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CNRP- "Pax" Europa

Captain Enema

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Nation List:


switzerland- tbm

England plus Island of Wight- kevin kingswell

Siciliy- Thilina




CNRP Europa operates under a simple premise, active collaboration between the role players to create fun and engaging stories for the participants and readers. 


There is no winning the game in CNRP Europa, a single dominating force is losing the game. Role play, genuinely good role play, comes from common agreement between the role players, it can not be forced. To force role play by pushing rules, demanding autoadvances, gathering map pixels is not role play, it's CNRP-risk. 


Those who want to participate in this role play do so under the assumption that we are doing so to have fun. We are attempting, it might not work, but we are giving it an honest attempt at having a good time writing with each other. We surrender our old grudges, stop being jerk wads to each other in private and public, we stop trying to wipe each other off the map for the giggles of it, we just agree to let by gones be by gones and have fun. 


CNRP Europa exists under some different technological settings. None of us really want to role play waiting a month for a response, so why try? CNRP Europa has use to the telegraph to facilitate political and personal interactions at a rapid pace. 


The rest of CNRP Europa's technology is capped at 1840. There are trains in this era, not very good ones, probably not the sort of trains you'd use to move your entire army due to technological limitations, but there are trains. This spares us from having to wait a whole month for someone to ride their horse from their capitol to yours and shaves it down to a week or so. This is to enhance interaction as well. 


Your population?


I don't really care, in CNRP Europa you can't force me to rp with you. You have to get me to want to rp with you. If you rp 500 million people, I'm going to ignore you. But if you rp like Sarah, our sweet sweet Sarah, does you'll probably get noticed a bit more. Keep it reasonable, work with each other, have some fun. 


Here is the last important part. 


The map... your ingame size.. doesn't really matter to me. Everyone starts out with a single political entity. Even if you conquer someone, you don't get that added to your nation. You can rp it under your control, but CNRP Europa isn't here to be some large blight of a  land/pixel/technobabble drivel contest. 


There is one catch to all of this, if you start something.... you can't ignore it. So if you start a fight and they take you up on it... you can't suddenly decide to ignore it because it is getting the better of you. 


Also, no safe haven for characters... anywhere... you can demand a roll for your characters survival though, it's a difficult roll to fail.. because.. well characters are important to people and I wouldn't want to make it too easy. So let's say.. you have a 25 percent chance of succeeding if you try to whack someone... of course.. good rp needs to be in place prior to the said whacking attempt. 


I claim switzerland, yall have fun now you hear. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Then it's yours my good man. That's England, not including, wales, scotland, Northern Ireland, or Ireland. If any of the islands traditionally belonged to England need to be yours, just rp them as yours. 


Not really going to color the map anytime soon either so get busy rping my good man. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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works just fine for me, colored the map a bit and removed some of the annoying little islands that don't respond well to bucket fill on ms paint. I am not going to crack open photoshop to decorate a map for every little tiny island. If it ain't on the map posted above, it isn't on there in rp. 


for 3 million and 50 tech in game I could just change my mind.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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The quality of this map made me work on this, as this is just harsh on my eye.




And your placement of Switzerland is just harsh on my consciousness as European citizen. For future reference:




Due to the incredibly small size, the following countries were not labeled: Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Vatikan.


To the South of Georgia are (from west to east) Armenia and Azerbaidjan. Forgot them.


Kosovo is arguably a country, but would be at the Serbian-Montenegrin-Albanian border on the Serbian side.


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