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Kingdom of Ireland - News Thread


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OOC: I think he's speaking about the Ulster Volunteer Force...a terrorist group from Northern Ireland.

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The Kingdom of Ireland has, for several days, been at war with the British Government known as Reichtenberg for the attempted murder of King Anthony. The Irish armed forces stormed Great Britain and, while suffering thousands of deaths, inflicted more damage onto the enemy and secured major points of interests including London where Irish soldiers temporarily perched a flag over the gates of Buckingham Palace. Scotland was also the setting of many battles as cities and towns were liberated from the radical government and put under the protection of the Kingdom of Ireland. Shortly after the poorly defended capital in London was taken, Irish military officials in the field sent word to Dublin that the Reichtenberg government, then controversially known as New Britannia, handed over governance of the country to a "Revolutionary British Council" which is currently setting up a new government for the island of Great Britain that will hopefully peacefully co-exist with Ireland and other European powers.

King Anthony addressed thousands of supporters crowded in the streets of Dublin and millions of Irish on the island as to something that was rumored to have to do with "The results of the war in Great Britain". King Anthony took to a podium and met an oddly silent crowd who did not want to cheer or cry until absolutely certain of what the outcome was. "It is my esteemed honor and duty to present news from the front in Great Britain. As you are all aware a tremendous war came knocking at our door step when an attempt was made on my life in the Irish Sea. The Armed Forces of this Kingdom stood strong and ready to serve their Country and King - which they most certainly did. In fact, the Isle of Man will become the newest Province to the Kingdom of Ireland very soon as the armed forces move to the island. A new government has arose in Great Britain and I ask that Europe welcome this new nation into existence with recognition as I now do so publicly and proudly." Taking a pause he chose his next words carefully, "As Sovereign of Ireland, I will now invoke my right to declare a State of Peace between The Kingdom of Ireland and the current, legitimate, British Government. May God continue to protect the people of these Islands." As the King signed an official document of peace, "ending all hostilities with Great Britain" his pen shook as the roads and streets rumbled from the roaring screams of the people of Ireland. In a time of celebration even more takes place with fire works lighting up the night sky. Ireland is now at peace.

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"As Reine des Français, I congratulate our Irish and British neighbours to have achieved peace. We value the peace between the nations of the islands and have also in the past attempted to secure a solution which works best for all people living on the other side of La Manche. We applaud Irelands determination to stick to its objectives and to release the English, Scots and Welsh once again into full souvereignity, without encroaching on their freedom. We now can only hope that the Isles will see a stable period of peace, given that since the fall of Irelands predecessor, there was no stable government in England or Scotland that managed to rule up to this day. It is our honest opinion that, while the Germans may not have had the best relations with France, they hopefully will help in stabilising their proclaimed 'Sphere of Influence' over the British Isles and securing their English friends, together with Ireland, so that Europe may be one step further away from war, destruction, death and demise. I personally hope that these feelings will be echoed by other leaders too and that they are understood as well-wishes with best intentions."
-[font="Monotype Corsiva"][size="4"]Josephine d'Orléans, Reine des Français[/size][/font]

Edit: Damn capitalisation. Lack of sleep, sorry...

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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"I do wonder what the South American Umbrella Commonwealth is doing in Europe anyway. While we do not see any reason to doubt Umbrellas ability to care for people, this is far beyond its shores and we trust the British to care for themselves well enough. and the outright declaration that there could not be peace worries us, as it can hardly be in the interest of the British people that they are dragged into another war."
-[font="Monotype Corsiva"][size="4"]Josephine d'Orléans[/size][/font]

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[quote][b]From His Majesty The King of Ireland[/b]


[b]To General Worth, Minister of Defense
of The Kingdom of Ireland[/b]

Minister Worth,

The previous and current conflict in these Isles have brought me to the inevitable conclusion that this Kingdom needs a navy with ships that have reasonable fire power. While I understand that the Irish Government is not capable of building massive ships such as those that belong to the Athenian Federation or our German allies however I think that, in order to repel pirates or assist in guiding other vessels, our military is in need of patrol vessels. I hope to have them physically built here in Ireland and possibly armed and equipment placed elsewhere, perhaps another nation in Europe. If you could see to this construction, and make the Commander of the Navy aware, I would be much obliged. What I would like accomplished is the construction of ten Peacock-Class Patroll vehicles.

[b]King Anthony O'Reilly
Sovereign of Ireland[/b][/quote]
[b]From The Minister of Defense of
The Kingdom of Ireland[/b]


[b]To His Majesty The King
of Ireland[/b]

Your Majesty,

I am delighted to see that upgrading our Navy has been taken into consideration and approved. I will alert the appropriate people and see to the construction of these vessels in Belfast.

[b]General Worth
Minister of Defense of The Kingdom of Ireland[/b][/quote]

The construction of ten Peacock-Class Patrol vessels would begin in Belfast shipyards where the "shell" and hull of the ship would be constructed and built along with all of the merchandise and parts to make it operational however the weapons and equipment regarding them would be built elsewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...


[i]The President[/i]


He took in a breath and opened his blue eyes. Instead of feeling the soft and unwavering flow of cool air from the AC vent in his hotel room David encountered an uneven breeze with a temperature that radically changed as it hit his skin. Laying on the left side of his bed he noticed no red hair on the pillow next to his which meant that there was no wife adjacent to him. After a few more moments of consciousness he came to observe that his bed was not in his hotel room and not even in Dublin. The former President sat up in his light gray pajamas and faced a massive forest. The leaves of the threes were a bright orange that even made the sun look unimpressive. The trees towered high above him and were close together in some areas however it was not the trees that blocked his vision from far; a light fog drifted around him. It would have been a terrifying situation but it was not because David felt a way that words could not describe. He could not feel his internal organs - no heart beating, no lungs breathing, and no grumbles from his stomach. He actually felt weightless to some extent. Because there was seemingly no strain on his body the twenty-six year old was feeling better then he ever had before in his life.

Carefully, David let his feet slide to the leaf-covered Earth which was almost as cool as the air. "Enjoying yourself?" said a comfortable voice. Out of fright David jolted around in what was some type of untrained karate stance designed to scare away a purse snatcher. "Where are you?..." A few moments of silence went by as David stood perfectly still. He did not like the idea of someone knowing exactly where he was while they felt safe and content. "Show yourself!... Show yourself now!" More silence went by until David's fear was interrupted by a leaf falling directly in front of him. Instinctively, as all men would have done, he let out a bellowing yell and fell backwards onto the soft soil. Already looking up, he saw a barefoot young lady sitting on a branch high on one of the orange trees which held a beautiful white bark. Her hair was a pure goldish-yellow-blond - much more vibrant then his. Though she was high up in the trees he could make out a few scarce freckles on her cheeks and noticed that she had on no shoes. Wrapped in some type of soft, white clothing she conspicuously let her hands lay in her lap instead of holding onto the three for support. While making his observations she began to giggle which made David even more confused, "I'm sorry" the mystery girl said with her now raised but still relaxing voice, "I just think it's so cute how you are anchored to the ground."

She leaned forward and began to fall to the Earth in front of him. David jumped away from his bed and towards her. Seconds after his impact with the ground he braced for the force of her body to slam into his and maybe break a few ribs but no such attack came. Rolling onto his back he watched while she slowly hovered to the ground, making no effort at all to do so. David cautiously backed away from her while he remembered he had not come here on his own accord. After successfully finding a more comfortable distance with his back against a tree David released his first question into the open, "Am I dead?" The girl giggled as he toes brushed up against the soft soil on the ground. Not to make him scared, she began a slow walk towards him, "Not really... But this [i]is[/i] what it would feel like if you were... Do you like it?" David figured it would only be fair to confirm her answer after she did his, "It feels - it feels better then anything I have ever experienced or ate or drank or danced to or thought about. What is it?" Now next to David the young lady, probably 17 at most, sat next to David and hugged him, "I am happy you like it." she said with a smile. She leaned in for a hug and put her arms around David. Admittedly she was beautiful in every physical way imaginable though her white clothing did not focus on the curves of her body. The clothing showed the beauty of her existence by not giving a direct focus on her thighs or chest but instead brought the viewer - David - to the conclusion that she only had good inside her.

Even her hug was different then any other hug he had ever received. He could feel energy surging around the two of them as they momentarily united. At first he felt awkward as the seemingly young girl hugged him which was why he avoided wrapping his arms around her however her hug did not feel sexual or even slightly romantic in any way. In some way it felt like a celebration of some sorts; like he he just given everyone in the world all that they wanted at once and they were all trying to thank him with this one hug. When that indescribable feeling entered David he hugged her tight and started to cry. He only sobbed a little bit tears were not afraid to vacate his eyes. She happily cried with him. He felt regret. He felt like he has been given this amazing gift - this amazing feeling even though he has done so much bad in his life? He was not a murderer or a thief but he could have been a better father or husband or leader thus far. He could have tried harder in life. He could have been nicer to his enemies. He could have washed the dishes instead of making other do it.

The girl squeezed the sadness out of him. He bawled into her shoulder for a few minutes as everything bad he had done flashed before him..... She wanted to tell him that this was the worst part but instead she let David have his own experiences. After he saw the last negative thing he did in his life he spent a much longer time seeing all the good that he had done. Being polite to his elders when he was young boy, sometimes listening to his parents even when he did not understand why they gave him various orders, be honest to people who only deserved lies, respected the ideas and beliefs of others too ignorant to even fathom what went through is brain, and how even in the darkest of moments when he felt like he had lost everything he still found something to thank God for. By the time this... scenario was over David sat up on his own and looked at the girl who gave a warm smile. "That part at the end - with all of the good - is why I am talking to you 'Mister President'" she said in a joking voice; hoping to provide comical relief. "You are good, a saint compared to most people in your world - I wanted to let you know that you are doing a good job as a... everything." She fixed his hair into a less messy position and leaned back against a tree with him. No birds were in the forest as far as David could see, so the only thing they could hear were each other and the drifting breeze.

"That... amazing feeling you endured was the Love of God David; I hope you know He's always been with you." David tried to regain his stature. She kept a hand on top of his to keep him calm as she continued to speak, "He wanted me to tell you that you are so good most of the time and that He knows you regret your mistakes... He wanted me to tell you something.." She handed him a small piece of old solid white paper. It was torn but it was absolutely straight and had no imperfections except for writing and an obvious tear that had previously occurred. At the top of it was a small Irish flag with the orange part of the tri-color circled with - probably - a red marker or writing device. Below it were a series of letters separated into different unorganized messes. [i]netre ta tigdminh[/i] Below the groups of letters was the number [i]7[/i] and finally at the bottom of the paper was the drawing of a tiny island with a home on it.

After observing the odd piece of paper which almost seemed alien the girl spoke, "Do you remember how you explained the justification of everyone paying taxes to Badb? What did you tell her?" Thinking for a moment David remembered his exact words, "At least what you have as your end result is a profit that you did not have before." The girl smiled and stood up, backing away from David. "Use this in the near future - you'll know when you need it..." Large, white feathered wings sprouted from the girl. They flapped eagerly as she ascended into the air, "New England was beautiful in the fourteenth century" she said as she broke a branch and a wave of leaves fluttered into the breeze like butterflies. "Remember what you told Robert, David! It will help you soon enough!"

David opened his eyes and gave a deep breath in as he sat up in his bed. The air conditioner kicked on just as he inhaled some of cool air in the hotel room. He fell out of bed in near shock and touched himself and the walls to confirm the existence of both as his eyes wildly wondered around the room to make sure he was where he should be. David's wife Susan nearly fell out of bed herself as she rushed over to aid her husband. "Da - David are you alright?" David hurried to his feet as he held his light head with his left hand. "I'm fine Susan.. It was just a bad dream." Susan gave a sigh of relief and kissed his cheek, "Next time.. Try not to be so dramatic; I'm too young to be getting heart-attacks yet." She agreed to go back to bed only after he swore that he would go get some water from the kitchen. The hotel suite that the O'Reilly's were staying in had various different rooms however the living room, dining area, and living room were all semi-connected with doorless walkways. Those doorless walkways were the reason why David could hear a vibrant breeze outside. After retrieving his cold water from the kitchen he came into the living room to see an open window. Going to close it he stepped over various leaves that were let in. "I told those girls to keep these closed at night" he grumbled as he stepped back over the orange leaves and started his journey back to his room. However before he could continue the motion to step over the leaves one of his feet slipped and he fell back on his rear. Sitting up he observed among the orange leaves a small white piece of paper with a small Irish flag at the top... What he had told Robert came to mind as he carefully picked up the paper, "Never trust a man with two first names."

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  • 2 weeks later...

[size="5"][b]The Island of Man is Annexed To Ireland[/b][/size]


The Island of Man has been recently incorporated into the Kingdom of Ireland after a lengthy and confusing stretch of two wars and countless battles between Irish forces and forces of the former "Reichtenberg" government and blows between a more recent British government, Germany, and oddly enough the Umbrella government from South America. Thousands of German soldiers poured into Great Britain into what was one of the largest mass movement of soldiers in recent history of the British Isles. Casualties on Ireland's side of things were high however not over estimates from multiple political and military experts around the country. After the movement of thousands of troops into islands above Scotland and then the migration of them back to Ireland, a strong and well defended force set up camp on the Isle of Man.

By Royal Decree, King Anthony claimed the island as part of the "realm" of the Crown of Ireland. Today he landed in the island's capital city, Douglas, where the King met with local officials and residents of the island. "The claiming of this island" spoke the King in his speech in Douglas "is to ensure a stable and secure government for the people of Mann. An added benefit will be a stronger Irish presence in the Irish sea which will allow us to better secure trade and diplomatic routes to countries such as our German allies or French friends." King Anthony continued on to say that the 80,000 soldiers on the Isle of Mann would begin to pull out to a "more respectable force" and will begin construction of a military facility to insure the islands protection. The King has hinted in the past and now that a system of local government may be set up for the provinces in which there is some type of executive power granted to them. We are unsure at this time if he may be hinting towards appointed Dukes or elected Governors. His Kingdom waits in anticipation to see what the next addition will be to their government.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[size="5"][b]NEW ROYALTY FOR IRELAND[/b][/size]


After months of debate from the House of Lords and plenty of public opinion King Anthony has declared there will be a new position added to the Government of Ireland: Dukes. The job of a Duke will be to rule over a province as the executive of the local government. His or her job will be to make decisions for the region on behalf of the King or make special decisions for their own province. According to Cynthia McNeil, Minister of Culture, "The King will chose the first Dukes or Duchesses of Ireland after close consideration and guidance from God. He has promised that each duke or duchess will be an individual of outstanding morals and accountability." The Minister also added that, to everybody's relief, "each duke or duchess will have originated from the province they reign over" meaning that in order for one to be Duke of Munster, he must have been born in Munster.

The House of Lords released a resolution that the King had agreed to stating how Duke's will be brought to their positions in the future. With these first dukes or duchesses being put in place by the King, they will be free to marry and have children. The duke or duchesses's family line will be royal and function as a royal family for each province. If a Duke, who holds power as executive, dies then his wife, the duchess, will take power. When the duchess dies or leaves her position, the first born child will then take power unlike the Irish Royal Family where the first born [i]male[/i] will reign as monarch.

This new position will take stress off of the King and his council so that they can focus on more national and international affairs instead of having to deal with special cases of law and order on the local level. A Duke, of course, can always be overruled by the King when it comes to matters of national importance or law. Proving rumors false that the Isle of Man would be incorporated into another province, the King directly addressed Ireland as "the Island of [i]five[/i] provinces and one King". The King has not said who he will chose to lead the provinces yet but we can only assume it will be individuals who are already in an important position or know the King very well.

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[size="5"][b]King Anthony Gives Speech Praising Scotland's Independence[/b][/size]

[i]Flag of Scotland[/i]

As of yesterday, Scotland achieved independence with permission of Germany. Minister O'Connell called it "an amazing achievement for the Scottish people". The Reich, after having to tolerate technically two wars in its "sphere of influence" had brought Great Britain under its wing and, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, "made it a direct protectorate". King Anthony even gave a press conference in which he congratulated the Scottish on a "peaceful, and joyous independence". With Scotland's independence came the merging of Ireland's neighbor, Mull, into the new state which most likely has had a huge effect on how the government is being designed and ran. "Sometimes things happen or people make decisions that we do not fully understand or comprehend, similar to God, but unlike God the reasoning behind these decisions is not always for the betterment of the people involved. That is why I am happy that the Reich let Scotland freely achieve its independence - what a great ally this Kingdom has."

While no official word has been released yet, King Anthony mentioned that he did hope to visit Scotland in the future and is "looking forward to the possibilities of commerce". A trade network between Ireland and Scotland would help the Irish economy, which partly relies on commerce, advance farther then it already has with the trade it currently holds with various other states. In recent months fuel has become a major import to Ireland after the coal disaster in the west which still has some places without heating - luckily it is not yet fall. As the British Isles flourish to life with new governments, strong alliances, and thriving economies unconfirmed rumors come from France that all is not well in the nation that King Anthony referred to as "a country of culture".

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[size="5"][b]Kingdom of England Arises[/b][/size]


Within a matter of days another nation has arisen in the British Islands - The Kingdom of England. This newest monarchy-based nation, made up from England, Cornwall, and Wales, has already entered the political stage with several nations already and has been given recognition by the King yesterday morning. Minister O'Connell stated that "We should be happy to see England arise. Such a large manufacturing giant will be very beneficial to Irish economics and trade; not to mention bringing foreign investors and merchants to the Islands." No official word was given from the government or Crown regarding trade or foreign relations with England. What we do have was the letter sent, publicly, from King Anthony to the England's new King, Dominic and his reply. In the message King Anthony confirmed that he believed this new kingdom in England and Wales is "the most realistic and culturally correct nation to arise within [England] in a very long time". The King went on to exclaim that he wanted to work with England in keeping peaceful relations and "working together for the betterment" of the islands. Rumors have risen that the King is preparing an English visit to either Dublin or somewhere along the East coast. No word on what exactly will be discussed at the rumored meeting.

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[center][u][b]Private Dispatch from the Carolinas[/b][/u][/center]

We have heard that Ireland is in the middle of preparing for winter in the middle of a food shortage. We would like to offer you a food loan with no interest and no due date to pay back. This would help keep your people fed without accepting actual aid. We would also like to offer a tax on all trade coming from the Carolinas to Ireland. This would promote your local business while at the same time making you money from the taxes. Our companies will be given tax breaks for trading with an allied nation so it will not hurt our business at all. We can get the paperwork going as soon as you reply. While this is going on we would also like to send over our scientists to work on a research agreement between our two nations, one to look for more resilient crops, and two the research of blue water navy vessels.

[right][i]- The Free Republic Department of Foreign Affairs[/i][/right]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote][b]From The Minister of Defense of
The Kingdom of Ireland[/b]


[b]To His Majesty The King of

You may have already heard through the grapevine but the navy has finished it's patrol ships. I would have told you earlier but I expected Minister O'Connell to have done so. I wanted to announce that I will be conducting tests in the North. I also wanted to brief you on the defensive capabilities of Ireland. I know it is not up to par yet with what you wanted but but I have the specifications of defense for the island. Here it is:

MIM-104 Patriot defense system with hidden mobile launchers in camouflage are set up along the coast of Ulster. I would like to ensure you that we will continue to surround the island with them however the coast of Ulster is the only place where we have them liberally and set up periodically in camouflage. In addition to the coast placed launchers, here are a list of cities that have the launchers in addition.

Douglas (Isle of Man)

With the Patriot system making a wring around island, with it stockpiled in the cities above, the 9k330 Tor also is around the coast of Ulster with the Patriot system. The 9k330 was a cheaper model and had more fire power at a shorter range. The mobile launcher for the 9k330 was sprinkled over the entire island but would usually roll in with armed forces to provide air cover. In addition to those means of defense a few hundred flak towers have been built and fully stocked along the coast of Ulster. We have flak towers built along almost the entire coast of Leinster however they have not been fully stocked and do not have basic utilities yet. Also a new vehicle, MIM-72 Chaparral, has been brought into service at the solid number of 1,000. 2,000 Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFV) have been released into service replacing the unarmed transports we have formally been using which were essentially just trucks with covers on them.

We are also still maintaining our current fleet of 300 Blackhawk helicopters around the entire nation and have rebuilt the other 200 from the war. An order has went in for 100 more however we may have to wait a while. Speaking of new aircraft we have built ten fully operational SR71 Blackbirds and have purchased 100 Martel Missiles, most of which are video guided. Soldier fired rockets have also been ordered in bulk numbering in the thousands and are being distributed.

[b]Samuel Worth
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
The Kingdom of Ireland[/b][/quote]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1345904467' post='3025184']
[center][u][b]Private Dispatch from the Carolinas[/b][/u][/center]

We have heard that Ireland is in the middle of preparing for winter in the middle of a food shortage. We would like to offer you a food loan with no interest and no due date to pay back. This would help keep your people fed without accepting actual aid. We would also like to offer a tax on all trade coming from the Carolinas to Ireland. This would promote your local business while at the same time making you money from the taxes. Our companies will be given tax breaks for trading with an allied nation so it will not hurt our business at all. We can get the paperwork going as soon as you reply. While this is going on we would also like to send over our scientists to work on a research agreement between our two nations, one to look for more resilient crops, and two the research of blue water navy vessels.

[right][i]- The Free Republic Department of Foreign Affairs[/i][/right]

[quote][b][u]From Christopher O'Connell[/u]
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
The Kingdom of Ireland[/b]


[b]To The Department of Affairs of
The Free Republic of The

I think that all sounds more then reasonable. As long as we do not make this public, unless His Majesty decides to, then I think this could work out perfectly. I also wanted to know if the Carolinas would be interested in buying ten billion dollars with of Irish bonds?

[b]Christopher O'Connell
Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b][/quote]

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[quote]The English Government insisted that we provide them with twelve billion dollars of "compensation" which really is aid that the King granted them to rebuild their infrastructure. The treasury still has money left in it but we need more to survive for the rest of this year and provide aid for our people if they are in need. The interest rate would be 3%, unless you think that is too low? I would like it to be over a period of three years possibly? Tell me what you think.

[b]Christopher O'Connell
Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b][/quote]

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[quote][u][b]Private reply:[/b][/u]

We find this acceptable, the payment will be made immediately. We would also like to inquire if your government would like to purchase some military machinery from the Carolinian arms market at a discounted price. This would help to strengthen your military, and at the moment we understand you lack the means to pay them back immediately so we are willing to do it on a lend lease program until the time comes that we agree Ireland is ready to pay back.[/quote]

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[quote][u][b]Highly classified response:[/b][/u]

We have a few systems we could offer you access to. Our batle network code named "Sky Net" is an early warning system for the Carolinas. This system is highly classified and is between me and you, only Quebec and the Capital building know about it. As long as the FRCAF is monitoring this system we can let you have access to it through Carolinian reports. Again this system is highly classified, on a need to know basis. As far as ground anti air systems we can give you access to our patriot systems for anti ballistics and our Akash missile systems for medium range anti aircraft. So long as these systems are destroyed before they get into enemy hands.[/quote]

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