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Hudson Bay Armed Forces


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Operation Vigilant Watch (Continuation)


Newest movements so far for existing units in the southern Midwest region that is now part of the Confederation of MidAmerica.  All units in this territory are to move into northern Oklahoma to a new base being constructed by a brigade of Federation Engineering Corps.  The new base will be entirely funded by the Federation to include one 10,000 foot concrete runway with 70 hardened fighter aircraft shelters. It will support the 94th Fighter Wing and 10th Refueling Wing.  The base will be supplied by the 564th Air Mobility Wing via the 780th Air Mobility Squadron.  The 92nd Light Armor and 68th Airborne Divisions will be deployed here beginning a year-long deployment cycle.  Cycling in, the 617th Air and Missile Defense Battalion would be activated to active duty status to this base.


The 66th Airborne Division coupled with one heavy armored brigade are moving north towards St. Louis to reinforce the 45th Armored Division AOR.  Token forces will remain to assist with CMA forces until the security situation is stabilized.


The northern Midwest will see increased Federation presence through the reinforced arrival of the 43rd (Denver), 47th Armored Divisions (Des Moines), and 94th Light Armor (Omaha), each totaling 22,000.  This will reinforce the current force composition by the 10th and 12th Light Infantry Divisions.


The main airport in St. Louis will now host the 606th Aerial Intelligence Squadron and a trio of RSC-240s.


Operation Goalkeeper


The newest phase of Federation operations in the Upper Great Lakes region has resulted in the movement of two light armored divisions, each about 18,000 along with a heavy armored division of 22,000 into Minnesota and Wisconsin.  One light armored division is to observe and test new non-lethal chemical weapons upon the increased disturbance in Madison.  Federation Missile Command has been notified for potential use of short range missiles to disperse some of the said chemicals.  

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Federation Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff
To: Federation Strategic Missile Command



Classified; FOUO: Reduction in Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capabilities - Strategic Arms Reflection Mission I (SARM I) 



In light of recent events around the globe, outside of the current unrest in North America, the Federation Chiefs of Staff, with Chancellor Welks and the Committee of the Armed Services in the legislature have looked into the beginning of reducing our ICBM capabilities in light of lower intensity conflicts.  More details to be laid out later.  SARM I will be the first stage of ICBM reduction as a planning phase to reduce the Federation's ICBM arsenal. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Operation Vigilant Watch (Continuation)


Office of the Chancellor

Hudson Bay Chiefs of Staff

Cc: Theater Commanders in the Midwest


Classifed: Top Secret, FOUO


Orders Update


Personnel of the Hudson Bay Armed Forces,



The situation over the entire Midwest has turned grave that we must ensure the security of our interests in the region.  An interest of national security that does not involve the Republic of American States.  It is deemed by myself and other high level governmental officials that RAS government is a supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.  We cannot allow this to stand. 

The entire Midwest under Federation control is hereby motioned into DEFCON 1, FPCON Delta immediately.  You are to issue martial law and arrest all unauthorized protests, with force if necessary.  New ROEs will be handed out within the next 12 hours for all personnel to follow.  All RAS supporters will be detained and later processed at various undisclosed locations in Northern Manitoba.  







Douglas Welks


Hudson Bay Federation 



The new orders would be executed swiftly to all urban areas under Federation control.  Movement by civilians would be severely curtailed as martial law was declared.  Open demonstrations by any RAS supporters would be met by Federation troops with the intent to break up such protests and rounded up. 


Security measures at munition facilities and other defense capable physical facility assets would be stepped up to prevent the chance of an armed citizenry uprising to occur that had unfolded in Madison. 


Commanders awaited further situational development to help shape a proper escalation of response as per the loose ROEs issued.

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Federation Field Units in the Midwest would be lowering their alert status as the situation at Madison, Wisconsin concluded.  Upon the final decisions of the future of the Upper Midwest sovereignty questions resolved, Federation units were tasked to process through Cheyenne or Omaha for post-conflict stand down processing.  The Chiefs of Staff have closed both Operation Vigilant Watch and Goalkeeper with the successful conclusion to the future of the North American continent.


Three divisions and an Air Combat Wing remained in central Oklahoma pending discussions with MidAmerican officials on establishing host nation rules and a status of forces agreement.  

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Secretary McDonald has issued that a major force and organizational restructuring process is to be unveiled privately across the armed forces soon.  It will increase force preparedness, reactionary ability to situations, redundancy to existing systems and enhance OPSEC.


SARM I is about to begin within the next month to reduce Federation strategic missile capabilities by 15%.  

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Federation Strategic Missile Forces have been ramped up to DEFCON 3 after the detection of ICBM launches were detected.  The outbreak of conflict in South America has raised Federation forces to continue a heighten state of readiness since the conclusion of the North American Midwest Conflict.

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Operation Everlasting Tequlia is underway in Latin America involving at least 200,000 personnel total from all the services.  Imprisoned RAS officials have officially been transferred to a more permanent, underground FIA facility in a remote part of central Northwest Territories above the Arctic Circle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Joint Base Guadalupe Island


Working with the American Commonwealth, Hudson Bay Corps of Engineers oversaw the construction of Federation facilities on the island along with the new runways and seaport for both nation's use.  Supplies flowed from Prince Rupert Sound in a steady stream to establish the Federation's more permanent presence in Latin America.  Construction of radar and space-based tracking station would be built.  A satellite communications up-link site would be established alongside of a consolidated communications facility to help facilitate long-haul communications. 


A cable ship would begin work on laying a long-haul fiber optics line from the island to commercial fiber optic infrastructure in California for general and classified communication transmission to the mainland of North America.  A cargo plane flew onto the island brought in the latest FSIA encryption devices and keys for installation onto all base networks before official use began.


The Federation would house one brigade on the island for the foreseeable future; however, temporary quarters construction would allow lodging for two divisions on short notice.  The main tenant would be an air wing compliment. 

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Cienfuegos, Cuba


Surveyors for the Corps of Engineers deemed the Isla de la Juventud site for an extensive period of military presence was inadequate for Federation Armed Forces needs in the Caribbean.  Alternative sites were compiled and settled on establishing the Federation's presence just outside of Cienfuegos, Cuba.  Commercial vessel docking were expanded, along with dock space for future naval vessels.  Focus would be emphasized on constructing two runways, one 7,500 ft and another that would be 8,200 ft.  Just like on Guadalupe Island, long range radar and space-based tracking stations would be built on the base complex.  Various support services and a consolidated communications facility would be built to meet the needs of Federation warfighters in the Caribbean theater.  


A dedicated fiber optic line from the complex would compose of the main long-haul communication link back to Hudson Bay via Havana to the new Federation base in Louisiana, onward back to the Federation proper.  Some time later, FSIA encryption equipment and keys were to be brought on base to ensure base communications would be near impossible to eavesdrop on electronically from remote listening stations without prior knowledge of the equipment and the keys being used. Anybody listening would just be listening to some loud, random static.


Housing would be built to accommodate the current contingent on Cuba, along with combined air mobility and air combat wing personnel that would be there permanently.  Space Command would utilize a satellite campus nearby to start construction of a classified military space launch site for exclusive military hardware deployment to space. 


Elsewhere in Cuba, near Camaguey, Federation military equipment with private contractors began work on a neutral North American space launch complex with support facilities to begin the work of making eastern Cuba part of a international scientific venture zone.

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Alexandria, Louisiana


The existing airport facilities just east of Alexandria, Louisiana had been commandeered by the Hudson Bay Corps of Engineers to facilitate the construction of the new Indian Creek Air Base and Woolworth Barracks facilities in Louisiana as part of an ongoing relocation agreement between the Hudson Bay Federation and the Confederation of MidAmerica.  As Operation Vigilant Watch concluded and a new SOFA was drawn up with the Confederation of MidAmerica, the various departments were shifting force deployments throughout the North American theater to the new commitments that the Federation was signing on to.  Temporary facilities had accommodated the deployment of the 45th Armored Division (moved from the St. Louis area), the 92nd Light Armor Division (moved from East Texas), and the 2nd Marine Division (from Mexico City) as the Woolworth Barracks complex were being constructed, totaling some 60,000 Army/Marine personnel that were to be normally stationed there under the MidAmerican-Federation SOFA (Status Of Forces Agreement).


Construction of Indian Creek continued with to include one 10,000 foot concrete runway with 70 hardened fighter aircraft shelters. It will support the 94th Fighter Wing and 10th Refueling Wing.  The base will be supplied by the 564th Air Mobility Wing via the 780th Air Mobility Squadron. Cycling in, the 617th Air and Missile Defense Battalion would be activated to active duty status to this base, all these units would part of the normal deployment of Federation forces in Louisiana.  Much like the other new foreign bases being built by the Federation, emphasis on getting basic services and communications was a priority. 


While the consolidated communications facility was under construction, Federation Air Force personnel deployed a 'theater-deployable communication package', a modular, expandable communications suite that could be rapidly set up in 12 hours for deployed warfighters with basic communications access via an encrypted satellite uplink and in 48 hours, communication via USIPNet and SIPNet as well.  A deployable air radar site would be eventually set up as a permanent structure would be under construction at the time.


Federation space-based surveillance assets that moved over the old continental United States from Operation Vigilant Watch would note the increasing build up by the Confederate States of America along the MidAmerican border.  The huge build-up would not go unnoticed by the Federation and would act accordingly.  At the same time, the Federation Intelligence Agency would contact via a classified, isolated intelligence network to American Commonwealth intelligence officials on disturbing aerial photographs gathered.  This intelligence would be discreetly shared with MidAmerica.


As a precaution, a scale of escalation plan would be laid out for a rapid expansion of deployment of Federation personnel around Indian Creek from 60,000 to 135,000 within 48 hours, pulling personnel from Northern Montana and Mexico.  These classified orders would be issued, but no action would be made to give a hint of upcoming action.  However, no visible movements from recon sats would be able to discern the normal activity portrayed in Mexico and in Alexandra, Louisiana. 


Meanwhile, a private diplomatic message would be passed to the Confederate States of America on their intentions.

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North America Air Deployment


Supporting deployed warfighters at Indian Creek would the new aerial patrols by 606th Aerial Intelligence Squadron and a trio of RSC-240s to collect SIGINT and radar activity by flights in Arkansas and northern Louisiana, whether their mission was successful depended on the laziness of the Confederates turning on their radars and using unencrypted radio communications.


5 E-5 Guardian AWACS from the 820th Air Control Squadron would be making a ramp up to 24/7 rotating coverage patrols, deep inside MidAmerican airspace to provide aerial radar coverage to Federation air assets, keeping them well outside of ground-to-air based opponent missile and radar assets.


3 E-10 J-ABMCS (Joint Airborne Battle Management and Command System) from the 841st Air Control Wing would on hot standby from Maelstorm AFB in Montana to provide coordinated battle space support to Federation warfighters in Louisiana if needed.


2 squadrons of F-22s from the 360th Air Combat Squadron and 1 F-15SEE (Slient Eagle w/ ECM suite) squadron from the 344th Air Combat Squadron would be hot standby, both stationed in Manitoba for now, for deployment to Louisiana, complimenting the 2 squadron of F-22s at Alexandra, Lousiana already, part of the 94th Air Combat Wing.


A squadron of B-2 bombers would be deployed to Joint Base Guadalupe Island to support upcoming exercises with the American Commonwealth.  Six of those bombers would discreetly fly one-by-one at irregular intervals  over the Latin American Protectorate and USCA airspace to the Kingston Air Base in Jamaica.    

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Meanwhile, a private diplomatic message would be passed to the Confederate States of America on their intentions.


A reply would be sent explaining that the on-going deployments were nothing but a series of large scale exercises for the Peoples Socialist States of America. If your observation satellites picked this deployment up so soon, then surely they observed the very same deployment starting to take place last month.

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Hudson Bay Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs


To: People's Socialist States of America


Our observation satellites did pick up last month's exercises along the border with the Confederation of MidAmerica and this second exercise has warranted an official response of our ongoing observation of your exercises.  We will continue our observation course to prevent any misgivings in the southern regions of North America due to our ongoing heightened state of readiness throughout Latin America as part of ongoing operations.  Any deviation from your statement will be acted on accordingly. Good day.

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OOC: This is what is required for you Zoot to determine anything of value in Louisiana by me if you choose this course continuation.  I would read this very carefully since I was figuring you would begin spy ops on me soon enough.


IC:  The Indian Creek / Woolworth Barracks facility encompassed 8,000 acres of relevantly flat ground, previously mostly wooded area east of Woolworth, Louisiana.  Not much could actually be seen from the main highway that ran along the eastern end of the base, or from the road that ran from down the southern edge of the base.    There were four gates into the base complex, three were for general traffic, and one for contractors.  Of all the gates, two gates closed on the weekends from foot and car traffic, only allowing two points of entry on weekends.  Entry required a Smart ID card issued by the Ministry of Defense that was issued specifically for individuals, even capture of the card would not matter since the encrypted contents required the software and hardware to understand it, although it was just the individual's personal information.  Visitors required a person on base to vouch for them to be on and would have to apply for a gate visitor pass; however, that only extended to know associates of the individual.


The view from the road would actually not reveal much of the base to anyone driving by besides the imposing steel fence that rose 9 feet, composed of 2 inch diameter rods lining the parameter of the new and growing base.  The top of the fence split in half had sharp multiple prongs at each that if anyone wanted to scale the fence, they would be in for a nasty task.   Right beyond it was a perimeter road that was patrolled by base security forces, patrolled regularly and randomly.  Security forces patrolled the entire base road network, anything out of the ordinary would be investigated.    Slightly beyond the road, were lamp posts, with their lights at night to illuminate everything for roughly 200 yards.  On less developed areas, trees masked what laid the actual base facilities, making photography from the outside impossible to get a good idea on Federation force composition and confirm various buildings, unless you were on base.


Federation doctrine instilled 'Random Antiterrorism Measures' base wide that made regular tasks... unpredictable most of the time.  Sometimes, base security forces even patrolled the local roads themselves just around the base, suspicious activity stops would be enacted just on outside as it would be on the inside.  The gates usually had a different routine every day, with major entry layout changes every couple months or so as part of standard Federation RAM protocols.


Some parts of the base were visible from the borders of the base, like the runaway and some of the flight facilities.  They would notice a several dozen hardened aircraft shelters, the air traffic control tower, normal hangers for large aircraft maintenance, some cargo planes, parked in the open and parts of the hardened ammo dump facilities.  However, much of the tall flight line buildings hide the rest of the base from the view of the world on the ground.  Access to the flight area was restricted, hemmed by razor wire fencing.  Authorized access was required by a badge that only security forces handed out.


Although the situation between CMA and PSSA warranted the concern of the Federation, the base would strangely not be making an uptick in activity, people still moved about, but going off base in civilian clothing and not going east towards the PSSA.  Every couple of days, F-22s would fly at random times to train and keep the jets in flying shape in northeastern-central Texas airspace of only, flights that lasted about 90 minutes in total.  They were not ordered to CAP the Mississippi region.


As most of the supply the Federation gave to the CMA was coming from air bases in Montana and North Dakota for early warning radar and intelligence gathering platforms on the strange repeat of PSSA force exercises.  However, contingency plans to ramp up activity and manpower at Indian Creek already submitted to the higher ups in Winnipeg and those forces were standing by, ready to act at a moment's notice if the situation worsen.  Federation AWACS shared duty with CMA AWACS for time in the air in a patrol space that spanned several hundred square miles of airspace above Texas and central Arkansas, just enough to see the past into parts of PSSA airspace.

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OOC: Subject to additions, it got really long.


Hudson Bay Total Force Deployments


Northwest Sector - Northern BC, Yukon Territories, and West Northwest Territories - 90,000


Shingle Point Arctic Coast Guard Station and DEW Site

500 seasonal personnel, 25 permanent personnel.


1004th Arctic Coast Guard Detachment

304th Space Operations Squadron


Joint Base Dawson

35,000 personnel


  - 1 Light Armor Division, Arctic Warfare Specialist, 97th Light Arctic Warfare Division

  - 1 Heavy Armor Brigade, 3026th Heavy Armor Brigade

  - 604th Air and Missile Defense Battalion

  - 707th Helicopter Assault Battalion

  - 3 Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons, 27th Combat Air Wing

  - 2 Close AIr Support Squadrons

  - 609th Air Mobility Squadron, attached to 49th Air Wing.


Prince Rupert Naval Station

10,000 personnel


1009th Pacific Coast Guard Detachment

Merchant Marine fleet - West

9077th Naval Air Wing

   - 505th Naval Combat Squadron

   - 403rd Naval Surveillance Squadron


Fort George

30,000 personnel


1st Army HQ - West

- 4th Heavy Armor Division

- 809th Helicopter Support Battalion

- 710th Helicopter Assault Battalion


Yellowknife Air Base (DEW Site)

15,000 personnel (9,000 FSIA personnel)


Western North America SIGINT FSIA facility

Yellowknife-Lac de Gras ICBM Complex

East Great Bear Lake-Echo Bay ICBM Complex

Sitidgi Lake ICBM Complex


 - 49th Mobility Air Wing

     - 345th, 347th, 349th and 351th Air Superiority Squadrons, part of the 27th Combat Air Wing

     - 505th and 507th Aerial Bombardment Squadrons

     - 49th Communications, Force Support, Aerial Maintenance, Security Forces, Personnel, and Operations Squadrons

     - 650th Air Control Squadron (AWACS)

     - 683rd Air Control Squadron (J-ABMCS)

     - 612th Air and Missile Defense Battalion


- 302nd Space Operations Wing    


Deep Arctic Theater - East NW Territories and Nunavut  - 39,000 personnel


Melville Island Coast Guard Station and OTH-B Site (Future)

200 temporary personnel, 5 permanent

Banks Island ICBM Silo


Joint Base Ellesmere Island and DEW Site

4,000 personnel


Ellsmere Island  ICBM Complex

Resolute Island Station ICBM Complex


5th Army HQ - Northeast

125th Arctic Warfare Brigade

606th Air and Missile Defense Battalion


809th Space Operations Wing

  - 360th Air Superiority Squadron

  - 809th Communications, Force Support, Aerial Maintenance, Security Forces, Personnel, Space Surveillance, Intelligence and Operations Squadrons

  - 237th Missile Force Squadron


Baffin Island Complex and DEW Site

39,000 personnel (7,000 FSIA personnel)


Eastern North America SIGINT FSIA facility

North Baffin Arctic Training Grounds and Top Secret ICBM Facility

Rankin Inlet ICBM Complex

Victoria Island ICBM Complex


15th Light Arctic Warfare Division

115th Heavy Arctic Brigade


50th Air Wing

  - 450th and 452nd Air Superiority Squadrons

  - 50th Communications, Force Support, Aerial Maintenance, Security Forces, Personnel, Intelligence and Operations Squadrons

  - 899th Air Control Squadron

  - 235th Missile Force Squadron


Central Hudson Bay Theater - Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba - 135,000


Joint Base Edmonton-Calgary

45,000 personnel


3rd Army HQ - Central

  - 10th Light Infantry Division

  - 12th Light Infantry Division


27th Air Wing

  - 490th and 492nd Air Superiority Squadrons

  - 27th Communications, Force Support, Aerial Maintenance, Security Forces, Personnel, Intelligence and Operations Squadrons


Winnipeg Air Force Base



Joint Base Minot



Everegreen Air Force Base



Indian Lake Joint Command Center and Fond-Du-Lac Alternative Command Facility



Forward Deployed Facilities - Outside Federation Territory (OFEDTER) - 260,000


Joint Base Guadalupe Island



Mexico City and South Mexico Administrative Region



Northwestern Mexico Peacekeeping Operations Region



Northeastern Mexico Peacekeeping Operations Region



Confederation of Mid America





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The Hudson Bay Armed Forces have began requesting arms manufacture Juniper Arms to make the latest update to the CAR-680 to accommodate the 7mm cartridge, making it the fifth ammunition cartridge able to fire from the CAR-680, joining the 5.56x45mm, 5.45x39mm Soviet, 6.8 mm Browning SCC, 7.62x39mm Soviet cartridges that are able to fire from the assault rifle. 


The latest request will make slight changes to the upper receiver, a new 7mm barrel in 12" and 16" lengths and a heavily, modified lower receiver.  It is expected that the Hudson Bay Army and Marines will field an inventory of 25,000 of this new variant of the rifle for use.

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Hudson Bay Federation Armed Forces are returned to DEFCON 3, INFOCON 2, and FPCON Alpha.


As the conclusion of operations against the PSSA, post operation missions went into effect.  Hudson Bay Northwestern Mexico Peacekeeping Forces around Monterrey, Mexico suffers losses of around 15,000 in extended heavy urban fighting with PSSA forces in vicious close quarters combat throughout the city.  Federation detachments throughout the Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Coahuila provinces suffered greatly in the initial ground retaliation against them, claiming another 9,000 personnel throughout the region.  The NW Mexico force was deemed combat ineffective, only saved by valiant efforts by Federation Air Force CAS mission to support the embattled divisions against great odds as additional reinforcements gathered to move north.


The Federation military facility at Cienfuegos, Cuba escaped total nuclear devastation, unlike counterpart bases hosted by Faraway and Chile were in the opening minutes of the war.  The base suffered from heavy nuclear fallout from the nuclear blast on Isla de la Juventud, the base quickly moved to full MOPP gear.  While Federation planes were ramping up an airborne operation on Florida when the cessation of hostilities broke out, the mission for Federation Air Force and other personnel was recovery and radiation monitoring work.  This would not be too new to Federation Armed Force veterans, senior enlisted or officers that the memory of Winnipeg lingered.  A modified C-130 plane with radiation measuring equipment was flown in from the Federation to Cuba to begin the grim work of recovery and assessing the damage at both bases.  There would be little left of either base as Federation forces began their aerial surveillance.  


Federation forces in Louisiana nearly lost half of their force in their attempt to defend the Interstate 20 defensive zone from the swelling wave of PSSA troops that were drawn across it as the rest of the Mississippi River crossings were destroyed.  Federation tanks and IFVs littered the roadways and forests in central Louisiana with PSSA tanks and IFVs with thousands of artillery craters dotting the landscape.  Dark, bellowing smoke rose from the I-20 corridor as a testament to the heavy fighting that took place in the region.  More of the same could be seen on either side of the Mississippi on the entirety of the PSSA-CMA border.  The Federation base at Alexandra, Louisiana was virtually destroyed and combat ineffective due to the large volley of cruise missiles that targeted the base facility. 


However, in the grim aftermath of one of the worst wars fought in North America in recent memory, the Federation looked to the future and to rebuilding it's assets and assets of their allies. 


Classified Diplomatic Cable

To: Faraway Defense Ministry

From: Hudson Bay Federation Ministry of Defense


Subject: Isla de la Juventud


We are unfortunate to say that your base at Isla de la Juventud was utterly destroyed by nuclear weapons.  Initial eyewitness reports by our troops via aerial surveillance has deemed the entire area a loss and saw no survivors.  The Federation is looking at recuperating your cost in leasing out land around Playa Colorada at 0.01 a year for a naval berth and airfield facilities at this western Cuban town.  Or as a lower cost alternative, using Federation facilities at Cienfuegos, Cuba for your use until you deem appropriate to ask for a more permanent facility.




Jeffery McDonald

Minister of Defense

Classified Diplomatic Cable


To: Chile

From: Hudson Bay Ministry of Defense


We regret that your facility at Cayo Fragoso was entirely destroyed by nuclear weapons.  Federation forces in the area have confirmed this and have deemed the island a loss entirely.  We know that this island was given in agreement with the previous Mexican government.  As an alternative site, we are prepared to make Varadero, Cuba and it's peninsula for your future use.  As a temporary low-cost alternative, we would be glad to open up our facility at Cienfuegos, Cuba for your use.  You must understand Cuba's intention to be a neutral scientific and space facility, something we are going to accelerate our plans on as this war has concluded.




Jeffery McDonald

Minister of Defense

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Task Force Redlight - Off Cayo Fragoso


"Christo, not a single a survivor, complete destruction," Commander Chavez observed.


 "Si, orders sir?" 


"We wait, not sending anyone ashore that mess, with the Confederacy collapsing faster than the French, I suspect our need for a base to keep an eye on the Norte Americanos is much diminished."


"It's possible sir, but these Norte Americanos are crazy."


"Yes, that they are, unlike us South Americans, we nuked away all the dangerously crazy ones years ago."



To:  Jeffery McDonald
From: Interim Presidente Carlos Del Fina

I thank you for your message, but at this time Chile has much to deal with. The violence inflicted upon the civilians of San Vinence has left a serious humanitarian crisis that Chile must attend to before deciding what to do with the matter of Cayo Fragoso. I've ordered Commander Chavez and the 6 ships of Task Force Redlight to assist your forces stationed in Cuba until otherwise notified. 

Interim Presidente Carlos Del Fina
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Classified Diplomatic Cable

To: Hudson Bay Federation Ministry of Defense

From: Faraway Ministry of War

Subject: RE:Isla de Juventud


We are saddened to hear this, but we already feared as much, once reports reached us on the impact of a nuclear impact, without similar news after the impact by our own troops. While you cannot return to us the dead, we appreciate a return of a Southern basis. However, as we speak, the entire Southern Fleet, as well as great parts of the High Seas Fleet have been destroyed by the Confederacy, leaving us mostly with ships we can station in our current port facilities. Additionally, due to budgetary constraints, we are not sure how soon the naval size will match prewar numbers, not to mention how soon the construction of a new base can be financed.


As things however tend to take time, we would hope to be able to construct a naval basis as soon as possible, for that we would like to ask to be given some time to evaluate your offer, by sending engineers and surveyors to inspect the site. We would hope you can forgive our lack of decision at this point of time, as many things are still a mess.


With regards,

Adéle Valmy

Minister of War

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Classified Diplomatic Cable


Interim Presidente Carlos Del Fina,


We understand the issues your country faces all too well, as we too suffered under the barrage of rouge nuclear action.  The Hudson Bay Federation extends it's deepest condolences for the tragedy your nation has faced.  We are willing to sent experienced NBC teams and other humanitarian aid to your devastated nation.  The Federation commander at Cienfuegos, Cuba has been notified of Task Force Redlight and commanded to give them the highest priority to extend hospitality and provisions to them.  We will wait until you are ready to talk about the future when you are ready.




Jeffery McDonald

Minister of Foreign Affairs






Classified Diplomatic Cable


Minister Adéle Valmy


The Federation will respectfully wait until you are ready to officially declare you are ready to discuss the future of having a naval presence in the Caribbean.  We will allow Faraway surveyors and engineers to review the site we have deemed as a suitable location.  However, if your crew finds an alternative, we will consider it as well.




Jeffery McDonald

Minister of Foreign Affairs




Federation troops have sealed off Isla de la Juventud and Cayo Fragoso from the public for ongoing radiation cleanup for the foreseeable future.  The Federation will bear the cost of the official cleanup efforts as peace has returned to the island of Cuba.  Federation force deployment to Cuba will reduce to 50,000 personnel and the contingent near Alexandra, Louisiana will be reduced to 40,000, pertaining to the peacetime draw down at the conclusion of the PSSA conflict.  Also, the JLAOF peacekeeping operations in Mexico will reduce by 60,000 to 140,000.  The drawn down forces will be returning to various home bases in the Federation.




The Hudson Bay Federation Armed Forces will be undergoing a strategic initiative to redevelop it's radar defense network and platform denial capabilities in light of the PSSA conflict.  The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the various armed force branches have issued policy directives to their subordinates to go about this task.  It is expected that all ground radar will adhere to a capable, interoperable, mobile platforms to supplement aerial over-the-horizon radars in reduced manpower and maintenance costs.  Aerial over-the-horizon radar networks will continue to be the primary backbone of the first line of defense for the Federation and are looking to other aerial platforms to supplement the E-5 AWACS in the aerial radar role.  Various internal defense companies will be competing to see this defensive shift occur, as well, as development of improved anti-air defense platforms with possible new ground and/or aerial anti-air assets.



Hudson Bay Space Command has completed the new internal space launch complex at Joint Base Cienfuegos. Meanwhile, commercial development of a Cuban Space Complex has gone forth to various companies in the Federation and other foreign companies, Phase I is expected to begin within the month. Construction of another space tracking and weather station would begin on one of the South Sandwich Islands for Hudson Bay Space Command to give them unprecedented view of space assets circling the southern Western Hemisphere.

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Federation Space Command has ordered increased surveillance with current Northern Watch surveillance satellites to observe developments in the North Atlantic Ocean.  The FSIA SIGINT post on Baffin Island, seeing an uptick in classified, encrypted traffic has advised Federation Arctic Command of manpower shifts to the Far North from existing bases in southern Hudson Bay. A few air mobility wings consisting heavily of C-17 Globemasters would be arriving at Joint Base Ellesmere Island soon afterwards.  The Chiefs of Staff have continued to place Hudson Bay Armed Forces at DEFCON 3.


Additional satellites for space surveillance for the Northern Watch program would be launched from the Cienfuegos Space Complex as part of the celebrations of the new launch center.  These new satellites would continue to provide Hudson Bay intelligence continued view of the Americas without degrading capabilities.


RSC-240s would begin patrols in the Arctic Ocean and Greenland Sea to observe radar signature data in the region and process it for software updates for HBAF aircraft warning receivers.

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  • 1 month later...

Federation Air Force would seek in the newest fiscal year to seek an expansion of the total aircraft fleet up to 80 squadrons from 60.  The focus would continue on the parity expansion of the fighter and bomber fleet to continue the Federation's regional role in North America.  Top level Air Force officials would be announcing shortly the bases that would be receiving extra manpower and aircraft.


The new Joint Aerostat Early Warning and Attack Defense Sensor System has been deployed to Churchill Air Force Base for official testing of the system in detection of various land and air threats.  Phase II of the project will begin shortly to test interoperability with existing missile defense platforms to test effectiveness of the fire control radar and it's associated software.  Construction continues on a naval version of the land anchor for the sensor system.


The Juniper Arms CAR-680, the Federation's main assault rifle will be phasing out all other barrel variants besides the inventory of 6.8mm bored barrels. 


The Federation Global Strike Command is looking at developing a new nuclear supersonic cruise missiles to replace the AGM-129 in meet new demands in the Federation nuclear portfolio.

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Joint Base Cienfuegos


The 61st Reconnaissance Squadron would begin a series of covert sorties of RQ-4 Global Hawk to Madagascar to begin GMTI observation of Merina forces around the capital, in particular, the National Palace.  The SAR-MTI radar, coupled with a SIGINT package would provide comprehensive surveillance of the capital for upcoming, unannounced plans by the Hudson Bay Joint Special Operations Command.


On standby, the 6th Special Operations Squadron comprising of Special Operations Weather, Combat Air Traffic Controllers, and Pararescuemen with their equipment were loaded onto a C-17 with two RQ-9 Reaper UAVs with Hellfire missiles loaded aboard as well.  Three other C-17s were loaded with UH-60Ms and OH-58F and various supplies to support the 720th Aerial Special Operations Regiment.  The fifth, and last C-17 was loaded with the main element of the 5th Special Forces Operational Detachment of just over 100 operators.  It all, the operation would directly involve about 250 people.


Part of the Cuban base was particularly sealed off to allow HBF-SOCOM command center operations to set up integrated special operations efforts between the Army and Air Force for the upcoming operation.


The five C-17s took off early in the morning towards protectorate East Africa to avoid raising too many inquiries as they crossed African airspace.

Edited by Tanis777
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