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North American Defense Union

Isaac MatthewII

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Cascadia would like to be considered for membership in due course. We will formally apply as soon as practicable.

DoE here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=111243

Edited by KingEsus
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[i]"United Carolina has suddenly and without cause been declared on by the Nutmeg Empire and West Virginia, we request assistance from the NADU to make this war end with as little blood as possible. Activating the mutual defense clause of the NADU treaty."[/i]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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Following the second national congress, Cascadia wishes to formally apply for membership of the NADU.

Our current security status is very low, with a large proportion of the country not under govt control. We will also need to purchase weapons from NADU countries is any are willing to sell.

Details of the second national congress are here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=111262&view=findpost&p=2977024

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"The Republic of the United Carolinas would like to call a meeting reviewing the treaty, we feel communication needs to be restored. We also recognize Quebecs entrance into the treaty via the vote in clause now that the only abstaining parties have left."

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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The American Commonwealth was considering withdrawing from this organization but we feel it is perhaps more prudent to try salvage something out of the blatant failures of the NADU. We are willing to attend this meeting before making a final decision on the matter. The withdrawal of some of the larger nations does not put us off from staying but we do want to see nations that are stable and willing to be a part of something greater than quarreling over petty differences. We offer the use of Washington D.C. as a location for this meeting although it is not overly important to us.

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After the recent war, our house has put our current NADU treaty up for review, as our representatives feel that NADU has failed to stabilize our North America. As I wish to still be apart of this, in the hopes to attempt to stabilize the Americas, Newfoundland supports a meeting to review our treaty, and we support it being in D.C.

Edited by Shadow hawk
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