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República de Gran Colombia

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[quote][center][b][size="4"]Statement of the Greater Colombian National Transition Council[/size][/b]


The time has come, a realization has spawned from the lands that first saw and endured the waves of colonization of Europe in the Americas, our cultures, the cultures that melded together to form the countries that once were in this part of the world, have been eroded, forgotten, locked away by the sands of time. These ancient lands are rich in history, centuries ago we took up the standard of independence alone, Europeans, mestizos, mulattos, Africans, the indigenous people of these lands all took up arms in the interest of freeing themselves of rule by an individual across the sea. The fabled [i]Libertadores[/i], many European in origin, led this movement that would see a wave of nationalistic sentiment spread throughout South America, these individuals powered the engine that drove the many nations of modern South America to find their independence from European colonialism.

This is not to say that Europe's meddling in South America during that period of history was, in absolute terms, an entirely debilitating portion of our history; European culture, the works of learned men like Voltaire and Rousseau made their way into bookshelves and haciendas throughout this region. The Europeans left their mark, both dark and enlightening on this region, we can be thoughtful of both good and bad, they are in the past, but the ideas that they left still burn on in the hearts of our countrymen. It was people like Simon Bolivar, who embraced European learning and molded it into a workable model for our use, those ideas live on in this Council, and it lives on in the cities and countryside here, although dreams rather than a reality.

Instead of leaving those past ideas a dream that is but a thoughtful memory to be slowly faded into our memories, we now reach out to grasp them and bring them once again to reality. An idea can never be erased, a man's life may be extinguished, but the light of freedom and equality can never be extinguished in our hearts. We move forward to a better future, a future built on central governance, self-determination, the rights of man to pursue their own destinies like those before us. With the blessing of our fellow South Americans, we have carved a new state, built on ideas and ideals, one that will invoke that age-old nationalism that flows in the blood of all Americans, in our neighbors to the north and to the south. With great respect, excitement, and pride, we hereby declare the independence of [b]The Republic of Greater Colombia[/b].

[i]Sincerest Regards,

Ignacio de Ardanza
Leading Representative
On Behalf of the Congress of Caracas[/i][/quote]

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The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella would like to officially extend recognition to The Republic of Greater Colombia. We wish to congratulate all peoples of this new Republic for gaining Independance and we hope that you flourish with this new found Independance.

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[quote]"On behalf of the República do Pará, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our new neighbours to the north, and I congratulate the people of Greater Colombia on claiming sovereignty for themselves. May your people and your nation find peace and prosperity in independence.

-Premier Isabel Vieira"[/quote]

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"The República de Gran Colombia thanks for all nations, particularly the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella and the Mexican government for their recognition of our sovereignty, given their particular importance to the region. Once our internal affairs are sorted, our Ministry of International Affairs will be moving to send embassy and consulate teams abroad to establish formal diplomatic outposts in all nations of the world, if, of course, they are accepted."

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