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The Coal Wars

Isaac MatthewII

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[b]Operation: Alpha 6[/b]

Following their orders from Georgian military command the three thousand soldiers had began Operation Alpha 6 which was the codename for reinforcing United Carolina in case of a hostile attack. As the first part of the operation the troops in a varied mix of trucks, humvees and a few armoured APCs crossed the Georgian/UC border heading for the nearest military base in United Carolina to meet up with their allies there. As the convoy had no anti-air defense vehicles protecting it the SU-30 fighters were assigned to protect them. Splitting into four wings of five the twenty planes took up a box formation around the convoy, it was unlikely they woudl be intercepted being so close to the Georgian border but they would not be taking any chances.

Now they just had to hope the nearest military base was still standing and operating.

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OOC: Canon from this point here- at least for myself--

June 7, 20XX Night-time.

Under the cover of darkness,5,000 men from landing crafts would sneak ashore under covering fire from the ships of the Imperial Nutmeg Navy and Air Force hoping to gain a toehold on the soft beaches of Hilton Head Island and then turn and quickly capture the Airfield at Hilton Head. while a further 5,000 would attempt to gain the same toehold at Bluffton, SC. Paratroops of the 303rd Airborne Wing would attempt under the same cover of nightfall to gain control of the isthmus separating Marine Base Parris Island from the town of Beaufort and the Marine Air Station also at Beaufort. The airforce numbering 450 F-35 II planes would target enemy communications equipment on the ground, targetting especially radar systems, telephone systems and especially power stations to knock out any sort of defense arrays and communications equipment. The 450 F-35 II fighters would be broken down into 5 attack wings lead by lieutenant commanders Hart, Jozef, Milton, Rodgers, and lastly, the commanding pilot, the Norwegian Ooway. 250 A-10 Warthog planes also lead by lieutenant commanders would break into squadrons of 10 planes each and would target military barracks and ground forces. The bombing wings of 96 B-1R's and 48 B-2 Barak bombers broken into units of 6 and 156 VAF-2 Shadowhawk fighter-bombers broken into 26 wings of 6 planes each would seek to crater the enemy airfields and supply centers. The plan would be for the planes to attack in their squadron formats, wave after wave of attacking planes would seek and destroy anything in their paths, be it an enemy fighter or bomber or ground installation which was proving to be quite the menace. The bombing runs would coincide with the attacks from the fighters so that the fighters were too distracted by the fight to attempt to intercept them. Each bombing section had responsibilities and targets including the Marine Air Station and Parris Island as well as major munitions factories and factories. Radio stations and telecommunications hubs would be jammed using EA-18G Growler electronic warfare planes in order to disrupt transmissions of data and information about the attacks. Cruise missiles would be launched from stations located in New England manned with BGM-109G GLCM launchers while planes would also launch AGM-88-HARM missiles to knock out radar stations while AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles and AIM-9 Sidewinders would provide a punch against enemy attacks. The Navy would target with missile fire and heavy gun fire the beaches and any targets that came into range and posed a threat to the landing forces of the Nutmeg Empire, namely missile launch utilities like static SAM sites and mobile SAM launchers, in addition to the conventional silos where other missiles would be stored. However, if a threat loomed closer, it would not be ignored, instead it would be utterly obliterated.

Special Forces of the 310 Brigade under the command of William Tecumseh Sherman would infiltrate the single bridge that separates Hilton Head, South Carolina via paradrop and hold it with a select crack set of troops numbering 75 men, They would be supported in this goal by a further unit of 2500 paratroopers to provide for the best defence possible.

OOC2: Corrected because this had the wrong information/date

Edited by graniteknight
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[center][center][u][b]Response to the declaration:[/b][/u][/center]


[center]The initial attack was a shock for North Carolina, an aggressive attack on a nation that has had no foreign relations with anybody but the NADU and no political disagreements with any nation what so ever since its founding. Suddenly there was a declaration of war and an army on the horizon from a former NADU member and a nation that is related to the war in totally unknown ways declaring war with no reason given. The Republic was in shock, though it was time to act not time to ask why. The president called a meeting of the entire cabinet to discuss the plan of action for the war thus far, after all of them sleeping at the time rushed to the meeting as soon as possible. They knew it was going to be a heated meeting and they needed to bring their "A" game to the table. About 20 minutes later they all gathered in the capital building to begin the meeting. McCory stood up and began "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to discuss a plan of action in response to the West Virginian and Nutmeg aggression, as all of you know we were attacked needlessly by either the West Virginians or the Nutmeg Empire on a civilian target from an F-117, it is being inspected now in an undisclosed location to decide on which nation did it. At first it was blaring Atlantic IFFs, but after the declaration of war it is quite obvious who did it. The death of those civilians and police men will be mourned. Now is not the time for that. We must pick up our shields and defend our selves against the imperialist nations from the north to once again show the world that we are Tar Heels and we will not be moved. Now I give the floor to Mr. Harrison to present our plan of defense." Harrison stood and walked to the front "As of right now our plan is already mostly in effect. The eastern coast in the north and south and the northern border are our areas of focus. As we speak the air force has mobilized the Hawk Wing to patrol the northern border, and the Eagle Wing to patrol the coast. The anti air initiative MIM-104 Patriots have been activated on the north east and west coasts in as high focus as we can get them. The anti air focus is pretty large so their birds should be shot down in large numbers. As of now fighters are ready, but all will not be activated for maintenance reasons. Once there is RADAR detection we will scramble the rest on a case by case basis. We are mainly focused on the danger of air attacks from the north due to their large concentration of advanced bombers. On the ground major ports and bases were activated on DEFCON 1, we feel the threat on the northern border will be in a larger number then the east due to the trouble in launching sea assaults. We are as ready as anything, the entire 1st has been moved to the east coast to ready for assault and JSTARS and AWACS patrols have been placed in the coastal areas in a more focused range then the usual patrol. The navy has been moved to meet up with the Cuban navy to be a more concentrated force against the enemy in the Atlantic, Nutmeg has a navy and as far as intel suggests the land locked West Virginia has no type of navy to support their allies. RADAR and IUSS networks have been activated in the east and RADAR in the North as well as the regular AWACS JSTAR patrol. UAVs have been deployed to detect small force deployments. We are focusing on detection and defense to wear down the enemy as they attack. I will hand the floor over to Mr. Hoyle for the foreign affairs aspect of the war." Hoyle began "Our efforts in foreign affairs are to gain the support of the world stage in the war aswell as our allies and maintaining a channel with the two governments that attacked us in search of an end to the war if they should offer. I give the floor to Mr.Crisco for the Homeland Security aspect of the war." Crisco began "We will be focusing on the internal level cooperating with the CIA as well as local police forces and the DoHLS to attempt counter HUMINT and SATINT operations aswell as operations of our own. We are mainly concerned about the enemy in Nutmegs intel abilities but we have prepared for them as much as we can." McCory stood again "This sounds like a solid plan for now, we will aveng the spirit of the tarheel and not be moved by these imperialists. This nation will be here for many years to come, it all depends on you." They were rushed to bunkers in an undisclosed location just after the meeting for protection from potential assassination attempts and bombing runs. The Army, Air Force, and Navy began their defensive measures.[/center]

[center][u][b]"Day 0" the initial attack on the Republic:[/b][/u][/center]

Colonel Ore was sitting at his station intently awaiting alert, he was a retired Colonel from the US Air Force and decided to come back to serve again when the Republic was declared. He was old but he lived this, he loved it. He was thinking of home and whether or not his family would be safe from the expected bombing run from the north. They were just out side the capital and were directly in the LoF. Suddenly he heard a crackle on the radio, the voice was short and panicky.

[i]"NSCCOM actual this is Captain Simpson AWACS 459, do you copy"
"459 this is NSCCOM actual go ahead."
"Sir we have hundreds of blips on the RADAR sir headed directly for us, request authorize to engage hostile."
*Ore began reading off auth codes*
"You are cleared to engage hostile craft."
*He switched channels immediately*

"All air craft, all air craft, this is NSCCOM actual, hostiles detected southbound from the West Virginian border. Cleared to engage, arm 'em up tar heels."[/i]

The remaining NSCCOM air craft began to scramble to defensive positions to engage the enemy in the north, 4 full wings of F-16 Falcons and F-15 Strike Eagles began to fly towards the enemy to intercept, the altitude of the enemy being a bit to high would cause trouble so the main worry was to get as many as possible while the Patriots took care of the load they could carry which was considerably higher then the actual air force being in the large focus they were in. They would be ordered to activate as soon as planes were seen overhead and begin firing all they could. The control-ability of the missile would make hitting the stealth craft a bit easier then just the homing side. The fighters were below the ceiling but would perform swoop motions to fire at the enemy at the highest altitude possible. Just when the order was given ATCOM was alerted of an attack coming from the east by air and IUSS detections in the Atlantic heading that direction. The ATCOM ordered the UCRAF to fully scramble the rest ATCOM air craft to respond. 5 wings of F-22 Raptors, F-16 Falcons, and 2 groups of F-15 Eagles were ordered to the region performing the same tactics, the Patriot trucks in the area were also given the same orders as in the north. From the looks of it the attack from the sea was a landing force based on formation, the MEU began prep which would take about an hour and would deploy when it was needed in the specific regions. The Harpoon defense grid on the coast was also activated and was ready to hit the enemy ships as they arrived. Once the enemy arrived on the coast there would be Vollys of Harpoon missiles headed for them and the troops that landed would first be assaulted by the MEU which would be aided by the 3rd Carolinian Army Deployment Corps which was the quasy Air Born corps of the UCRA they would land in C-130 and Chinook lifts in about two Divisions per wave to assist with support from a full group of the local marine air craft. During the entire attack the AWAC in the area would begin jamming techniques to throw off enemy fighters and bombers in the Atlantic and in the north. JSTAR and UAV craft would search for the enemy in small or large numbers wherever they may be found. At the end of the battle on the northern front 30 F-15s were destroyed,and 60 F-16s by enemy hands. the Patriots threw volleys of AA missiles at the enemy but about 90 were destroyed. In the east about 35 F-15s, 45 F-22s, and 20 F-16s were destroyed, about 5 F-22s were downed by faulty mechanics and the pilots ejected safely to attempt to return to base, however at the moment they are MIA, of the patriots in the area about 45 were destroyed. On the ground 10,000 mean were dead, and 1,200 injured, in the factory areas about 400 civilians were killed and in the area around the factories it is estimated about 40 dead and 10 houses destroyed. Displaced families along with orphans would be taken to local schools to be cared for by the National Guard while they grieved. The attack was devistating on southern production but the military assets were still mostly in tact, in the north military bases were destroyed, though unimportant ones about 4,000 men were killed by the attacks and about 200 civilians in the family housing areas on the bases. The population was angered by the attack on civilian targets that held little to no value to the military and thousands of recruits lined up ready to fight for their country.



[u][b]Operation "I see you!":[/b][/u]

The DoHLS and the CIA approved spy techniques against the enemy in the north, the current mission was to gather intel on military bases and troop movements in West Virginia and documenting them for possible invasion tactics. The Skynet 4 sattellite was put into service for the second time to find these soft spots and movements and use them for the advantage of the URCAF. The satt was positioned over the region and began its search, after a short time it began documenting military installments and movements in the area. The CIA began using jamming signals on West Virginian communication over and within about 100 miles of the Republic and broadcasting propaganda videos into their receivers instead (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0). This would cause issues with West Virginian communication along with AWACS RADAR jamming and decoy measures by the air force such as chaff.



[u][b]Operation "Impending Doom":[/b][/u]

The navy was ordered to move away from the coast a bit to meet up with the Cuban Navy, the idea was to hit them as hard as they can rather then as quickly as they can. After the forces met up they would swoop around the back of the enemy navy and get them from behind firing as soon as they were within range. Meanwhile the Ground Ballistic Team was ordered to begin ballistic missile operations against the enemy in West Virginia and Nutmeg, firing on military installations in the area found by SATINT and known to the public. The type of missile would be the MGM-52 Lance, firing on as many targets as possible as fast as possible to weaken the enemy. Civilian targets were spared due to Republic policy. The division was ordered to work on producing LGM-118A Peacekeeper missiles for larger targets in the north. The missiles were cheap and would cost the enemy more money then the actual missiles.


[b]OOC:For those that dont know, I redacted my last post after MO redacted his so I could make more sense in my post, it has taken so long because I have been in the hospital for the past week.[/b]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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As the Aircraft began to return from their missions, the West Virginian government made a Broadcast on its Diplomatic Channels.

[u]Regarding the States aligning themselves with the Carolinas during this War.[/u]
Nothing short of unconditional surrender will be accepted by the West Virginian government. The Longer a nation waits to surrender the more harsh the eventual terms imposed upon them will be. After one week(24 Hours) we will also no longer be able to guarantee a Nations independence in a postwar climate.

As the night began to fall on the 1st day of the war, the West Virginian Armed Forces launched a series of 92 Tomahawk Missiles with BLU-97/B Combined Effects Warheads at the following targets

Charleston Air Force Base
Fort Jackson
Marine Corps Air Station
McEntire Joint National Guard Base
Naval Weapons Station Charleston
Shaw Air Force Base

As the night settled in though the full losses of the West Virginian Airforce was determined for the first days battles.

VB-86 - 1 Grounded Mechanical Trouble due to the Proximity Detonation of a MIM-104A, 2 Lost due to a mid-air collision during landing procedures
VF-33 - 9 Grounded due to Mechanical Troubles(ETA 2-3 Days till back in action), 12 Lost due to Enemy Fire, 1 Lost due to friendly fire.
VF-32 - 2 Grounded due to Mechanical Trouble, 1 Lost to enemy fire.
VA-2 - 13 Lost to Enemy Fighters, 20 of them damaged but returned home.
VAF-2 - 11 Lost to Enemy Fighters, 9 of them grounded due to damage, 14 of them pending evaluation to be put back into service.

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[center][b]Official Statement from the Greater Quebec Republic[/b][/center]

North America is currently in a vortex of war, as former allies are engaged in combat over what could be considered the sovereign internal affairs of individual states. Regardless of whether this conflict is just or not, we call for all belligerents to cease fire for now and start discussions for a conclusion to the fighting. North America has finally would a chance to be united under the North American Defense Union, but arguably petty differences has lead to a near collapse of all that North America has worked for. Are West Virginia and the United Republic of the Carolinas truly thinking of this continent, or are they just being the egocentric states that inevitably collapsed under their own problems?

Should this meaningless conflict continue, we are ready to do what is necessary to bring the related parties to the table. For the sake of peace and prosperity of North America and the world, we wish for cooler heads to prevail.

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The twenty SU-30 fighters had guarded the convoy of Georgian troops safely to their destination and with the soldiers now as well concealed as they could be inside a heavily forested area not far from Charleston Air Force Base. Here the troops were far less visible underneath the canopies of the trees from above and they had made sure to erase their tracks as well. The soldiers quickly dismounted from their vehicles and began to store supplies within their camp, they had more than enough supplies and ammo to last for some time even in the case of a sustained firefight and those not removing supplies were either put on guard duty or began to dig foxholes for defense.

The SU-30s had based themselves at Charleston itself and they made sure to always have at least one flight of five aircraft in the air at any time though the pilots on the ground were always ready to scramble immediatly if required. Thus when reports came in of incoming cruise missiles the aircraft on the ground were scrambled as quickly as they could whilst the CAP flew off to engage the missiles as quickly as possible. As the other fifteen planes took off and formed into their own flights the orginal group under command of flight lieutenant Jackson picked up fifteen cruise missiles inbound for Charleston. Ordering his flight into close formation they switched to their sidewinders and began to lock on to the missiles. Knowing they only had one shot they all waited for active lock tones before firing one sidewinder each, once done they dived and began to turn back so that once the cruise missiles flew past them they might be able to engage again.

The other planes having formed into battle formation also moved to engage the cruise missiles and like their fellow pilots under Jackson all fired a single sidewinder each once the Tomahawks came into range and they had active locks. With the cruise missiles still some distance from their target it was unlikely they would be programmed to yet take defensive movements and so only a few should make it through and the Charleston air defenses should be able to deal with any survivors.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1339371331' post='2980413']
[center][b]Official Statement from the Greater Quebec Republic[/b][/center]

North America is currently in a vortex of war, as former allies are engaged in combat over what could be considered the sovereign internal affairs of individual states. Regardless of whether this conflict is just or not, we call for all belligerents to cease fire for now and start discussions for a conclusion to the fighting. North America has finally would a chance to be united under the North American Defense Union, but arguably petty differences has lead to a near collapse of all that North America has worked for. Are West Virginia and the United Republic of the Carolinas truly thinking of this continent, or are they just being the egocentric states that inevitably collapsed under their own problems?

Should this meaningless conflict continue, we are ready to do what is necessary to bring the related parties to the table. For the sake of peace and prosperity of North America and the world, we wish for cooler heads to prevail.

[u][b]Public reply:[/b][/u]

[i]"I have no idea what you could possibly be calling the Republic of the United Carolinas, being our nation name, "egocentric" for. We were attacked by a destabilizing nation known as West Virginia, Nutmeg joined in for no apparent reason known on this planet. If it is egocentric to defend ones home from foreign invaders then yes, the RUC is egocentric. However if the actual definition of egocentric is in fact thinking only of oneself, you are mistaken, we are thinking about our people and our homes. We have offered peace and gotten no response and no offers of any form, Mexico offered peace talks, the same response was given. So please, before you judge a nation defending its homeland, look into a war a bit more."[/i]-Pat McCrory.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1339376086' post='2980457']
The twenty SU-30 fighters had guarded the convoy of Georgian troops safely to their destination and with the soldiers now as well concealed as they could be inside a heavily forested area not far from Charleston Air Force Base. Here the troops were far less visible underneath the canopies of the trees from above and they had made sure to erase their tracks as well. The soldiers quickly dismounted from their vehicles and began to store supplies within their camp, they had more than enough supplies and ammo to last for some time even in the case of a sustained firefight and those not removing supplies were either put on guard duty or began to dig foxholes for defense.

The SU-30s had based themselves at Charleston itself and they made sure to always have at least one flight of five aircraft in the air at any time though the pilots on the ground were always ready to scramble immediatly if required. Thus when reports came in of incoming cruise missiles the aircraft on the ground were scrambled as quickly as they could whilst the CAP flew off to engage the missiles as quickly as possible. As the other fifteen planes took off and formed into their own flights the orginal group under command of flight lieutenant Jackson picked up fifteen cruise missiles inbound for Charleston. Ordering his flight into close formation they switched to their sidewinders and began to lock on to the missiles. Knowing they only had one shot they all waited for active lock tones before firing one sidewinder each, once done they dived and began to turn back so that once the cruise missiles flew past them they might be able to engage again.

The other planes having formed into battle formation also moved to engage the cruise missiles and like their fellow pilots under Jackson all fired a single sidewinder each once the Tomahawks came into range and they had active locks. With the cruise missiles still some distance from their target it was unlikely they would be programmed to yet take defensive movements and so only a few should make it through and the Charleston air defenses should be able to deal with any survivors.

As the Flankers came into range, they quickly locked on and watched as their sidewinders went flying off. Each one connected with its target, it was actually fairly amazing how they almost flawlessly intercepted the subsonic missile.

This was definitely good practice for the Georgian Pilots.


[u]Public Announcement[/u]

In Light of International Pressure, we have decided to issue an order suspending combat operations, and withdrawing forces in the area. Soldiers preforming landing operations in South Carolina will be withdrawn, and all routed to the beachhead on Hilton Head Island, while the Combined Arms strikes of the Nutmeg Navy, and Naval Air Arm will strike the bridge connecting it to the mainland cutting it off.

Combat Operations will resume in 48 Hours should the Carolinian Government not surrender.

Edited by Aiden Ford
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Watching from his viewpoint Jackson watched five cruise missiles explode into fireballs and then as he and his wingmen came around he was just able to see the rest also turn into raging fireballs from his fellow squadron pilots. "Nice shooting everyone, I confirm that all hostile missiles have been destroyed. Good show all now lets. Hang on new orders from command. Huh uh? Can you confirm that command? Roger. Okay ladies and gentlemen we are bugging out command is withdrawing us and the ground forces from this war. Everyone lets go home" reported Jackson to the rest of his squadron and after everyone linked up they did just that. Turning and heading home for Georgia all with their own thoughts and questions. Meanwhile the same was happening on the ground as the troops got the same orders and so with many an angry comment the soldiers reloaded the supplies boarded their vehicles and headed for home.

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<+Julian_Ventura> We will maintain civility in this meeting
<+Stephan_Pino> To begin this, I wish to deliver my governments demands. We want North Carolina to be restricted to 33% of its current Total Forces(50% of Maximum IG Stats), additional material and personnel in reserve under supervision. Furthermore we require the Island of Hilton Head to serve as a Deep-water Port, and Air base.
<~PatMcCrory> Well, North Carolina the state will not be doing anything. The Republic of the United Carolinas would be willing to bargin in this discussion
<+Stephan_Pino> Modifications to these terms may be made, however complete denial of them will result in the complete and utter termination of these negotiations
<~PatMcCrory> now
<~PatMcCrory> We are willing to deminish a part of our military, our material and personnel will be RUC soverign and we do not believe they are of any business of your government. Hilton Head is a mater of concern. We are willing to operate a joint base there but we are not willing to have west virginia owning an island against the will of its citizens.
<~PatMcCrory> The fact that you demand surrender and attack an island in response to peace is in short
<~PatMcCrory> a tad arrogent
<+Stephan_Pino> In response to your accusations that we attacked the Island after demanding your surrender are completely unfounded. We already had forces on the ground securing the Island with assault groups landing in locations around it. As a measure of good faith we pulled the surrounding forces out, and consolidated our position on the island to prevent further bloodshed.
<+Stephan_Pino> Now, we could agree to a Joint Base under the assumption that while RoC Personnel could be stationed there it would be under the Direct Command of a West Virginian Officer. Futhermore, any Civilians that would be displaced by the base, or have been displaced from our campaign would be given Shelter, and methods of securing new abodes.
<~PatMcCrory> from your own public announcement " Soldiers preforming landing operations in South Carolina will be withdrawn, and all routed to the beachhead on Hilton Head Island" it appeared you werent attacking it in the first place. Now to the joint base, what I meant is it is your full base but the island remains carolinian and not a colony of an entirely foreign entity.
<+Stephan_Pino> That is fine
<~PatMcCrory> which area of the island are you planning on posting a base in?
<~PatMcCrory> we understand your military lacks a port, would port royal meet your needs?
<+Stephan_Pino> Port Royal is simply to densely populated by Civilians to serve our needs
<+Stephan_Pino> We would be using what is mainly referred to as the "South End" somewhere in my folder I have a map.
* +Stephan_Pino pulls a map out of his folder
<+Stephan_Pino> http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/2769/hhibase.png
<~PatMcCrory> This would be acceptable
<~PatMcCrory> now
<~PatMcCrory> to the decom
<~PatMcCrory> we will simply not agree to weaken our selves to 33% capacity. That is an unreasonable number. We are willing to mothball a certain ammount of planes and navy
<~PatMcCrory> but we have laws on ground forces
<+Stephan_Pino> Ground Forces are none of our concern
<~PatMcCrory> if it is attacking power that concerns you
<~PatMcCrory> RUC is willing to mothball strategical bombers
<~PatMcCrory> but we are not weakening our selves to the point of no defense with no promise of defense
<+Stephan_Pino> The RUC can keep its Capitol Ships, and Naval Vessels in service if it does not want to mothball them under the Condition that West Virginian Observers will be onboard
<~PatMcCrory> for obvious reasons such as nations attacking us for no reaosn.
<~PatMcCrory> Un armed WV observers will be allowed on board during operations
<~PatMcCrory> though we find no reason when they are in port
<~PatMcCrory> Ports are resticted areas already
<+Stephan_Pino> We want them embedded into the crews
<+Stephan_Pino> If you want to restrict them to quarters in ports, that is fine
<~PatMcCrory> define embedded
<+Stephan_Pino> We want them on the Bridge at all times while the ship is at sea. When its in port they can be wherever the ships Commanding Officers want them to be
<~PatMcCrory> We will agree to this
<~PatMcCrory> if
<~PatMcCrory> You agree that these men will be unarmed and have empty pockets coming aboard, food and board will be supplied dont worry. Now if these men are found in violation of RUC law, they will be treated as such.
<~PatMcCrory> May I ask. Why, if any reason, are you so interested in a defense forces operations? By definition we arent aggressive.
<+Stephan_Pino> They should be treated as Officers of the West Virginian Military, however they will be unarmed. Cellular Phones will be restricted while the Ships are at sea for Operational Security
<~PatMcCrory> they will be treated with respect as any human being naturally deserves
<+Stephan_Pino> We like to keep tabs on our neighbors
<~PatMcCrory> Well, that is a concerning policy *cough* so we will agree with that.
<~PatMcCrory> so to be clear
<~PatMcCrory> A base in south end, displaced civilians from the war and from the base will be compensated, strategical bombers will be mothballed and your observers pre defined in the discussion will be placed on ships and will be on quarters until out at sea in which case they will be in the bridge.
<+Stephan_Pino> YEs
<+Stephan_Pino> now, if that is all I have to go confirm these terms, and have the Council approve them
<+Stephan_Pino> OOC: Gotta go, work in 6 hours
<~PatMcCrory> Now, we wish to limit the observers to two per capital ship and one per screen ship.
<~PatMcCrory> ok
<+Stephan_Pino> That is fine
<~PatMcCrory> OOC:OK
<~PatMcCrory> alright
<~PatMcCrory> Then we are in agreement
<~PatMcCrory> good day
<+Julian_Ventura> I am glad I did not have to interject. Hopefully fellow NA nations will learn to maintain cordial and non-threatening communications with each other
<~PatMcCrory> Indeed, thank you for allowing our discussion in this beautiful city.

On these terms thr Republic of the United Carolinas will discontinue military actions against the West Virginian and Nutmeg governments.

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"So our men came all this way and go all dressed up just to go back home. Good training at least." All Cuban forces in the conflict returned home. Official Cuban message- "At this point Cuba declares white peace with West Virginia and The Nutmeg Empire."

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[u][b]Diplomatic Message to West Virginian Government[/b][/u]
We are glad that the conflict between West Virginia and the the RUC has been settled but we ourselves have issues with your actions during this conflict. Mainly the extreme violation of sovereign American Commonwealth air space in order to launch these attacks on the RUC in violation of the Friendship and Cooperation Act in place between our nations. Initially we held off on interception due to it's obvious course away from the heart of the Commonwealth and the fact that there may have been urgent circumstances on your end. We now see absolutely no reason for violating our airspace in such a flagrant manner and we demand an explanation for the actions of West Virginia as they are not the actions of a friendly or even neutral nation. Under normal circumstances such actions would constitute an act of war but we feel it would be best to allow your government to explain its actions. We expect a response on this matter and if a face to face talk is desired on your part we would be willing to facilitate this.

[i]-American Commonwealth Department of State[/i]

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