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Everything posted by aadverse

  1. Well, after a good long review of the possibilites...I've decided to pick a real-world nation flag. If the tiny island nation it comes from gets annoyed, I'll just have to deal with it. lol
  2. Weeelll, aren't all the custom flags created by some alliance? I assume only really large groups of nations are allowed to customize a flag in this cyberverse. There are 47 custom flags, so where do I go to see all of the alliance flags and find out if the one I like is usable?
  3. I recently received a message from another nation for trade, and noticed they had the same flag as I did. So I decided to go back to the flag selection option to search for a new one. I saw a couple I liked and then realized that several were associated with alliances. Now I know that the ones listed as real-world flags (Albania, USA etc.) are available, but what about the other "custom" flags? Any constraints on adopting one?
  4. Well, I am sure the dictators find the situation successful and beneficial... for them. They get to act like power brokers, enjoying all the diplomatic fun. The member nations get to play follow the leader, and private soldier to their general/commander. I am sure the status quo leadership finds this extremely appealing. However, I am not so sure most member nations would feel the same way, regardless of accepting safety in exchange for sovereignty. What was it Benjamin Franklin (a "Founding Father" of the USA, for all those unfamiliar with U.S. history) said? "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Still, I recognize that at the moment I am just a tiny voice crying in the wilderness. I also realize that as long as nations can only make two attacks per game-day, and can suffer unlimited attacks from groups of players, individual nations will have little chance of advancing or making a major mark on the CN world alone. Still, it would be nice if individual nations could grow and absorb territory. I would certainly like to see REAL borders around my nation and not be forced to share areas, only "influence" territory.
  5. I am well-aware of the predatory nature of this game. And who said anything about "fair?" I am simply asking if there are any truly benevolent alliances out there, and if so.. hook me up!
  6. I am a new player, and I admit to some trepidation about being able to participate effectively in this game. Now, within the 24 hours I have been registered, I have received all sorts of seemingly wonderful offers geared towards convincing me to join one alliance or another. I actually thought I had made a proper choice until I found out the many, MANY conditions which are imposed in exchange for help in becoming a slightly stronger starter nation. It seems that these alliances generally offer a tantalizingly large amount of start-up money, in exchange for the equivalent of absolute political submission. Upon joining, literally every international action requires permission and/or approval of the leader(s) of the alliance. Some of the alliances seem to be virtual dictatorships, with old founders or their appointees holding positions almost impossible to be ousted from. Many require new players to jump through a series of hoops before being given "aid" that is actually merely a loan due whenever the leadership decides to call it in, under pain of suspension, censure, and destruction in war. None of that is what I am looking for in this game. I am looking for an alliance for mutual gain, one where the older, richer countries help me build myself up in exchange for loyal support in elections, military action, and general diplomacy; but which do NOT stifle my own national independence. I am seeking immediate "aid" in the form of financial gifts sufficient to build me up to a reasonable level so that I can participate as an effective member of the alliance; direct guidance on how best to do so; and sovereignty in my own affairs. I do not seek long or short-term loans; submission of my sovereign diplomacy, or to become the servant/footsoldier of some power hungry cabal or despot. Whats with all these academies, universities and tests?? I don't mind learning, but I do mind expending valuable game time unable to advance the development of my nation while I attempt to prove I deserve the money and initial guidance that comes with it. Aren't there ANY alliances that actually provide ALLIANCES, not national subversion? Provide financial aid without a lot of misleading requirements? Any of you OUT there? If so please let me know.
  7. When I first joined I had the option of addressing one issue and could go look at it from time to time. Subsequently, on another menu I found I could determine how many issues I wanted to deal with. I selected "two a day" as opposed to the "one a weekday" I had initially. An hour or so later I noticed I could no longer look at the issue. I could not find the menu allowing me to determine how many I wanted to deal with either. It has been another day and no new issues have popped up. Did I do something wrong?
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