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[quote]From the Writings of the Court Scribe Zhou Huxi
13th Reign Year of the Emperor Yuan Jia

Two Months after the Crusade on the Ice the Mad Dragon Ancaceleon has appeared over the skies of the Timur Shahdom. Appearing from deep within the ice, he comes with one purpose: revenge on the Horde. His terrible madness is a plague on the land it touches, as his terror spreads so to does his mad plague spread. The Khan of the South, Aden Dawkins, road out to meet the dragon head on but his men quickly succumbed to madness turning on their lord and joining the service of their new dragon lord. Succumbing to the Mad Dragon, they have now become part of the ever growing Army of the Damned. In India the surviving cultists which had followed the false prophet Maelstrom have now also fallen into line with the Mad Dragon marching under his banner.

The entirety of the Western Empire is now plunged into War. Springing up from the chaos, chieftains now abandon their Khans without shame. Aiming to take what they can for their lands, and ignore their obligations to their lords. The Silk Road is now plagued with bandits and warlords leaving the surviving fortress of Herat cut off. As word of the great threat spreads East to the Imperial Capital of Xian, the Empire of Tianxia gathers all forces in the Eastern Empire to Prepare to March West and save the Western Empire before it falls. [/quote]

The city of Xian was nestled in between two great mountains, a narrow pass leading into the city from the West. Upon its stone walls were large banners with the symbol of the Yuan Dynasty. Men stood at the ready guarding it against the dangers that now came from the chaotic west. In the bustling bazaar adventurers and soldiers from across the world had come in search of coin and glory. Still further in the center of the city stood the Forbidden City.

The yellow guard stood an ever vigilant watch on its walls, admitting only those who had been cleared to serve the Empire in its bid to retake the West. Columns of soldiers trained in the court yards as officials and generals amassed in the inner halls to discuss strategy, logistics, and other affairs of state. Still further in was the domain of the Imperial Family, and the Empire's Greatest Heroes, the Imperial Knights. Yuan Jia sat in audience with his wife Theresia, Angelika and Ryu the Knight Captains, and the General of the Golden Army Ding.

"Riders report the bandit armies are becoming ever bolder. They have cut the lines between Samarkand, Herat, and Xian with intermittent success." Ding reported. "Our forces are able to clear the roads for large convoys but many smaller merchants are refusing to move their goods, and grain from farmers rot in silos rather than resupply our cities. Shah Aden reports his armies are still holding onto Herat, but it is by the skin of their teeth. The supplies of wheat and rice run low, and some have even taken to eating their horses who are too weak to ride. Additionally, though he has been able to win battles against the Army of the Damned, in each fight more and more men are corrupted. Victories only slow the Mad Dragon's advance on Herat and every warrior of ours that falls runs the risk of becoming part of the Army of the Damned. Your Highnesses I do not know how we may win such a war." Ding said.

Jia leaned back and sighed, "We cannot simply leave the West to die though. We've promised to protect them. This Dragon must have a weakness. If we cower in our Eastern cities we not only fail our duty to heaven but we just buy time while not learning anything of this foe." the Emperor said. "I did not conquer this Empire to cede it to a lizard. We are warriors of the Steppe, we do not abandon it to anyone while we sleep in silks and dine from golden plates. I shall not rescind my order to march the army." the Emperor said annoyed. He turned to Theresia, "Your Amazonians know the West better than most of Ding's troops. Surely there is an Amazonian General brave enough to act as a Vanguard and carve a path to the Herat and Samarkand and help the Timur face the dragon?" he asked her.

In Herat, Shah Aden Dawkins sat on his throne in silence the situation in the city had grown grim. It had been two weeks since the Shah's army had met the mad dragon on the field, 6000 riders and 2000 archers, and 10, 000 men at arms had faced down the Army of the damned. The battle had been going in the Shah's favor. Wave after wave of undead smashed up against the Shah's army. Then, it appeared. The Mad Dragon, Ancaceleon, arrows bounced off his hide like they were nothing at all. As riders approached him, horses turned on their masters. Men at arms cut their sergeants down where they stood. The Shah sought to challenge the dragon to combat, but his guards pulled him away. He felt a strange ringing in his head before he passed out.

He awoke two days later in Herat. His advisors informed him that the South was lost, and many of his vassals had turned on him. In the city of Kandahar the Dragon Priestess had raised the banner of the Mad Dragon over the city's Mosque. In the North lords who had always been loyal now raided the Shah's caravans. Civilization had begun to crumble. Truly these were the end times.

Edited by Triyun
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With a sound of crunching bone and the thick meaty sound of flesh striking flesh a splash of crimson blood flew out to strike the snout of Tyranthius and he hungrily licked at the rich drake blood with his barbed tongue. The other minor drake recoiled in pain and agony staggering back a few paces and gripping its own face in his claws his eyes flashing with anger for a second at Tyranthius before he lowered his head in submission. Towering above the other lesser Dragon Tyranthius roared aloud to the heavens before turning to the others that fell under his command.

"Do any of you other lesser drakes disagree with my commands!!" he bellowed claws clenched in fury, his eyes demanding obedience and his warm breath steaming before him. The other creatures lowered their heads and eyes not daring to risk the wrath of Tyranthius and with a furious growl Tryanthius stalked away to where his equipment lay in his personal tent. Stalking inside he wandered over to a barrel and tore the lid off revealing it to be full of water and fish and thrusting a claw inside he grabbed one and yanked it out before biting the squirming animal in half chewing and swallowing the head and body and throwing the rest to the ground.

He was feeling angry and tormented, the soft humans lay close by yet he and his forces were yet to engage them again in battle. He yearned to once again feel their warm blood slicken his claws, the slimy guts rolling about his jaw as he devoured them. Most of all he yearned for the look of horror and helplessness that the humans had when they knew that their deaths were upon them and they could do nothing to stop it. He hoped that battle would come soon or he feared he may have to give in to bloodlust and go hunting himself perhaps he could go and slaughter the bandits that roamed the wilds under the pretense of clearing the way for the army of the damned.

At that thought Tyranthius laughed bellowing loudly as he did. He knew that truth be told he wouldn't make any darn excuses if he wanted to kill he would kill it was his way and he would act no different.

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Xian reminded Mora very much of another city that lay ensconced amidst the sheltering arms of towering mountainsides--a city not very different from this one, even if thirty years and a vast ocean served to separate the two cities. [I]Or perhaps that's only because everything is just as unfamiliar to me here as it was there back then,[/I] the mercenary mused as she navigated the wide avenues of the Tianxian capital, keen eyes taking scrupulous note of her surroundings--a habit that came naturally to her. Normally, her constant vigilance served her best in battle, tracking the movements of her opponent and ensuring no sudden action or surprise attack took her unawares. And yet today, all it served to do was solidify the understanding that Mora was once again in foreign lands amidst an alien culture. Just like when she'd stumbled out of the rainforest and into a wider world, a world entirely unknown to her--she'd have thought that after thirty years of ceaseless travelling she would have become accustomed to finding herself in unfamiliar settings.

Soon that would not be the case. Soon, Mora would be enveloped in the arms of battle--familiar, almost comfortingly so. Even in the most exotic of locales, Mora's profession did not change: war and Mora's place in it remained the same whether it was waged amidst the shade of the canopy in the feral jungles amidst which she had whittled away the years of her childhood, or the steppes of a vast empire that now stood on the brink of destruction. An empire that now sought to amass the greatest army, at least that Mora had ever been privy to, to face an enemy of a calibre that, in all her thirty years of warfare as a way of life, Mora had never encountered.

At least until now, seeing that as of this day Mora was to be a constituent of that army. Tianxia needed mercenaries to reinforce their standing army against the Armies of the Damned, calling forth both mercenary organisations offering their own small armies and individual mercenaries who had forged a name for themselves in the business on a foundation of their own formidable prowess and unmatched mastery of the battlefield. And Mora, falling squarely into that latter category, was not the first notorious name in the mercenary business to be drawn to the city of Xian by the promise of both wealth and an opponent unlike any other. She knew the stakes at play here--she was very much aware she had never faced an adversary such as she would find in the Army of the Damned. [I]But I didn't make it this far turning away from impossible battles...[/I] Mora figured as she looked towards her destination--the Forbidden City, nestled in the centre of Xian, the seat of the Tianxian government. [I]In fact I've made a practice of proving that impossible battles prove quite possible once I enter the fray.[/I] The stoic mercenary cracked a smile at her own cockiness, a momentary show of actual feeling flitting across the black slate of her battle-scarred countenance before, just as quickly, it was gone. She was not so arrogant: she knew the threat the Army of the Damned posed, could recognise the gravity of the situation even if she deflected it with deadpan humour and anticipation for the challenge of the battle itself. And she would have taken up arms against the legions of the Mad Dragon for no pay if need be--the fight itself would be worth it.

//le !@#$%* first post. Could think of very little to write and my creativity has been at an all-time low this week. :/

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"These reports are most disturbing, they violate the very principles of our order. A mad dragon raining death upon our fellows impedes the spread of universal love for all mankind," Moxi muttered as he read the various scrolls in front of him. "Violence to preserve order, which would promote an atmosphere of universal love?"

"It's shakey logic Moxi, but with your heart in the right place it could work. Can you keep yourself free of hate and anger? Can you act outside of your smallcircle of fellow scholars? Can you set aside your extended family to purposely put your efforts to work for the betterment of others?" an wizened old man asked as he quietly scratched away at a piece of parchment with a goose feather quil. He stopped his calligraphy work for a moment and looked at Moxi long and hard. The thirty year old man had come to his temple years before, confused and lost in the world. The talent inside of him for the maths and various engineering aptitudes rapidly manifested themselves through study and of late, forays into the world at the bequest of various minor lords to improve the defenses of their cities.

"Where am I to go?" Moxi asked as he put aside his reading and paced.

"Where is the dragon?"

"Far to the west."

"Start heading west, you'll soon see what is needed to be seen and you'll know you are where you need to be when you see it."

Moxi sighed as he instinctively knew his teacher wasn't going to offer much more than that. The man did have a point, the dragon lay to the west, which made the obvious choice to head west. He examined a map and decided the journey west would best be taken through Xi'an before heading down the silk road towards the western lands of Timur Shah. "I will travel by river, by horse, by carriage, and more than likely by foot. Perhaps I should take a retainer or two for protection?"

"No, just you, your basic tools, and your wits are all you need."

"Not even a single servant to fetch water and wood for the fire?"

"Not even that."

"Dear god..."

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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At Jia's request, Theresia turned and looked out over the Imperial Court. Hundreds of men and women had gathered for the Emperor's command to march towards the west, but for the vanguard to be given to an Amazon was a true honor. Before she could talk, several women approached the dual throne and bent down on their knees to pledge loyalty to both the Imperial Family, the Empire itself, and a promise to see the Dragon slain on the high cliffs of the Kush. However, none of those who approached were ready for such a task, the entire Empire was at stake and Theresia would not entrust such responsibility to any Amazon of order; the vanguard leader would need to the best the order had to offer.

For a moment, the Empress thought of sending Angelika or even going herself, but both she and her sister were needed at court, for perhaps the final defense of Xi'an. It was when Zhen P'an, the Amazon who had been given command of the German Front years ago, that Theresia smiled and nodded as the Chinese woman bowed her head low to the ground. "I will be happy to lead the vanguard out, Majesty, I have faced a Dragon once before, the dragons of Germany who slaughtered their own people and laid waste to thousands of miles of beautiful land. This Ancaceleon is no different from Visari and we will defeat him as we have defeated all our other enemies in the past."

"Spoken as a true warrior," said Theresia rising from her throne and extending her hand. "Commander Zhen, I then entrust you to the position of-"

"Wait!" there was a sudden shout from the edges of the court as a brown haired Amazon ran towards the wooden dais where the Imperial Couple sat. She was dressed in the garb of a Household Guard, an armored leather skirt with a thick breastplate and her hair in a tight ponytail. Nika Radinkova, who had served diligently as Theresia's personal guard, pushed her way through the ground and clenched her fists. "Let me go, let me lead the vanguard instead."

Zhen chuckled with a smirk and looked back at the young Russian, "Why would Her Majesty entrust you with a task so important? You have never once proven yourself outside of being a good cup-bearer."

"I was there when the Amazons were founded, I was there when Theres-...the Empress freed Themyscira."

"And you have not grown in maturity since," the Chinese Amazon said and turned back to the Empress. "Majesty, we cannot waste time, the West is in danger, I can leave tonight."

Nika looked up at the throne and her eyes pleaded with Theresia, "Please, I can do this, let me prove myself."

Finally, the Empress sighed and turned to Zhen with a nod. "General, take your vanguard out of Xi'an and head towards Herat. We cannot waste anymore time. Nika," she said with a frown and looked down at the floor. "She's right though Nika, you can't lead an army, you can't slay Ancaceleon, he's just too powerful."

The Russian nodded towards the Empress before scowling at Zhen and gathered her being as she turned back towards the court. Later that night, as moonlight shone over Xi'an, she watched from a small window as Zhen's vanguard began to march towards the west. "I should be out there," she thought and looked at the mountains rising to the west. "I know I'm ready."

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The trip from Tengzhou had proven far more ardorous than Moxi had expected. He had grown used to his life of study and had forgotten the ways of the common man that he so often professed to hold in the highest regard. Was it not the working man who helped him repair the walls of Pingyao in record time? Was it not the working man who dug the canals that fed the waterwheels of various cities? For all his affinity and respect of the working man, Moxi clearly had absolutely nothing in common with them. Which is exactly the reason why his respected teacher had for all intents and purposes booted him out of the temple and told him to start walking in the general direction of west.

The ancient master,Err Tou Gou, had not sent his disciple out into the world alone. In Moxi's bag is a scroll that acts as a letter of introduction to the Imperial Court. Err Tou Gou might want his disciple to suffer a bit or depending on the master's mood, suffer a great deal, but he does have a vast admiration for the intellectual properties that lay within Moxi's boyish features. The letter of introduction states the studies Moxi has undertaken and Moxi's modest accomplishments in geometry, philosophy, and civil engineering. The ancient master may have long ago refuted what he calls the greatest evil of China, Guanxi, but he's at heart a pragmatic man and he exercised his pragmatism by sending various letters ahead of Moxi to old friends requesting whatever assistance they can bring to bear for ensuring Moxi does not end up dead in a ditch or worst, Moxi's head on a stake on the walls of Xi'an.

In the days prior to Moxi's arrival various messengers would present themselves informing the functionaires of the Imperial court to expect Moxi and advised that he might be useful in matters related to siegecrafts. They present the information in a matter of factly fashion and do little to embellish the truth as they also have a fond appreciation for their necks as it often turns out those who lie to the court to gather favor often end up regretting it so completely that they spend their following days in a state commonly known as deceased. With that little last twist of the guanxi sponge by Err Tou Gou, the venerable Ancient Master of Tengzhou, Moxi is left to forge his own path in a what the master hopes is a righteous one.

Moxi knows none of this, he only knows that he should travel to Xi'an and present himself to the Imperial representative with the scroll. He staggers through the Western gate of Xi'an and finds a room. Once he's bathed, eaten, settled his baser needs that are the common affliction of all men (took a dump), he set about finding a suitable Imperial representative. Given the entire court was in town for the Dragon Party of the century it wasn't exactly proving to be much of a difficult task. Before long he finds himself standing in front of what could either be a water closet cleaner of the 4th ranking or a highly placed general of the realm, it really is difficult to tell as both positions have uniforms that with enough bangles to blind a walrus on a foggy day.

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Jia watched the exchange unfold between Theresia, Nika, and Zhen. The Emperor frowned at Nika's attitude, the woman was being impatient in a situation where a level head was what was required. Many brave warriors had thrown themselves against the Dragon menace only to perish with ease. Now this girl was ready to do the same.

"The Empress speaks with wisdom Nika. It is not that we think you weak, but that there are many strong warriors who went to their deaths.. or worse against this dragon. It is not strength we need now but wisdom. Any battle may be a warriors last, it is all of our doom, what matters is when the time to fulfill your doom comes, will you be ready. Do not rush to yours before you are ready. " Jia said.

The Emperor then turned to General Zhen, "You have the faith of my wife, so you have mine as well. Remember. Numbers will not defeat this foe, we must find its weaknesses and exploit it. Your first priority is the bandits, we must be able to resupply our garrisons. However, I also want you to give me a report on what exactly this dragon is. The one you amazonians faced and this one seem quite different." Jia said, "We must learn about it before we send our our full might. I wish you luck, now give us the room." he said.

Dismissing the Generals, Jia slouched back in the throne letting out a exhaustive sigh. He let the Imperial helm, slouch on his head, he hated wearing it anyways. Turning towards Theresia his face betrayed the worry he felt in his soul. He had not slept well for months, first the Empress's injuries, then the dragon, it had taken its toll on an Emperor who was used to trying to carry everything on his shoulders alone. "Between the two of us." he said to his wife, "I'm not sure how the hell we are going to do this. How we are going to beat this thing?" the Emperor said glumly. "I fear heaven has truly sent this plague."

Outside the Imperial Throne room Ding lead the rest of the War Council to the large room off the side of the Emperor's Council chambers. "Ryu, Iseret, Chakri, and Angelika will all be dispatched on scouting missions to track the movements of the Army of the Damned unseen, so we'll be out of heavy hitters for your mission Zhen. I should recommend you take several of the heros who have answered the call and are waiting here in the capital to form your band of lieutenants. I will be remaining here and organizing our forces till we reach sufficient number to march west in force, Nika you will assist me by checking the inventory of the Amazonian legions, make sure they are well supplied. We have one shot once the army marches, don't be careless." he said to Nika sternly raising his eyebrow. "Zhen, until such time your force will be operating on its own I trust you are ready for such an event. Alright, lets get moving." Ding ordered.

Even as the Empire plotted its next move in the East, Ancaceleon was on the move, the Great Dragon was now within two days of Herat. Aden watched from the fortresses highest tower, in the distance an orange horizon was ever present, a hell on Earth as the Dragon's fire spread endlessly across the sparse desert landscape. Already 1/3 of the Timur crop was lost to the beast, and it was probable they would have no harvest this year. Wood from which to forge shields, bows, arrows, and spears was scarce. What fish they had was spoiled rotten. Calves were being slaughtered because they could not afford to spare the feed. These were dark days for the young Shah.

He sighed as he paced the bannisters. What was he to do? He had never run a kingdom before. This was his father's job. He was not yet ready to be Shah. "I am just a simple soldier." he told himself. "And this, I haven't even seen my first harvest yet." the Shah felt the situation was forelorn. His head turned East, to the great mountains behind which the might of the Eastern Empire lay. "And where are my reinforcements... what am I doing?" he asked himself.

The city's imam headed towards him, meeting him as he headed inside. "Shah." the priest began.

Aden walked past him, ignoring the priest.

"Shah, you must listen, your soldiers. They say this is a punishment from Allah. The Pagan Mongol King and his Christian Wife. They reject the true way. The Dragon, it is foretold, he would come to destroy the Heathens. This is gods divine justice. We must turn to Islam. It will guide us towards victory and protect us from Allah's wrath. The People know the truth, do not be blinded by tradition. Where is the Khagan's Ar..." as he continued on Aden grabbed the Imam by the throat pressing him against the edge of the wall.

"I will hear no more of this. This thing, whatever it is, kills indiscriminately. It is not divine, and if some supreme being is so petty as to kill its own creations, simply for not believing in it. Then it is [i]not[/i] the Allah I know." Aden said his eyes fiery.

"My Shah, just lis---." the Imam began but it was too late. Aden pushed the man forward over the balcony. His scream could be heard across the city before he plunged down onto the ground below... dead.

Aden sighed, it seemed as the Mad Dragon approached, more were falling to such lines of thinking... in fact... why had he just done that? Aden sighed once again. "I am just tired." he told himself, "Besides, extremists like that, you let them live the more they grow." [i]There it was again.[/i] he thought to himself. The aggression in everyone here was rising as the flame burned. He needed to pray on this, he hoped that this was not divine punishment.

To the south, atop one of the mountains of the Hindu Kush, the mad red dragon looked up at the burning sun, then down at his prophetess. She was a young indian girl, no older than 20, in seductive blue silks loosely fit around her body. She wore a tiara witha brilliant ruby dragon the side of a fist around her head. She was the mystic who first communed with him, first made sense of his madness and.. learned to love it. It was she who rallied the dragon cult to his cause. It was she who could transmute his words to others, and teach them to love the madness as she did.

He watched her curiously as she sat in her meditative trance. Such a frail creature, to have such power. It could be squashed in an instant, if it was not so valuable to the Army of the Damned. Suddenly she awoke breathing heavily. He had felt it too. The pawn they had been using to spread discontent int he capital. The City's greedy imam, dead.

[i]Another one lossst.[/i] Ancaceleon hissed into the mind of the Fallen Prophetess. Looking up from her meditation, the Indian woman bowed to the great dragon lord.

"Forgive me oh great one, but with each..." she began.

[i]With each sssacrificceee yesss yesss. You've said that already. But all you bring me are weak willed buffoonssss. It is fine to weaken within, but I wisssh a true champion. I wisssh one who can bring my glory to all cornersss of this foresssaken land. The old dragon, he was weak. He relied on others to fight for him. Only with a great Champion will be able to carry forth my will. So far you have been able to give me banditsss on the ssssilk road, greedy clergy, and cowardly farmersss pressssed to become soldiers. I need a true Champion![/i] the dragon's voice boomed.

"I will... look for one." the prophetess said bowing.

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Tyranthius had suffered enough in with holding his forces from combat but he could restrain himself no longer, he felt the need for blood lust upon him and he would indulge in this passion. Marshaling the battalion of turned humans, lesser drakes and foul creatures that he commanded he had them prepare themselves for war before leaving the Great Mad One's war camp and setting out into the countryside. Setting a harsh pace Tyranthius led his troops through the steppes in the general direction of the remaining defenders of good, as they passed fields of crops and farms that belonged to the people the drake general would send out small raiding parties to set them alight leaving a burning conflagration in his wake. However, that was not all he left behind as the pace of his march proved too much for many of the turned humans of older age who would collapse at the side of the road to die of exhaustion.

It was on the second day of the march that Tyranthius' forward scouts came running back to him to report that they had came across a camp ahead which seemed to be full of refugees accompanied by some soldiers who were clearly trying to reach the safety of the Shah's fortress. Tyranthius grinned wickedly at the thought of the slaughter to come and was about to order the troops forward when a dark portal appeared next to him and the sounds of cold and evil whispers arose from its depths and as one of the younger human males fell to his knees clawing at his eyes and beating his fists against his head as the whispers entered his mind a young demonic woman stepped out of the portal. Clad in darkened leather made from the salamanders of the lower pits of hell she smiled in greeting stroking a hand across the general's breastplate.

"Metztli. So good to see you" spoke Tyrnathius his voice dripping with both mockery and contempt as he knocked the demon's hand aside. "Ah Tyranthius I was bored and thought I would join you for your little march" she spoke stepping across to the mewling man who had seen her entrance, removing a barbed whip she flung it out and wrapped it round his throat and with one quick pull severed the head from body and watching it roll away in amusement. "Fine do as you will devil woman but stay away from me" said Tyranthius storming off to prepare his forces for the upcoming charge against the camp ahead.

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The situation in Herat was growing worse and worse by the minute. Starvation ran deep throughout the vaunted city as the remaining supplies of food were depleted to their final rations...the common man and women being given mere parcels as what little food stocks remained were given to the faltering garrisons of Herat. Even the water wells were running dry as the nourishing waters of the upper rivers were being blocked by the Armies of the Damned. Bodies of malnourished children lined the streets begging for food and water...anything. Suleiman walked the streets with his scimitar in belt and shield on back.

[i]"This city is dying a slow and painful death."[/i] he muttered as he continued along his route to the garrisons quarters. [i]Where is our relief?[/i] The thought had been surging through his mind for the past week. What little hope had been present had seemingly vanished as the last scouting party sent out to report positions fell silent. Morale was at an all time low...and even worse the forces within the city itself seemed poised to kill each other sooner then face the mad dragon once more.

Suleiman doubted if the garrison would even last an hour if pressed. "[i]At this rate we'll not last a week...regardless of attack."[/i] Shaking his head he would walk up stairs leading to the walls of Herat. "[i]This place was deemed impenetrable once...now it would seem the weakest position in the world."[/i] In the distance the sound of flapping wings could be heard and a stream of orange light could be seen in the distance... shrieks filled the air. "[i]Damned beasts!"[/i] he would shout into the night. Given the weakening of the Shah's army the call had been made to bring the remainder of forces into Herat. Leaving the surrounding lands to the Army of the Damned. Many villagers would be slaughtered in the night trying to sneak their way out of the countryside and into Herat. "[i]Fools...why don't you stay hidden."[/i]

He would walk back into the city and enter the garrison quarters and overhear a number of men discussing the latest rumors.
"I've heard they've dispatched a relief force."
"Yeah, well I heard that a week ago...they were smashed in the mountains."
"That's a load of horse !@#$ Jang, you know it is!'
"Is it? Or is the fact that we're starving and the Army of the Damned rapes and pillages our countryside horse !@#$? I say the latter."
[i]"ENOUGH!"[/i] he would shout. Hearing enough and tired of the musings he would restore order.
"Ye- yes sir."
"$%&@ off."
Suleiman would stare the man down with rage in his eyes. [i]"Hold this man down in the name of the Shah, I command you!."[/i] The sentries fearing Suleimans wrath would grab their comrade and slam him down on the table. Suleiman said as he drew out his dagger and began heating it over the fireplace. [i]"Members of this army who are undisciplined served to weaken our position."[/i]
He would approach the man struggling on the table. "I'm sorry sir, please don- gwwwwaaaagh." His screams would fill the halls of the garrison quarter as Suleiman cut off the mans tongue and seared the wound shut. "[i]Let this man's silence serve as a reminder to each of you...a lack of discipline will not be permitted within Herat."[/i] Suleiman would have that guardsmen remain in his current post and wear a sign on his back indicating his punishment for misconduct to an officer.

If chaos and doom were to bring down the city, it would be by the Army of the Damned and not the garrison of Herat...or so Suleiman thought. Once a young and friendly many he had grown tough and leathery after months of fighting...the brutality of war was no longer something he read in study; it was now a fact etched into his mind forever. He would enter his room and try and get some rest...hoping to shut his eyes and be at peace. But every night his dreams would be haunted by memories of the Red beast that had obliterated his unit...the flames still burning fresh in his mind.

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But it would not be Zhen who would see the Dragon first nor the Amazon vanguard or the Imperial Armies who would march behind. Instead, it would be Angelika, the Imperial Knight, who would break off in order to find the lizard who was terrorizing the Western Lands. Having sat in the throne room listening to the Emperor and Empress debate on how they were to liberate the lands from the dragon's grasp, it occurred to Angelika that sending massive Imperial forces would not end with good results. A large army was not going to defeat the dragon, all a large force would do is swell the ranks of the Army of the Damned and thus when Angelika and her partner, Rhee, were sent into the outlands the Knight made the necessary plans to see that it would be from her hands that the Dragon would fall.

Packing early in the night, Angelika filled her travel bag for far more than a simple scouting mission and when the moon was at its brightest at midnight she woke Rhee and the two journeyed out of Xi'an. She told him, once they got on the road, that she wanted to get a head start on Chakri, Ryu, and the others because since she had been shamed by the wolves in protecting Jia, she had a need to prove herself again; not only to the Empire, but to her family. It was for this reason that the two didn't stop for the rest of the night and into the morning, making headway towards the Hindu Kush and the mountains of the West. Angelika moved as if possessed and nothing Rhee could say or do would stop her in reaching the Western mountains. It was no longer just a scouting mission, he would be able to reason after only a day; she was actively searching for the Dragon.

When they arrived at the foothills of the Kush, Angelika finally allowed both herself and her partner some much needed rest and as they pushed their way into the sleeping bags she smirked staring at the moonlight. "Can't you feel it Rhee, the ground underneath you, vibrating. We're close, I know we're close and we're going to end it. Here and now, no more death, no more killing. We're doing what should have been done at the beginning."

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Ancaceleon looked up as the Prophetess returned to his mountain liar. Bones of mongol horses were littered around him from his last meal. In an act of total conquest, riders who had chosen the path of the damned gave up their horses, their most prized possession to the Dragon signifying the end of their lives as they were and their rebirth as a servent of the Great Mad One.

The prophetess was approaching confidently. She had a smile on her face; one of pride. No doubt she had felt the same thing he did as they approached. There were so many candidates to become his champion. So many minds eager to be bent to his terrible and wonderful will. They would help him ascend to his rightful place of god hood.

The woman approached the beast slowly, she was but the size of a single fang on of his fangs. Her side barely registered to him, yet she had come to be his ever present companion. Kneeling before him she spread her arms out fully to either side, "O Great One." she said. "I bring news of one both eager to embrace your light and is powerful, among the most powerful of the enemies champions. A warrior princess of the court."

The dragon snarled, [i]Yesss, the sssscent of thissss one growsss nearer.[/i] the dragon hissed, [i]I ssssenseee a terrible void within her. But ssshe is accompanied by another, one whossseee mind and heart have already sssseen ssssomething elsssee and is beyond being able to embrace our light.[/i] His colossal head raised into the air looking up at the sky.

[i]Ssso long asss they are together. Ssshe can never bloom into what sssshe must become.[/i] he continued, [i]you mussst go personally, sssubdue this beassst ssshe travelsss with.[/i]

The prophetess watched the massive beast. She was unsure of what to make of such a request. She was not without powerful mystical energies, but she was no warrior and the enemies assassins lurked at the edge of the Army of the Damned. Against such a powerful knight of the Empire and the one she travelled with, she did not know if she could prevail. Nevertheless, she would obey as was expected of her. "But I..." she sighed, "As you wish, I shall trust in your wisdom and your power to protect me." the said as she got up.

Meanwhile in the South Rhee, was following Angelika through the wilderness unaware of what awaited them.

Rhee felt himself tire as they had made their way south then west through the rugged terrain of Tibet and over into the Hindu Kush. He had suggested that they take their pace slow, that they would need it to fight the outskirts of the Army of the Damned once they reached the Hindu Kush. But nothing he could say seemed to persuade her. It was as if Angelika not Rhee had been given the curse of the Ogre. He did not know what awaited them, but Angelika's reckless movements were going to get them both killed if this did not stop. Now they had reached the foothills of the Hindu Kush and the stench of death and smoldering ashes permeated the air. The white capped mountains in the distance had been burned away leaving lifeless grey jagged stones across the horizon. Locals that they had encountered were fleeing what they now termed the Land of the Damned.

Finally at one point he could not take it anymore, grabbing her arm Rhee turned her around, "Ang listen. I don't know why the hell you're acting like this but we need to slow down, we're approaching the lands of the Damned a lot faster than we should. We're going to go over the hill and there will be the red dragon itself just sitting there waiting to turn us into kabobs in a single breath." he said to her.

As they argued, he did not notice the eyes that peered down at them from the hills above. Yellow eyes of wolves, peered through leafless bushes looking down at two knights. They did not attack but instead waited, peering. A howl whispered into Angelika's ear taunting. Then above the two knights a clap of thunder echoed across the barren burning land scape, taunting her more with memories of the night where she had fallen helpless. The ghostly figures of the wolves then ran back over the hill behind them.

Elsewhere, the fight for the Empire's frontier had begun in earnest. Zhen's force had set out to clear the main routes to Herat while the knights moved through the sides fighting bandits where they could as they approached the lands of the Army of the Damned. The Knight Commander, Ryu had taken his apprentice Leopold Yuan Hapsburg and a small band of some of the best scouts and rangers in the Imperial Knights to find the North Westerly limit of the Army of the Damned. It was not long before they came across their first group of bandits and rogues.

In each engagement, the knights had cut through them like a hot knife through butter. Most of rebels were not renegade warriors of Khans foresaking their oaths, but desperate nomads whose flocks had been burned or destroyed by the Dragon's Army. Few knew how to hold a sword properly much less swing one. What horses there were had become skin and bones. In this last engagement, even Leopold had proven better trained than the mightiest warriors of the bandits. The men were now piling the enemies dead in a pile to burn the bodies.

Ryu wiped his blade clean as he dismounted from his horse in the Torugart Pass. The man before him was white bled dry from the clean cut he gave him. Turning to the young prince Leopold he gave him a serious look. "You must learn to cut more swiftly. Even traitors deserve a quick death." he said.

"Why did these men betray their oath?" Leopold asked, "Surely they knew father would send his soldiers to defeat them. There was no point to this."

"The decisions in men's heart are always hard to understand." Ryu said, "There are forces in this world more terrible than a wrath of a lord. Those who obey a lord only because of their fear of him will inevitably turn against him when they find something more terrible than he. Its why it is important that you remember to become the pole star to which all things turn when you become Emperor, you cannot simply be a destroyer for there will always be a destroyer more terrible than the one before." Ryu said.

Leopold nodded though he looked troubled still. Ryu's detachment had been sent on a scouting mission to help track the army of the damned and clear the passes of bandits along the way for the regular army's march to Herat. But the men they had come across so far seemed more desperate than rebels. He himself had been able to slay two of them, both barely older than himself. The army of the damned was surely on the move but it had not gotten this far north yet. However, these men were still rising up to what was surely their doom. The Prince had seen the army which his parents were assembling in Xian. When it marched its numbers would cover the Steppe. What could be more terrible than that?

Little did he know at that moment, the enemy's army marched closer to the Fortress of Herat. The Damned now numbered with a host of over 100, 000 men, what forest there was was being clear cut and forged into seige engines of war. Alchemists forced into the dragons service were hard at work creating weapons of flame. Diseased corpses were being moved to the front to infest the city with plague. The Empire's great bulwark would soon face its doom.

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Oleksandr Pechenikov walked into the ancient Imperial City of Xian with a fairly large and proud stride. His journey from the Russian lands had not been grueling nor particularly long, but he was happy to come upon his destination. The frozen wastelands comprising the near-whole of the region grew tiresome after a peculiarly short amount of time. He had come from a small encampment in which only he lived built into a mountainside in eastern Siberia. He had always been nomadic and spontaneous, and in following that trend he simply packed up and left for Xian the day he had the urge to join the Imperial Army. He had no horse, as the last one he owned had been traded for food the previous winter to well-stocked travelers when Oleksandr had the rare misfortune of a winter nearly without game. Thus, he had been made to walk, and after several weeks of easy, leisurely travel, he had arrived.

The man was a sight to behold - his exceptionally large, 6'3" stature conflicted heavily with the often-smallish heights of fellows in his region. He also outweighed the average by approximately 20 pounds, but very little of the 180 he had was devoted to fat. In perhaps his most confusing oxymoron, Oleksandr, who appeared to be the perfect warrior to wield a two-handed weapon in heavy plate or chain-mail, was clad in tough but lightweight leather armor and had two bows and a quiver strapped to his back. Other than a fairly imposing combat knife strapped to his waist, his archers' gear was his only weaponry. His bows, one long and one short, were constructed of the finest wood available in Siberia, and his quiver and arrows matched their quality to the dot. He was a master of both types of archery, and for the first time hoped to employ it in a military setting.

There was a barracks in the city which would probably also offer sign-up services, but Oleksandr felt that his particular equipment and set of skills were not to be presented to the typical recruiting officer. Thus, he passed the outpost and continued on to the palace in the city. He wasn't entirely certain who he was looking for to speak to, but he knew everybody who was anybody in the leadership could probably be found there. As he expected, he was stopped by guards before entering the actual building. Speaking in a deep Russian accent, he requested an audience with whomever had the final say in the military and its officers.

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Turning over in her sleeping mat, the Knight glared at her partner. "I'm acting this way, Rhee, because our entire country is falling apart and that we're not going to waste any time to make sure things are brought back to normal. Honestly, how fast did you want to approach, if we take it slow then these cursed warriors are going to have the advantage, if we move fast, at least we can have the terrain of our choosing when we do find the dragon. They're not going to be looking for a small party of two, they're going to be looking for the Emperor's armies so that they can bolster their ranks. Trust me, Rhee, I know what I'm doing, I thought this over for an evening and that's all the planning we need."

She looked up at the starry sky and sighed as the sound of wolves baying in her ears made the Knight fidget. "Nothing is invincible, Rhee, Bridgette thought she was invincible in Korea and we brought her down. We brought her down low and we'll do the same to this lizard." The volume of the howling increased in her head and large gray clouds began to form over their camp as claps of thunder echoed through the mountain passes and heat lightning lit up the ground. With every strike, Angelika could see the wolves through the bushes and trees, staring at her with smug grins, their fangs dripping with drool and their eyes hurting with hunger. She rolled around in her bag, clenching her fists, running them up and down her bare arms as if bugs were crawling across her skin. Since being attacked near the lake by the wolves to save Jia, the Knight had taken to training harder and her dedication to the Knighthood with an almost fanatic zeal. Angelika was supposed to be the best Amazon warrior, better than Zhen, better than Zara, better than her sister who was Empress.

It was her who was supposed to save the Empire, to protect the Imperial Family, to slay the dragon; no one else.

Watching the wolves retreat behind the crest of the hill, Angelika finally stood up out of her bag and threw on her breast plate, picking up her spear, shield, and gladius. "You know what Rhee, fine, if you don't think that what I'm doing is correct, go back to Xi'an. I'll find Ancaceleon on my own and kill him, but I'm not returning to the palace until I have his head in my arms."

Without waiting for Rhee, Angelika started back up the hill towards the summits overlooking the Kush, when Ancaceleon's lair would be close, she would know it and then she would meet him head on. She had tackled worse and Ancaceleon would be no different, he would fall just as Bridgette had years ago.

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As she chewed him out, Rhee scowled sitting up from his sleeping mat, while she got up and started arming herself. "Listen, remember back when you kept me from going on that rampage and killing everyone when I first got this curse. This is like that." Rhee began, "You need a friend to keep you from doing something truly stupid. Yeah maybe you are the one to kill this thing, but what makes you think we just find it lying around. Hell it could be surrounded by a whole army, which is why we need our own to make sure we get to it and can bring it down to the ground."

He himself wore a flexible studded leader army designed to release when the curse overtook him. On his back he carried a large curved horse killing sword which allowed him to this through the thickest of hides. Getting up he growled, he had a bad feeling of what they were walking into. The dark ground beneath them was rugged and filled with rocks that looked ready to give way in an avalanche at any time. He half expected some snake in the service of the enemy to leap out from under one and bite him.

Catching up to her, he looked annoyed, "You know very well I'm not going to leave you alone out here. Quit trying to go off and get yourself killed." he said. "You don't have anything to..." he stopped as they cleared over the hill in front of them. The wolves had vanished and the Prophetess stood before them. Flanking her on either side were two of the Mad Dragon's Balor honor guard. The demonic winged creatures sneered as they looked at the two knights. Rhee raised his blade ready to slay the prophetess where she stood.

"Now is not the time for blades. I've come to talk to the girl. To parlay if you will." the Prophetess said raising her hand. "My guards are only here to guarantee my safety."

In Angelika's ear, she suddenly heard a loud commanding voice, [i]I feel your pain, daughter of Aussstria, warrior of the Amazonsss. My fight is not with your kind but that which holdsss us back and makesss us weak. Join me.[/i] the voice pounded into her head.

The prophetess continued to speak, "The Great Dragon Lord Ancaceleon offers you a chance to join his glorious cause and oppose those who would stand in opposition to the cult of the dragon." the Prophetess continued.

[i]The girl, sssshe isss weak. I need a champion who isss truly powerful, one who I can give my power too in full.[/i] the voice continued to pound in Angelika's head. [i]Take your weapon and ssslay her, I will ssspare your family, ssspare you country, and give you the power to reclaim Aussstria and beyond. All I asssk is you do this in my name. And if you refuse...[/i] the voice continued.

Angelika's mind was then propelled into a vision. The balor leapt from where they where around the Priestess. Rhee had barel a moment to react before he was run through and lay dead on the floor. She was then bound and forced too watch as the flame spread east as in Xian Theresia was slewn guarding her children. Angelika's girlhood home of Austria was now in flames, its people crying out in terror.

[i]Become my champion, embracce my will and you ssshall have all the power you ever wanted, fail and thisss entire world goes into asssh.[/i] the voice said. [i]Show your weapon ssstrike her down.[/i]

"So what is your answer?" the Prophetess asked as she looked at the Amazonian warrior with a smile.

Rhee shook his head, "You're wasting your time, we'd never embrace some damn foolish lizard. We aren't weak willed punks like you cultists. Now get out of the way before I chop your heads off." he said readying his sword to engage the large demon guard around the priestess.

Meanwhile in Xian, the army continued to gather size and strength. Heros which wished to join were assigned to units many of which were sent to the frontier on the roads leading to the fortress of Herat. Bandits continued to plague the areas harassing caravans to resupply the sole remaining fortress in the South West.

OOC: People can begin to lead the capital and head out on patrol, villians feel free to attack heros caravans, or if they don't I will RP the attacks. If you wish to remain in the capital feel free but Jia's main army isn't marching till much later on the story.

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The day was quite bright and warm. Though a strange red glimmer could be seen on the horizon. A glimmer you would expect from a wild fire. A glimmer which sent a chill down Padráig's spine. Though he did not spend too much time acknowledging it, for a city lay before him. The streets of Xian were bustling with merchants, common folk, soldiers and mercenaries of all classes and race. The distinctive banners of the Yuan Dynasty could be seen proudly flying in the light of day above the stone walls of the city. Padráig felt out of place in this grand and exotic settlement of the Orient, with its splendid buildings and strong, yet friendly, atmosphere.

The Tianxian soldiers impressed Padráig greatly, with their fine armour and good discipline. [i]" A worthy foe."[/i] he said to himself [i]" No wonder why they forged, and maintained, such an immense Empire, under the guidance and wisdom of the Emperor Yuan Jia."[/i] Most of the adventurers and mercenaries who Padráig came across did not look half as impressive as the professional Tianxian soldiers he encountered. And even less in the sight of the Imperial Knights.

As he continued through the city Padráig stopped and asked for directions many's a time, and was eventually pointed in the correct direction of the Forbidden City. He wanted to offer his sword and services to the Emperor and Empress personally. For he believed it was the only way for a man or woman to truly take their pledge with great loyalty and seriousness. For any man or woman could offer their sword for a few pieces of metal, so long as the metal kept coming. But he did not want gold. Only a chance to serve and a chance to obtain glory in combat.

And so he entered the Forbidden City, passing columns of soldiers training in the court yards. He took notice of officers and generals discussing in small groups, of three or four, strategy, logistics and other matters related to warfare.

Padráig eventually reached the main hall. He entered and knelt at a respectable distance before the thrones of the Emperor and Empress. He did not look to see if anyone was actually seated but he continued anyway. He unsheathed his sword and laid it on the ground before the thrones and said in a loud and strong voice which echoed throughout the hall...

[i]" I, Padráig Ó Dhéin, have come to offer my sword and services to the most honourable and wise Emperor and Empress. I pray you accept, for I will serve you with loyalty, honour and unquestionable obedience until you release me from my duties."[/i]

He waited in silence for a reply. He was nervous, his head spinning slightly.

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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Mora was by no means to be considered particularly fluent in the language of Tianxia--she knew only that much as her travels through the lands of the East would afford her, but she could thank something of an aptitude for picking up the gist of the local language quite rapidly for the fact that when she came before the Tianxian officers in charge of organising the forces destined to march on the Army of the Damned her intentions and purpose for being her were elucidated quite clearly. Well, perhaps her clumsy command of the language was enhanced by the fact that there simply was no mistaking the 6'7 juggernaut of a mercenary for anything but one of the wandering warriors who had answered Tianxia's call to arms. The dreadlocks that raggedly crowned her long dark face, trailing down around her waist, the tattoos etched even into what little skin was not armoured in scarred, world-weary steel--even her eyes, one dark green and the other a mismatched brown, marked her as one whose journey had carried her across endless years and vast stretches of the world before it had brought her here to Tianxia. An outsider--and these days, Tianxia saw few outsiders who were not there because of the Army of the Damned.

Nevertheless, she understood easily when the officials directed her further into the majestic palace for an audience with the Tianxian Emperor himself--he was, it seemed, personally overseeing the integration of mercenaries into the forces of the Eastern Empire, which Mora found refreshing and which she certainly could respect. The past thirty years had seen her growing used to the fact that in this world, many who ruled by divine or royal mandate were pretty much pompous asses who hadn't seen so much as a fistfight in their lifetime. [I]And we'd be all right and screwed if the armies of the free world were taking their orders from [B]that[/B][/I]. Smiling ruefully, Mora shook her head and proceeded. She didn't make a habit of contemplating alternate scenarios in lieu of reality, but that was a prospect more than a little disconcerting.

It seemed by the time Mora was admitted into the main hall in which, at least to her supposition prior to her entry, the Emperor would be found, another mercenary was already there, kneeling quite far from the throne of the Emperor. And she'd yet to even figure how she was going to announce her presence before this guy apparently decided, to hell with it all, and went with the obligatory dramatic oath of fealty.

"I, Padráig Ó Dhéin," the stranger boomed. "Have come to offer my sword and services to the most and honourable and wise Emperor and Empress. I pray you accept, for I will serve you with loyalty, honour and unquestionable obedience until you release me from my duties."

Well, Mora had never been one for such enthusiastic shows of...well, anything, and she certainly wasn't going to try matching Ó Dhéin (a Celt? Mora could only guess as much) for the passion of his declaration. She simply stepped forward, bowing her head to Yuan Jia in a single movement, and stated the reason for her presence in simple and straightforward terms. "I too have come to offer my sword and the arm that wields it. Point it to the enemy and it will strike true."

Edited by dotCom
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"Charge!!!!!! Slay all the pitiful humans!!!" roared Tyranthius as he lead the forces her commanded down towards the refugee camp below, his sword and shield held high and the blood lust upon his mind and as the small horde of assembled warriors of the army of the damned charged they found the defenders only just starting to react. Rushing about refugees ran screaming for loved ones, their gods and for help and it only served to heighten the want for blood in the drakes and other creatures. A few warriors of Tianxia had managed to gather their weapons and stood in a loose formation facing the charging horde. Tyranthius gave them a brief thought of respect before hruling himself at them as he drew close.

Flying through the air in the last moment with his wings unfurled Tyranthis crashed headlong into the shield of a spearman who responded with a quick thrust which the drake general easily battered aside before driving his sword's edge into the faceplate of the man's helmet. The sound of crushing metal and shattering bone mixed with the man's cries of pain which quickly became the gurgle of a dying man as Tyranthius opened the brave spearman's throat with a back handed slash. Even as the man fell Tyranthius stepped forward into the gap he left behind using his blade to cut down a swordsman on his left and smashing his heavy shield into the chest of an archer to his right, the blades embedded within the metal slicing the man's chest to tatters. Behind Tyranthius his warriors collided with the defenders and swiftly overwhelmed them leaving them all broken and dead though they lost a few of their own.

"On wards leave none alive!!" the general commanded as he too charged into the camp and began to lay waste the refugees many of whom tried to flee or cower in the dirt but they all died the same. He was not sure how long he spent slaughtering the defenseless humans but as he sliced a cowering child in half with a savage grin he heard the death cries of multiple drakes and turned to see a heavily armoured human knight step forward swinging a massive two handed sword, he left multiple members of Tyranthius' horde dead and dying in his path. The lives lost to this Tianxia hero meant nothing to Tyranthius only that he had finally found a worthy adversary.

Roaring out a challenge Tyranthius tore across the short distance between the two of them and brought his sword crashing down at the knight as soon as he reached him only to feel the heavy impact of ringing steel as the knight parried the blow sending shocks all up the drake's sword arm. Before the general could lash out again the knight reversed his grip on his sword and brought it round in an arc and though Tyranthius managed to block the strike with his shield he was thrown off his feet and sent through the air to land in a heap. Cursing he started to climb to his knees before feeling a shadow fall across him as the knight quickly ran to him sword ready to cleave him in two. For a moment the drake was frozen seeing his death approaching.

It was then that a sharp crack ripped through the air and a barbed whip curled around the knight's arms the barbs tearing at the metal and pulling the strike back so that it narrowly missed the drake hitting the dirt before him instead. Rolling to one side Tyranthius caught the sight of Metztli her claws on the handle of her whip which was now coiled around the knight's arms. "Now Tyranthius strike him whilst he is vulnerable..." commanded Metztli as her command became a shriek of surprise as the knight dropped the sword and grabbing the whip with two hands, ignoring the barbs that bit into his palms, and with all his strength spun and using the leverage threw Metztli into a stack of crates but exposing his back.

Roaring in fury Tyranthius ran at the knight and brought his blade around just as the knight turned to look and thus he was able to seek the look of surprise and horror in the man's eyes as the blade came in and sliced off his head in a spray of crimson blood. As the headless corpse sank to its knees and then toppled over the general looked over to where Metztli had landed seeing the demon pulling herself out with a grin as she hurled a cask at the drake which he easily managed to catch and inspect. "Seems I have found their wine supplies" laughed Metztli "to our victory" she said raising er own flask and drinking from it. Tyranthius quickly joined her unable to avoid an answering grin from reaching his face he thought to himself maybe he had been wrong about the demon. Time would tell he thought to himself as his surviving warriors cut down what few humans remained alive.

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Having spoken with one of the Tianxian military higher-ups, Oleksandr quickly found himself awarded a small commission as a mercenary of the Emperor and a horse. He was told as soon as he was initiated into the corps that any large battles against their great foe, the Army of the Damned, were a while on the horizon. The officer instructed him on his orders, and informed him that they were his best bet for immediate action. He would escort a caravan, either incognito or as a guard, and wait for bandits to launch a near-inevitable assault, which he needed to repel. He was told that many supply caravans leaving the city had an ultimate destination of the fortress of Herat, northwards from their location. Very few were said to arrive intact, given the widespread banditry and thefts that were rampant in the unsecured roads leading there. He needed no more and had his horse head to the edge of the city to join up with the next caravan leaving for the fort.

Upon arriving he introduced himself to the group as Oleksandr Pechenikov, a member of the Tianxian mercenary corps and their companion and protector through the trip. His fellow travelers seemed wary to have a foreigner guarding them to Herat, but soon reasoned that having a mercenary was better than taking their chances alone. They gave him some food and water, which he stowed in his pack, and the caravan departed. He decided to ride behind the rest of his companions, both because he wanted to keep an eye on them at all times and he had no idea which way it was to the fortress. He was fairly relaxed for the first parts of the trip, in which Tianxian guards patrolling the lands surrounding Xian were present at almost all times. It was when they were distanced enough from the Imperial City that he truly brought himself to an alert attention and readied himself for the worst. They were all alone, and there was a long way to go before they reached the relative safety of Herat.

Edited by Domingo the Honored
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"Rhee," said Angelika as she climbed the hill, "You're worrying too much, when have I ever put us in danger that we weren't able to escape with just a little bit of fighting." But as the Knight turned her head back to the path, a woman in a long shroud stood in front of her and suddenly the two knights were flanked by winged demons; they had stumbled right into the Army of the Damned. Instantly, Angelika reached for her blade, prepared to cut the priestess down and the demons around them. The woman, however, raised her hand and asked to parley and through the Knight was not about to listen to the woman's words, other words, more powerful words began to vibrate through her head. Angelika could hear Ancaceleon echoing through her ears, she had never seen the dragon before in her life, but she knew this was his voice. She could see the priestess still speaking and Rhee yelling back threats, but the Austrian felt like she was in a daze; visions of pain, fire, and chaos rolling through her head. Tianxia was burning in one vision, Theresia, Jia, and their children lay dead, the Amazons were disbanded and the world was covered in ash. In another vision, she sat on a throne more glorious than the Emperor's bringing the entire world to heel to a new and welcomed order, order that only Ancaceleon could provide.

The feeling was incredible, Angelika's skin tingled as he spoke, her blood quickened through her body, she felt stronger through her body. It was this power that she secretly always dreamed about, to be able to protect her sisters, to protect her Emperor and her country and if she could bring Tianxia into a new golden age, then she would do whatever it would require. Ancaceleon was her enemy, but he could be used, anyone could be used to make a better world where her family and the Empire would be safe.

Finally, the Knight escaped from her trance and the priestess's voice came back into focus. The woman held out her hand for the Knight to accept the Dragon's offer and Angelika grinned wildly.

"You should have struck us down when you had the chance, I want an enemy, not some woman cowering in fear from her enemy and her master; Ancaceleon deserves a better servant than you." Angelika gripped her blade tightly and with a sudden slash of her sword, cut the priestess's neck open as blood sprayed onto the Knight's face. Letting out a terrible yell, half-pain and half-pleasure, the Knight flew into a rage, a new form of bloodlust as the blood soaked into her skin. Before Rhee could even react, Angelika jumped through the air and with one clean sweep decapitated one of the winged demons before throwing her sword to impale the second through his rotten heart. She moved quickly and when her feet finally planted on the ground, the Princess breathed heavily, her entire body heaving as the blood began to clear through her skin. The Princess's brown hair began to show hits of white and discoloration as her tan skin seemed to pale and gray, not to a great degree, but for Rhee who had known Angelika for years and who had shared her bed more than once, it was easily noticed.

Her figure stood prouder now, stronger, and more determined as she turned to him with dark eyes aflame.

"Army of the Damned? Ha!" she laughed and ripped her sword out of the demon's heart. "Let's go Rhee, we have a dragon to meet."

She said and started to walk down the summit waiting to see if he would follow.


Meanwhile, the city of Xi'an continued to bustle as other adventurers and mercenaries entered into the city. In the Imperial Palace, Theresia sat on her throne next to Jia giving out endless Imperial Seals for new adventurers to join the Imperial Army marching towards the west. Zhen had left days ago, but the Empress had given into worry now that Angelika had ventured towards the mountains and Magdalena had locked herself in the outside gardens, deep in meditation, not allowing any visitors to enter to speak with the Shaman-Princess. Now, she watched as two mercenaries walked in, both foreign and both seeming to dominate the room as they walked towards the throne; one stronger and larger than the other.

The first, an Irishman, approached and bowed his head to the Imperial Couple and offered his service, but the second, she was much more exotic.

"I welcome both of you," Theresia said to Padraig and Mora, "You have come to offer your services during one of the Empire's darkest time, but tell me, what do you specialize in. Do you offer any skills to our forces. We have many men who we sacrifice it seems to the dragon daily, but I am looking for warriors who can change the Empire's future. Tell me, can you offer me something that not every man or woman possesses?"

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Padráig stayed kneeling before the Empress. After hearing her welcoming words a feeling of calm settled over him. The nervousness he had experienced only a few short moments ago was all but gone. Replaced with strength, confidence and...curiosity... when Padráig caught a glimpse of the stranger standing beside him. She was quite exotic. He felt ridiculous with her standing beside him and decided to rise up beside the adventurer known as [i]Mora[/i].

He sheathed his [url="http://www.heavenlyswords.com/images/C/46bk267.jpg"]sword[/url], a light, versatile and handy to use weapon, with some distinctive features only found on Irish swords, such as the hollow ring pommel. He was proud of it... for he forged it himself. The one last task he completed before becoming a true and educated warrior poet of Connacht. The last thing he did before leaving Ireland.

[i]" Tell me, can you offer me something that not every man or woman possesses?"[/i] said the Empress in an inquisitive manner. Padráig pondered the question for a few seconds and replied in kind [i]" I possess great strength, stamina, speed and reflexes. I'm an exceptional warrior with sword, spear, bow and shield. If I lose my weapons I can still fight in unarmed combat. And my mind is as sharp as my sword, if not sharper. But most of all my loyalty is strongest. I will not fall into the service Ancaceleon. And if I happen to fall, it will be onto my own blade. I swear it by the Gods of my ancestors."[/i]

Padráig quickly turned his head to look at Mora and back again to the Empress [i]" My loyalty will always be to my companions aswell as to my masters, until I am released from my duties. I hope this is acceptable to you, owe wise and powerful Empress. I pray that I am worthy to be accepted into your service. Perhaps you would like a test of my skills? I am not one for boasting."[/i] Padráig finished. He despised having to talk in such a manner. Perhaps he should have mentioned one of his abilities was flattery and boot-licking. But he really did want to help the Emperor and Empress. He just wished he could have said so in a more rudimentary way.

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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Rhee watched, astonished at Angelika's speed. She moved faster than he did, even when the ogre overtook his mind. Her strength and speed were also something to behold. The way she attacked them viciously though. It wasn't her. She'd always been a scrapper on the battlefield, but her form with a blade was routed in the elegant traditions of European fencing. That she now fought so primally was a shock. She'd been acting stranger and stranger and now, she was fighting like another person entirely. After the last demon fell he looked at her, brown hair was showing signs of white, not grey but white. Her tan skin had paled and begun to even take on a dull grey complexion. She turned to him, her once caring and beautiful face covered in blood. Her eyes were filled with a fiery rage he only had known when he looked into the mirror. He opened his mouth, his words could barely form, "Ang.." he began before she motioned him on.

[i]"Army of the Damned? Ha! Let's go Rhee, we have a dragon to meet."[/i] Angelika said to him as she headed off in front down the cliff face to where the dragon waited below. Rhee looked around at the bloody mess that was down their before him. For some reason it seemed she wanted to be rid of him, it was a side he had not seen in her before. Despite her exterior, she had always deep down been caring, she hadn't abandoned him even when he almost killed her all those years ago when he first received his curse. Now...

Following her down the mountain he felt the heat of the inferno coming up from the crater below. Looking down he say a brilliant field of rubies stretched across the ground below. It was only when it moved that he realized this was not a field of stone, but the dragon itself. It dwarfed them both. Each of its claws were the size of a small home. If it stood tall it could look right at those on the bannisters of Xian's outwall. That such a creature could exist put a chill down Rhee's spine. As they came further down, a sulfur smell permeated the air, making it foul barely breathable to Rhee's advanced sense of smell. Even as his eyes watered Angelika seemed undeterred.

"Angelika, I think we should go back, there is no way we can kill that thing. Our swords can barely penetrate its hide." Rhee said. "We need ballistas or something!" he exclaimed. He once again reached out to grab her arm and try and pull her back away from the beast.

It was then that it turned to them, [i]I sssmell, the sssweet sssmell of fresssh blood. I am so glad the blood sssacrifice could be made to me child.[/i] he voice boomed from the cavern. [i]You have done well. Tell me are you ready to take your placcce at my ssside.[/i] the mad dragone hissed.

"You will not touch her!" Rhee said raising his sword. "Not while I draw breath."

[i]Foolisssh boy.[/i] the dragon let out a terrible laugh, [i]Thisss one did not tell you. Ssshe killed those pawnsss ssso that ssshe could gain my divine favor.[/i] the dragon said his terrible eye looking straight at Rhee, [i]Ssshe and I have made a covenant, one sssealed in blood, and cannot be broken by anything you have.[/i]

Rhee's face went white, "Ange.. she'd never do that" he yelled back, before turning towards her. Her face looked empty, she had changed so much since they had set out. He felt like he was sick to his stomach, he could barely believe he was asking, "... don't tell me... you didn't. Nothing good can come of this." the words weighing heavy on his heart.

Meanwhile in the north, war had come to the Northern Redoubts of the Timur. Aden had sent the women, children, and elderly to make for Samarkand in the night, while all able bodied men and boys were conscripted into military service. He had to make the painful choice to send them away with little guard, hoping that they could hold Herat long enough for reinforcements to arrive and the civilians to escape. Sages from across the territories were given orders to brew potions and make wards against corruption, while imams, zoroastrian priests, and buddhist monks gave men of all faiths lectures and blessings to steel themselves mentally for the coming battle. Privately the Shah had given orders, any one who shows signs of falling under the mad dragon's sway was to be put to the sword by a trusted sergeant of the guard. They would know no traitor in this land.

The war drums were now pounding fiercely in the distance as the first parts of the enemy army were coming into view. Slowly large towers to house seige engines were being constructed. Lesser dragons and demons howled with glee as they awaited the blood lust that was coming for them in the city.

Aden watched from the fortresses highest tower. He wore a circular helm which went out like a dome before rounding out to a point. His armor was steel scale mail, heavy by flexible. On his side he wore the scimitar of tamerlane an enchanted blade of his anscestor, and on the other a round shield with the three red dots, symbol of the Timur house. This was the first battle he would see as the Shah. He would need to prove his worth to these men. He had made the decision to fight in the Vanguard of the siege. Though his advisors objected he insisted saying that against a foe which preys on the minds of its enemies, the men must see a strong leader.

Now though looking out over what was coming he could not help but question the wisdom of that decision....

In Xian, Jia listened to Theresia talk to the two western warriors, but as he did his eyes noticed an eagle fly in the room. The trained birds of the mongol horde, were the most reliable means to keep the capital informed of the developments in the West. Standing up from his throne, he walked over to where a scribe had caught the bird and was now reading the letter it had in its hand.

"Who is it from?" the Emperor asked.

"Knight Commander Hayabusa sends word. His expedition has cleared a path between here and the city of Samarkand, his rangers protect the the path well. However, his forces have also encountered the Army of the Damned, they are moving North in the West. They will soon be able to cut Herat without help of the bandits and raiders. So far they have only encountered small groups of riders, but each encounter leads to bigger hosts. He has heard no sign of the dragon." the scribe said.

Jia sighed, "And when are our last communications from Princess Angelika and Khan Aden?" the Emperor asked.

"We've yet to receive word from either in some days. Angelika ordered back most of her amazonians to guard the passes as she went South, its now just her and Master Rhee." the scribe said.

"Great." the Emperor muttered looking back at Theresia and the others in the room.

Edited by Triyun
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Approaching Ancaceleon, Angelika could hear his voice sweetly in her head as she felt possessed by the sound and nothing could turn her away. She stood on the barren hill, land dried and dead, cracked with heat from the dragon's flame and small wisps of smoke and ash forcing itself up from the ground and looked down at the beast. Her body was encircled by small embers that jumped from the ground and danced into the air, she turned and her eyes were aflame with passion and rage, in fact, her irises had changed to a bright red and her smile curved up sadistically as her skin grayed and her hair turned to a dazzling white. "I am doing what is best for the Empire, Rhee." She turned fully towards him, her stance standing strong, seductive, and solid as she held her sword tightly. "Nothing good will come of simply waiting for the world to bow to us either. How many years has it been Rhee? In those years when Tianxia was laughed at when we were driven to isolation, when the mere mention of our name begets fear and sorrow and remorse. I've had enough, if people are going to fear us, then they will fear us and we will command the very armies of Hell itself."

She rotated her stance and started to walk down the hill towards where Ancaceleon lay in his open den. Then she turned her head slightly, "You're one of my best friends, you know that? My sister, my Emperor, they won't understand what I've done, hell you don't understand what I've done. But when I march into Samarkand, when I lay waste to Herat, and I show what power I have and still lead Tianxia in a direction of glory and strength, then they will understand. I will make people understand me, Rhee, and I will make the world understand what they face because they mocked us. A firestorm that will never be quelled."

Turning her back to Rhee, Angelika held out her arms and smirked, knowing in her head her other plans, but loving the power she felt flowing through her veins. "Ancaceleon! I have come to take my place within the den of fire, embrace me and give me your power!"

The Princess roared and faded into the smoke which circled the massive Dragon.


Back in Xi'an, Theresia and Jia were having their own problems, entertaining mercenaries and receiving no real information about Zhen's movement towards Afghanistan or of Angelika's scouting party, which, as Theresia expected it, to have veered so far off course, Angelika probably wouldn't return in a few weeks from enjoying herself on the Vaulian frontier.

"No word?" she said and looked back at Jia with a sigh, "Of course there's no word, there's never any word." Then, looking at Padraig, the Empress smiled and nodded. "You do not need to show off your abilities here in the Throne Room. You can prove to me your strengths on the field where you are needed, not in small little games where nothing will change. Both of you will be sent to the West and hopefully, you will find a place to both serve the Empire and prove yourself as warriors. However, unless my husband has anything else to add, you are dismissed into the hands of our soldiers and officers. I wish you the best and may the spirits bless you."

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He listened in horror as the Dragon's words came true. It was his worst nightmare come true. Her body was now changing, gone was her athletic beauty, now she had begun to become something different. In moments she had transformed from the woman he had grown to know over these years, perhaps even care deeply about, now she had become something else entirely, both her skin and it seemed her heart had turned to ash.

Rhee could not believe his ears or his eyes. [i]How could she.[/i] he thought to himself. How could the woman he knew do this. "God damnit then help me to understand!" he blurted out. Looking into her eyes he could see that something had changed. There was something that wasn't there before, a darkness. "Ange.. listen to yourself. You're talking about burning down Samarkand a city [i]you and your sister built[/i]. Think of her, you spent all this time trying to make her feel better and now you're destroying her city, your city. For what?! We came out here to destroy this thing and now what, you're just going to join it kill your own to make them fear us. They'd fear us as people fear a mad man, not as great conquerors but as kinslayers. Thats what you're going to become Angelika!"

His hand reached out to grab her before it was burned by the fire, "Gah." he said as he felt his hand swell with pain, he could not remove. Rhee's eyes turned to the dragon, the ogre rage within him swirled as the curse began to take control while the mad dragon watched both amused....

In Xian Jia turned to Theresia shaking his head, "No I do not have anything to add. I wish you both luck. I fear there will be dark times ahead. We'll need all the help we can get." he said. As the two celtic warriors left Jia paused looking at Theresia, "I hate the waiting." he said. He felt himself seized with restlessness. Each day the army grew, but to what effect? It was just sitting here in Xian while the West burned. They would need supplies to feed the army and for that a smaller force would first have to clear the silk road, but still. The Emperor always favored direct action.

Far to the West in Herat, the moon was now high in the sky when the trumpets blared. Aden looked up from the bed which he had been told to try and get some sleep on. Soon across the walls trumpets were blaring. The moon had turned red as flaming piles of stone were flung into the wall from the Army of the Damned's trebuchets. One of his advisers ran into the room, "Your majesty, the attack has begun." the adviser said. Aden nodded grabbing his scimitar. "So it has.." he said.

As the stones struck the wall they broke apart, hollow. A thick sticky substance oozed out from them catching fire as it spread. As men attempted to dose it the fire only spread to the water. Across the walls units were forced to fall back, abandoning whole sections of the wall to the flame.

Then the war drums began. Aden could see in the distance the arrival of large siege towers being pulled forward by both man and demon. Large winged creatures cracked whips of fire driving forward their slaves. These were peasants, peasants Aden was sworn to protect. Yet now....

[i]God forgive me.[/i] he thought as he reached his command center. "Prepare to fire volleys on those seige towers. Archers and arbalests fire!" he ordered. One of the captains blew the trumpet signal for firing fire arrow volleys. Within moments the entire city wall's line of archers and arbalests were flinging flaming arrows and bolts into the seige towers and the men pressing them forward. Whole groups of peasants were consumed in the firey inferno, the first casualties of what was to be surely the bloodiest battle Aden had ever seen.

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[i]" Thank you, your Imperial Majesties."[/i] said Padráig. He turned his head to Mora and gave her a second look [i]" If you seek a companion for your journey west, you need only ask. I'm making some final preparations of my own before the trip, so you can find me outside......if you wish."[/i] Padráig turned his attention to the Imperial couple once again and bowed his head before the Emperor and Empress in a sign of respect. He quickly turned on his heel and made for the door he had entered through.

[i]" Gods help us all."[/i] he whispered under his breath as he left the Imperial Hall. The red glimmer Padráig had perceived before entering Xi'an was still strong on the horizon as he entered the courtyard. He was certain it was the fires of Ancaceleon, burning in the west, which caused such an unnatural color to taint the evening sky.

Standing on the steps of the Imperial Hall, Padráig closed his eyes and thought of home. He could see the green fields of Éire clearly in his mind. The sound of the bodhrán filled his ears with music and his body with joy. And then he remembered Étaín, and her beautiful blue eyes. [i]" I will return to you, my love."[/i] he said to himself. Padráig recalled the poem he sang to her the night of his departure.....

[center][i]Intoxicating the ale of Inis Fáil;
more intoxicating by far than that of Tír Már.
A wonderful land that I describe:
where youth does not precede age.

Warm, sweet streams throughout the land,
your choice of mead and wine.
A distinguished people, without blemish,
conceived without sin or crime.

Woman, if you come to my bright people,
you will have a crown of gold for your head;
honey, wine, fresh milk to drink
you will have with me there, Étain.[/i][/center]

He missed her so much. As the darkness of night approached from the west, the city showed no signs of slowing down. Padráig decided to eat before leaving the city. Once he ate he decided to don his armour. And so he went to where his horse was, a white mare with a golden saddle, which he left in the stable of some barracks. His armour and weapons remained where he had left them, fortunately.

And so Padráig donned his armour. It was nothing too fancy. He had just enough metal to give his vitals sufficient protection, yet, remain flexible. And, but of course, his armour was distinctively Celtic in design. Padráig mounted his horse which, gave him a good view of the path he was to take. The glimmer on the horizon burned ever brighter with every passing hour. [i]" And so it begins."[/i]

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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"I welcome both of you," the Empress, a woman clearly not of Tianxian origin, spoke as the Emperor spoke with his advisors. "You have come to offer your services during one of the Empire's darkest time, but tell me, what do you specialize in. Do you offer any skills to our forces. We have many men who we sacrifice it seems to the dragon daily, but I am looking for warriors who can change the Empire's future. Tell me, can you offer me something that not every man or woman possesses?"

The Celt paused to think, and as he did, Mora's own voice filled the subsequent silence. "I have to offer only what a life steeped in war and combat has given me." She did rather dislike boasting--she liked to think, if anything, what she'd accomplished in the past thirty years could speak for her. But if Empress Theresia wanted a list of qualifications from her...[I]I shall oblige, somewhat.[/I] "War is my life and it is my business...and as my thirty years of work will attest..." the towering mercenary cracked the barest semblance of an enigmatic smile. "Business is good."

The Celt now stepped forth to speak for himself. "I possess great strength, stamina, speed and reflexes," he began in earnest. "I'm an exceptional warrior with sword, spear, bow and shield. If I lose my weapons I can still fight in unarmed combat. And my mind is as sharp as my sword, if not sharper. But most of all my loyalty is strongest. I will not fall into the service of Ancaceleon. And if I happen to fall, it will be onto my own blade. I swear it by the Gods of my ancestors."

Ó Dhéin turned his head briefly to Mora, who returned the glance with a raised eyebrow. "My loyalty will always be to my companions as well as to my masters," he continued proudly. "...until I am released from my duties. I hope this is acceptable to you, oh wise and powerful Empress. I pray that I am worthy to be accepted into your service. Perhaps you would like a test of my skills? I am not one for boasting."

[I]Certainly one for wanton kissing of ass...'oh wise and powerful Empress'?[/I] Mora could not help but muse with more amusement than anything. Currying favour with the royals...well, she could see the logic in it in some cases, even if her own tenacious sense of pride would not permit her to get in on the flattery. Whether or not others chose to do so was none of her business and she did not make a practice of giving a damn.

The Empress conferred briefly with Jia, and when she turned back, the smile she had put in place strained to conceal the newfound stress of mind whatever news she had just received had evoked. Nevertheless, she spoke evenly--the strain of mind failing to infect her voice as she spoke. "You do not need to show off your abilities here in the Throne Room. You can prove to me your strengths on the field where you are needed, not in small little games where nothing will change. Both of you will be sent to the West and hopefully, you will find a place to both serve the Empire and prove yourself as warriors. However, unless my husband has anything else to add, you are dismissed into the hands of our soldiers and officers. I wish you the best and may the spirits bless you."

Mora nodded wordlessly, turning to depart. As she did, however, the Celt spoke again, and this time, he spoke to her. "If you seek a companion for your journey west, you need only ask." Mora turned her head slowly towards him, expression inscrutable as she pondered the offer. "I'm making some final preparations of my own before the trip, so you can find me outside......if you wish." And at that, he made haste of his departure, and Mora was not long in following.

[I]A companion for the journey west, eh?[/I] Mora mulled over the offer. [I]I haven't travelled with any kind of companion in a [B]long[/B] time...I'd be lying if I said it doesn't seem tempting.[/I] Sure, mercenaries were expected to be the solitary type, and for the most part Moraes Vieira [I]was[/I] the solitary type, but even she eventually...started feeling like she wouldn't have minded some company now and then. And she could have stopped and tried to convince herself that there was some practical, pragmatic, wholly unrelated reason for taking Ó Dhéin up on his offer (and she did), but it eventually came down to the fact that Mora...wouldn't have minded the company.

At sundown Mora ventured out from the safety of Xian's gates, now astride a massive horse--it had to be of such mass to bear a rider of Mora's size and weight. Just beyond the walls of the city, at the foot of the path to the West, was another rider--and though he had donned his own armour, it was not difficult to ascertain him as the Celt, Padráig Ó Dhéin. His eyes, she supposed, were directed to the horizon--where not far in the distance the fires of war burned as bright as the glow of the setting sun. And as she approached, she heard him murmur to himself. "And so it begins."

"And soon, for better or for worse, it ends," Mora finished in a brief moment of solemnity, before her expression shifted to a semblance of mirth, with perhaps a note of anticipation in her rasp of a voice. "Preferably, it ends with my blade buried in the Dragon's belly, and many of the Damned strewn dead around. But neither is going to happen if we wait for them to come to us." With a sort of smirk directed towards Ó Dhéin, she spurred her horse onwards, and began the journey to the war in the west.

OOC: Anyone who caught the slight Megadeth reference will receive...I dunno, marginally increased respect from me. Once in a life time chance, you know you all want it.

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