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The Establishment of the República do Pará


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It had not been long before that the Lunar Republic had ceased to be an Earth-based nation.

Not long before since the Republic's territory on Earth, encompassing most of former Brazil in South America, had gone from a sovereign nation to the protectorate of the neighbouring Umbrella Commonwealth as the Lunar Republic became a nation not of the Earth, but one based on the moon, dedicated to expanding out into the solar system, taking humanity further and further from its cosmic cradle. And yet of the one hundred and six million who called home the Lunar Republic's expansive territory on Earth, only six million were willing to make the move to the moon--or perhaps, only that number were [I]able[/I] to. One hundred million former Lunar Republic citizens were left now in the capable hands of the Umbrella Commonwealth--such concepts as territory and nationalism were of little interest to those many who still subscribed to the old government's ideology of 'citizens of the earth' as a whole, and so many were content to remain as Umbrella protectorate, adapting rapidly to the changes that had overtaken them. In fact, when it came to day to day life in the former Lunar Republic, not much had changed. Especially in regards to the more central portions of the nation, many of its former citizens simply carried on with life, and though they now inhabited Umbrella protectorate, they still knew themselves to be citizens of the world, and of no single nation.

As one moved further and further away from the capital and the larger cities of the former Republic, however, it became rapidly apparent this was not so throughout the territory. In the former state of Pará, far removed from the main population centres where the old ideology of 'citizens of the world' had been birthed and had burgeoned, sentiments were more nationalistic in nature, favouring the old Brazilian culture whose identity they felt had been suppressed in the years of the Lunar Republic. Almost immediately following the termination of the Lunar Republic as a nation of the Earth, a strong pro-independence movement had sprung to life in Pará, spearheaded by former regional officers and governors who had since the very founding of the Lunar Republic entertained nationalistic beliefs and spurned the more worldly, idealistic sentiments perpetrated by the Lunar Republic. And so when the old Republic made the move to the moon, taking only a small percentage of the population of its holdings in Earth with it, it seemed only a natural progression that these leaders, opposed to existing as a protectorate of any nation, and looking to a future of self-determination and cultural sovereignty, immediately cultivated amongst the populace a renewed sense of independence, nostalgia for the old Brazilian culture and way of life, and desire for sovereignty.

The Facção Independência, as was christened the movement for independence, rapidly gaining strength and momentum in Pará, was a spirit nonetheless not shared by other former territories of the Republic and Brazil, those who remained true to the old ideals and did not look highly upon the more nationalistic ideas set forth by the leaders of the Facção Independência. The disagreement was mutual and hostile tensions did not arise, as regional protectorate governments acknowledged the growing movement for independence brewing to the north and the Facção Independência continued to seek support for their goals in the Umbrella Commonwealth's protectorate government. By and large, there was little resistance from the Commonwealth; the will of the people was acknowledged, the desire for self-determination understood and, eventually, conceded to, and the process of re-securing the ability of self-governance for the residents of Pará was undertaken. Infrastructure was renewed, institutions for self-determination were formed to guide the nascent nation in its rise from the remnants of the Lunar Republic, and, much to the malaise of the regional pro-independence government, sensitive and highly advanced technologies present in Pará, formerly pioneered by the Lunar Republic, were secured by the Umbrella Commonwealth, a necessary tenet of the agreement on independence. The former protectorate government led by the Commonwealth surrendered its authority now to a new provisional government--a government which, on this day, was now to become the leaders of the newly born República do Pará.

The public statement issued in the advent of Pará's regained independence was brief and to the point, for much work as still to be done--but it delivered the vigorous independent spirit of Pará's people in the wake of this great victory.



Today marks the first moments of the life of the República do Pará--to stand sovereign and proud for the ages to come, in the face of any and all adversity. Much can be said in this public statement of the joy to be found in the hearts of all who treasure most dearly their national spirit and have now regained that spirit, never to surrender it while its citizens yet draw breath, of the pride in our hearts to be able to speak to the world as representatives of a sovereign people, but much remains to be done--to establish ourselves diplomatically in South America, and to secure for our people the highest quality of living as they deserve. Instead, we leave you with one last statement - Viva Brasil! Viva a República do Pará!


[font="Garamond"]Isabel Moraes Vieira[/font],
Premier of the Republic of Pará

[font="Garamond"]Vinicius Valverde,[/font]
Chairman of the Cabinet


Edited by Motorhead
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Within the EEF, a cheer could be heard rising out. Many of the people in Edean were afraid that the collapse of the Lunar Republic, followed by the protectorate status by Greenland, then supposedly the Umbrella Commonwealth, would end up as the final straw on the lama's back in South America. The UC-Pervuvian War was still hot and underway, and waters to the east were still restricted between quarreling nations, even the former technological glory known to the Lunar Republic was in many ways lost in this new Republic... but there now was indeed a state where there once had been none but a protectorate. That was the first good news that had rolled through and slowed down the precipitous collapse of the EEF, which had already lost 15% of it's net value in the period of weeks. It is hence not surprising that this news was welcomed with the following message of welcome:

"The people of the Free Kingdom of Edean are over-joyed to hear of the rise of the new Republic of Para. We hope that you will provide a future of peace and happiness for your citizens and at the nearest opportunity, our own business leaders would love to meet with yours - along with other representatives to discuss various matters, and to open up opportunities of trade and economic success that is so crucial to South America at the current juncture. We currently have plans to meet with the nation of Gallifrey and we were wondering if you would like to join us in discussing various opportunities that our lands might offer to one another."

"We would also like to express our apologies to the nation of Greenland, who together with the Umbrella Commonwealth - despite their current turmoil, have worked out the restoration of power to the people who currently live within Brazil. With effort, hopefully time will offer us the chance to restore the stability of this region so that we can work together to positively impact the world."


Outside of this affair, another note of interest was that prior to this point, many of the Vesari who noticed the rhetoric and military buildup associated with recent affairs had began to protest openly in the streets about the discussion of 'action' by the Oniru and Human components of the Triumvirate. Anyone watching the news from the region though, would notice that a million person march had began to form around the capital - representing the Vesari's strong distaste of all things military. Fears were still high among the Humans and Oniru who continued to push for a reduction in humanitarian aid for the next, no doubt, smaller economic year. But in accordance with his species, Triumvir Androcles of the Vesari had openly declared that should the other triumvirates call for military action, he would outright oppose the measure and even sue under claims that any such war motivated by trade was unconstitutional. Even before the apology was stated above, even before knowledge of the new nation, the Vesari had already taken their chance and had sent letters to Greenland apologizing for the behavior of their Triumvirate and making open statements condemning the regionalism of the other species. Unfortunately, because of economic marginalization and unified drive the Oniru and the Humans - this would do little good at stopping a war-mongering... even though in extreme situations, the creatures weren't unknown to act in other, more obstructing, ways to clog up the gears of war.

So when news reached the Vesari that a new nation had arose in the region, this meant the death of many of the military tensions associated with the affair - and so they had their own particular reason to celebrate, particularly the aversion of any potential conflict between South America and Greenland over the meaningless lines drawn on maps and who lived where. This wasn't to say that the Vesari weren't impacted by the economics of the situation and in fact, they were hurt the most because the booming military economy that arose out of fear excluded the Vesari who strictly refused to work in the sector as either soldiers or as regular civil-style employees. In the months that followed on account of the UC-Peruvian War, joblessness wasn't simply a problem, but starvation even occurred in certain rare but terrible circumstances as the White Cross was already stretched thin and it's primary contributing class (the Vesari) no longer could support their ends to even spare themselves. However, as one Vesari noted - it was better to fall into eternal sleep from the slow advance of hunger then to die biting and clawing to take the life of another you've only just met.


So in many ways, this new nation was a saving moment of joy for a nearby nation more-so then it could ever imagine. With it, came the hope that soon profits would stop falling, fear of regional collapse would fade and that peace would once again prevail over South America. Whether these hopes would be realized however, was a something yet to be seen.

Edited by Zarfef
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"The stability and prosperity of South America as a whole is of great importance, and it is of the utmost significance to ensure security and safety for the future of South America in the wake of this turmoil. With this in mind, we would have a vested interest in joining the discussion between Edean and Gallifrey."

Premier Vieira

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"The French congratulate Para to its independence and recognise this new state. Altough a minority, we still have a sizeable population of former Biscotti living in our country, who also wish for friendly relations with this new country. We hope that the Republic of Pará will help the South American continent and resume trade relations, as we had them with the Lunar Republic."
-[font="Monotype Corsiva"][size="3"]Charles Louis d'Orleans-Autriche-Este[/size][/font]

[quote][b]To: Isabel Moraes Vieira, Premier of the Republic of Para
From: Ricotta Elmar, Minister of Health and Education of the Territory of Nouvelle-Vicidalia[/b]

To the Premier of Para,

As former head of state of Biscotti, a small syndicalist collective in the South, around sao Paulo, I wish for the best of Para, given the common Brazilean roots of the Biscotti collective and Para. still, many Biscotti live abroad, many having sought refuge in Nouvelle-Vicidalia, now part of France. Would there be a possibility for a diplomatic meeting between Para and France, to discuss possible diplomatic ties in economy and culture? I think that would be something we both profit from.

With regards,
[i]Ricotta Elmar[/i][/quote]

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[quote][b]To: Isabel Moraes Vieira, Premier of the Republic of Para
From: Ricotta Elmar, Minister of Health and Education of the Territory of Nouvelle-Vicidalia[/b]

To the Premier of Para,

As former head of state of Biscotti, a small syndicalist collective in the South, around sao Paulo, I wish for the best of Para, given the common Brazilean roots of the Biscotti collective and Para. still, many Biscotti live abroad, many having sought refuge in Nouvelle-Vicidalia, now part of France. Would there be a possibility for a diplomatic meeting between Para and France, to discuss possible diplomatic ties in economy and culture? I think that would be something we both profit from.

With regards,
Ricotta Elmar[/quote]


To: Minister Elmar
From: Premier Vieira

As of current the Republic wishes to maintain its sights solely on interior improvement and upon improving South America's tenuous and war-torn state. When proper progress has come about in securing these goals, perhaps branching diplomatically to other parts of the world will then be considered.

Isabel Vieira


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[quote][b]To: Isabel Moraes Vieira, Premier of the Republic of Para
From: Ricotta Elmar, Minister of Health and Education of the Territory of Nouvelle-Vicidalia[/b]

We understand and hope that Para will manage to accomplish its ambitions. I can only say that maybe a consideration can be made, that diplomacy and trade if used right, can help quite a bit in achieving a stable and prosperous country. Otherwise, we applaud the efforts for South American solidarity and hope for your best.

With regards,
[i]Ricotta Elmar[/i][/quote]

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"Gallifrey welcomes another nation into South America and is glad another nation that has only been with us so shortly is already displaying peaceful tenancies. Sadly more then some nations have in the entire existence of their nation."[/center][/i]

[b][right]-Valyes, Lord Ambassador of The Republic of Gallifrey[/right][/b]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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