


The D.S.U. states simply to R.o.A. make your move. 


With Athens handling this, we have no moves to make for it is simply over.

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The Soviet Union of the Caucasus wishes to remind the Republic of Africa they are not the African Police. Any attempts to intervene, militarily or politically, in Uganda's internal policies will lead to serious consequences.



The People's Republic of Paraguay demands that the Republic of Africa withdraw its statement and not mention a word again against D.S.U.  You do not know the current situation so keep your words to yourselves. 


"The Union of South Africa urges calm at this time, and let the Athenian Federation conduct an inquiry into alleged violations of human rights within Uganda.


On another note, Republic of Africa is quite within its right to voice concerns over Ugandas' treatment of its citizens, as it shares a border with this nation, and instability that could be fomented in Uganda could potentially spill over the border. Although Paraguay or the Caucasus' may gag the press within its nations at will, this case is not the same on the international stage. Your threats and demands are quite out of order, and any unjustified, unprovoked direct or indirect actions taken against the Republic of Africa will find itself countered by a measured and similar response by the Union of South Africa as per standard procedure when our regional interests are threatened."


Lawrence Tenerife

Foreign Minister

South African Foreign Service

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