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Another North American video conference

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[quote][u][b]To: the leaders of North America
From: The Republic of North Caronlina[/b][/u]

[i]"Greetings, I would like to invite the nations of North America to a video conference to discuss a continent wide treaty to promote peace and mutual assurance in the community. The meeting will be tonight at 8:30. Please consider coming, this should be a lot less cluttered then the past conferences since there will be less people. Thank you"[/i]

[b][right]-President Pat McCory[/right][/b][/quote]

OOC: ignore the closed thing, its not personal, additions: Old_greg, Generalissimo, and Shadowhawk. Apologies to people I confused, I spent no time reading North American politics when I was in South America.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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The Imperium, having been contacted slightly after the original message was sent with a notification that they were invited to participate as well, arrived into the video meeting with the Princess-Ascendant and Christian Kehenna speaking to their fellow leaders from a secure room in the Palace.

"Good afternoon, my fellow leaders," Jade said, smiling into the pickup."It is nice to meet you all. The message we received indicated a meeting for a continent-spanning peace and assistance treaty. I'd like to start off by saying that I, personally, am interested in such a treaty, and look forward to the outcome of this meeting."

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Harold Vilhjálmsson, Chief Praefect for the Ajuntament-Prefecture of Foreign Affairs, would enter the video meeting, patched from a secure connection from somewhere in the New Greenlandic capital.

"Evening all, good to see you all." He said with a smile.

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OOC:Ok, I am an impatient person when it comes to posting, so I am assuming you all are here and you can post as such or not post if you dont want to be involved.

"Greetings, today I have gathered you folks with one clear goal. This meeting will not be like past failed conferences where a million people are arguing a million things at once, the goal of this meeting is a clear one. The signing of a MDP/PIAT of the American nations to further unite our continent. This treaty will explicitly not excuse arrogent or aggressive actions from any of its signatories but will serve to stave off any more colonial attempts from european african or asian powers. This will be the limit of discussion, no secondary treaties and no arguing. Now that that is cleared up, what say the nations of America to this treaty of Mutual Defense and Peace, intel sharing, and trade treaty?"

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The Princess-Ascendant sat back on her throne, shocked at the cut-off of her signal. There was only one IP in the Imperium which passed under complete sevens, and that was hers. The line was a direct feed, with no in-betweens to make it doubtable. She turned to Kehenna, and raised her eyebrow."Cancel that diplomatic mission, Christian."

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President Enfield, speaking through a video comm that was quite grainy due to the antiquated state of Confederate communications, spoke in reply, "I am in support of this measure, surely this will help stabilize our continent and make sure no more colonizin' takes place here. I hope that with this effort, North America will be seen as a beacon of stability, peace, an' stuff like that in the wider world."

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"Well that is certainly your choice. Though I see a few North American nations in agreement so I will go ahead and show the rough draft." The president felt an agreement was reached. He unfolded a piece of paper.

[size="5"][center][color="#0000FF"][u][b]The North American Defense Union[/b][/u][/color][/center][/size]


[i][center]We the nations of North America agree on this treaty of mutual defense, civility, intel, aid, and trade in the hopes of uniting the continent and the common interest of peace in our time.[/center][/i]

[u][b]Article I: Mutual Defense[/b][/u]

[b]A:) In the event that an aggressive action is taken against any of the signatories of this treaty it is the responsibility of their fellow signatories to assist in the defense of said nation by any military means possible.
B:) In the event that the attack is warranted then a meeting is to be held to decide if the NADU will assist the nation in question.
C:) This treaty will not be taken as a hegemony. Any nation treating this treaty as an excuse to act uncivil may be removed from the treaty in a 2/3 vote of their peers.

[u][b]Article II: Peace and Civility[/b][/u]

A:) All signatories agree to act civil with each other, disrespect and unnecessary bullying will be a direct violation of this clause.
B:) In the event of a disagreement the nations in question are strongly encouraged to attempt to solve the problem by private means before bringing it to the public. In the event that something just needs to be called out to the Union and a nation does so it is not a violation of this clause.
C:) No nation involved in this treaty will begin any sort of competition with another signatory by means of an economic or arms race. Beyond that of a regular capitalist system.

[u][b]Article III: Intel Sharing[/b][/u]

A:) If any nation in this treaty should come across intel that may directly or indirectly threaten either this union or a signatory of this union it is their direct responsibility to bring it forward.
B:) Any nation withholding information form their allies will be held accountable.

[u][b]Article IV: Aid[/b][/u]

A:) At any time a nation in this agreement may ask for aid by economic (money, resources, food) or military (planes, tanks, supplies) means at any time.
B:) It is not a requirement but it is strongly encouraged by the second clause of this treaty to assist.

[u][b]Article V: Trade[/b][/u]

A:) In the interest of common economic prosperity, all tariffs and trade borders will be dissolved by this treaty. All signatories agree to open a free trade market with their fellow signatories.
B:) If a nation feels thier nation is being threatened by maintaining a trade border with another signatory and has just cause then this clause may be overriden.

[u][b]Article VI: Votes[/b][/u]

A:) All votes will be decided by a 2/3 majority, in the event that a tie is reached then it will be decided by an impartial party.

[u][b]Article VII: Voting members out[/b][/u]

A:)In the event that a member has reached the point where he can no longer be in this union a vote will be taken. The vote must be unanimous.

[u][b]Article VIII: Cancellation[/b][/u]

A:) A full treaty cancellation may be called by a unanimous vote from all members. If a vote is reached then there must be a wait period of 72 hours before it is void.

[u][b]Article IX: Leaving the agreement[/b][/u]

A:) In the event of a member feeling it is their time to leave the pact, they may issue a 72 hour warning before they leave.

[u][b]Article X: Amendments[/b][/u]

A:) Amendments may be made to the treaty at any time with a 2/3 agreement between all of the nations.

"Are we in agreement on the clauses? Do any of you have any additions to the treaty?"[/quote]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"My sentiments are the same as that of Secretary Espinosa, actually." Vilhjálmsson spoke up after nobody else spoke after Espinosa's speech. "As noble the proposed treaty is, in its methods and intentions, I am afraid that New Greenland have had little interaction with the other American nations here, except Mexico who we have great relations with. With that, New Greenland cannot sign this treaty if the mutual defense clause is mandatory; only after we have increased interactions with the other possible signatories will we consider signing this treaty with full confidence. However, if the clauses are selective - that is, New Greenland would be exempted from certain clauses while remaining a Treaty partner, with limitations, of course - then New Greenland would be willing to sign for all clauses except mutual defense."

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"I refer you to two clauses to prevent this from being a problem.

'B:) In the event that the attack is warranted then a meeting is to be held to decide if the NADU will assist the nation in question.
C:) This treaty will not be taken as a hegemony. Any nation treating this treaty as an excuse to act uncivil may be removed from the treaty in a 2/3 vote of their peers.' This is meant as a treaty to defend against colonialism. We all know it has been a concern for North America for a very long time. Nobody has done anything about it successfully yet. This is not a hegemony agreement. Think of the way the AU operates. They have maintained that union for quite a long time with little or no issues. Honestly just defending your continent is becoming a more common thing."

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"I'm sorry I'm late, er Harley of the island of Newfoundland and mainland of Labrador here. Long story, but I think that's for another time." She would find her seat and look at the treaty soon after. "I think Newfoundland can be alright with this. Tho for Article V, rather then complete removal of tariffs, could we change that so that tariffs don't go over X? And for the mutual defense clause, could we indirectly help by sending needed resources and the like to such nations, ass we don't have a strong military capable of helping everybody. "

Edited by Shadow hawk
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