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Conference of North and Central American Affairs


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Welks kept his cool as looked at the unfolding violence in Madison, "Even if there was partition for a RAS Constitution in any Great Lakes region lands, the situation is changing where even pieces of paper is not enough to ensure that you're the best option for any of the land around the Great Lakes."


Douglas Welks put his hands on the table and looked at the RAS delegation and said, "The laws of the Faraway realm is not ours to judge, if their law allows the punishment of hard labor, that is their call.  While the Hudson Bay Federation maybe more progressive in our domestic laws, judging another countries' affairs in dealing with their domestic affairs is out of our hands and really out of anyone else here today.  However, we do suggest Faraway to be better stewards in not being so 'gun-ho' in their efforts, this call to appeal to our 'progressivism' is really not something we can actively change, but only suggest.


Thus, Welks made the accusations of people being sent to the mines an internal legal affair rather than international injustice of basic human rights, while not right in principle, it was personal national legal issue outside of the scope of the nations in attendance.  Such further calls of injustice would fall on deaf ears to the Federation delegation.  

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Sullivan's jaw clenched ever so slightly. "How can we give you any assurances like what you seem to be needing when you won't even recognize the formation of our government? We're as eager as you are to bring stability to the region - more so than you, even, I'd wager. You don't stand to lose face for this disgraceful turn of events in Madison, but our entire movement does."

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"Our resolve to see stability to the North American continent cannot be underestimated, we are fully committed to seeing peace to the region, no doubt through our actions already, not merely words or grand speeches," stated Welks.  "Our passion to the North American people spans back to the foundation of the Federation, even more so after the Northern Imperium War.  Of all the people involved in these talks today, we know the costs and the dangers.  The protests in Madison, as I've already said, are not legitimate calls for independence, but of open rebellion.  I have no interest in appeasing that type of people.  While I offer concessions based on peace, this isn't of peace and does not warrant my pity."


Looking at the map on the table again, "As I said before and I'll say it again, the lands of east of the Mississippi River and Minnesota are not on the table for further discussion; however, we can talk about the land west of it and north of Oklahoma."   

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Sullivan shook his head incredulously."Once again, we have not sought claim to anything farther east than the Mississippi River. What you are saying, in essence, is that you are confining us to a small, poor region with little in the way of industry and no access to major sea trade routes.The protests in Madison, from all the information I have, are and were legitimate calls for independence. How else would such a large gathering of people occur, especially unarmed?"

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"Well, unfortunately, whatever information sources you have, clearly, you need better sources on the Great Lakes region," replied Welks.  He lit a cigar and puffed a giant smoke ball engulfing him briefly, continuing on," The Upper Midwest is resource rich, such a short-sighted perspective on the region in which you may acquire.  While true, you have no true access to seaports, I'm sure to stimulus your new economy by ensuring upgrades to locks and dams on the Mississippi River as well as providing nearly duty-free rail routes to select Great Lakes port facilities under a Faraway lease control as well as maybe a deal with the Athenians or CSA is in order for leased port facilities to the South.  Capitalism Mister Suillivan, capitalism my good sir."


"Your outlook is too limited, while land-locked, the end is not near for the flow of your economy to actually have proper land that you need control, diplomacy works!" boomed Welks.


In the background, Minister Rolan was hyperventilating with over laughing a bit hard.  An FSIA agent came by to watch over him a bit to see if he was alright.

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"Tsk, tsk, Mister Sullivan.  Not everything to run an economy requires access to a seaport.  We're all willing partners to help the Upper Midwest to greatness with vast deposits in natural gas and the east Rockies have rich amounts of ores.  You're simply short-sighted, all I see is merely opportunity to work with the nations around you to build you up to your potential   Unfortunately, you clearly do not see it this way.  As I said before, and I definitely speak on the behalf of the established American nations that what is drawn on this map is what it is.  There is nothing more to 'get on with this', this is it, with our data.  If you feel unpersuaded by my assurances to build you a great inland empire that would be the envy of the world!" stated Welks, enthusiastically. 


"Think about it, unrivaled river access down the Mississippi, rail lines to Churchill, Chicago, Houston and/or Mobile, on our dime!  I would consider it a tempting offer." concluded Welks.

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"I never said it wasn't. All I know is that mister Carnegie over there is going to be furious if I can't at least bring his own state of Illinois into the deal, Minister. He's worked long and hard to get this thing set up, as have we all. Is there, perhaps, a compromise that can't be made?"

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As the conference drew on Ignacio grew impatient with the drollness. "Patricio, we're wasting our time here... we've accomplished our goals. Let's go." The Mexican delegates would chatter quietly among one another debating whether it would be disrespectful to leave in the middle of the North American negotiations. "What's there to learn? At this point it's just debates over tracts of land we've opted to give up." said Anthony Bourbon. Andres Obrador would reply "Fine... fine... I agree the bickering is leaving little to be gleaned. We've signed our papers and our nations is formed... Let's make our exit."


With that the Mexican delegates would gather their belongings and quietly arise from their seats making sure not to draw any attention as they made their way to the doors. Patricio would stop by the Hudson Bay Chief of Security and remark "Please inform the delegates that it's been a pleasure being here. But we must be on our way... we've got elections to conduct and districts to redraw." The chief would nod and return the delegations cellular devices as the trio of men made there way out the doors.


The sun shown through the clouds of Mexico City and the crisp humidity of the air seemed to be a beautiful thing to the three men... it represented hope. Patrcio would begin "So, now that we're through with that... Tequilla at my place?" The group would collectively pause looking at each... "Hell yeaaaah!" It was a moment that seemed to last for a lifetime.


A hooded man began making his way towards the group as they celebrated in the parking lot just outside of the the security fencing. He had a quick pace to him walking towards the men who were oblivious to the impending danger... as he entered talking distance he would reach towards his breast *click* *click*... "Hail sithis."




An explosion would shatter the earth as the faceless figure blew himself into bits and sent hundreds of steel ball bearings flying through the air in all directions. A black plum of smoke would engulf the area...and the smell of burned flesh and blood began filling the air... it was chaos, it was, bloody, it was... Mexico.

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Secretary McNutt was a functional borderline alcoholic and was amused with the spiked mineral water he had gotten.  Most of the rest of the Commonwealth delegation were not so amused with their soy-sauce laced beverages, finding solace in the better tasting alcoholic water.  Brigadier General Kenneth M. Cope was the military attache of the Commonwealth delegation.  While the rest of the delegation were interacting with their peers from the other nations, General Cope seeked out a member of the Faraway delegation.  Looking around he found two of them together, although one seemed to be asleep.  He identified the other as Lady Hanobel and introduced himself.


"Hello ma'am.  My name is General Cope, I'm the military attache for the American Commonwealth delegation at this summit" said the general while extending a handshake.  We've heard of the trouble you've been having in Wisconsin and my government has asked me to extend a measure of assistance to Faraway.  While I'm afraid our current peacekeeping operations preclude the availability of any large number of ground units we have a lot of extra capacity when it comes to air assets.  Specifically for the situation, electronic warfare and jamming aircraft.  If you'd like we can have these assets in place quickly to support Faraway efforts to secure its protectorate area".

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Marine General Pullero and his assistant Colonel Chavez had followed the Mexicans outside to beg a moment of their time to discuss an important private matter involving the return of several items of a personal nature to private Mexican citizens from the previous government that were obviously left behind by the former Mexican peacekeepers. The explosion threw Pullero off his feet and onto his back and killed Colonel Chavez outright. Despite being addled by the blast, Pullero rallied, took one look around and screamed, "MEDIC!" as he moved to the nearest injured person to begin giving first aid. As he did so he hit the panic button inside of his shirt that notified the Chilean Government 777 at the Mexico City Airport that there was an emergency that required Presidente De Juaguari be extracted immediately.


Inside of the conference, De Juaguari's pager buzzed and with that he smiled at everyone, stood and promptly left the room where he was greeted by his small group of personal guards outside of the conference who quickly ushered him into an armored limosine. As he passed by Pullero he shouted, "What happened?"


"Suicide bomber is my guess sir!" Pullero shouted back as he tried to help a young lady.


"Contact me as soon as you can with how we can help, I'll coordinate with Santiago once I get in the air," De Juaguari managed to reply before he was physically picked up by his guards and tossed into the limo. As soon as the limo departs, Pullero is joined by four of the Chilean guards, who are members of the Chilean National Police Force, or the Federales. The leader of them Rapheal, the savior of Santiago during the El Tigre riots, pushed Pullero aside and took over the aiding of the young civilian.


Pullero stood up and looked at the other three and said, "Look, don't get in anyone's way, keep your eyes open for other suicide bombers, and get ready to help haul stretchers."


"Copy sir," the other three sounded off before they went to work helping out the authorities and giving first aid to those who need it.

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The sounds of the explosion by the suicide bomber rang through the entire neighborhood.  While security around the National Palace where the conference was being held was insanely tough to crack, the outlying security checkpoint where the only vulnerabilities lied.  While the Chilean and Mexican delegates were caught in the blast, the nearby security checkpoint manned by a platoon of Federation marines, the steel ball bearings ripping through 25 of the marines killing them outright, the rest severely wounded.  Mexican citizens were also caught in the cross blast, at least several dozen that were waiting in line to get through the checkpoint.


Sounds of car alarms and smoke emitted from the site as a scene of chaos engulfed area as reinforcements of a couple platoons of Federation Marines in MRAPs raced to the scene.  From the National Palace, FSA agents moved on foot in their suits to the scene to assistance.  The Marine headquarters at the international airport turned into a flurry of activity as they moved about in purpose as this failure of security rocked the leadership there.  At least the air traffic was left uninhibited for now; however, a sortie of F-15SE fighters taxied off to emergency CAP above the capital.


The first responders were plain-clothed FSA agents followed by the heavily armed convoy of MRAP vehicles with several armored ambulances.  The smell of the dead and the sounds of the dying greeting them in the grimiest fashion possible.



Meanwhile in the conference, Welks saw his page go off shortly, a late reminder to the grim situation he and the rest of people inside obviously just heard...  he was just about to reaffirm the fact of no compromise.  Welks' vision of North America was definitely something that couldn't wasn't backing down on.  He looked at Carnegie, then to the plume of smoke outside.  "I'm sorry Mister Sullivan and Mister Carnegie, my support for RAS in Illinois is still a firm no at this time, it would have go between myself and the Faraway government in depth at some other time."   Clearly, the situation unfolding, distracting. 

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Collins's security team rushed to him while they communicated across the building with their radios and phones. Collins would quickly thank Welks for his invitation but explain that various threats had been made against him and no chance could be taken because it could cause instability back home or ill feeling toward Mexico. "Mister Secretary if we want to make Plan A we have 45 seconds are we going or not?" Collins went along with the soldiers as several armored vehicles which made up the Secretary's motorcade awaited outside a back entrance. Other security personnel would be waiting in the vehicles who were well armed and ready to respond to any threat. The motorcade would take off and head to the international airport. All five vehicles were heavily armored and fully fueled and looked exactly the same. There only identifying marks were the seal of the Confederation on the side and small flags at the heads of each vehicle to indicate that they were diplomatic vehicles. 

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The sounds of the explosion by the suicide bomber rang through the entire neighborhood.  While security around the National Palace where the conference was being held was insanely tough to crack, the outlying security checkpoint where the only vulnerabilities lied.  While the Chilean and Mexican delegates were caught in the blast, the nearby security checkpoint manned by a platoon of Federation marines, the steel ball bearings ripping through 25 of the marines killing them outright, the rest severely wounded.  Mexican citizens were also caught in the cross blast, at least several dozen that were waiting in line to get through the checkpoint.

Sounds of car alarms and smoke emitted from the site as a scene of chaos engulfed area as reinforcements of a couple platoons of Federation Marines in MRAPs raced to the scene.  From the National Palace, FSA agents moved on foot in their suits to the scene to assistance.  The Marine headquarters at the international airport turned into a flurry of activity as they moved about in purpose as this failure of security rocked the leadership there.  At least the air traffic was left inhibited for now; however, a sortie of F-15SE fighters taxied off to emergency CAP above the capital.


Pullero left the three Federales to their work with the Mexican civilians as he moved over to the Federation Marines. His uniform marking him very clearly as a Major General in the Chilean Marine Corp and in times of crisis birds of the feather tend to flock together. While the reinforcements are busy securing the conference he stands with the injured Marines and gives them water and encouragement as their medics tend to them. He's very careful to stay out of the Federation Marines way and focuses his efforts in keeping the morale of the injured in good form. As all this transpires he watches the situation unfold and makes careful mental notes as to what support he plans to request from Chile to assist in this matter. 


Given the speed of the Federation response he doesn't suspect much will be needed, but he does plan on asking for a sizable contribution to the Federation Marine Corp's fund for disabled and injured veterans from the Chilean Marine Corp. One thing a Marine officer learns is that often there just isn't much you can do and the best bet is to shut up and stay out of the competent people's way, and as far as he could tell, the Federation Marines seem more than capable of doing their job.

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Lady Hanobel tried to respond to the Commonwealth general, as the explosion happened. she turned her head to the entrance, wondering what the heck that was. Was it once again some violent act of the RAS seemingly out of nowhere? Had some gas leakage exploded? Quickly she tapped awake Halliwel, who just mumbled a few sentences, before dozing off again. "Stinking useless bastard." In that moment Cecilia returned, a bit pale in the face still. "Your Highness, what happened."


"I do not know really. I just drank my tea and it tasted... strange." Given there were others nearby, the Lord Protector was a bit too ashamed to say that she had to throw up from the awful taste of black tea mixed with soy sauce, especially after she added three tea spoons of sugar, but Hanobel could guess it already.


"Your Highness, something seems to have happened outside, one of us should go look for the guard units."


Slowly, the Lord Protector staggered outside to look for the Faraway Royal Guard that had accompanied them and was after all waiting out there.


"Please excuse this short interruption, Mister Cope. It's just, we need to make sure everything is alright after this loud explosion." Hanobel stated. "But about your offer, yes, that would be great. We are mobilising troops to deal with the enemy, please excuse if I use that term, but we are under armed attack, and our own air assets, well, they are lacking. If one could deploy electronic warfare units to isolate these terrorists from any outside support and maybe a bit of an escort, as we have no idea who might not try to shoot them down. If that would be possible, that would help a great deal."

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When he heard the explosion outside General Cope called over one of his aides from across the room while he listened to Lady Hanobel's response.  "Alright then I'll send word back home to get things moving" he replied.  "Captain" he said, addressing his aide.  "See if you can get word back to command to green light the deployment of EW aircraft.  Then check on whatever the hell is going on out there".  As the captain hurried off to find a place to call back home and to find out what was happening the general turned back to Hanobel.  "Is there anything else you need ma'am?  If not I need to go check on Secretary McNutt".

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"For now, I'm rather happy to state that nothing else is needed in regards to our defense. Although, if this revolt reaches greater dimensions, I would hope a cooperattion would be possible. But for now, our army has this under control."


Hanobel smiled thankfully, and then sat down, to provide Faraway with a member of the delegation that was no in a drunk stupor.

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Welks slightly smiled, continuing on, "Well the 'alternative' is that you're landlocked for the time being.  My government will ensure that your new nation has proper access to external markets for your goods via the Mississippi River barge traffic or by rail on the behalf of the nearby governments.  This would be the ideal diplomatic situation rather than the mass demonstrations being presented so far."


Minister Rolan looked slight ragged as the conference dragged on, he rose from his chair and started singing, "Whyyy yes, give diplomacy tryyy!!! We're North America $&#(!%, $&^* yeah!  Let's ride on forward on that giant bald eagle and stomping out them terrorist scum where they lie!  Embrace that capitalism and secret backroom parlor gaaamm... "


With that Minister Rolan fell to the ground convulsing wildly.  Chancellor Welks looked back to he incapacitated foreign minister and mused, "Well... now, medics!"

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"Mass demonstrations?", Hanobel shouted. "This is no mass demonstration. This is armed insurgency. This is deliberate killing of garrison troops with military grade weaponry, that these outlaws obtained from god knows whom... though I already got an idea. Anyway, I protest that this movement, which is in open uprising against our people, is being recognised as a legitimate country. If at all, it should be outlawed, as the existence of such movements seemingly creates nothing but trouble for those of us who try to keep order. I say this now, and I'll stay with it, as long as the blood that flows on the streets of Madison is unaccounted for, Faraway will not recognise any entity between Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains, except the Hudson Bay Federation, the MidAmerican Commonwealth and the Cascadians. But surely no RAS or any of its heirs."

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"If there is an armed insurgency east of the Mississippi, Federation forces will assist in force there, in full force.  However, the terms of RAS recognition if there is active armed soliders fighting east of the Mississippi, it must be called off immediately.  The other term is the actual arming of your forces, which I will spell out in a minute."


"Aide, please inform the Chiefs to move an additional 75,000 troops from Southern Manitoba bases into the Western Great Lakes region to assist in whatever situation is unfolding there, at this very moment," spoke Welks.

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Sullivan turned to face the representative of the Farawayan jackasses, and for the first time, something other than pleasant consternation or shock was written on his features. "I have told you once, twice, a dozen times, Ambassador," he said, keeping his tone level, even as his jaw set ever so minutely. " that the RAS has no forces. We do not have even a militia, as you will not allow it. We have no equipment, as we have not purchased any. If you face any resistance in Madison, it is entirely of your own creation. Good day." he said, and beckoned Ellen forward.


"Ellen, you're our military guru. Perhaps it's better for you to handle Minister Welks' discussion on this. It would probably go over my head." he said with a small smile, and Ellen nodded acquiescence. Sullivan turned back to the Hudson Bay Federation's representative, and smiled more broadly at him. "I'm afraid I'm not much use in military discussions, Mr. Welks. However, when we get back to the other details and the politics of it, I'll be ready. I need a drink in the interim." Sullivan said, nodded to Minister Welks, and excused himself, leaving Ellen holding the bag.

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Hanobel simply leaned back in her chair. The Faraway policy on this country had been declared, more was not needed. With Faraway's daughters' lives being ended in Madison, it would only be just if the realm ended the RAS in the same way. And while the lowlifes could make noise, noise was all they could make, for the outcome was no longer theirs to decide. But Hanobel just showed a smug grin and whistled to the tune of the British Grenadiers March.

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Jade looked at the would-be "nobility" of the Farawayan regime and inwardly scoffed. They wouldn't know true nobility even if it bit them in the ass... , she thought to herself. The stupid mongrel's self-satisfied grin simply landed her on Jade's personal dog-house list, and one day would see her ended... rather gruesomely. But only a small, small corner of her mind was devoted to the loathsome, irksome little gnat who thought she had real power, and the rest of it was focused on the older gentleman in front of her. He had been rather pleasant, all told; most of Sullivan and Company's troubles had been brought upon themselves, though they truly had no idea who was staging the insurgency in Madison. It was, doubtless, a group of disgruntled patriots who had seen and taken an opportunity for revenge against their oppressors.


Jade smiled, firmly planted in her Ellen persona, and adjusted her glasses minutely before she held out her hand to Minister Welks. "Hello! I'm Ellen Richards, Mr. Sullivan's aide... and the closest thing we've got to a "military expert" in attendance."

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