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Operation Restoration OOC Thread

Imperator Azenquor

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No its not. Kankou complained about the autos being needed to be requested there, but she's not a GM. Curri has had no problem working on IRC best I can tell, and I can tell you as a former GM we've always been happy to accommodate requests over IRC. I don't really care if you're tired of it or not. You don't respond you die. Those are the rules. If you act like a !@#$%* don't expect me to be nice back.

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@Mara: Regarding the Bio/Chem weapon attack against my capital, which capital are you attacking? The Political capital (Sygh-Varthys) or the Imperial Capital (Zhukovgrad)? What is the range on those missiles?

I'm not going to comment on the ship issue, nor the autos because a ruling has already been made in that regard. My next post should be up either [s]tonight or[/s] tomorrow or the day after.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Additional questions:
-What chemical and biological agents were used in the strike?
-What is the approximate course of the missiles from Alaska to the political capital? (eg. over the continent, over the North Pole, etc.)
-Unless I'm mistaken isn't the Prompt Global Strike system essentially under development, and doesn't PGS refer to the project itself and not the proposed weapon? (Therefore should I assume that you used a land based rocket/missile, or a hypersonic CM)
-Where were the missiles launched from?

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Was there any preplanning between Tanis and Mara? If not I believe her nuclear attack is wiped due to violating the very rule Mara is hiding behind. Those nukes also fly over my territory which has an SDI, as Tanis is an ally my SDI would do its best to shoot them down.

Edited by jeff744
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They do not, in fact, fly over your territory. I am not hiding. He has stated his intention to attack me. He has made moves against me. Therefor, he's a legitimate target.

@IA: VX, Ebola, the like.

Over the continent, first leaving Earth's atmosphere on a trajectory that keeps it from crossing Tianxian defense lines.

You should assume I used an ICBM with a payload that isn't nuclear.

From near the center of the Imperium.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1348187989' post='3032501']
I'm still very curious about the specs on those missiles that they can reach any point in the world in 30 minutes.
The current most powerful ICBM I could find had a range of 14,000 km and takes somewhat less than an hour to reach its target.
To go over 20,000 km in 30 minutes, the average speed would have to be 11.1112 km/s. Not sure if that's possible with current technology.

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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1348187405' post='3032494']
They do not, in fact, fly over your territory. I am not hiding. He has stated his intention to attack me. He has made moves against me. Therefor, he's a legitimate target.

@IA: VX, Ebola, the like.

Over the continent, first leaving Earth's atmosphere on a trajectory that keeps it from crossing Tianxian defense lines.

You should assume I used an ICBM with a payload that isn't nuclear.

From near the center of the Imperium.
First, under the preplanning rules (which some say no longer apply while others say they do) you would have to actually make contact with Tanis first in an attempt to preplan, not just nuke and never talk. Basic Canadian geography disagrees with your claim they don't pass over my lands, Winnipeg is near the bottom of Manitoba, even accounting for the arc there is no way to get that extreme of an angle without passing over either Saskatchewan or my Arctic holdings.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1348189764' post='3032518']
The current most powerful ICBM I could find had a range of 14,000 km and takes somewhat less than an hour to reach its target.
To go over 20,000 km in 30 minutes, the average speed would have to be 11.1112 km/s. Not sure if that's possible with current technology.

Okay. Thirty minutes was an exaggeration. My point was that it was a modern ICBM armed with a nonnuclear warhead. Given the relatively short distance to my intended target, whether or not it takes half an hour to cross the earth is irrelevant.

Again, Jeff, whatever. They could be launched from my northernmost point, circle the pole and come back. I could launch them on a south-eastern looping route through the South Pacific and have them come up via Mexican protectorates to the south. I could fire them the same direction and simply keep them far enough out of your ASAT range that it doesn't matter. As far as I've been able to find, you don't have an SDI in place as is in this location. If I find the post which states such then I'll concede that you [i]might[/i] have intercepted them, but the fact of the matter is that Tanis already acknowledged it.

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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1348187405' post='3032494']
They do not, in fact, fly over your territory. I am not hiding. He has stated his intention to attack me. He has made moves against me. Therefor, he's a legitimate target.

@IA: VX, Ebola, the like.

Over the continent, first leaving Earth's atmosphere on a trajectory that keeps it from crossing Tianxian defense lines.

You should assume I used an ICBM with a payload that isn't nuclear.

From near the center of the Imperium.

1. Could you provide a complete list of the biological/chemical weapon agents that you launched.
2. Were these missiles launched from silos or from mobile ICBM vehicles?
3. Which specific type of ICBM was used and what are the specs associated with this ICBM?

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I'm announcing my withdrawal from this RP, based on the insincerity of Mara's engagement during the entire process. As someone who had been asked to help out, I cannot with good conscience support activities which undermine the standards of roleplaying and destroy a common feeling of community. While there have been some actions on the opposite side which are also of the same nature, in general most parties have been upholding what CNRP should be. With this, in mind, I am removing myself from the war.

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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1348187405' post='3032494']
They do not, in fact, fly over your territory. I am not hiding. He has stated his intention to attack me. He has made moves against me. Therefor, he's a legitimate target.

@IA: VX, Ebola, the like.

Over the continent, first leaving Earth's atmosphere on a trajectory that keeps it from crossing Tianxian defense lines.

You should assume I used an ICBM with a payload that isn't nuclear.

From near the center of the Imperium.

First, the assumption on an ICBM is that its nuclear, not non-nuclear. There is no ICBM in the existence of the world ever thats not a primary nuclear ICBM. Ever.

Second yeah they most certainly do do. I've done the vector mapping on Google Earth from your territory to Qingdao, yeah they do. The only way they don't is if you assume the Earth is flat and not a sphere. You're lack of mapping isn't our problem.

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Your lack of Great Circle navigational knowledge is disturbing. The PGS is also not targeting you, which is what I was referring to.

@ IA: Suffice to say "nasty". I really don't specialize in this bull.

Delta IV. Find the specs yourself. I'm tired.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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