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Destruction at 260K

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The Cyrantian High Command had long considered Yoitsu an unstable and dangerous presence in the north. The evident instability and questionable psychosis of their leaders was reflected in their nation. There was almost a complete lack of cities or any order whatsoever, with one incredibly strange government building known as "The Crop". It was considered very likely that civilians were neglected or actively mistreated within their country. Plans to initiate an invasion of Yoitsu for the benefit of its citizens had been in development for a long time, and with extended loss of contact from their neighbor, Cyrantian leaders decided it was time to strike. By mobilizing their army and air force under the guise of exercises near the border, they had set up initial entry.

The four armies of the military were ordered to enter Yoitsu in four waves. With 70,000 men and 550 tanks per wave, each army would charge and destroy anything related to the government of the nation. All defenses would be neutralized, as well as any members of the government or buildings employed by it. Any suspected government loyalists and their buildings were to be destroyed, following the strategy of total war, but those sympathetic to the Cyrantians or unaligned would be spared. It was suspected that the government had arms in almost every home and building in the countryside, and so very few people and buildings were expected to be left alone.

The First Army would cross the border hugging the westernmost end of Yoitsu, with each wave subduing stretches of countryside further west. If all went well, the complete western half of the country would fall to the invading forces, in which case they would regroup and prepare to overtake the east. Their effort on the other half would be aided by an ally also long involved in the plans of overtaking Yoitsu, who would be entering shortly after the initial attack. Special attention would be given to The Crop, the main government building of the nation. The soldiers who first encountered it were to subdue all inside and overtake the complex, which would serve a later purpose.

In the early morning, the Mutual Defense and Optional Mutual Touching Treaty was declared null and void by the Grand Chancellor of the State. Later that same morning, the High Chancellor of Defense ordered the First Army to cross the allied border and invade Yoitsu. The 70,000 men and 550 tanks would neutralize any light border defense, which was unexpected due to the former alliance. Half an hour later, eastern of the original entry point, the Second Army invaded. In another half an hour the Third Army entered Yoitsu. Finally, two hours after the order came, the Cyrantian Fourth Army stormed the last section of the western half of Yoitsu. They proceeded northward, prepared to take on any possible resistance, and began the first destruction of government-affiliated people and establishments. An international press release would be given in the mid-afternoon.


[b][center]From the Desk of the Grand Chancellor of the State[/center][/b]

Leaders of the world,

The government of the nation of Yoitsu is highly unstable and unfit to be ruling any sort of space of land, military, or any civilians. They are neglectful and the sparse organization of the country is crude at best, and there is evidence that the government is actively a part of the misery of their subjects. After the questionable government of the Magadan Oblast, the Chancellery of Cyrantia has grown tired of unrest and mistreatment running rampant in its northern neighbors. Under humanitarian grounds, I hereby declare war on Yoitsu, and knowing their deep policy of disorganization and ignorance, it is probable that they will fall shortly. We are not the only party involved in this liberation, and our allies will shortly make their involvement evident. I implore the leadership of the nations of the world to sympathize with both our cause and the plight of the civilians of Yoitsu, and to stand with us in our efforts. Inhumanity to our north will not be tolerated any longer, and soon we shall see whom is the nobler side.

Thank you.
-Sergei Aleksandrov

Edited by Domingo the Honored
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[quote]Message to Cyrantia:

[i]Blood of our blood,
Your mission is just, and likewise we find it unsettling that such a decrepit country exists so close to our nations. The full might of the Marscurian Siberian military is behind you. At this point, we will land out troops on the Pacific coast to sever all Yoituan links to the rest of the world, stopping all reinforcements and resupply. If you require the assistance of our air force, you need only ask. Victory will be ours![/i][/quote]

On the ocean:
With the harbors completely ice free, the 2nd and 3rd fleets were able steam out of Glubokiye Vodishtot and into the Sea of Okhotsk. The three dozen ships should have no problem with a complete blockade of Yoitsu's coast, measuring around 50 miles, stopping all resupply by sea. On the way, the assault task assignments were revealed to the captain of each ship by opening an envelope they acquired when leaving port.

Task Group Aleph:
Target: Yana
Ships: Battleships [i]Mizrekdik, Grois, Meyrev, Bidzhan Rayon[/i], Frigate [i]Musraytner[/i], Destroyer [i]Bira[/i], Cruisers [i]Marscury, Mietonka, Obluchye[/i], Landing Ships [i]Vidre, Alagater, Tsherepache, Plambe[/i]
Landing Date: March 25

Task Group Beis:
Target: Balagannoye
Ships: Battleships [i]Marscury Rayon, Bira Rayon, Der Indzl[/i], Destroyer [i]Bidzhan[/i], Cruisers [i]Telmana, Amurpet[/i], Landing Ships [i]Biver, Krakadil, Valras[/i]
Landing Date: March 25

Task Group Gimel:
Target: Enforcing the blockade
Ships: Aircraft Carriers [i]Khagan, Sultan, KaiserMelech[/i], Destroyer [i]Tunguska[/i], Cruiser [i]Pyotrgrad[/i], Frigates [i]Trumpledor, Rosenberg, Zig, Krakenov, Solomon[/i], Submarines[i] Valpish, Haipish, Delpin, Sterdzshin, Lox[/i]

By midnight, each task group would have transversed the distance to their targets and halt off shore, out of range of any hastily placed defenses. When the sun rose in the morning, they would unleash hell.

[quote]Message to the nations of the world:
Attention all. A state of war has erupted as Cyrantia and Marscurian Siberia bring stability to our area of the world. Because of this, a complete naval blockade has been placed on the nation of Yoitsu. No ships will be allowed into any port controlled by the enemy. We apologize for any inconveniences that this causes, but all ships approaching Yoitsu ports must turn around immediately.[/quote]

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Although the voyage was only supposed to take 10 hours, rough seas stretched the fleets' journey to over a full day, but eventually they reached their objective. Each fleet was anchored 10 miles off the coast of the beaches where the troops would land the next day, and the guns were turned toward the coasts.

"See anything out there," the captain of the [i]Mizrekdik[/i], the flagship of the first task group asked the lieutenant.

"Nothing sir," the lieutenant answered back, "not even a bunker."

"They could be buried," the captain said back, "save the big shells. Fire the 130mm at the beaches. Let's see if we can burst any bunkers, or set off any mines so that the men don't have to deal with them tomorrow."

"Roger sir," the lieutenant said, relaying the orders to the men in fire control. "Sir, do you have any words for this occasion?"

"Ummmm, well, here's to you, you $%^&@#s." The captain had a good laugh and patted the lieutenant on the back as the sounds of the guns started slowly, but picked up as more and more ships joined in. Dozens of 130mm guns on every battleship, cruiser, and destroyer started shooting once every couple of minutes to save rounds. Every inch of the beach was targeted so that there would be no surprises when the men finally landed. The situation in the North was transmitted to the ships in the second task group, and they started bombarding the smaller beach that was the target of the second landing.

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"Do we have anything?"

"Just some low-level chatter admiral, but they're definitely out there."

"Well then, looks like we're doing this for real. Launch the first waves. Kill anything that moves."

"Yes, admiral"

With loud whirs, the stern gates of the landing ships dropped down, flooding the berths for the landing crafts.


With that, the last of the guns fired their round towards the beaches, which were effectively pockmarked with large holes from where the shells landed. The 8 landing craft landed on the beach near Yana first, depositing their deliveries. In the half hour that it took for the landing craft, 680 men, 3 tanks, and 1 tank destroyer were on the beaches near Yana, while 510 men, 2 tanks, and one tank destroyer were on the beach near Balagannoye. True to their mission, they shot at anything that moved, which in this case was mainly trees blowing in the wind. The ultimate goal of these landings was to push any enemies far enough away that the landing ships could beach themselves and offload the other several thousand men and tanks. Once the armies were assembled, the goal would be to push into the villages and set up regional headquarters where the invasion of the East could be directed from. However, taking the beaches was the first step, and could not be underestimated, no matter how much the area was pummeled over the past several days.

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Horo sighed. [i]"Cyrantia proved to be a disappointment. Lelouch, I trust you can deal with it?"[/i]

Lelouch smiled and inclined his head towards her. [i]"Yes, my Lady."[/i].


Lieutenant General Nanami Madobe watched the ten Ju-14 [i]Chevaliers[/i] flew along the coast towards the fleet. They were equipped with AM39 Exocets, and each fired one into ships in the fleet before looping back around. At the same time, MM38 Exocets were launched from encampments along the coast, and the same ships. A total of thirty missiles were launched [all encampments/planes], with three going to each targeted ship - seven landing ships, and three aircraft carriers.


Lelouch cut his arm down savegly, signalling the beginning of the barrage from the AS-90 encampments, dotted along the coast. At that time, soldiers from the military encampments began to move towards the landing areas - 1,200 soldiers and ten tanks approached Yana, whilst 1,100 and eight tanks approached and took defensive positions outside the beach. One Ju-14 [i]Chevalier[/i] that launched an Exocet looped round to the beach at Yana and deployed napalm, whilst the another went to the beach at Balagannoye and deployed napalm there.

Edited by Horo the Wise Wolf
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[quote name='Horo the Wise Wolf' timestamp='1335659026' post='2960587']
Lieutenant General Nanami Madobe watched the ten Ju-14 [i]Chevaliers[/i] flew along the coast towards the fleet. They were equipped with AM39 Exocets, and each fired one into ships in the fleet before looping back around. At the same time, MM38 Exocets were launched from encampments along the coast, and the same ships. A total of thirty missiles were launched [all encampments/planes], with three going to each targeted ship - seven landing ships, and three aircraft carriers.[/quote]
The range of the exocets was several times that of any SAM that the navy held, so when the aircraft appeared on RADAR, the carriers launched their aircraft to defend themselves. The first flight of 15 MF/A-21N jets took off and raced towards the coast to fight off the attackers. However, before they could get into range for the air to air missiles to fire, the blips on the radar turned away, back into enemy territory. That could mean one of two things, they were scared off by the superior force, or they had launched their missiles. After a few seconds of flying, the bright lights were seen racing towards the jets, skimming just above the waters.

"EXOCETS," the pilot at the head of the squadron yelled over the radio.

"Roger roger, Exocets. Powering up CIWS."

Every ship that contained either the RAC-30 or DWS-30 CIWS connected them to the radar systems, and the guns began to turn to track the missiles. The missiles that approached the aircraft carriers were easily blown out of the sky by the 16 systems on each ships, along with the systems on the cruisers and destroyers near the carriers. However, there were no such defensive systems on the landing ships. Out of the 21 missiles that were fired at the landing ships, 4 were taken out by the CIWS of nearby battleships, another 1 was taken out by a cruiser and 1 was taken out by a destroyer. Despite these initial successes, this still left 15 missiles to impact the landing ships. The first ship hit was the [i]Biver[/i], the furthest south of the ships.

"Brace for impact, brace for impact, brace for impaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH..." The call went out until the first missile struck the bridge directly, killing everyone inside in a fireball and knocking out much of the control off the ship. As the ship shook from the initial impact, a second missile struck the ship directly in the bow, knocking off the starboard bow door and flooding the bay where the tanks were stored with sea water, sending men running towards the stern. A third missile struck the ship at the waterline on the starboard side, about halfway back, flooding another storage bay. Using a secondary communication system, the crew was ordered to abandon ship, as the vessel was quickly listing to the right, and had the possibility of capsizing. The pumps were turned on to buy the crew more time, but they were quickly overwhelmed. The vast majority of the men made it to the life rafts, but the losses were enormous in material terms. In all, 24 tanks sank to the deep with the doomed ship, along with tons of supplies and weaponry, and 50 of the crew, including the captain, were killed in the missile attack.

The [i]Krakadil[/i] was hit next. The first and second missiles hit in rapid succession into the left side of the ship, near the supply of diesel fuel. As the tank burst, it filled with seawater, stabilizing the ship, but effectively ending the ship's combat mission due to the inability navigate due to lack of fuel. With 19 men lost, the ship turned south, towards friendly waters to repair itself.

The [i]Valras[/i] was hit directly above the waterline, blowing a hole in the crew sleeping areas which were luckily empty at the time of the attack. The second rocket hit just behind the bow doors at the port side, knocking out the massive motor that opened the door, jamming it ship. While it could be forced open at the time of landing, it would slow operations.

The [i]Plambe[/i] bore the brunt of the attack outside Yana, taking three missiles. This was a disaster. Hitting all along the middle of the ship, just above the waterline, they effectively broke the spine of the ship. ([url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7i_EZO5Hzc"]The song of the situation[/url]) Fires broke out as gas tanks burst, steam lines broke, and electrical systems snapped, sending sparks flying everywhere.

"OPEN THE DOORS," the captain yelled, trying to open the bow and stern doors to allow the naval infantry in the holds below a chance to escape.


As the crack ran along the bottom of the ship, men scrambled for the rear of the ship. With a single loud groan, the metal above them bent and the bottom opened up, sending the ocean rushing in. As the ship bent in half, dozens of men were crushed as the tanks broke free of their straps, slip back, and crushed anything in their path. On deck, the captain pulled out his pistol and shot out the windows of the bridge, which all the crew members on that level jumped out of, into the sea below. Below the decks, the men yelled for help as the water continued to raise and cut off what little air remained. As the ship sank below the waves, the men and vehicles drifted out with the current, settling along the sea floor.

The other landing ships took relatively minor damage from the missiles, with the [i]Vidre[/i] avoiding taking any missiles at all. The first attack left the fleet without 3 of its seven landing ships, although one would likely return in the near future, and left hundreds of men, both sailors and naval infantry, dead.

"Our turn," the admiral said watching the bow section of the [i]Plambe[/i] slowly disappear below the water, "hit the $%&@ers. Hit them hard. I want to hear them scream."

The counter-attack came swiftly. The exocet sites on the shoreline had been tracked by radar, and every airplane and helicopter that could carry a bomb was mustered to take them out before they could attack again. Several dozen planes, and all bombers were ordered from Glubokiye Vodishtot Airport, and the 400 mile flight plan would take less than half an hour. Once the sites were bombed, the planes would turn directly East, out to sea, and away from any lingering SAM sites. The flights would occur non-stop back and forth so long as the threat existed.The flight plans would take the planes in from the East, just outside the Vaulian border, where there were no AA sites. The aircraft carriers, for their own safety, were taken 100 miles out to sea. This was close enough to support air operations, but far enough to keep them out of range of all exocet missiles. Meanwhile, the planes that fired the exocets were tracked using the high-powered radar systems both on the aircraft carriers and at the Glubokiye Vodishtot Naval Observation Structure. Once the bases were located, it was time to fire back. The submarines surfaced, and the doors along the sides slid back as the launch tubes rose up. The first wave of 40 cruise missiles fired inland, programmed to bomb the immediate areas of the bases, but spread out enough to do the most amount of damage, hoping to hit hangers, storage facilities, runways, and especially planes on the ground and the barracks of the pilots.

Lelouch cut his arm down savegly, signalling the beginning of the barrage from the AS-90 encampments, dotted along the coast. At that time, soldiers from the military encampments began to move towards the landing areas - 1,200 soldiers and ten tanks approached Yana, whilst 1,100 and eight tanks approached and took defensive positions outside the beach. One Ju-14 [i]Chevalier[/i] that launched an Exocet looped round to the beach at Yana and deployed napalm, whilst the another went to the beach at Balagannoye and deployed napalm there.
Going on the offensive, the 15 planes launched from the aircraft carriers broke into a squadron of 8 and a squadron of 7, and fired at the planes dropping napalm at the men on the beach. Having been launched before the enemy planes had a chance to fire their exocet missiles, they were close enough to the landing beaches to fire their missiles directly up the tailpipe of the attacking enemies. After firing their missiles, the 8 planes near Yana saw the entrenched army that was preparing to fire at the men on the beach, and transmitted the coordinates to the battleships.

"Fire everything," the admiral directed ships, who turned their massive 16 inch and 130mm guns at the army near the beach and fired. Well within the range of both calibers of guns, the men holding defensive positions would be constantly bombarding along the lengths of the trenches with shells. Using high explosive rounds, the spash damage would be enormous, killing all men within several yards of the impact site. The Marscurians on the beach took up defensive positions in the foxholes that littered the beach as a result of the shelling that occurred over the past several days. Mortar teams set up their weapons and began firing, and the tanks took their positions and began firing. Meanwhile, the landing craft took off back towards the ships to pick up more men to increase the force available to attempt a push off of the beaches. With the defenders being quickly annihilated by naval fire and fire from the beaches, the tide looked like it had begun to turn in the battle for the beaches.

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Highly encrypted.

[quote][b]A Communique to Yoitsu[/b]

To the esteemed Madame Feldt Grace,

I hope this communique reaches you in these times of war, as we hope Yoitsu will survive this war as a bulwark of huggling in the East.May this war not be the end for Yoitsu and end well, for it is a just cause you are fighting for. Make use of all the potential you have and serve yoitsu till the End. I hope I can visit your lands once again in the future.

Also, I hope you stay well and please try to stay alive. With this communique I send a few cookies, I tried to bake. May they give you strength and courage in the field. But they are only out of friendship between our nations. I didn't bake them because I like you or anything, understood?


[i]Yukikaze Panettone[/i][/quote]

And with the communique came a bag of [s]burned[/s] similarly highly encrypted [s]charcoals[/s] cookies made by hand by someone who [s]has no clue how to use an oven[/s] is lacking a bit in skills.

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Soldiers walked around the countryside around the Cyrantia-Yoitsu border, placing mines throughout the land. As much of it was barren, defence would be easy, especially with the artillery pointed at the area [OOC: Not that you know about it]. The mines nestled snugly in the ground. When soldiers were to see the mines detonate [OOC: They are, of course, a safe distance away], they would begin to play the Yoitsu national anthem across the plains. Upon entering range of it, the artillery would begin to fire. Anti-aircraft emplacements were dotted around the area, ready in case of a threat.

Ju-14s were also prepared to engage in Air-to-air combat were any planes to be detected by radar, so they could aid the AA weapons, with Ju-78s to fly once the coast was clear and bomb the incoming soldiers. [OOC: Not that you know this, of course.


Cruise Missiles pummelled the Yoitsu landscape. Whilst some were successfully destroyed due to the mountainous region, and the advantages it entailed, some still made it through with collision courses towards airfields.

Feldt Grace was hard at work, helping the engineers maintain the planes on the ground. A warning claxon suddenly sounded, however, to mark the approach of the cruise missiles. She stopped her work and looked towards the sky. She had faith in the defences she had helped to create, but cruise missiles could really be a pain. The last of the aircraft were taxiing, and she sometimes allowed herself the pleasure of watching them as they curved over the horizon. The cruise missile, however, would not allow her that small privilege. Instead, she saw it clash with the runway, throwing metals and destroying one of the Ju-14s. Three pieces of shrapnel flew towards her embedding themselves through out her body - one in her knee cap, and two in her left arm.

This was a similar scene across the country. Runways were throwing up asphalt and preventing any future plane launches from those runways. That, however, did little to stop part of the Airforce from bearing down upon the pitiful little group of boats.

Launched were three types of plane from the Royal Airforce - Ju-14 Chevaliers, Ju-78s and B-2 Spirits. The plan was simple - eight B-2s would ascend to maximum altitude, and then bombard all enemy ships they contacted. At the same time, fourty Ju-14s would assist the already airborne planes, and escort the twenty Ju-78s to within range. The Ju-78s would then launch either one or two Kh-15s each, towards the ships and carriers. At the same time, ships would be engaged with 20 Tomahawks, and 50 P-800s towards the carriers.

Edited by Horo the Wise Wolf
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OOC: Melech you don't deserve this but god damnit I want a fight and after this engagement you better start fighting for real or I swear to god I'll bomb you myself.


"We have confirmed radar locks, ground based forces confirm enemy radar signatures, 20 regular bogies, 8 batwings, 40 R-RCS canards. OTH radar positioning forwarded to you now." the ground control operator said to the forward squadron of F-1 fighters, "you're engagement is authorized by tower."

"Roger, all squadrons this is Red Leader, engage boogies using passive targeting. Gold Squadron bombers inbound behind us, lets clear a path." Red Leader said.

Using the OTH and long range radar systems based in Sakhalin and the Kurils, the Tianxia navy had been able to detect the signatures from multiple angles on the attacking force of fighters. Tianxia's first wave came in the form of 24 F-1 Quantum fighters. The stealth fighters flew in a broad formation with their sensors turned to passive, and super cruising to reduce IR detection.

Red Squadron as it was called used their electro-optical scopes to look for enemy heat signatures as they entered onto the horizon. "Lets light them up." Red Leader said.

Four F-1s broke off from the main group going after the bombers. Firing off their EO/IR guided missiles, the F-1s sophistacted scopes would feed guidance information to the missile, negating the effectiveness of countermeasures. Twelve of the F-1s meanwhile used their EO/IR scopes to engage the large formation of Ju-14s.

Eight of the F-1s moved to engage the Ju-78 fighters, switching their ultra-low probability of intercept radars on, the eight would be scattered amongst the fighter force of F-1s to maximize the field of view and data feed from their radars. Easily pinging the Ju-78 bombers they would unleash a combination of 20 Semi-Active Radar Guided NGTAM A2A Missiles, and 20 EO/IR guided NGTAM A2A missiles from 60 kilometers out. The combination would mean that countermeasures along one spectrum would be more difficult to do.

With the ground based radars and 8 F-1s using their own, the rest of the twelve fighters now had a more complete picture of the battlefield. This allowed them to engage the larger force of Ju-14s while still remaining largely hidden. The first step to do this was to engage them with EO/IR and Semi-Active Radar guided NGTAMs (which would link both with the F-1 radars and ground based ones for fuller pictures and more redundancy to jamming). 60 EO/IR and 60 radar guided missiles would rapidly enter the battle space utilizing the networked F-1s photonics to defeat jamming, flares, and ECM defenses. Further within the network, targets would be filtered out and as a kill was achieved the missiles would cycle to the next target thus making the effectiveness of the missiles maximized, with kill probabilities rising for all targets as each enemy target was lost.

Gold Squadron would follow up with the second wave of the punch. Six B-11 stealth bombers each carrying 36 ER-NGTAM missiles would fly to 150 kilometers firing them off in volleys networking in with the Tianxia F-1 squadrons. As soon as these fighters entered into the battle space with Tianxia aircraft, they would move from inertial guidance to networked guidance, doubling down on the Ju-87s and Ju-14 fighters.

As the F-1s continued to close towards the distance their on-board DEW would come into play. HPM weapons would be used to fry missile after missile that attempted to hit the Mascurian fleet, stopping 30% at most, but perhaps enough to keep Mascuria in the game.

Meanwhile flying night time over the continent a strike forces of 6 B-9 stealth bombers would fly using their sophisticated smart skin technology to monitor electromagnetic signals from the enemy and remain hidden, while their skins would near cloak them from visual detection, and their acoustic dampening would make it hard to hear them. At a designated point IADS C2 sites across the coastal area would suffer from simultanous attack from the bombers bunker penetrating munitions, taking down the brains making the regular SAM batteries less effective. The B-9s would then head out as a force of 18 F-5 Supers for Air to Air sweep, followed by 36 F-6 fighters headed in, with 12 EWAC remote controlled drones, and 24 A-47 attack drones. The EWACs would suppress radar signals as the A-47s would engage SAMs leaving the F-6s to do their damage hitting enemy radar sites for tracking warships and aircraft.

Upon completion of the mission units would then head out of the combat space.

[quote]Dispatch to Mascurian Siberia:

You have Silent Hornets, I'm sending you additional aircraft. Man up and quit fooling around.[/quote]

A package of 120 new Silent Hornets along with 120 F/A-36s would be sent to the mascurian siberians so they could quit fighting stupidly.

Edited by Triyun
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[u]On The Beaches:[/u]
At both Yana and Balagannoye, after hours of firing from the navy, the fire from the beach trenches slowed to a trickle, and a stop in most places, as the giant guns of the battleships killed all enemy soldiers in a large radius of where they landed. If they were not dead, most enemies would be cowering in their holes, hiding from the 2,700 pound shells raining down on them. In places where the shooting had stopped, fire teams charged the gaps and make their way through the trenches. In these teams, several privates with shotguns were followed by a corporal with a flamethrower and a sergeant with a submachine gun. The privates would gun down any soldier, wounded or fighting, they encountered in the trench while the sergeant provided cover for the back and sides of the team, watching the edges of the trench as they cleared it, and the flamethrower would cook any men hidden in machine gun nests. As the teams broke gaps in the trenches, the tanks on the beach would burst through the openings and would use their machine guns to kill any fleeing soldiers while their main guns would be used on pillboxes, machine gun nests, and other hardened targets, if they existed.

Expanding the beachheads, the troops made way for the next landing waves that would come not in landing crafts, but in the ships themselves, which would unload not hundreds, but thousands of men onto the beaches, accompanied by dozens of tanks from both the army and the guard.

[u]At Sea:[/u]
With the assistance of the Tianxian aircraft, the situation at sea was not nearly as bad as it could have been. A large section of the missiles, around 20%, were destroyed by the countermeasures of the Tianxian aircraft. These were mainly sea-skimming P800 missiles, crashing into the sea as they lost their course trajectory. Along with the electronic warfare measures of the Tianxian aircraft, most of the ships had their own countermeasures, either jammers or chafe launchers. This brought down another 30% of the missiles, leaving about half of them heading on their original course. The CIWS systems on the majority of the ships also took their toll on the missiles, mainly the subsonic tomahawk missiles, destroying the majority of the remaining units. In the end, the results of the defense were:

Number Launched: 50
Disabled by Tianxian aircraft: 15
Disabled by Marscurian EW Systems: 15
Destroyed by Marscurian CIWS Systems: 4
Missed their Target/Duds: 2
Hit their target: 14

Tomahawk Missiles
Number Launched: 20
Disabled by Tianxian aircraft: 4
Disabled by Marscurian Ships: 6
Destroyed by Marscurian CIWS Systems: 6
Hit their target: 4

Number Launched: 30
Disabled by Tianxian aircraft: 6
Disabled by Marscurian Ships: 4
Destroyed by Marscurian CIWS Systems: 0
Missed their Target: 3
Hit their target: 17

The results of the mass attack certainly caused a great deal of damage, especially to the fleeing aircraft carriers, where most of the missiles were targeted. Most of the other surface ships were damaged by the missiles, but where either large enough for the small warheads to make little difference, or were hit in non-vital areas. A base account of the damage was recorded by the flagship and was transmitted to naval high command.

Aircraft Carriers:
Khagan: Hit with one KH-15, two P800, one tomahawk. Suffered minor damage to superstructure and flight deck. Flight operations continue. 52 Casualties.
Sultan: Hit with five KH-15, eight P800, one tomahawk. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr5wpM59pqM"]Ship split in two and sank[/url]. 1,492 Casualties. Aircraft redirected to land bases.
KaiserMelech: Hit with two Kh-15, four P800. Suffered major damage to engine compartment, now running at 10% efficiency. 253 Casualties. Flight operations suspended and aircraft ordered to land bases. Returning to harbor.

Marscury Rayon: Hit with one KH-15. Number 1 Turret inoperable. 42 Casualties
Bira Rayon: Hit with two KH-15. Major damage to superstructure, landing facilities destroyed. 398 Casualties. Returning to harbor.
Der Indzl: Hit with one KH-15. Damage to bow section, minor flooding. 20 Casualties.
Mizrekdik: Undamaged in attack
Grois: Undamaged in attack
Meyrev: Undamaged in attack
Bidzhan: Hit with one KH-15, One Tomahawk. Crew compartments destroyed, moderate flooding. 132 Casualties. Returning to harbor.
Rayon: Hit with one Tomahawk. Two 130mm guns inoperable. 131 Casualties

Marscury: Undamaged in attack
Mietonka: Undamaged in attack
Obluchye: Undamaged in attack
Telmana: Hit with one KH-15. 130mm gun inoperable. 41 Casualties
Amurpet: Undamaged in attack
Pyotrgrad: Hit with one KH-15. All forward missile silos destroyed, major flooding. 101 Casualties. Returning to harbor

Bira: Undamaged in attack
Tunguska: Undamaged in attack
Bidzhan: Hit with one KH-15. Landing platform destroyed, tank storage room destroyed. 21 Casualties

Trumpledor: Undamaged in attack
Rosenberg: Undamaged in attack
Zig: Hit by one KH-15. Stern section removed from ship after magazine explosion. Ship sunk. 173 Casualties
Krakenov: Undamaged in attack
Solomon: Undamaged in attack
Musraytner: Hit by one Tomahawk. Major flooding in lower storage areas, heavy list. 19 casualties. Returning to harbor

After the attack subsided, the ships launched their next invasion wave, the two MAT-63 amphibious tanks kept in storage below decks for each ship. With a swimming range of 120 miles, they were more than able to cross the sea and drive up onto land where they would join in attacking the trenches and expanding the beachhead. After the loss of several ships, a force of 26 tanks set off to roll up on the beaches. Along with them, the landing ships revved their engines for their final push. With the skies cleared of enemy aircraft and the missile sites under constant attack, now was the best time to unload their full cargo. Once beached, each ship could unload 520 men and 25 tanks, along with join in the fight with their 76mm guns, rocket racks, and SAM launchers.

Surfacing after inserting new cruise missiles into the tubes, the submarines fired again at the airfields in an attempt to further damage them and perhaps put them out of commission permanently. Again, 40 cruise missiles soared up into the sky and towards the enemy.

[u]In the Air:[/u]
With the skies being systematically cleared by Tianxian aircraft, the Marscurian planes moved in at full force. The battleships launched their secret cargo, a set of several [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RQ-2_Pioneer"]UAVs[/url] that would scan the vicinity for any signs of enemy activity, with their priorities being mainly the mobile missile launchers and any nearby airfields that may still be in serviceable condition. Flying over the mountainous regions near the beaches, the first UAV found a concentration of missile launchers, P800s from the looks of them, and relayed the coordinates back to the command post on the fleet's flagship.

Near the beaches, the skies were patrolled by MFB-5 flying boats, cruising over thousand feet off the the ground. This put the planes out of range of small arms fire and RPGs, but put anyone on the ground well within range of their .30 and .50 caliber guns, which would tear men apart with unrelenting gunfire. In addition to the guns, the planes carried 4000 pounds of bombs to destroy any armor, artillery, or light defenses near the beaches assaulting the advancing Marscurians.

Further inland, the MF/A-21 fighters, protected from SAM radar by planes that specialized in electronic warfare searched out missile sites along the coastline, bombing them whenever they were found, and performing strafing runs with their 20mm cannons when their bombs ran out. The SAM sites were being destroyed to make way for the MB-2 bombers, carrying 10,000 pound bombs for taking out fortifications. When the word that the skies were safe from SAMs, the bombers headed for the areas that the missile launchers were located, as discovered from the UAV data, with the expressed goals of terminating them at all costs.

[u]In Magadan:[/u]
Near the entrance to the port, a flotilla of Marscurian ships approached. These ships, cruise ships, cargo freighters, and car ferries, had nothing suspicious about them. They carried the normal flag, not the naval jack. They did not have any special paint jobs or markings. Most importantly, they followed the normal shipping routes to the port as to not reveal any suspicious activity to Yoitsu radar. However, these were not normal ships. The cruise ships carried 30,000 men and their equipment, the cargo ships carried artillery and attack helicopters, and the car ferries carried jeeps, trucks, tanks, and tank destroyers. Once the ships were docked, the army quickly assembled on the far side of Magadan, using the city as cover from any prying eyes of Yoitsu. The border was only 20 miles away, and the trip should take about an hour for the army to make. The MAH-5 helicopters would take minutes, and they zoomed in front of everyone. It was their job to kill any border guards using their 20mm cannon, or missiles, bombs, or rockets from one of their 10 hardpoints. They would attempt to secure an area of the border around two miles wide, from which the main army would march through on their way to Yana, a mere 5 miles from the border.

To the rest of the army, a special message from the Khagan was played to the men as they prepared to embark.
[quote]You men, you have taken our army North, to where civilization ends. You have ridden across the great black waters, as we have never done before. Now, you will kill the barbarians, and you will tear down their houses! You will hear the begs of the women, and the shrieks of the children! You will bring their treasures and broken leaders back to Marscury! This, I vow! I, Mikhail, son of Pavel, swear before the God of our fathers, as our ancestors look down in witness! FOR MARSCURIAN SIBERIA! FOR MARSCURIAN SIBERIA! FOR MARSCURIAN SIBERIA![/quote]

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The Cyrantian First Army rushed at full speed into the Yoitsu countryside, burning anything presumably useful to the opposition, though not much seemed to remain. Infantry scouts led up the charge, followed closely behind by a mixed group of tanks and regular infantry, interspersed with other military units and devices. The speed of the charge and the nearly invisible nature of anti-personnel landmines caused some of the men leading the charge to run right into the field. It was a shock and an awful surprise when the first began to blow under men. The scouts behind them screamed "MINES!" which brought the advance to a screeching halt. Mine flails were brought to the front to clear a path for the rest of the force, but for the portion of the scouts already in the field, not much could be done. While some were lucky and light-footed enough to tiptoe out, most were blown to smithereens, causing more than one hundred men to lay dead by the time the rest of the army had passed the minefield. Once it was passed, the army began to move at full speed once again in formation, this time more on the lookout for anti-personnel devices.

Shortly after the mines detonated and the soldiers got across the minefield, they began to hear a tune played across the field. Fearing it signaled an incoming attack, they began to rush in advance, hoping to meet their opposition. The move proved to be a hasty one, and artillery began to rain down in the army once they were in range. Because there was no physical opposition to keep them there, and retreat would be further detrimental, the troops were ordered to simply rush forward as fast as possible to evade the artillery's range until the guns or Yoitsu military were encountered. They did push forward past the artillery's area of fire, though in its wake 2,500 casualties were incurred and 50 tanks were disabled. The injured who were beyond hope were simply left behind to maintain speed, though the less severely hurt were brought along in trucks specifically for the purpose. The army continued its hustle forward to avoid the artillery fire, and upon reaching the guns or any other military establishments such as anti-aircraft emplacements, they would simply unleash hell and destroy them.

In the meantime, the officers sent word to the other three armies to deploy mine flails at the coordinates they would encounter the minefield. Given the thirty-minute spread between the armies, there would be more than enough time to ensure the other three groups would suffer any mine casualties. They also sent word to the Cyrantian airfields to scramble their Sukhoi Su-30 fighters and Tupolev Tu-160 bombers. Caution was advised to the pilots because of impending artillery strikes and sighted anti-aircraft establishments. The planes would not be sent to the front yet - upon the arrival of planes from Yoitsu or any other threat requiring air support, they would rush in. As for the other armies, due to the controlled detonation of the mines, the soldiers would be well forward by the time any man could predict to begin firing. They would have prior knowledge of the Yoitsu battle plan and would follow the same measures as the First Army to avoid and combat it, albeit with more coordination and less urgency.

Edited by Domingo the Honored
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  • 2 weeks later...

The tides had turned heavily in favor of the Cyrantian military. Though their resistance was little to begin with, the tad bit they had encountered had completely fizzled out, which was a relief. The military and government of Yoitsu had seemed to dissolve completely, and with them any sort of fight they could have mustered. Casualties were extremely negligible as the armies stormed across the countryside, following their original battle plans of complete destruction. There wasn't much to take down, anyway - an anti-aircraft emplacement here, an artillery unit there, and a few stray soldiers were the worst they came upon. In relatively short order, all four invasions had found complete success, and they chose to turn their attentions to The Crop, the main government building of Yoitsu. For the first time since initial entry, the entire Cyrantian infantry grouped together as one for the advance on the last figurehead of the former government.

Traveling at their consistent high speed, the armies soon pressured The Crop, which even itself yielded minimal military resistance. Once it was surrounded and secured, the Cyrantian field commanders contacted the invaders from Marscurian Siberia to check in on their offensive to the east. Assuming the lack of resistance they were currently facing in the west would also hold true for the other side of Yoitsu, they asked the Marscurian men if they required assistance, and if not, to join them in the neutralization of The Crop at their earliest convenience. Until they received word of the state of affairs on the other half of the invasion, Cyrantia's infantry would sit pretty, guarding the final embodiment of Yoitsu as a country.

(OOC: Horo has reached/passed his date of inactivity deletion.)

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OOC: Horo has gone over 25 days inactive. I'm finishing this war right.

20:52 MAY 5, 2012

The overwhelming force of the beaches and invading army has smashed all opposition. With minimal casualties, Yana has be captured and cleared of enemy combatants. The first ships of reinforcements may arrive.

17:23 May 9, 2012

The army has landed and the entire coast has been taken. All resistance is crushed in the vicinity. Naval gunfire is no longer necessary and all ports are taken. Navy returning to Glubokiye Vodishtot.


The army's advance through Yoitsu has been swift and brutal. In mere days we reached the Aldan River, the last line of defense before the Yoitsu capital. We outnumber the weeaboos 10 to 1. Wave after wave of our infantry are unleashed upon them to make way for our armor. Once we have control of the bridges over the river, then we will insure that every sacrifice is repaid.


We have lost many brave men, but their sacrifice is not in vain. Our army now forms a line of steel so strong that all weeaboo resistance will be crushed beneath our mighty treads. Today, we will watch as we push into the west, and destroy all those foolish enough to defend it.


With the river now crossed by the bulk of our army, nothing now stands between our army and the crop. Every day, we carve deeper into Yoitsu territory. Every day, fear and desperation rob their will. When our army reaches the capital, they will have nowhere left to hide!

12:34 May 20, 2012

With the radar stations destroyed, all advanced enemy anti-aircraft weaponry has been destroyed or immobilized. As such, the hundreds of aircraft loaned by Tianxia have been returned to their homes. In tribute for their generosity, 20 tons of precious metals liberated from Yoitsu have been delivered to Tianxia.


Our grip tightens around the black heart of the capital. Their leader demands all to shed their last drop of blood in its defense: the young, the old, the weak. If they stand for Yoitsu, they die for Yoitsu. Building by building, room by room, one rat at a time!

May 24, 2012: Outskirts of Yoitsu City
The noise was unrelenting. Everything that could attack the city was being thrown into the fray. The low buzz of bomber engines slowly passed overhead as they dropped their payload, 10 tons of 200 pound bombs, over the city center. The fighter-bombers streaked over the waiting soldiers, and swooped into the city at low levels, pulling up over the fireballs that resulted from their 2,000 pound bombs that blew over multiple buildings at a time. On the outskirts of the city, hundreds of artillery pieces continually blasted heavy shells into the city. It was almost a competition to see who could make the most impressive shot. So far, the honor went to a crew from the 26th Heavy Artillery Regiment, who managed to hit the tallest commercial building at the base and caused it to collapse with a single shot. All the soldiers were forced to wear gas masks at this point due to all the toxic residue that was kicked up from the hundreds of collapsing buildings and the fires that ravaged the city. Tanks, entrenched in their holes, fired down into the city streets, clearing paths for the coming advances. The mood was not what was expected. Men walked around, chatting, casually moving past the mortar pits that relentlessly lobbed shells into the city. Outnumbering the enemy 6 to 1 inside the city, it could be that they had no fear of the coming assault. Or, with the route to the center of the city consisting of running down the streets, past buildings and rubble piles, they knew that the enemy would make them bleed for every block they took. It was said that at its height, four million people lived in this city. By now, the number was far fewer.

[size="5"]May 25, 2012: 06:00, Outskirts of Yoitsu City[/size]
The day had come. The capital of the fascist weeaboos had been completely surrounded and pummeled. No buildings in the city had electricity or water, save one, The Crop. This building was the center of the their government and the ultimate prize. Complete with its own generators, the building was the only glimpse of light inside the city except for the fires.

"Soldiers! You have come so far from home. You have crossed hundreds of miles of enemy territory, but now I must ask 20 more from you. Over there, you see our target, a glowing beacon that calls to you. When we are done here, the evil of the fascist weeaboos will be erased forever! You have done the world more good than it can ever thank you for. You have erased a stain on our lands, a threat to all of us, and the spreader of a plague throughout the world. Now, it is time to end this." After the speech, the commanders blew their whistles.

"URRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," the army yelled out, as they charged into the city at full sprint. The masses of troops condensed as they streamed into the streets of the city. As they passed buildings, teams of around a dozen men broke off and burst down the doors. They were to kill any enemy found to prevent losses to the mass of men moving down the avenues towards the crop. Larger streets carried the tanks to the city center, and teams of men were pushing lighter artillery pieces closer to the middle of the city. The streets were a clogged mess. All rank, unit, and specialization lost purpose in the mad dash of the thousands of men running on pure adrenaline at this point. Lieutenants ran with sergeants who ran with privates. Rifles butted up against machine guns and flamethrowers. After the first mile or so, the men were exhausted from the sprint, and the rush slowed to a mile an hour, the speed at which the men could walk. All resistance was light. A sniper in the window, a man lobbing grenades from the roof of a building, occasionally a civilian with a pistol, these threats were all neutralized with superior firepower.

As the men reached the ring of bureaucratic buildings around the crop, the army stopped. It was quiet. There should have been more resistance at this point. Then, the scream was heard.

"HAKADAKA BANZAI!" Hundreds of Yoitsu soldiers, dirty, bruised, and bloodied, came charging out of the buildings brandishing their rifles and bayonets. The Marscurian soldiers fired back until their magazines were empty. As they stepped back, the men with flamethrowers stepped forwards and fired on the charging weeaboos. The heat was intense as the flaming streams landed on the attacking soldiers. Dropping their weapons, they screamed as they were set alight. Covering their faces, their screams continued until they fell to the ground in a scorched mess. However, not even that stopped to suicide charge. By this time, the Marscurians had their bayonets out, and plunged them into the gut of every charging enemy. Few Marscurians died in the attack, but it shook them to their core. There would be no easy way out of this. The Yoitsuans would finish this on their terms.

On the radio, the call came in about the approach of the Cyrantians. "Surround the building as fast as you can," the field commander said, "we are not sharing the glory of this day." When the Cyrantians arrived, they would find 10,000 Marscurian Siberians around the crop, cheering as a team of men tied a chain to the doors of the building. A pistol shot rang out, and the tank gave a final tug, ripping the doors off the building.

"Oh, hello there," the field commander said to the Cyrantian commander, "I'm afraid you're late for this party." He gestured over to the building, where every second men were pouring into the open doors.

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Arriving late for the excitement and finding the capital of Yoitsu in absolute anarchy, the Cyrantian field commander could only chuckle at how zealous the Marscurians were to seize the final target. He wasn't much for stealing the glory of the day when he knew the blood, sweat and tears of his allies had won the city, so the Cyrantian troops were kept out of The Crop, and to feign some usefulness, some were sent to patrol the city and sniff out any stragglers. As the violence occurring inside the main government building of Yoitsu remained painfully apparent through the gunshots and screams ringing through the building, the Cyrantian commander turned to the Marscurian marshal.

"You won that city and this building, so I'll let you decide what to do with it. Obviously we have some kinks to work out between our nations after this concludes, but we could always resolve them back in our home territories. In my opinion, it would be a rather significant statement of our victory to establish The Crop as our own mobile field base and temporary meetinghouse, but if you'd prefer to burn it right here, right now, it's your call to make."

Edited by Domingo the Honored
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"We need this building," the field commander said, "at least for now. The broadcasting system at the top is necessary to the next step. After that, we can burn it or blow it up or whatever you want."

As the men entered the crop, the building was not as they expected. Small fires burned throughout the hallways, burning wallpapers, paintings, and anything else flammable. The building shook with the commotion outside, and the lights flickered on and off with each lurch. Turning the corner into the main atrium, the troops encountered their first bit of resistance. Around two dozen elite yoitsu soldiers were armed with machine guns and assault rifles, and they fired into the group of Marscurian soldiers, who quickly took cover behind overturned tables and columns. A loud bang was heard, and several Marscurians were seen flying in opposite directions.

"The lunatics are using grenades inside a building," one soldier yelled.

"Let's see how they like our firepower," a sergeant said. Making a wide signal with his hands, several RPG crews rushed forwards and fired at the locations of the Yoitsu soldiers. While the enemy was cowering from the last attack, teams of Marscurians flanked the enemy on the left and right, while the main force climbed over the barricades and started shooting at the enemy who was now pinned down. In minutes, the room was clear, with all enemies laying dead. Shotgun teams were sent up to the stairs to clear the defenders there. Climbing up slowly, they had to fight past the stream of bullets, and they needed to scramble to get out of the way of the grenades that were being dropped from the levels up above. The stairwells rang out with the screams of wounded men being pushed over the railings as to not block the way for the advancing Marscurians. It was a terrifying way to go, but the Marscurians did what they had to do to keep the attack running smoothly.

Moving down the hallways, doors were kicked in and the men fired randomly. Whether it was civilians or soldiers, even if they had their hands up, they all received a burst of rounds to the chest. The men were running on a bloodlust at this point. No enemy was getting out of the building alive. Climbing up a flight of ornate stairs, the army emerged on the balcony of the parliament room, looking down on the second concentration of yoitsu troops. Heavily armed men walked among the stairs, and a heavy machine gun scanned the room underneath a large picture of the Yoitsuan leader Horo, wearing her signature animal ears. This woman was everything that was wrong with the weeaboos. Silently, snipers took their positions on the balcony, along with RPG teams. They took turns firing down on the Yoitsuan troops. The snipers went for body shots, and each soldier hit crumpled to the floor. On the speaker's podium, the heavy machine gun took a square hit from an RPG, blasting the soldier and his weapon to pieces. When most of the enemy troops had been hit, the army burst through the doors to the chamber and ran down the rows, killing all the troops still standing. A small force stayed behind, and every Yoitsu soldier on the ground was shot in the head with pistols to make sure that they were dead. A Marscurian with a flamethrower ran through the fighting men and with a single sweep, he set the portrait of Horo ablaze, to the cheers of his comrades.

Two men rushed to the front of the room, where large wooden doors marked the exit from the parliament chamber to the rest of the building. The two men shoved, but couldn't move the doors. Soon, a third and then a fourth man started pushing. Backing off, the four rushed the doors at once, finally breaking them open and shoving the Yoitsu troops on the other side to the floor. Grabbing their rifles, the four men stepped on the stomachs of the men on the floor, and stabbed them in the chest with their bayonets, ignoring their pleas. Rushing up the stairs to another set of balconies, the men were met with fierce resistance as the enemy set up roadblocks of tipped over benches and crates. Like Thermopylae, Marscurian numbers meant nothing when they could only fit a few men at once through the doors onto the balconies, and these men were often gunned down. The strategy here relied on deception. Sticking their guns out from behind cover, or taking their helmets off and moving them around, the Marscurians tricked the Yoitsu troops into firing at them. While they were busy reloading, soldiers with submachine guns ran onto the balcony and fired over the barricades, killing the Yoitsu soldiers. With the first barricade destroyed, the second could be met with forward fire from submachine gun teams and angled fire from assault rifles.

The battle continued up the building. Each floor had to be cleared room by room, making sure none of the enemies lived through the fight. After hours of fierce fighting, with hundreds of casualties on both sides, the Marscurians reached the top floor of the crop. At the end of the hallways was a set of massive wooden doors with various weeaboo figures with animal ears carved into the panels. Again, a set of men set to knocking them down, but it was harder than the other doors. Four, five, six, seven men were shoving on the doors to no avail. It was then that the combat engineers arrived with their axes. Swing after swing, chips of the doors flew off. Inside, crying could be heard, as the people knew what was about to happen. Bursting his ax through the door with a powerful swing, an engineer looked through the hole, only to fall backwards soon after, his eye shot out with a lucky shot by one of the people inside. Again the men lined up to break down the doors to Horo's office, and with a final charge, the wooden crossbeams snapped and the doors swung open. Inside, Horo and the top generals of the nation took out their pistols and starting shooting at the soldiers as they squeezed through the doors. Using their rifles like clubs, the people inside were subdued with several hits to the head. It was over.

Down on the ground, everyone wondered what the holdup was. The battle had gone on for eight hours, and the sun was beginning to set. However, action on the roof gave positive news. On each face of the square building, teams of men lined the edge and began fastening objects to the roof. From the ground, the people were too small to tell anything about them, and there was no way to tell what side they were on, at least until they pulled their stunt. At once large rolls of fabric rolled down the sides of the building, unraveling to reveal massive Marscurian Siberian flags. Every man on the ground let out a massive cheer as the flags fell to cover the top several floors of the building. Immediately following the event, the captives were led onto the roof to display to the crowd. In the end, over a dozen people were taken, including Horo, four of her ministers, and the generals Feldt Grace, Nanami Madobe, and Lalouch. Horo and the three generals were grabbed by the hair by several Marscurian troops, and were held with their eyes kept open so they could watch what came next. On the ground, the Marscurian troops near the building were ordered back over 50 feet. Among the 10 people who weren't restrained, a young lady minister was grabbed first, based on the fact that she was the most visibly frightened. A young sergeant grabbed her and dragged her over to the edge of the building. "Shh, shh, shhhhhhhhh" he said, trying to comfort the young woman. When she wouldn't stop crying, the sergeant grew visibly annoyed. Grabbing the sides of her head with a tight grip, he spit in her face, then threw the young woman over the edge with a sudden jerk. Screaming, the woman tumbled down. Although the building was high, the woman did not fall nearly fast enough to lose consciousness before she hit the pavement below with a sudden thud. At least the death would be sudden. Each of the other 9 people suffered a similar fate, with a colonel being the last one tossed from the roof. During this entire time, Horo and the three generals were forced to watch each excruciating account. When it was finished, they were bound and gagged before being dragged down the stairs and out of the building. The four of them would meet their justice in Marscury.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Using the broadcast equipment at the top of The Crop, General Marantzbaum made the following announcement.

I, General Mikhail Marantzbaum, head of the Marscurian Siberian Occupation Forces, do make the following orders, effective immediately.

Military Order Number One:
The current government of Yoitsu is disestablished completely. All members of the Yoitsu leadership structure, both national and local, are under arrest, pending trial for crimes against humanity.

Military Order Number Two:
The state of Yoitsu, in its current form, is completely disestablished and dispersed. The nation will be provisionally reorganized into the Democratic Republic of Yoitsu, with elections being held later this year.

Military Order Number Three:
The entire armed forces of Yoitsu, and the military command structure, is completely disestablished. All soldiers will be drafted into rebuilding efforts for the new republic.

Military Order Number Four:
An official process of deweeaboofication will be initiated throughout the entire nation.
-All population centers, from the smallest to the largest, will be occupied by Marscurian Siberian troops, who will act as administrators and military police.
-All villages smaller than 1000 will be occupied by a company of 100 men.
-All towns smaller than 5,000 will be occupied by a battalion of 500 men.
-All cities smaller than 10,000 will be occupied by a battalion of 1000 men.
-All cities larger than 10,000 will be occupied by a military force equal to or less than 10% of their population.
-All signs in japanese will be replaced with those in Russian, the national language of the Republic of Yoitsu.
-All signs that show any semblance of the removed regime will be destroyed.
-All weeaboos discovered will be arrested for crimes against humanity.

Military Order Number Five:
The following is the Military Occupation flag. It will be flown above all command structures in all occupied population centers. It is the ultimate symbol of authority during the occupation period.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Later that same day, using the broadcasting equipment from the top of The Crop, Cyrantian command sent their own message throughout the nation.

From here onward, the Chancellery of Cyrantia and its military will administer to the western portion of Yoitsu City and indeed that side of the country as a whole. The orders previously broadcast by the Marscurian Siberian marshal shall adhere only to the eastern half. The following decrees will govern our half of Yoitsu for the time being.

Decree I:
The previous government and structure of the nation of Yoitsu has been destroyed, and its total dissolution is final. All military and government leaders located in Cyrantian Yoitsu will be given over to the Marscurian Siberians to face their fates in a jointly administered set of trials.

Decree II:
The former nation of Yoitsu as a whole has been dissolved and has ceased to exist as a state. In the interest of protecting the region from any further menaces arising from the nation, its territory shall be split into two sections, with the west falling under Cyrantian jurisdiction, and the east under Marscurian Siberia. Within the western half, a new state, the Federal Republic of Yoitsu, shall be established, with elections to be run at a date seen fit within the coming year.

Decree III:
The former military of Yoitsu is dispersed in its entirety - its structure, personnel, and assets are no longer a functioning unit. The former men and possessions of the military of Yoitsu will not be discarded, but instead later re-organized and once again used as the national guard for the Federal Republic of Yoitsu.

Decree IV:
To control the confirmed plague within Yoitsu, all the afflicted shall be handed over to the Marscurian Siberians to undergo their treatments. Should they be deemed able to return to their homes afterwards, they will be allowed to do so.

Decree V:
All symbols of the former state of Yoitsu are henceforth to be destroyed in their entirety. Once the final riddance of Yoitsu has been achieved, a nationwide rebuilding program will be begun to return the nation to a state of prosperity.


Edited by Domingo the Honored
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