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What Happened to my Issues?


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When I first joined I had the option of addressing one issue and could go look at it from time to time. Subsequently, on another menu I found I could determine how many issues I wanted to deal with. I selected "two a day" as opposed to the "one a weekday" I had initially.

An hour or so later I noticed I could no longer look at the issue. I could not find the menu allowing me to determine how many I wanted to deal with either. It has been another day and no new issues have popped up. Did I do something wrong?

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Oh dear... This is very strange. Issues? Are you getting confused with !@#$%*. This is CYBERNATIONS. What you are talking about is Nation States, but your on a Cybernations forum? Im, well, a bit shocked that you would reply such a thing, here... And why would you post it here? And its also wierd how you think your playing NS right now...

Its almost like you sniffed some glue dude and gone out of it :psyduck:

Just kidding, but still...

Edited by Jack Grist
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