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Which alliance to apply?


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I've just registered and I'm completely confused by the multitudes of alliances available in the game (sanctioned or non-sanctioned?) What does it even mean these terms? Which alliance is recommended for newbie player?

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I [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]recommended TENE its a super friendly alliance and welcomes new and old members. Just make your AA TENE and sign up at our forums [/font][/color]http://tenecn.host56.com/

join me on IRC and meet our alliance at http://client02.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23tene-cn&server=irc.coldfront.net

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[quote name='Vogel' timestamp='1356839418' post='3069308']
I've just registered and I'm completely confused by the multitudes of alliances available in the game (sanctioned or non-sanctioned?) What does it even mean these terms? Which alliance is recommended for newbie player?

Thank You
The only thing a sanctioned alliance is is one of the top 12 alliances based on score. Score is determined through a formula involving number of nations and alliance strength. Really almost any alliance can be good for a newbie player, but I recommend doing some research beforehand. You can check out [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=24"]this board[/url] for some alliance recruitment threads, or look on the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page"]CNwiki[/url]. It's really just up to you. There's always things to do in a big alliance, but a lot of times a new player can feel overlooked by the number of members. You can get to know most members in a small alliance, but there isn't always things to do. It's just what you feel like you would enjoy.

Edit: Adding links and grammar and such

Edited by Mompson
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A quick glance seems to reveal something resembling complicated webs of alliance group and treaties, and others. It is very overwhelming.

What are actually the big things that make one alliance different from the other? Something newbie like me could identify and to help decide.

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All alliances have treaties, besides neutral alliances like the Green Protection Agency, which makes them militarily tied to other alliances. Most alliances have specific themes or cultures to them that make them stand out or different. Personally I would recommend the New Pacific Order, we are a big alliance with over 300 members and we have been around since 2006. If you'd like to learn more about us you can visit our wiki at http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/New_Pacific_Order . If you would like to apply please come to cn.npowned.net .

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[quote name='Vogel' timestamp='1356844679' post='3069328']
A quick glance seems to reveal something resembling complicated webs of alliance group and treaties, and others. It is very overwhelming.

What are actually the big things that make one alliance different from the other? Something newbie like me could identify and to help decide.
Yes, most alliances have treaties with other alliances. It takes a while to familiarize yourself with them, but as a new player, you don't really need to worry about them.

The major factors that make alliances different are their different cultures. [list]
[*]Alliance size- mentioned above
[*]Alliance themes- New Polar Order (my alliance) has a Nineteen Eighty Four theme. Nordreich has a German theme. Sparta has a (you guessed it) Spartan theme. You should check out the wiki for some others.
[*]Alliance attitudes- Some alliances are laid back (not necessarily apathetic, but more here for the community ), and some are really serious about the game. Some alliances have a really tight knit community, and some are just here for their nations.
Again, just do your research, and your choice should be based off of what you want out of an alliance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Tom Riddle' timestamp='1356897826' post='3069509']
Do you like Winner? Do you like awesomeness? Do you like being in the same ranks as the greatest fictional villain in world history? Then join Nordreich!


Fixed that for you.

Also join TTK. They are still probably my favorite community even though I have been away for a few years.

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