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North American Defense Union

Isaac MatthewII

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[center][b]*Classified unless stated otherwise**Closed to current members of NADU and members that qualify and would like to apply.*[/b]

[center][i]*This treaty will be declassified in 24 hours.*[/i][/center]
[i][center]Temporary unofficial flag+[/center][/i]

[size="6"][center][color="#0000FF"]The North American Defense Union[/color][/center][/size]

[i][center]For the purposes of a united, peaceful continent and increased regional cooperation and prosperity, we the nations of North America hereby agree to this treaty of mutual defense, civility, intelligence, aid, and trade.[/center][/i]

[center][b][u]Article I. Peace and Civility[/u][/b]

[b]All signatories agree to act with civility and respect towards one another. In the event of a disagreement, the nations in question are strongly encouraged to amicably resolve all conflicts without the use of violence. Any conflict may be brought before the other members of the North American Defense Union, who may act as impartial arbitrators to resolve the dispute.
[b]All signatories agree to a pact of non-aggression with other member nations. Violation of this article is grounds for expulsion from the Union and appropriate action will be taken.[/b]

[b][u]Article II. Mutual Defense[/u][/b]

[b]All signatories agree to provide adequate and reasonable help, including military and economic support, in the event that an aggressive action is taken against any of the signatories of this treaty. For the purposes of this treaty, an aggressive action is defined as an unprovoked violation of a signatory’s sovereignty from an external, hostile threat. [/b]

[b]All signatories agree to refrain from providing assistance in internal national conflicts unless help is specifically requested by that nation’s government. [/b]

[u][b]Article III. Intelligence Sharing[/b][/u]

[b]All signatories agree to share all intelligence that may directly or indirectly threaten either the Union or a fellow signatory of this treaty.[/b]

[u][b]Article IV. Trade and Aid[/b][/u]

[b]All signatories agree to promote economic measures such as lower tariffs and trade borders with fellow signatories of this treaty. Although free-trade between member nations is not required, it is encouraged.[/b]

[b]Any signatory may request military and economic aid. Other signatories are encouraged to provide aid at a discounted rate to those that request it, though this is not required. [/b]

[u][b]Article V. Joining the Union[/b][/u]

[b]Any nation located primarily in North America is eligible to join the Union. A nation will only be admitted by a unanimous vote from all existing signatories.[/b]

[u][b]Article VI. Leaving the Union[/b][/u]

[b]Any signatory that wishes to exit the treaty may provide at least seventy-two hours (72) hours of notice before officially leaving the North American Defense Union.[/b]

[b]Any signatory that violates this treaty or fails to uphold its responsibilities may be expelled. Evidence must be brought forward and a unanimous vote must be taken. [/b]

[u][b]Article VII. Amendments[/b][/u]

[b]Amendments may be made to the treaty at any time with a 2/3 agreement between all signatories.[/b][/center]

[b]The collective states of the North American Defense Union:[/b]
[i]The American Commonwealth, Mexico, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, New Greenland, Procinctia, Dixie Confederacy, Cuba, and Newfoundland.[/i]

*Classified to NADU members*

[b]Main midwest military base of the NADU:[/b] [i]Fort Riley, KS[/i]
[b]Secondary east cost military base:[/b] [i]Fort Bragg, NC[/i]

Current Members: The American Commonwealth, North and South Carolina, New Greenland, Procinctia, Dixie Confederacy, and Newfoundland, Quebec.
Former Members: Mexico [color="#800080"][b][Removed Signature][/b][/color], Cuba [color="#FF8C00"][b][Membership suspended by choice][/b][/color], West Virginia [color="#FF0000"][b][Removed for violation][/b][/color]

+ [OOC:For looks unless we agree on it or another]
OOC:This is the actions thread of the NADU aswell as private discussion. If you guys find a problem or you didnt get something across just bring it up here and it will be passed along as an amendment.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote][u][b]From:Fort Bragg, NC
To:The North American Defense Union[/b][/u]

[i]Fort Bragg has been prepared for foreign troops, the military housing already in place will be used as their housing. Troops on tour will be given special green cards not defining them as citizens but giving them the rights such as basic trade and living. We would ask that the troops be held to North Carolinian law which you will find has not changed on the civil level from basic Greenlandic law. Currently 60,000 troops can be stationed here, 15,000 North Carolinian troops have already been put in place. There is no minimal amount meaning you can post 5 troops or 5,000 but please keep it under 6,000 for now during the transition phase and to allow surplus of supplies. Thank you, and God bless.[/i][/quote]

OOC Edit: Grammar, oh so tired.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1337440890' post='2969491']


Mexico is going to request you allow us to send 50,000 soldiers to the base.

Secretary Galvan


"While North Carolina is nervous about troops within its borders for obvious reasons in fairly recent history since we are extending the base and revamping security measures we will allow it, though we would ask that the Mexican government sustain the troops logistically. In the interest of Mexican Carolinian relations and understanding as a southern power you would need the ability to rapidly deploy in this region. If you wish more asistance in rapid deployment you may post 8 squadrons in Seymour Johnson AFB." -High Command, Fort Bragg, NC

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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From : [b]West Virginian Air Force[/b]
To : [b]Members of the NADU[/b]

We would like to gauge interest in holding Pan-Coalition Exercises to help our Pilots become familiar with working with each other, and test our Equipment's Compatibility in working with each other. Should all parties be amicable to such Exercises we should pick a location. [/quote]

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"The Ministry of War would like to station 5,000 troops to the base. We will provide logistical support for our troops, referred to as the [b]NADU First Peacekeeping Force New Greenland (N.A.D.U.F.P.F.N.G.)[/b].

With that said, New Greenland would be in favor of Pan-Coalition exercises. What location do you all think would be most prime for such exercises? I'm thinking Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma would make good locations."

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From: American Commonwealth Central Command
To: NADU Members

The American Commonwealth shall deploy a minimal amount of troops to both facilities due to the fact that we have the general capability to deploy troops fairly quickly around the continent and to minimize the logistical strain on both us and the host nation. We do wish to maintain some sort of presence, however, to highlight our support and commitment to the NADU. Therefore a single company shall be posted at the headquarters in Fort Riley and another company at Fort Bragg. We also would support the aerial exercises suggested by the West Virginian government. If there is a lack of interest in this proposal we invite the West Virginian military to participate in the current exercises being undertaken by Commonwealth forces. [/quote]

OOC: I suggest renaming Fort Riley as the NADU Headquarters rather than the 'Main Midwest Military Base'. Sounds more official.

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We suggest that Exercises be held in multiple locations to simulate differing fields. Perhaps the West Virginian Appalacians, Kansas, and other locations could also be visited during the course of the exercises. We will also be preparing a list of Available Airbases within our own Territory, Available Dummy Munitions, and Spare Airframes soon

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"The Newfoundlandic army would send 2,500 men to both bases. Also, we feel that we should donate one of our own bases to the cause of North America. To mostly be used for training exercises, we want to let the nations of this defense union to use our air-field, at Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Of the region of Labrador. As many of you may know, the CFB Goose Bay was and still may be one of the largest military airbases on the North American continent. As of now, it's of little use because of our limited aircraft, but should the nations here want to use it for training missions and the like, they would be more then welcome to use it."

Edited by Shadow hawk
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"If any of you want to conduct exercises in icy conditions, we offer the Federal Eggman Territory and the province of Northern Frontier as such locations. And the Air Force will certainly utilize CFB Goose Bay for training, if the others are up to it."

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"Seing as how we are all working together militarily, the USC is interested in the purchase of advanced air craft and the training of airmen to use them. We are also interested in hiring people to maintain them in case they are beyond our mechanics comprehension. We will pay for all of this."

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"If you are interested, we do have a number of SU-35s we could sell. It is a very capable 4th generation aircraft and can preform a multiple of roles, and is also upgraded with advanced radars and decreased RCS. If you are interested we could get more into details."

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"USC would be interested in this air craft as a multi roll fighter. We are interested in air superiority fighters, ground attack fighters, strategical and blanket bombers, and strike fighters as well if you have any you are willing to offer, while we are able to produce our own we see it as profitable to purchase from other nations in the NADU. We would of course want more details on this air craft and which model in particular you are referring to as there are more then one out there already, or if it your own version of course."

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[quote][u][b]To: Members of the NADU
From: The United States of the Carolinas
Subject: Political Headquarters
[i]"United Carolina has contributed 5,000 troops to Fort Riley, KS. We suggest a meeting capital in a city for political meetings as military bases pose a problem with that and just aren't a place for government meetings in our opinion. Though it serves as the perfect military capital of the NADU on the reverse side that wouldn't change.. We offer the Charlotte City club, Charlotte, NC. It is a beautiful place with conference rooms and dining halls perfect for government events and meetings. Charlotte is also the capital of the United States of the Carolinas and is well defended. A few pictures have been attached to this message to show you a few of the details about the Charlotte City Club. Of course the tower would be renamed to something more to the effect of NADU Headquarters. It will already be the area where North American embassies will be held. We also suggest more troops at Fort Riley, it seems like a small force for a military capital for 9 nations."[/i]


Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"In order to be a true North American Defense Union, we cannot have the headquarters and bases be in east and mid-west America. The political headquarters should be in the west, in the diplomatic heart of Mexico. Zocalo is a place of immense history and culture. It is a place which will remind us of the history of North America, and remind us of our purpose together. It will prevent someone from invading a country to capture or destroy both a large base and our headquarters in the same war. In the heart of Mexico, there are very few ways it will be targeted domestically or by a foreign force."

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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"Well the building is nice but I believe a tower like the CCC would pose as a statement of North American union. The CCC building has for a long time been a place for diplomats and big names coming to the Americas in the past. I believe a well defended place like Charlotte would be prime realty. While that is a nice building, it doesent make much of a statement, respectfully."

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1337630269' post='2970332']
"Well the building is nice but I believe a tower like the CCC would pose as a statement of North American union. The CCC building has for a long time been a place for diplomats and big names coming to the Americas in the past. I believe a well defended place like Charlotte would be prime realty. While that is a nice building, it doesent make much of a statement, respectfully."

"Zocalo has been around since the 14th century. It was the heart of the Aztec's, and has been the heart of Mexico since their demise. It is an insult that you believe a clubhouse, whose history as an elite dining facility, creates a statement. Zocalo has withstood storms, wars and earthquakes. It has withstood historical unrest. Its plaza is the heart of the largest city in North America. There is more to politics than talking in a conference room atop a building. Politics is the culmination of history and culture. Zocalo is not simply a building, it is the statement of longevity and stability, not glitz and glamor."

OOC: This is Zocalo, for reference: http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/7159/799pxzocalopanoramaseen.png

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1337632465' post='2970350']
"Zocalo has been around since the 14th century. It was the heart of the Aztec's, and has been the heart of Mexico since their demise. It is an insult that you believe a clubhouse, whose history as an elite dining facility, creates a statement. Zocalo has withstood storms, wars and earthquakes. It has withstood historical unrest. Its plaza is the heart of the largest city in North America. There is more to politics than talking in a conference room atop a building. Politics is the culmination of history and culture. Zocalo is not simply a building, it is the statement of longevity and stability, not glitz and glamor."

OOC: This is Zocalo, for reference: http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/7159/799pxzocalopanoramaseen.png

"While we apologize for insulting the Mexican delegates which was not our mission, you have insulted us equally by calling one of our political centers a "clubhouse". In fact it has been a meeting place of big names, such as in history Presidents from a few distinct nations, delegates from the collapsed Soviet Union, and Pat McCory him self. It is also an insult to call it a place of glitz and glamour as well as saying it hasnt withstood its share of storms and bad weather. Hurricane Hugo being a big one. Not only is Charlotte aptly defended by the entire 3rd United Carolinian Army, but it is far enough from Fort Bragg and Challenge to not be an easy strike simultaneously. Please, I am up for a discussion, but civility and less insults would be preferred. If insults werent your game then we are letting you know now, this place is not a "clubhouse" it is one of Charlottes main political centers."

OOC: Assuming the Soviet Union existed in this RP, because I recognize their existance. I mean if the Aztecs existed then the USSR and USA did.

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We were under the impression that Fort Riley was chosen as a headquarters to avoid such an argument like this. What would the point be otherwise as it would be assumed that in the event of war we would be able to use the military facilities of other allied nations? It would be simpler to maintain this as a headquarters rather than arguing over a different site. In the event of the area gaining independence we can either maintain our presence with the blessing of the new government or we can relocate at which point it would be appropriate to select a new location. We hope to avoid any inter organizational conflicts this early into the NADU's history.

Edited by Altarian Republic
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[quote name='Altarian Republic' timestamp='1337638903' post='2970389']
We were under the impression that Fort Riley was chosen as a headquarters to avoid such an argument like this. What would the point be otherwise as it would be assumed that in the event of war we would be able to use the military facilities of other allied nations? It would be simpler to maintain this as a headquarters rather than arguing over a different site. In the event of the area gaining independence we can either maintain our presence with the blessing of the new government or we can relocate at which point it would be appropriate to select a new location. We hope to avoid any inter organizational conflicts this early into the NADU's history.

"It is not a conflict, we are just having a discussion. Though in the interest of agreement and a show of good faith, we will agree with Mexico on the location. While we still think the CCC building is better, we are not looking for an argument to ensue between allies and if this is how it is taken we simply wont have it. United Carolina votes for the political capital in Mexico."

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Our thoughts mirror those of the Commonwealth. We believe Fort Riley was initially chosen as the Headquarters for this organization. However, in light of the recent formation of a government in the area, we believe that another more secure location would be better suited for the position. Merida, located in the Yucatan, would be within the national defense sphere of the most militarily advanced nation of the NADU and continent in addition to serving as a relatively central position for all parties. As such, we are in favor of Mexico's proposal for the establishment of the NADU headquarters in Merida.

We also propose inviting the Nutmeg Empire, Georgia Initiative, and Regnum to apply for membership in the NADU. Increased continental cooperation will help ensure that this organization is one for the whole of North America.

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